In the United States we have the Constitutional / Legal Right to FACE OUR ACCUSERS.

In the Democrats' / D-Schiff's Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat version of the United States, which they created and control in the House by having more representatives than the GOP, an American citizen is:
1) Guilty until PROVEN innocent
2) Does NOT have a Constitutional Right to face his accuser
3) Does NOT have the right to ask Democrat witnesses any question they do not like / approve of
4) Can NOT call any witnesses the Democrats do not approve of, even if they are THE SOLE REASON / FOUNDATION for the entire INQUISITION going on.

Welcome to the Socialist Democrat Party's demonstration of what life will be like under their control again!


'Schiff DENIES GOP calls for President Trump
NON-Whistleblower to testify, 'Redundant' & 'Un-Necessary''

"The impeachment inquiry, moreover, has gathered an ever-growing body of evidence — from witnesses and documents, including the President's own words in his July 25 call record — that not only confirms, but far exceeds, the initial information in the whistleblower's complaint," Schiff said. "The whistleblower's testimony is therefore redundant and unnecessary."

That's right - you just read where criminal-Schiff called the testimony of a 'witness' - who witnessed NOTHING but filed a complaint based solely on 2nd-hand information they received from a source that we don't know exists or not - who does not meet the legal qualifications of the Whistleblower Law to be a legitimate 'Whistleblower', and who has never come forward and never testified to date 'REDUNDANT'.

REDUNDANT: 'not or no longer NEEDED or USEFUL.

Words actually mean something and mater. Schiff-for-brains just proved he is dumber than a pile of cow schiff.

The entire Impeachment is based off of the unsubstantiated complaint made by an admitted politically biased, anti-Trump, pro-Biden, ex-Disgraced-CIA-Director-Brennan-disciple/protégé CIA Agent specially trained in Ukraine Geo-Political CIA Ops sent temporarily into the WH to spy on the WH to - when everything else failed - file this 'Whistleblower' complaint about the President's Phone Call with the Ukraine PM...which they were NEVER part of, which they NEVER listened in on, which they NEVER participated in, which they have no 1st-hand knowledge of...and whose source of their 2nd-hand knowledge is still completely unknown .... and this individual has never come forward to declare they are the 'whistleblower' and the identity of the 'whistleblower' has never actually been 100% confirmed,.

....but the testimony of the NON-whistleblower is 'NO LONGER NEEDED', anything he has to say is 'NOT USEFUL'....according to Schiff and the treasonous Democrats running this Inquisition.

The Democrats have proven they have NO EVIDENCE. Not one witness they have called to testify in their illegal coup 2.0 has resented any evidence of a crime, to include the NON-Whistleblower, who filed their complaint based on 2nd-hand knowledge...causing the prosecutorial divisions within the DOJ to dismiss the complaint because they concluded 'RUMOR AND GOSSIP - A LACK OF 1ST-HAND INFORMATION - DOES NOT COME CLOSE TO BEING EVIDENCE OF A CRIME. Every other witness Schiff has called has either said they HEARD there was quid pro quo (2nd & even 3rd-hand info) or that they had surmised / come to a conclusion in their minds BASED ON WHAT THEY WERE TOLD.


The ONLY 1st-hand-account witnesses, to include the Ukraine PM and the transcript itself, to the phone call have all made it clear - WHAT THE DEMOCRATS ARE CLAIMING / ACCUSING THE PRESIDENT OF NEVER HAPPENED!

The ONLY reason there is an Impeachment coup scam going on today is because of this 1 individual reached out to Schiff to coordinate the political hit of filing a complaint for something they never personally saw / heard / experienced....but according to Schiff and the Democrats, having the admitted partisan, Biden-supporting, anti-Trump, Intel Community, Brennan-CIA Spy NON-whistleblower testify would just be 'UNNECESSARY'.

Finally, again, the US Constitution and Rule of Law states Americans are INNOCENT until proven guilty, gives us the Right to a FAIR TRIAL, and gives us the RIGHT to FACE OUR ACCUSERS. In this latest Democrat Impeachment-disguised Coup attempt Schiff and the Democrats have violated all 3:

1) GUILTY until proven innocent:
Like with Kavanaugh, they have declared the President to be GUILTY until proven innocent.

2) No Fair Trial To Allow Innocence t be Proven:
Much like how they rigged their 2016 primary to get the results they wanted, Schiff and Democrats have rigged the impeachment proceedings by stripping away the President's right to a FAIR Trial /Hearing, making it impossible to 'prove his innocence' (which is obvious already). Refusing to allow hit to rebut witnesses by asking them critical questions the Dems do not like, refusing to allow them to call their own pertinent witnesses, and now by refusing to allow witnesses critical to the accusation and at the core of the entire Impeachment complaint has made Schiff's Committee hearing room a 'CONSTITUTION'FREE / JUSTICE-FREE ZONE'!


Schiff denies GOP calls for Trump whistleblower to testify: 'Redundant and unnecessary'

We have a lot of work to do. Anyone who is drawing this out and making believe actual crimes have been committed are guilty of obstruction. But that doesn't bother libs. They've been obstructing for the last three years.
Any one who supports this countries biggest threat and enemy are the real traitors here,We won't let you piss on our constitution , spit on our flag or force a dictatorship on us. Scum bag is your God and Leader as he is for all evangelicals..
right? Joe Biden must be taken down for using my money to make millions from Ukraine. I completely agree with you! thanks. Such corruption should be exposed and eliminated by sending the guilty Joe's to jail
In the United States we have the Constitutional / Legal Right to FACE OUR ACCUSERS.

In the Democrats' / D-Schiff's Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat version of the United States, which they created and control in the House by having more representatives than the GOP, an American citizen is:
1) Guilty until PROVEN innocent
2) Does NOT have a Constitutional Right to face his accuser
3) Does NOT have the right to ask Democrat witnesses any question they do not like / approve of
4) Can NOT call any witnesses the Democrats do not approve of, even if they are THE SOLE REASON / FOUNDATION for the entire INQUISITION going on.

Welcome to the Socialist Democrat Party's demonstration of what life will be like under their control again!


'Schiff DENIES GOP calls for President Trump
NON-Whistleblower to testify, 'Redundant' & 'Un-Necessary''

"The impeachment inquiry, moreover, has gathered an ever-growing body of evidence — from witnesses and documents, including the President's own words in his July 25 call record — that not only confirms, but far exceeds, the initial information in the whistleblower's complaint," Schiff said. "The whistleblower's testimony is therefore redundant and unnecessary."

That's right - you just read where criminal-Schiff called the testimony of a 'witness' - who witnessed NOTHING but filed a complaint based solely on 2nd-hand information they received from a source that we don't know exists or not - who does not meet the legal qualifications of the Whistleblower Law to be a legitimate 'Whistleblower', and who has never come forward and never testified to date 'REDUNDANT'.

REDUNDANT: 'not or no longer NEEDED or USEFUL.

Words actually mean something and mater. Schiff-for-brains just proved he is dumber than a pile of cow schiff.

The entire Impeachment is based off of the unsubstantiated complaint made by an admitted politically biased, anti-Trump, pro-Biden, ex-Disgraced-CIA-Director-Brennan-disciple/protégé CIA Agent specially trained in Ukraine Geo-Political CIA Ops sent temporarily into the WH to spy on the WH to - when everything else failed - file this 'Whistleblower' complaint about the President's Phone Call with the Ukraine PM...which they were NEVER part of, which they NEVER listened in on, which they NEVER participated in, which they have no 1st-hand knowledge of...and whose source of their 2nd-hand knowledge is still completely unknown .... and this individual has never come forward to declare they are the 'whistleblower' and the identity of the 'whistleblower' has never actually been 100% confirmed,.

....but the testimony of the NON-whistleblower is 'NO LONGER NEEDED', anything he has to say is 'NOT USEFUL'....according to Schiff and the treasonous Democrats running this Inquisition.

The Democrats have proven they have NO EVIDENCE. Not one witness they have called to testify in their illegal coup 2.0 has resented any evidence of a crime, to include the NON-Whistleblower, who filed their complaint based on 2nd-hand knowledge...causing the prosecutorial divisions within the DOJ to dismiss the complaint because they concluded 'RUMOR AND GOSSIP - A LACK OF 1ST-HAND INFORMATION - DOES NOT COME CLOSE TO BEING EVIDENCE OF A CRIME. Every other witness Schiff has called has either said they HEARD there was quid pro quo (2nd & even 3rd-hand info) or that they had surmised / come to a conclusion in their minds BASED ON WHAT THEY WERE TOLD.


The ONLY 1st-hand-account witnesses, to include the Ukraine PM and the transcript itself, to the phone call have all made it clear - WHAT THE DEMOCRATS ARE CLAIMING / ACCUSING THE PRESIDENT OF NEVER HAPPENED!

The ONLY reason there is an Impeachment coup scam going on today is because of this 1 individual reached out to Schiff to coordinate the political hit of filing a complaint for something they never personally saw / heard / experienced....but according to Schiff and the Democrats, having the admitted partisan, Biden-supporting, anti-Trump, Intel Community, Brennan-CIA Spy NON-whistleblower testify would just be 'UNNECESSARY'.

Finally, again, the US Constitution and Rule of Law states Americans are INNOCENT until proven guilty, gives us the Right to a FAIR TRIAL, and gives us the RIGHT to FACE OUR ACCUSERS. In this latest Democrat Impeachment-disguised Coup attempt Schiff and the Democrats have violated all 3:

1) GUILTY until proven innocent:
Like with Kavanaugh, they have declared the President to be GUILTY until proven innocent.

2) No Fair Trial To Allow Innocence t be Proven:
Much like how they rigged their 2016 primary to get the results they wanted, Schiff and Democrats have rigged the impeachment proceedings by stripping away the President's right to a FAIR Trial /Hearing, making it impossible to 'prove his innocence' (which is obvious already). Refusing to allow hit to rebut witnesses by asking them critical questions the Dems do not like, refusing to allow them to call their own pertinent witnesses, and now by refusing to allow witnesses critical to the accusation and at the core of the entire Impeachment complaint has made Schiff's Committee hearing room a 'CONSTITUTION'FREE / JUSTICE-FREE ZONE'!


Schiff denies GOP calls for Trump whistleblower to testify: 'Redundant and unnecessary'


Too damn funny!!

New FOX News Poll of likely voters;

52% strongly disapprove of Democrat handling of impeachment.
86% disprove of democrat handling of impeachment in general...

Only 18% are in agreement and they are the far left wackos.. 6% are undecided. This thing is failing so fast that even moderate democrats are now abandoning the party..

This is blowing up in their faces..
The majority of this country thinks he should be impeached and that is before he is turned into the shit pile at his Impeachment process. So do you want to try again on this. We know you people are willing to piss on the constitution and spit on our flag to keep this pile of shit in office. so your Fox Crap News joke poll is ridiculous, we already know you have sold us out.
Again, the left projecting that they are indeed the ones who think they are above the law.
Too damn funny!!

New FOX News Poll of likely voters;

52% strongly disapprove of Democrat handling of impeachment.
86% disprove of democrat handling of impeachment in general...

Only 18% are in agreement and they are the far left wackos.. 6% are undecided. This thing is failing so fast that even moderate democrats are now abandoning the party..

This is blowing up in their faces..
The majority of this country thinks he should be impeached and that is before he is turned into the shit pile at his Impeachment process. So do you want to try again on this. We know you people are willing to piss on the constitution and spit on our flag to keep this pile of shit in office. so your Fox Crap News joke poll is ridiculous, we already know you have sold us out.
for what? name something. come on big fk, step out and make that announcement.
There is no "whistle blower". Only a Democrat Dirty Tricks Operative.

This is all a sham that will backfire big time on the stupid Moon Bats come the election next year.

It is pathetic to see the filthy Democrats go down this road. However, I guess they have to do it in the hopes of removing Trump (which won't happen). They sure as hell won't win on their agenda to turn this country into a socialist shithole.
Starting this morning AMERICA will begin to be shown evidence of more corruption done by this president. Now the standard apologists here will try to claim we aren't hearing what we heard. A live event will be turned into a claim of liberal media spin. It will be called a coup and a witch hunt. But the reality here is we are looking at a constitutional process for the ultimate check on a tyrannical president. Trump is the one that has overturned the result that did not elect the peoples choice for president by HIS BEHAVIOR.

The day has come for Trump. He and his supporters must learn that he cannot do anything he wants.

No one is above the law. Republicans don't get special rights.

Historic impeachment hearings are set to begin, with GOP and Democrats pushing dueling messages on Trump’s conduct

Really, most Americans aren't going to see any of this shit. We are sick and tired of watching Schiff and the Libs attack us like this, and take down a legit President.

I think it would be great to have 100,000 people with pickup trucks go to Washington DC and protest this rubbish by "Rollin' Coal" in front of the capital during the event.
We will just have our great military who will stop your attempt to turn this into a dictatorship , run your Bubba red neck, old fat white men tin cans over.
Starting this morning AMERICA will begin to be shown evidence of more corruption done by this president. Now the standard apologists here will try to claim we aren't hearing what we heard. A live event will be turned into a claim of liberal media spin. It will be called a coup and a witch hunt. But the reality here is we are looking at a constitutional process for the ultimate check on a tyrannical president. Trump is the one that has overturned the result that did not elect the peoples choice for president by HIS BEHAVIOR.

The day has come for Trump. He and his supporters must learn that he cannot do anything he wants.

No one is above the law. Republicans don't get special rights.

Historic impeachment hearings are set to begin, with GOP and Democrats pushing dueling messages on Trump’s conduct

Really, most Americans aren't going to see any of this shit. We are sick and tired of watching Schiff and the Libs attack us like this, and take down a legit President.

I think it would be great to have 100,000 people with pickup trucks go to Washington DC and protest this rubbish by "Rollin' Coal" in front of the capital during the event.
We will just have our great military who will stop your attempt to turn this into a dictatorship , run your Bubba red neck, old fat white men tin cans over.
ohhhhhhkay francis.
Your dreaming! Dream that big dream. Coming from a Liberal Democrat. I don't even know what a Socialist is... It's nice to have a party cosign with his hateful policies. Yeah successful my ra$s!

Nice emotionally-manipulated, hate-driven, touchy-feely, hate-driven anti-Trump Dem talking point-parroted diatribe, snowflake, but it is all verified, substantiated, recorded, reported FACT:

Strongest economy in DECADES

Lowest unemployment rate in DECADES

Lowest female unemployment rate in DECADES

Lowest minority unemployment rate in recorded history

More Jobs

Higher Wages



More job opportunities

Most Americans working at1 time in US history

Record stock market

Millions of Americans off of welfare, food stamps, unemployment...


Buck up, lil' Barry-supporting snowflake! His successes have been the best in 'DECADES'...which means President Trump has done better for Americans than more / than better Presidents than Barry.

This will not end well for the idiot Dems.
People do not like Schiff's unfairness and total dishonesty.
They will pay the price in 2020.
"“As the Founders understood bribery, it was not as we understand it in law today. It was much broader,” Schiff told NPR."

Well, good luck with that. If they're planning on trying him on how laws USED to be interpreted they are well and truly fucked.

Hey, let's try him for witchcraft while we're at it......"As the Colonists understood the laws regarding witchcraft, it was not as we understand them today." LOL.

Good Grief.
Trump solicited something of personal value in return for military aid


Bribery as per 1776 law, according to Schiff it would seem

Honestly I think that's a nothingburger.

I think I know where this theory came from. Was regurgitated by the same anti-trump group that put together that "Open Letter" from Federal Prosecutors a few months back.

I say that not to shoot the messenger but because I think people should be cautious of the foundation they are standing on when it is poured by a hyper-partisan group that stretches credulity by stating that the founders saw things differently than we do today. Maybe they did, probably they did, but they did not clearly define it, so sticking someone with a charge based on what people think they may have meant is a stretch.

If that definition is clearly laid out in the constitution as their definition of bribery, then maybe this sticks, but if this definition is not verbatim in the document and we are simply supposed to take the reference to bribery from the doc and couple it with what people think they really meant then it breaks down right there.

I've read their article and they make a ton of assumptions on what they think the framers meant and why people should see it this way, so I do not think it is so clearly defined, or they would not be undergoing the gyrations they do to try to convince people to see it this way.

That Schiff has picked this up as a major point should be alarming to the Impeachment Fans. This is going to fall apart under scrutiny and fast, so the Dems should be worried, IMO, about what this is going to look like if this is all they have.
Starting this morning AMERICA will begin to be shown evidence of more corruption done by this president. Now the standard apologists here will try to claim we aren't hearing what we heard. A live event will be turned into a claim of liberal media spin. It will be called a coup and a witch hunt. But the reality here is we are looking at a constitutional process for the ultimate check on a tyrannical president. Trump is the one that has overturned the result that did not elect the peoples choice for president by HIS BEHAVIOR.

The day has come for Trump. He and his supporters must learn that he cannot do anything he wants.

No one is above the law. Republicans don't get special rights.

Historic impeachment hearings are set to begin, with GOP and Democrats pushing dueling messages on Trump’s conduct

Really, most Americans aren't going to see any of this shit. We are sick and tired of watching Schiff and the Libs attack us like this, and take down a legit President.

I think it would be great to have 100,000 people with pickup trucks go to Washington DC and protest this rubbish by "Rollin' Coal" in front of the capital during the event.
We will just have our great military who will stop your attempt to turn this into a dictatorship , run your Bubba red neck, old fat white men tin cans over.

The libs are against Peaceful Protesting now?

BTW, Donald J. Trump is still the commander in chief
In the United States we have the Constitutional / Legal Right to FACE OUR ACCUSERS.

In the Democrats' / D-Schiff's Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat version of the United States, which they created and control in the House by having more representatives than the GOP, an American citizen is:
1) Guilty until PROVEN innocent
2) Does NOT have a Constitutional Right to face his accuser
3) Does NOT have the right to ask Democrat witnesses any question they do not like / approve of
4) Can NOT call any witnesses the Democrats do not approve of, even if they are THE SOLE REASON / FOUNDATION for the entire INQUISITION going on.

Welcome to the Socialist Democrat Party's demonstration of what life will be like under their control again!


'Schiff DENIES GOP calls for President Trump
NON-Whistleblower to testify, 'Redundant' & 'Un-Necessary''

"The impeachment inquiry, moreover, has gathered an ever-growing body of evidence — from witnesses and documents, including the President's own words in his July 25 call record — that not only confirms, but far exceeds, the initial information in the whistleblower's complaint," Schiff said. "The whistleblower's testimony is therefore redundant and unnecessary."

That's right - you just read where criminal-Schiff called the testimony of a 'witness' - who witnessed NOTHING but filed a complaint based solely on 2nd-hand information they received from a source that we don't know exists or not - who does not meet the legal qualifications of the Whistleblower Law to be a legitimate 'Whistleblower', and who has never come forward and never testified to date 'REDUNDANT'.

REDUNDANT: 'not or no longer NEEDED or USEFUL.

Words actually mean something and mater. Schiff-for-brains just proved he is dumber than a pile of cow schiff.

The entire Impeachment is based off of the unsubstantiated complaint made by an admitted politically biased, anti-Trump, pro-Biden, ex-Disgraced-CIA-Director-Brennan-disciple/protégé CIA Agent specially trained in Ukraine Geo-Political CIA Ops sent temporarily into the WH to spy on the WH to - when everything else failed - file this 'Whistleblower' complaint about the President's Phone Call with the Ukraine PM...which they were NEVER part of, which they NEVER listened in on, which they NEVER participated in, which they have no 1st-hand knowledge of...and whose source of their 2nd-hand knowledge is still completely unknown .... and this individual has never come forward to declare they are the 'whistleblower' and the identity of the 'whistleblower' has never actually been 100% confirmed,.

....but the testimony of the NON-whistleblower is 'NO LONGER NEEDED', anything he has to say is 'NOT USEFUL'....according to Schiff and the treasonous Democrats running this Inquisition.

The Democrats have proven they have NO EVIDENCE. Not one witness they have called to testify in their illegal coup 2.0 has resented any evidence of a crime, to include the NON-Whistleblower, who filed their complaint based on 2nd-hand knowledge...causing the prosecutorial divisions within the DOJ to dismiss the complaint because they concluded 'RUMOR AND GOSSIP - A LACK OF 1ST-HAND INFORMATION - DOES NOT COME CLOSE TO BEING EVIDENCE OF A CRIME. Every other witness Schiff has called has either said they HEARD there was quid pro quo (2nd & even 3rd-hand info) or that they had surmised / come to a conclusion in their minds BASED ON WHAT THEY WERE TOLD.


The ONLY 1st-hand-account witnesses, to include the Ukraine PM and the transcript itself, to the phone call have all made it clear - WHAT THE DEMOCRATS ARE CLAIMING / ACCUSING THE PRESIDENT OF NEVER HAPPENED!

The ONLY reason there is an Impeachment coup scam going on today is because of this 1 individual reached out to Schiff to coordinate the political hit of filing a complaint for something they never personally saw / heard / experienced....but according to Schiff and the Democrats, having the admitted partisan, Biden-supporting, anti-Trump, Intel Community, Brennan-CIA Spy NON-whistleblower testify would just be 'UNNECESSARY'.

Finally, again, the US Constitution and Rule of Law states Americans are INNOCENT until proven guilty, gives us the Right to a FAIR TRIAL, and gives us the RIGHT to FACE OUR ACCUSERS. In this latest Democrat Impeachment-disguised Coup attempt Schiff and the Democrats have violated all 3:

1) GUILTY until proven innocent:
Like with Kavanaugh, they have declared the President to be GUILTY until proven innocent.

2) No Fair Trial To Allow Innocence t be Proven:
Much like how they rigged their 2016 primary to get the results they wanted, Schiff and Democrats have rigged the impeachment proceedings by stripping away the President's right to a FAIR Trial /Hearing, making it impossible to 'prove his innocence' (which is obvious already). Refusing to allow hit to rebut witnesses by asking them critical questions the Dems do not like, refusing to allow them to call their own pertinent witnesses, and now by refusing to allow witnesses critical to the accusation and at the core of the entire Impeachment complaint has made Schiff's Committee hearing room a 'CONSTITUTION'FREE / JUSTICE-FREE ZONE'!


Schiff denies GOP calls for Trump whistleblower to testify: 'Redundant and unnecessary'

Schiff has ZERO "whistle blowers" all that he really has are Democratic Party operatives aka spies with lies
Dirty tricks by Schiff exposed...

Now he's droning on about the policy debate over Ukraine:


I thought foreign policy was determined by the executive branch.

me too. So what is this inquiry for? isn't that how our republic was set up? Fks like Taylor want his way, run for the presidency. it's simple. you want what you want, run and win to put in place.

Taylor is spouting his treasonous shit at my vote. I voted for Trump and Taylor is against me.
We have a lot of work to do. Anyone who is drawing this out and making believe actual crimes have been committed are guilty of obstruction. But that doesn't bother libs. They've been obstructing for the last three years.
Any one who supports this countries biggest threat and enemy are the real traitors here,We won't let you piss on our constitution , spit on our flag or force a dictatorship on us. Scum bag is your God and Leader as he is for all evangelicals..
right? Joe Biden must be taken down for using my money to make millions from Ukraine. I completely agree with you! thanks. Such corruption should be exposed and eliminated by sending the guilty Joe's to jail
You have us rolling on the floor , you just don't get the fact that what someone else does does not in any way justify the actions of scum bag, it's pitiful that's your only official way to argue against millions of document showing what a pile of shit your god and leader is , You can't turn us into a dictatorship no matter how hard you try, we know you are this countries enemy and the patriots of this country will stop you flat.
In the United States we have the Constitutional / Legal Right to FACE OUR ACCUSERS.

In the Democrats' / D-Schiff's Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat version of the United States, which they created and control in the House by having more representatives than the GOP, an American citizen is:
1) Guilty until PROVEN innocent
2) Does NOT have a Constitutional Right to face his accuser
3) Does NOT have the right to ask Democrat witnesses any question they do not like / approve of
4) Can NOT call any witnesses the Democrats do not approve of, even if they are THE SOLE REASON / FOUNDATION for the entire INQUISITION going on.

Welcome to the Socialist Democrat Party's demonstration of what life will be like under their control again!


'Schiff DENIES GOP calls for President Trump
NON-Whistleblower to testify, 'Redundant' & 'Un-Necessary''

"The impeachment inquiry, moreover, has gathered an ever-growing body of evidence — from witnesses and documents, including the President's own words in his July 25 call record — that not only confirms, but far exceeds, the initial information in the whistleblower's complaint," Schiff said. "The whistleblower's testimony is therefore redundant and unnecessary."

That's right - you just read where criminal-Schiff called the testimony of a 'witness' - who witnessed NOTHING but filed a complaint based solely on 2nd-hand information they received from a source that we don't know exists or not - who does not meet the legal qualifications of the Whistleblower Law to be a legitimate 'Whistleblower', and who has never come forward and never testified to date 'REDUNDANT'.

REDUNDANT: 'not or no longer NEEDED or USEFUL.

Words actually mean something and mater. Schiff-for-brains just proved he is dumber than a pile of cow schiff.

The entire Impeachment is based off of the unsubstantiated complaint made by an admitted politically biased, anti-Trump, pro-Biden, ex-Disgraced-CIA-Director-Brennan-disciple/protégé CIA Agent specially trained in Ukraine Geo-Political CIA Ops sent temporarily into the WH to spy on the WH to - when everything else failed - file this 'Whistleblower' complaint about the President's Phone Call with the Ukraine PM...which they were NEVER part of, which they NEVER listened in on, which they NEVER participated in, which they have no 1st-hand knowledge of...and whose source of their 2nd-hand knowledge is still completely unknown .... and this individual has never come forward to declare they are the 'whistleblower' and the identity of the 'whistleblower' has never actually been 100% confirmed,.

....but the testimony of the NON-whistleblower is 'NO LONGER NEEDED', anything he has to say is 'NOT USEFUL'....according to Schiff and the treasonous Democrats running this Inquisition.

The Democrats have proven they have NO EVIDENCE. Not one witness they have called to testify in their illegal coup 2.0 has resented any evidence of a crime, to include the NON-Whistleblower, who filed their complaint based on 2nd-hand knowledge...causing the prosecutorial divisions within the DOJ to dismiss the complaint because they concluded 'RUMOR AND GOSSIP - A LACK OF 1ST-HAND INFORMATION - DOES NOT COME CLOSE TO BEING EVIDENCE OF A CRIME. Every other witness Schiff has called has either said they HEARD there was quid pro quo (2nd & even 3rd-hand info) or that they had surmised / come to a conclusion in their minds BASED ON WHAT THEY WERE TOLD.


The ONLY 1st-hand-account witnesses, to include the Ukraine PM and the transcript itself, to the phone call have all made it clear - WHAT THE DEMOCRATS ARE CLAIMING / ACCUSING THE PRESIDENT OF NEVER HAPPENED!

The ONLY reason there is an Impeachment coup scam going on today is because of this 1 individual reached out to Schiff to coordinate the political hit of filing a complaint for something they never personally saw / heard / experienced....but according to Schiff and the Democrats, having the admitted partisan, Biden-supporting, anti-Trump, Intel Community, Brennan-CIA Spy NON-whistleblower testify would just be 'UNNECESSARY'.

Finally, again, the US Constitution and Rule of Law states Americans are INNOCENT until proven guilty, gives us the Right to a FAIR TRIAL, and gives us the RIGHT to FACE OUR ACCUSERS. In this latest Democrat Impeachment-disguised Coup attempt Schiff and the Democrats have violated all 3:

1) GUILTY until proven innocent:
Like with Kavanaugh, they have declared the President to be GUILTY until proven innocent.

2) No Fair Trial To Allow Innocence t be Proven:
Much like how they rigged their 2016 primary to get the results they wanted, Schiff and Democrats have rigged the impeachment proceedings by stripping away the President's right to a FAIR Trial /Hearing, making it impossible to 'prove his innocence' (which is obvious already). Refusing to allow hit to rebut witnesses by asking them critical questions the Dems do not like, refusing to allow them to call their own pertinent witnesses, and now by refusing to allow witnesses critical to the accusation and at the core of the entire Impeachment complaint has made Schiff's Committee hearing room a 'CONSTITUTION'FREE / JUSTICE-FREE ZONE'!


Schiff denies GOP calls for Trump whistleblower to testify: 'Redundant and unnecessary'

Schiff has ZERO "whistle blowers" all that he really has are Democratic Party operatives aka spies with lies
Dude, I've stated over and over in here Schitt's is the whistleblower. It is Schitt's

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