Schiff has ZERO "whistle blowers" all that he really has are Democratic Party operatives aka spies with lies
This will not end well for the idiot Dems.
People do not like Schiff's unfairness and total dishonesty.
They will pay the price in 2020.
It's not ending. Pelosi took 2.5 billion dollars out of Social Security payment money. I learned about that yesterday, not sure when she pulled this dirty trick on seniors.

It smacks of the old Clinton scandal Whitewater, in which the funds/life savings of seniors were expropriated by Hillary and Bill Clinton as a "profitable investment" for the Clintons. I'm not understanding why Pelosi would kill off Social Security funds, when they're already low, to fund an impeachment that hs no basis. Can't we get our social security back from the Democrats before they destroy this country financially?

Edit: both fact check and snopes said Pelosi did not take 2.4 billion dollars out for impeachment inquiry. They didn't say that she didn't take 2.4 billion out, they simply said that a website claimed she did it for paying for impeachment of Trump costs. So they Didn't say she didn't take the money, they said she didn't take money out for impeachment inquiries.

If she did take money, why? I'm not understanding this truth and mirrors stuff.
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We have a lot of work to do. Anyone who is drawing this out and making believe actual crimes have been committed are guilty of obstruction. But that doesn't bother libs. They've been obstructing for the last three years.
Any one who supports this countries biggest threat and enemy are the real traitors here,We won't let you piss on our constitution , spit on our flag or force a dictatorship on us. Scum bag is your God and Leader as he is for all evangelicals..
right? Joe Biden must be taken down for using my money to make millions from Ukraine. I completely agree with you! thanks. Such corruption should be exposed and eliminated by sending the guilty Joe's to jail
You have us rolling on the floor , you just don't get the fact that what someone else does does not in any way justify the actions of scum bag, it's pitiful that's your only official way to argue against millions of document showing what a pile of shit your god and leader is , You can't turn us into a dictatorship no matter how hard you try, we know you are this countries enemy and the patriots of this country will stop you flat.
something you can't even present on a message board. I'm here, tell me what your scumbag dialog is about? name the crime. I'm waiting. I've been waiting since Mueller went down.

Trump is the president and sets foreign policy. He has a duty to investigate corruption. Joe was corrupt, it is in evidence on a video. now, you tell me what is illegal on what trump did. go!! What was Mueller for? I thought he was investigating corruption in the 2016 election. No?

I see you're upset that trump fought back. you thought he would just bend over and take one up the ass for you. Instead he sent the knobby cucumber at you!! too fking funny.
Starting this morning AMERICA will begin to be shown evidence of more corruption done by this president. Now the standard apologists here will try to claim we aren't hearing what we heard. A live event will be turned into a claim of liberal media spin. It will be called a coup and a witch hunt. But the reality here is we are looking at a constitutional process for the ultimate check on a tyrannical president. Trump is the one that has overturned the result that did not elect the peoples choice for president by HIS BEHAVIOR.

The day has come for Trump. He and his supporters must learn that he cannot do anything he wants.

No one is above the law. Republicans don't get special rights.

Historic impeachment hearings are set to begin, with GOP and Democrats pushing dueling messages on Trump’s conduct

Really, most Americans aren't going to see any of this shit. We are sick and tired of watching Schiff and the Libs attack us like this, and take down a legit President.

I think it would be great to have 100,000 people with pickup trucks go to Washington DC and protest this rubbish by "Rollin' Coal" in front of the capital during the event.
We will just have our great military who will stop your attempt to turn this into a dictatorship , run your Bubba red neck, old fat white men tin cans over.

The libs are against Peaceful Protesting now?

BTW, Donald J. Trump is still the commander in chief
No I said we won't let you turn this country into a dictatorship. Driving around in a attempt to do that is a joke , your know as in really being funny, especially the point that you would just send pickup trucks, the red neck vehicle of choice. Ra Ra Bubba.
Let the Clown Show begin....

Shifferbrains begins with his leading questions of the guy giving his opinion of things he was told by people who heard stuff about the call.
Starting this morning AMERICA will begin to be shown evidence of more corruption done by this president. Now the standard apologists here will try to claim we aren't hearing what we heard. A live event will be turned into a claim of liberal media spin. It will be called a coup and a witch hunt. But the reality here is we are looking at a constitutional process for the ultimate check on a tyrannical president. Trump is the one that has overturned the result that did not elect the peoples choice for president by HIS BEHAVIOR.

The day has come for Trump. He and his supporters must learn that he cannot do anything he wants.

No one is above the law. Republicans don't get special rights.

Historic impeachment hearings are set to begin, with GOP and Democrats pushing dueling messages on Trump’s conduct

Really, most Americans aren't going to see any of this shit. We are sick and tired of watching Schiff and the Libs attack us like this, and take down a legit President.

I think it would be great to have 100,000 people with pickup trucks go to Washington DC and protest this rubbish by "Rollin' Coal" in front of the capital during the event.
We will just have our great military who will stop your attempt to turn this into a dictatorship , run your Bubba red neck, old fat white men tin cans over.

The libs are against Peaceful Protesting now?

BTW, Donald J. Trump is still the commander in chief
No I said we won't let you turn this country into a dictatorship. Driving around in a attempt to do that is a joke , your know as in really being funny, especially the point that you would just send pickup trucks, the red neck vehicle of choice. Ra Ra Bubba.
I'm right here, come stop me. Come on internet tough guy. Here I am!!!
Trail of Tears genocide, Civil War - 600,000 dead, Jim Crow laws, abortion, now Trump impeachment.

The list of Democratic accomplishments go on and on.
Republicans were part of these accomplishments.
The Democrat Impeachment comedy show will be very entertaining and provide plenty of laughter as the liberal loons try to cobble together a case against Trump. ... :cuckoo:
You do know that most of the witnesses are the hand picked people that were picked by scum bag himself as people selected to support his actions. , The witnesses are hate party members. Do you know how stupid your hate party is going to look like, trying to turn the statement of people in their own party as lies. So where will the comedy be. This is the hate party's Waterloo . God Bless America
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My staff member relayed to me that he heard . . . . . . blah, blah, blah. "Objection, Heresay your Honor" "Sustained, disregard that testimony"
Starting this morning AMERICA will begin to be shown evidence of more corruption done by this president. Now the standard apologists here will try to claim we aren't hearing what we heard. A live event will be turned into a claim of liberal media spin. It will be called a coup and a witch hunt. But the reality here is we are looking at a constitutional process for the ultimate check on a tyrannical president. Trump is the one that has overturned the result that did not elect the peoples choice for president by HIS BEHAVIOR.

The day has come for Trump. He and his supporters must learn that he cannot do anything he wants.

No one is above the law. Republicans don't get special rights.

Historic impeachment hearings are set to begin, with GOP and Democrats pushing dueling messages on Trump’s conduct

Really, most Americans aren't going to see any of this shit. We are sick and tired of watching Schiff and the Libs attack us like this, and take down a legit President.

I think it would be great to have 100,000 people with pickup trucks go to Washington DC and protest this rubbish by "Rollin' Coal" in front of the capital during the event.
We will just have our great military who will stop your attempt to turn this into a dictatorship , run your Bubba red neck, old fat white men tin cans over.

The libs are against Peaceful Protesting now?

BTW, Donald J. Trump is still the commander in chief
No I said we won't let you turn this country into a dictatorship. Driving around in a attempt to do that is a joke , your know as in really being funny, especially the point that you would just send pickup trucks, the red neck vehicle of choice. Ra Ra Bubba.
I'm right here, come stop me. Come on internet tough guy. Here I am!!!
This is always the funniest response.
In the United States we have the Constitutional / Legal Right to FACE OUR ACCUSERS...
The Hysterical House witch-hunt is not a trial nor does it have to follow due procedures, however Americans' perception of it as a KGB-style process certainly destroys its credibility and usefulness. Sen Graham has already stated that articles arising from a partisan circus will be treated as such in the actual (Senate) trial.

JFTR, as recently as March, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said impeachment must be "compelling and overwhelmingly bipartisan." She said removing President Donald Trump is "just not worth it."

Overwhelming? Have you seen even a smidge of bipartisanship?

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