I watched the House debate on the Articles of Impeachment for hours today. Once again, I must congratulate Trump's fans for not using the arguments made by the helpless Republicans defending a guilty President. Trump's fans know they would look silly on this forum if they used the Republican arguments.

Although there was some self-promotion by the Democrats -- they are politicians after all -- they largely stuck to the facts and the testimony by the various witnesses.

The Republicans stayed away from the evidence and used numerous distractions. They said the Democrats have wanted to impeach Trump since the day he took office. Even if true, that had nothing to do with the impeachment articles and evidence today. They said Democrats wanted to undo the results of an election that took place three years ago. Yeah, so, what does that have to do with what is happening today? They brought up a myriad of subjects, the economy, Obama administration, even quotes from the Bible and some used theatrics. One Texas Republican called the Democrats socialists, obviously speaking to his base, but to a general audience he sounded like a hick. Some Republicans didn't know what the impeachment clause said.

When Republicans did talk about the facts, they simply said they didn't exist. Their idea of dealing with the facts was to say the facts were wrong. However, they never explained that position because that meant going into specific facts, something they did not want to do.

Republicans repeated over and over again that the evidence was hearsay, totally ignoring the incriminating statements made by Trump -- twice -- and his chief of staff. That argument is based on the absence of a chain of command. According to Republicans, every member of Trump's government must get their instructions directly from Trump, and all other instructions are "hearsay," thus meaningless.

Republicans said the text of the July 25 call proved there was no quid pro quo, which runs counter to what Mulvaney said. Nevertheless, they were right. Trump never told Zelensky that he was withholding vital military aid until Zelensky did as he was told. Being a sharp guy, Trump assumed the Ukrainian president would get the message.

The Democrats countered with powerful statements of fact, but the Republicans can be forgiven. The were at a distinct disadvantage.
I watched the House debate on the Articles of Impeachment for hours today. Once again, I must congratulate Trump's fans for not using the arguments made by the helpless Republicans defending a guilty President. Trump's fans know they would look silly on this forum if they used the Republican arguments.

Although there was some self-promotion by the Democrats -- they are politicians after all -- they largely stuck to the facts and the testimony by the various witnesses.

The Republicans stayed away from the evidence and used numerous distractions. They said the Democrats have wanted to impeach Trump since the day he took office. Even if true, that had nothing to do with the impeachment articles and evidence today. They said Democrats wanted to undo the results of an election that took place three years ago. Yeah, so, what does that have to do with what is happening today? They brought up a myriad of subjects, the economy, Obama administration, even quotes from the Bible and some used theatrics. One Texas Republican called the Democrats socialists, obviously speaking to his base, but to a general audience he sounded like a hick. Some Republicans didn't know what the impeachment clause said.

When Republicans did talk about the facts, they simply said they didn't exist. Their idea of dealing with the facts was to say the facts were wrong. However, they never explained that position because that meant going into specific facts, something they did not want to do.

Republicans repeated over and over again that the evidence was hearsay, totally ignoring the incriminating statements made by Trump -- twice -- and his chief of staff. That argument is based on the absence of a chain of command. According to Republicans, every member of Trump's government must get their instructions directly from Trump, and all other instructions are "hearsay," thus meaningless.

Republicans said the text of the July 25 call proved there was no quid pro quo, which runs counter to what Mulvaney said. Nevertheless, they were right. Trump never told Zelensky that he was withholding vital military aid until Zelensky did as he was told. Being a sharp guy, Trump assumed the Ukrainian president would get the message.

The Democrats countered with powerful statements of fact, but the Republicans can be forgiven. The were at a distinct disadvantage.
Gearing up for the final loss now eh ?? I see alot of wiggle room in your words here. Not sure if the Democrats will be forgiven as easy.
The Times reports, "The House of Representatives on Wednesday impeached President Trump, charging him with “high crimes and misdemeanors” and making him only the third president in history to face removal by the Senate.

"The votes on two articles of impeachment — abuse of power and obstruction of Congress — fell largely along party lines, after about eight hours of contentious debate that underscored the deep divisions in the country and among its representatives.

"All but two Democrats supported the article on abuse of power, which accused Mr. Trump of using the power of his office to pressure Ukraine’s government to announce investigations that could discredit his political rivals. The vote was 230 to 197.

"A third Democrat, Representative Jared Golden of Maine, joined with Republicans in opposing the obstruction of Congress charge. The vote was 229 to 198.

"No Republicans voted in favor of either article of impeachment. Representative Justin Amash, Independent of Michigan, voted for both articles."

I did not want this. I can't help but feel the Democrats are making a huge mistake. I could give a rat's ass about the Democrats, but this could result in a Trump victory in November. That would be catastrophic for our nation. Among other issues, Trump may very well have mental problems. He may be suffering from paranoid personality disorder or PPD. What kind of a President verbally attacks a 16-year old girl with autism who is concerned about climate change? His narcissism borders on the extreme.
The Times reports, "The House of Representatives on Wednesday impeached President Trump, charging him with “high crimes and misdemeanors” and making him only the third president in history to face removal by the Senate.

"The votes on two articles of impeachment — abuse of power and obstruction of Congress — fell largely along party lines, after about eight hours of contentious debate that underscored the deep divisions in the country and among its representatives.

"All but two Democrats supported the article on abuse of power, which accused Mr. Trump of using the power of his office to pressure Ukraine’s government to announce investigations that could discredit his political rivals. The vote was 230 to 197.

"A third Democrat, Representative Jared Golden of Maine, joined with Republicans in opposing the obstruction of Congress charge. The vote was 229 to 198.

"No Republicans voted in favor of either article of impeachment. Representative Justin Amash, Independent of Michigan, voted for both articles."

I did not want this. I can't help but feel the Democrats are making a huge mistake. I could give a rat's ass about the Democrats, but this could result in a Trump victory in November. That would be catastrophic for our nation. Among other issues, Trump may very well have mental problems. He may be suffering from paranoid personality disorder or PPD. What kind of a President verbally attacks a 16-year old girl with autism who is concerned about climate change? His narcissism borders on the extreme.
The current house of Representatives might be the most politically corrupt this country has ever seen, and that's really saying alot at this point. Either that or the most uneducated we've ever had. Both draw the same conclusions.
The Times reports, "The House of Representatives on Wednesday impeached President Trump, charging him with “high crimes and misdemeanors” and making him only the third president in history to face removal by the Senate.

"The votes on two articles of impeachment — abuse of power and obstruction of Congress — fell largely along party lines, after about eight hours of contentious debate that underscored the deep divisions in the country and among its representatives.

"All but two Democrats supported the article on abuse of power, which accused Mr. Trump of using the power of his office to pressure Ukraine’s government to announce investigations that could discredit his political rivals. The vote was 230 to 197.

"A third Democrat, Representative Jared Golden of Maine, joined with Republicans in opposing the obstruction of Congress charge. The vote was 229 to 198.

"No Republicans voted in favor of either article of impeachment. Representative Justin Amash, Independent of Michigan, voted for both articles."

I did not want this. I can't help but feel the Democrats are making a huge mistake. I could give a rat's ass about the Democrats, but this could result in a Trump victory in November. That would be catastrophic for our nation. Among other issues, Trump may very well have mental problems. He may be suffering from paranoid personality disorder or PPD. What kind of a President verbally attacks a 16-year old girl with autism who is concerned about climate change? His narcissism borders on the extreme.
What kind of person or people uses a 16 year old with autism, in order to push something that is not fully understood by the person, other than what she has been lied to about ?? Think about that one for a second or two.

The cratzies will stoop to any level, even if it involves the exploitation of the most vulnerable in society.
The Times reports, "The House of Representatives on Wednesday impeached President Trump, charging him with “high crimes and misdemeanors” and making him only the third president in history to face removal by the Senate.

"The votes on two articles of impeachment — abuse of power and obstruction of Congress — fell largely along party lines, after about eight hours of contentious debate that underscored the deep divisions in the country and among its representatives.

"All but two Democrats supported the article on abuse of power, which accused Mr. Trump of using the power of his office to pressure Ukraine’s government to announce investigations that could discredit his political rivals. The vote was 230 to 197.

"A third Democrat, Representative Jared Golden of Maine, joined with Republicans in opposing the obstruction of Congress charge. The vote was 229 to 198.

"No Republicans voted in favor of either article of impeachment. Representative Justin Amash, Independent of Michigan, voted for both articles."

I did not want this. I can't help but feel the Democrats are making a huge mistake. I could give a rat's ass about the Democrats, but this could result in a Trump victory in November. That would be catastrophic for our nation. Among other issues, Trump may very well have mental problems. He may be suffering from paranoid personality disorder or PPD. What kind of a President verbally attacks a 16-year old girl with autism who is concerned about climate change? His narcissism borders on the extreme.
What kind of person or people uses a 16 year old with autism, in order to push something that is not fully understood by the person, other than what she has been lied to about ?? Think about that one for a second or two.

The cratzies will stoop to any level, even if it involves the exploitation of the most vulnerable in society.
Dude! Autistic people can be quite intelligent . She understands more than you do!
The Times reports, "The House of Representatives on Wednesday impeached President Trump, charging him with “high crimes and misdemeanors” and making him only the third president in history to face removal by the Senate.

"The votes on two articles of impeachment — abuse of power and obstruction of Congress — fell largely along party lines, after about eight hours of contentious debate that underscored the deep divisions in the country and among its representatives.

"All but two Democrats supported the article on abuse of power, which accused Mr. Trump of using the power of his office to pressure Ukraine’s government to announce investigations that could discredit his political rivals. The vote was 230 to 197.

"A third Democrat, Representative Jared Golden of Maine, joined with Republicans in opposing the obstruction of Congress charge. The vote was 229 to 198.

"No Republicans voted in favor of either article of impeachment. Representative Justin Amash, Independent of Michigan, voted for both articles."

I did not want this. I can't help but feel the Democrats are making a huge mistake. I could give a rat's ass about the Democrats, but this could result in a Trump victory in November. That would be catastrophic for our nation. Among other issues, Trump may very well have mental problems. He may be suffering from paranoid personality disorder or PPD. What kind of a President verbally attacks a 16-year old girl with autism who is concerned about climate change? His narcissism borders on the extreme.

The Times reports, "The House of Representatives on Wednesday impeached President Trump, charging him with “high crimes and misdemeanors” and making him only the third president in history to face removal by the Senate."

I did not want this. I can't help but feel the Democrats are making a huge mistake. I could give a rat's ass about the Democrats, but this could result in a Trump victory in November. That would be catastrophic for our nation. Among other issues, Trump may very well have mental problems. He may be suffering from paranoid personality disorder or PPD. What kind of a President verbally attacks a 16-year old girl with autism who is concerned about climate change? His narcissism borders on the extreme.

Impeachment is bound to fail because there is no overwhelming support for Trump's removal on the part of the American people. Without that overwhelming support, the Republican Senate is free to exonerate the Republican President.

Why is there no overwhelming support for Trump's removal? There are three reasons.

First, Americans always love an underdog. For three months every major network, every major newspaper has been telling us every day about Trump's misbehavior. Many Americans may view that as unfair.

Second, the phone call was just Trump being Trump. Many Americans think the call was not a threat to our national security. It was just a phone call. Trump has made many stupid remarks in the past, and he will make them again only to be ignored and forgotten. The call does not require removal from office. It is just Trump.

Third, most Americans are unfamiliar with the evidence. How many have watch the House hearings over the past few weeks? Not many. Without knowledge of the evidence against Trump, without knowledge of what the high caliber witnesses said, how could Americans favor Trump's removal from office? They can't.

The Democrats may have made a strategic error. Our only hope is that Americans will pay attention to what happened when they make the final judgment on November 3, 2020.
He didn't have to say "me" or "my campaign," as he named his political rival. And the proper channels to investigate Biden would have been through his own Department of Justice, not a foreign national, which is against the law.

Maybe but that is not how he operates. He said Barr will be in touch. Ultimately he did deliver the weapons and honestly he had zero foresight how the investigation would go and if Biden would be exonerated. Not enough to impeach but enough to educate the voters and let us decide in 2020.
He lied to Zelensky when he said Barr will be in touch. Itvturned out he never told Barr about his conversation with Zelensky to investigate Biden.

And he only delivered the aid after a whistleblower filed a complaint that he was holding up the aid in exchange for favors. And that was 7 months after Congress approved it.

He did and you have proof of his intent? No. You're guessing. This is fine and the voters should know but this is not enough to impeach. They are impeaching based on "abuse of power". Has there ever been a criminal prosecuted for this ever? No.

This is 100% political IMO and not at all logical. Again, Alan Dershowitz agrees with me. He is a legal expert. He is also a Democrat and a Clinton supporter.
What guessing? Trump didn't inform Barr. That's not a guess. Trump delivered the aid after the whistleblower filed a complaint he was withholding it. That's not a guess. Shit, Trump's own acting chief of staff admitted he was holding up the funds because of a favor trump asked of Zelensky....

"Did he also mention to me in passing the corruption related to the DNC server? Absolutely. No question about that. But that’s it. And that’s why we held up the money." ~ Mick Mulvaney

(emphasis added)

Again, he is allowed to do that. He also never specified when Barr would reach out to him. It doesn't trouble you at all that this is 100% partisan? Is every Republican in your POV just turning a blind eye?

Just reported: Senate can acquit even if Nancy holds back the articles, experts say. More details to come.
The Times reports, "The House of Representatives on Wednesday impeached President Trump, charging him with “high crimes and misdemeanors” and making him only the third president in history to face removal by the Senate.

"The votes on two articles of impeachment — abuse of power and obstruction of Congress — fell largely along party lines, after about eight hours of contentious debate that underscored the deep divisions in the country and among its representatives.

"All but two Democrats supported the article on abuse of power, which accused Mr. Trump of using the power of his office to pressure Ukraine’s government to announce investigations that could discredit his political rivals. The vote was 230 to 197.

"A third Democrat, Representative Jared Golden of Maine, joined with Republicans in opposing the obstruction of Congress charge. The vote was 229 to 198.

"No Republicans voted in favor of either article of impeachment. Representative Justin Amash, Independent of Michigan, voted for both articles."

I did not want this. I can't help but feel the Democrats are making a huge mistake. I could give a rat's ass about the Democrats, but this could result in a Trump victory in November. That would be catastrophic for our nation. Among other issues, Trump may very well have mental problems. He may be suffering from paranoid personality disorder or PPD. What kind of a President verbally attacks a 16-year old girl with autism who is concerned about climate change? His narcissism borders on the extreme.
What kind of person or people uses a 16 year old with autism, in order to push something that is not fully understood by the person, other than what she has been lied to about ?? Think about that one for a second or two.

The cratzies will stoop to any level, even if it involves the exploitation of the most vulnerable in society.
Dude! Autistic people can be quite intelligent . She understands more than you do!
No one says that autism would limit a person totally, it just depends on who is doing the educating or indoctrinating of the person that matters.
The Times reports, "The House of Representatives on Wednesday impeached President Trump, charging him with “high crimes and misdemeanors” and making him only the third president in history to face removal by the Senate.

"The votes on two articles of impeachment — abuse of power and obstruction of Congress — fell largely along party lines, after about eight hours of contentious debate that underscored the deep divisions in the country and among its representatives.

"All but two Democrats supported the article on abuse of power, which accused Mr. Trump of using the power of his office to pressure Ukraine’s government to announce investigations that could discredit his political rivals. The vote was 230 to 197.

"A third Democrat, Representative Jared Golden of Maine, joined with Republicans in opposing the obstruction of Congress charge. The vote was 229 to 198.

"No Republicans voted in favor of either article of impeachment. Representative Justin Amash, Independent of Michigan, voted for both articles."

I did not want this. I can't help but feel the Democrats are making a huge mistake. I could give a rat's ass about the Democrats, but this could result in a Trump victory in November. That would be catastrophic for our nation. Among other issues, Trump may very well have mental problems. He may be suffering from paranoid personality disorder or PPD. What kind of a President verbally attacks a 16-year old girl with autism who is concerned about climate change? His narcissism borders on the extreme.
What kind of person or people uses a 16 year old with autism, in order to push something that is not fully understood by the person, other than what she has been lied to about ?? Think about that one for a second or two.

The cratzies will stoop to any level, even if it involves the exploitation of the most vulnerable in society.
Dude! Autistic people can be quite intelligent . She understands more than you do!
No one says that autism would limit a person totally, it just depends on who is doing the educating or indoctrinating of the person that matters.
Right Cowboy , just keep telling yourself that she is being manipulated. People like here can be especially bright, and the Asperger's does make more susceptible to manipulation as some here have suggested. They can also be extremely focused on a topic and delve deeply into it as Gretta apparently has
Thursday Update:

Chuck Schumer: Witnesses Are 'Essential' To Democratic Agreement On Impeachment Trial | HuffPost

McConnell and Schumer are set to meet Thursday afternoon. So far, McConnell has said he doesn’t want witnesses. He gave a speech on the Senate floor Thursday morning, saying Pelosi was “too afraid” to send the “shoddy work” done by the House over to his chamber.

I would like to be a fly on the wall in that room.

This is not an indication that the House trial was weak. In fact, the opposite,” Schumer said. “If the House trial was weak, Trump and McConnell wouldn’t mind witnesses. The reason they’re so afraid of additional witnesses is they know it’s a strong case.”
It would appear that Trump's fans are incapable of thinking beyond 2020.

Throughout his entire President, a majority of Americans have disapproved of Trump's performance. Trump is the least popular President in modern American history. The GOP has lost several key elections in 2018 and 2019 and they lost control of the House because of Trump.

In other words, in all likelihood Trump will lose in 2020.

Trump's fans ignore all the evidence -- they avoid it, actually -- and insist that Trump is innocent. They are totally unaware of the consequences of that judgment.

Most likely in 2021 a Democrat will become President. If not in 2021, then 2025, or at some point a Democrat will be in the Oval Office.

If Trump is declared innocent of asking a foreign government to intervene in our election on his behalf, if Trump is declared innocent of using bribery as an incentive, if Trump is declared innocent of obstructing justice when he clearly defied Congress, then Democratic Presidents will be allowed to continue the practice.

That possibility exists as early as Jan. 20, 2021. Do Trump's fans really want to grant that kind of power to Democratic Presidents?

IOW, democrats want to be like Trump?
What would happen if Schumer and the Democratic leadership in the Senate followed Republican advice and decided to let the courts decide on the legitimacy of subpoenaed witnesses like Mulvany and Bolton while adding Pompeo and Giuliani to the list.

If Schumer and the Democratic leadership decide to wait on the courts, in accordance with Republican wishes, the Senate trial might happen some time around November 3, 2020.
Did McConnell blink?

On December 17, McConnell rejected Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s call for testimony from four witnesses: John Bolton, the former national security adviser; acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney; Robert Blair, a senior adviser to Mulvaney; and Michael Duffey, associate director for national security at the Office of Management and Budget. The four have direct knowledge about the central issue in the impeachment trial: why Trump held up nearly $400 million in security assistance to Ukraine while he pressured the country’s president to open investigations of his political rival, Joe Biden.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said today that he was not ruling out calling witnesses in President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial.

In their desperation to defend a guilty Republican President, Republicans are making complete fools of themselves.

It would appear that the idea of Democrats seeking guidance from the courts regarding witnesses in Trump's trial isn't so farfetched after all.
CNN reports, "Roughly 90 minutes after President Donald Trump spoke to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on July 25, Trump's political appointees at the White House's budget office were already ordering the Pentagon to freeze security funding for Ukraine, newly released government documents show.

"Based on guidance I have received and in light of the Administration's plan to review assistance to Ukraine, including the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, please hold off on any additional DoD obligations of these funds, pending direction from that process," Mike Duffey, the White House official in the Office of Management and Budget responsible for overseeing national security money and a Trump political appointee, wrote to select OMB and Pentagon officials on July 25."

"Given the sensitive nature of the request, I appreciate your keeping that information closely held to those who need to know to execute direction," Duffey added.

Schumer renewed his call for Duffey to be a witness at the Senate impeachment trial, saying that the email showcases the information he may be able to offer.

"If there was ever an argument that we need Mr. Duffey to come testify, this is that information. This email is explosive. A top administration official, one that we requested, is saying, stop the aid 90 minutes after Trump called Zelensky and said keep it hush, hush. What more do you need to request a witness?" Schumer said.

The net is closing in. The Trump Republican Senate may excuse Trump, but there are serious doubts the American people will. Vulnerable Republicans should be thinking about that. The GOP has already lost a significant number of elections because of Trump. The 2020 elections with Trump leading the ticket is just around the corner.

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