What would happen if Schumer and the Democratic leadership in the Senate followed Republican advice and decided to let the courts decide on the legitimacy of subpoenaed witnesses like Mulvany and Bolton while adding Pompeo and Giuliani to the list.
Funny how you don't realize you just demonstrated the invalidity of the 2nd article of impeachment.
CNN reports, "Roughly 90 minutes after President Donald Trump spoke to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on July 25, Trump's political appointees at the White House's budget office were already ordering the Pentagon to freeze security funding for Ukraine, newly released government documents show.

"Based on guidance I have received and in light of the Administration's plan to review assistance to Ukraine, including the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, please hold off on any additional DoD obligations of these funds, pending direction from that process," Mike Duffey, the White House official in the Office of Management and Budget responsible for overseeing national security money and a Trump political appointee, wrote to select OMB and Pentagon officials on July 25."

"Given the sensitive nature of the request, I appreciate your keeping that information closely held to those who need to know to execute direction," Duffey added.

Schumer renewed his call for Duffey to be a witness at the Senate impeachment trial, saying that the email showcases the information he may be able to offer.

"If there was ever an argument that we need Mr. Duffey to come testify, this is that information. This email is explosive. A top administration official, one that we requested, is saying, stop the aid 90 minutes after Trump called Zelensky and said keep it hush, hush. What more do you need to request a witness?" Schumer said.

The net is closing in. The Trump Republican Senate may excuse Trump, but there are serious doubts the American people will. Vulnerable Republicans should be thinking about that. The GOP has already lost a significant number of elections because of Trump. The 2020 elections with Trump leading the ticket is just around the corner.

Trump had a Christmas message for his base. They are the only ones who will believe.

He lashed out at Speaker Nancy Pelosi, saying that she “hates all of the people who voted for me and the Republican Party.” He wants his base to believe that so that will ignore the overwhelming evidence that he invited foreign interference in our elections and used bribery to get what he wanted.

It works, too. His fans avoid anything dealing with the evidence against Trump.

Then, in a moment of Christmas cheer and paranoia, he attacked Representative Adam B. Schiff of California as being “a sick, corrupt politician.”

Of course, his Christmas message contained a number of lies, particularly having to do with his impeachment. The biggest whopper, for the umpteenth time he said he was denied due process in the impeachment proceedings, saying that “they treated us very unfairly [in the House], and now they want fairness in the Senate.”

Apparently, Trump is making a mockery of fairness in the Senate, but that is beside the point. "House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, a Democrat from New York, sent a letter to President Donald Trump notifying him of public impeachment hearings [the following] week and inviting the President and his counsel to participate, including asking questions of the witnesses." Trump Complains About Impeachment After Christmas Eve Message to Troops

Trump blocked his own lawyer, witnesses and documents from the House, and from the American people, on phony complaints about the House process. "As for the hearing scheduled for December 4, we cannot fairly be expected to participate in a hearing while the witnesses are yet to be named and while it remains unclear whether the Judiciary Committee will afford the President a fair process through additional hearings," White House counsel Pat Cipollone wrote in letter to Chairman Jerry Nadler.

In all fairness to Trump, he said he had picked out “a beautiful card” for the first lady, Melania Trump, gave most federal workers the gift of an extra day off this holiday season, and had some nice words for our troops fighting abroad in the Middle East.
What would happen if Schumer and the Democratic leadership in the Senate followed Republican advice and decided to let the courts decide on the legitimacy of subpoenaed witnesses like Mulvany and Bolton while adding Pompeo and Giuliani to the list.

If Schumer and the Democratic leadership decide to wait on the courts, in accordance with Republican wishes, the Senate trial might happen some time around November 3, 2020.
So it is about the 2020 election eh ?
What would happen if Schumer and the Democratic leadership in the Senate followed Republican advice and decided to let the courts decide on the legitimacy of subpoenaed witnesses like Mulvany and Bolton while adding Pompeo and Giuliani to the list.

If Schumer and the Democratic leadership decide to wait on the courts, in accordance with Republican wishes, the Senate trial might happen some time around November 3, 2020.

They would have to redo the impeachment. Since they voted on the articles, they can't go back and add to them.
There is, of course, just as much circumstantial evidence as your Biden speculation, if not more.

You mean other than video of joe biden stating he got the prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold a billion dollars....you mean other than that...right?
Provide the link where Joe Biden said he was having the prosecutor fired to protect his son Hunter.

We know he did, of course that's irrelevant to the fact that he bribed a foreign country to effect their internal affairs. His son benefiting is tangential to that fact, quid pro joe doesn't have to benefit directly.

And I know that Trump tried to bribe/extort a foreign government into starting a phony investigation into Joe Biden, his political rival. He should rot in prison.

He asked for Ukraine to look into corruption, it's not his fault the Bidens are part of it, that's on the Bidens.


Still no evidence to support any wrong doing by the Biden's. Rudy's efforts seem to be bearing no fruit, except to add to his wallet.
What would happen if Schumer and the Democratic leadership in the Senate followed Republican advice and decided to let the courts decide on the legitimacy of subpoenaed witnesses like Mulvany and Bolton while adding Pompeo and Giuliani to the list.

If Schumer and the Democratic leadership decide to wait on the courts, in accordance with Republican wishes, the Senate trial might happen some time around November 3, 2020.

They would have to redo the impeachment. Since they voted on the articles, they can't go back and add to them.

Who says? Did Donald tell you that?
You mean other than video of joe biden stating he got the prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold a billion dollars....you mean other than that...right?
Provide the link where Joe Biden said he was having the prosecutor fired to protect his son Hunter.

We know he did, of course that's irrelevant to the fact that he bribed a foreign country to effect their internal affairs. His son benefiting is tangential to that fact, quid pro joe doesn't have to benefit directly.

And I know that Trump tried to bribe/extort a foreign government into starting a phony investigation into Joe Biden, his political rival. He should rot in prison.

He asked for Ukraine to look into corruption, it's not his fault the Bidens are part of it, that's on the Bidens.


Still no evidence to support any wrong doing by the Biden's. Rudy's efforts seem to be bearing no fruit, except to add to his wallet.

Every significant job baby biden has ever had can be traced directly to his name being biden and his dads influence. Devon Archer met with poppa joe in the WH two days before baby biden was named to the Burisma board. It definitely appears fishy, if there really is nothing there, so be it, but it warrants looking into. If you think the commie propaganda media has done that, I want some of what you're smoking.

What would happen if Schumer and the Democratic leadership in the Senate followed Republican advice and decided to let the courts decide on the legitimacy of subpoenaed witnesses like Mulvany and Bolton while adding Pompeo and Giuliani to the list.

If Schumer and the Democratic leadership decide to wait on the courts, in accordance with Republican wishes, the Senate trial might happen some time around November 3, 2020.

They would have to redo the impeachment. Since they voted on the articles, they can't go back and add to them.

Who says? Did Donald tell you that?
They've already held the vote. If they modify the articles now, they are no longer the same articles that were voted on. Do you disagree with that? Therefore, they cannot be sent to the Senate as articles of impeachment that were voted on by the House. Do you disagree with that? If you disagree with either, say why.

No, if they want to include new testimony, they need to trash the old articles of impeachment and vote on the new ones. They can't modify a bill that they've already voted on, because doing so would nullify it. In fact, I don't know if there's precedent for voting on a bill, and if it passes, just saying, "Never mind" and writing a new one. There's already a move afoot to declare the impeachment as not being done until the articles are delivered to the Senate. Impeaching on articles that never get to the Senate at all would certainly have to be decided by the SC. No, if anything is changed, to vote has to be taken again, and the more they do that, the more incompetent they appear.
Sen. Richard Blumenthal says he believes some Senate Republicans are privately concerned with how Mitch McConnell and the White House are handling the impeachment trial: "The defendant doesn't get to set the rules for the trial."
Murkowski, Lone GOP Senator To Vote Against Kavanaugh, Calls McConnell Working With White House ‘Disturbing’
This is a political, not a legal, process.
As such, politics necessarily plays into it - as demonstrated by the Democrats in the House.
Sen. Richard Blumenthal says he believes some Senate Republicans are privately concerned with how Mitch McConnell and the White House are handling the impeachment trial: "The defendant doesn't get to set the rules for the trial."
Murkowski, Lone GOP Senator To Vote Against Kavanaugh, Calls McConnell Working With White House ‘Disturbing’
This is a political, not a legal, process.
As such, politics necessarily plays into it - as demonstrated by the Democrats in the House.

LOL, so were the Bill of Rights, political. Your beloved 2nd A. then is not about the law by your reasoning.
Seems as if the defenders of trump and McConnell have fled this post. Questions above have not been answered, not even a funny button has been pushed.
Sen. Richard Blumenthal says he believes some Senate Republicans are privately concerned with how Mitch McConnell and the White House are handling the impeachment trial: "The defendant doesn't get to set the rules for the trial."
Murkowski, Lone GOP Senator To Vote Against Kavanaugh, Calls McConnell Working With White House ‘Disturbing’
This is a political, not a legal, process.
As such, politics necessarily plays into it - as demonstrated by the Democrats in the House.
LOL, so were the Bill of Rights, political. Your beloved 2nd A. then is not about the law by your reasoning.
I accept your concession of the point.
Still no evidence to support any wrong doing by the Biden's.
Because there hasn't been an investigation.
Yet The Donald has claimed that a Billion Dollars have been awarded to Hunter Biden. If Trump made the claim, it must be an investigation was completed.

An impressive non-seq you have there.
You should be proud.

Once again you've proved to be a Damn Liar. Leaving out the last sentence in your post, a lie by omission is a clear example of why you are a dishonest Jerk.

The last sentence was this: "The Donald wouldn't lie, would he?"
Sen. Richard Blumenthal says he believes some Senate Republicans are privately concerned with how Mitch McConnell and the White House are handling the impeachment trial: "The defendant doesn't get to set the rules for the trial."
Murkowski, Lone GOP Senator To Vote Against Kavanaugh, Calls McConnell Working With White House ‘Disturbing’
This is a political, not a legal, process.
As such, politics necessarily plays into it - as demonstrated by the Democrats in the House.
LOL, so were the Bill of Rights, political. Your beloved 2nd A. then is not about the law by your reasoning.
I accept your concession of the point.

Idiot-gram ^^^, Variety, head in the sand.

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