Oh? He doesn't care that history will label him as an impeached low life POS ?? OK if you say so

If you fuckwad commie piles of shit succeed, you'll write history to support the brutal global dictatorship you are fighting for. You'll claim Mao Tse Tung founded America, you'll erase Washington. Jefferson, Lincoln, et al. to further the aims of your president Xi.

If you filthy traitor fucks lose, then the truth comes out - you are traitors who attempted to overthrow the USA on behalf of China. We already know Xi's little bitch Obama spied on Trump and rigged the 2016 election - established fact. We know Xi's troops used perjured FISA warrants to thwart the executive branch of the United States government, an act of treason by Comey, McCabe, Lisa Page, Strzok, et al.

Look, as we ALL know, democrats are traitors and terrorists, waging violent war against America. The coup plotters should all pay the same price Tim McVeigh paid for his treason.
Um, Impeached Trump caused the unemployment rate to skyrocket when he paid Americans to not work. All that's happening now is the stimulus he doled out is exhausted and those same people are now forced to go back to work.

Oh, EXONERATED TRUMP did that, huh? :lmao:

You may be an Iranian agent, and you may be a fucking liar, but GAWDAMNED aren't you stupid...
Yes, he did. His name was even on the checks.

Dayum, and you terrorists wanted Americans literally starving.

Iran is a client state of China, a vassal. And WHO unleashed this virus on America? WHO lies about the lethality of the fairly mild virus?
Um, Impeached Trump caused the unemployment rate to skyrocket when he paid Americans to not work. All that's happening now is the stimulus he doled out is exhausted and those same people are now forced to go back to work.

Oh, EXONERATED TRUMP did that, huh? :lmao:

You may be an Iranian agent, and you may be a fucking liar, but GAWDAMNED aren't you stupid...
Yes, he did. His name was even on the checks.

Dayum, and you terrorists wanted Americans literally starving.

Iran is a client state of China, a vassal. And WHO unleashed this virus on America? WHO lies about the lethality of the fairly mild virus?
It was Impeached Trump who let the virus into the U.S.. He had the ability to restrict travel into the U.S. and chose not to until it was too late.
Oh? He doesn't care that history will label him as an impeached low life POS ?? OK if you say so

If you fuckwad commie piles of shit succeed, you'll write history to support the brutal global dictatorship you are fighting for. You'll claim Mao Tse Tung founded America, you'll erase Washington. Jefferson, Lincoln, et al. to further the aims of your president Xi.

If you filthy traitor fucks lose, then the truth comes out - you are traitors who attempted to overthrow the USA on behalf of China. We already know Xi's little bitch Obama spied on Trump and rigged the 2016 election - established fact. We know Xi's troops used perjured FISA warrants to thwart the executive branch of the United States government, an act of treason by Comey, McCabe, Lisa Page, Strzok, et al.

Look, as we ALL know, democrats are traitors and terrorists, waging violent war against America. The coup plotters should all pay the same price Tim McVeigh paid for his treason.
Hang the traitor Trump and his family Rid America of this cancer
Trump isn't going to be impeached.

Do you not know what impeached means? Lol poor guy
A step above 'perp-walk'?

Seems only Democrats celebrate failure.
If they didn’t celebrate failure, they wouldn’t be able to celebrate anything at all.

Seems Republicans don't want to face it.

Both parties suck up to the rich. Our failure is voting for Democrats or Republicans.
Pap I just can't get how you put both parties in the same bag With this all time misfit in office clearly imo you should see major differences
Trump is spending way too much and Biden is looking to spend trillions on the New Green Deal No one in their right mind would want to spend more than where we are currently at. I can’t vote that way.
You don't think pap that America is seriously in need of an infrastructure plan? Something moron trump has ignored? just as he has the virus?

Trump hasn't "ignored" anything....You don't like his plans, or approach...But that's your problem, not his.
Yes He's ignored all his pal Putin has done Guess he'll need his help again
Yes Trump has done a magnificent job Fuked up response to virus , racism has raised it's ugly head because of his inability to speak out against it,,and 8.5%unemployment is a GD recession Thank you republicans I hope you feel the brunt of this AH in our Wh's policies
Link?? To what ?? It's all easily available You think we're not in recession now?
Trump just got unemployment under 9% in five months it took Obama Biden 30 months to do so Trump is absolutely incredible
yeah good on trump You do realize Trump is compromised ?
The COVID-19 outbreak and the economic downturn it engendered swelled the ranks of unemployed Americans by more than 14 million, from 6.2 million in February to 20.5 million in May 2020. As a result, the U.S. unemployment rate shot up from 3.8% in February – among the lowest on record in the post-World War II era – to 13.0% in May. That rate was the era’s second highest, trailing only the level reached in April (14.4%).

The rise in the number of unemployed workers due to COVID-19 is substantially greater than the increase due to the Great Recession, when the number unemployed increased by 8.8 million from the end of 2007 to the beginning of 2010. The Great Recession, which officially lasted from December 2007 to June 2009, pushed the unemployment rate to a peak of 10.6% in January 2010, considerably less than the rate currently, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of government data.

How we did this
The unemployment rate in May might have been as high as 16%, by the U.S. government’s estimate. But it is not recorded as such because of measurement challenges that have arisen amid the coronavirus outbreak. Also, a sharp decline in labor force participation among U.S. workers overall may be adding to the understatement of unemployment. In May, 9 million Americans not in the labor force were in want of a job compared with 5 million in February, per government estimates. But these workers are not included in the official measure of unemployment. Thus, the COVID-19 recession is comparable more to the Great Depression of the 1930s, when the unemployment rate is estimated to have reached 25%.

Unemployment among all groups of workers increased sharply in the COVID-19 recession. But the experiences of several groups of workers, such as women and black men, in the COVID-19 outbreak vary notably from how they experienced the Great Recession. Here are five facts about how the COVID-19 downturn is affecting unemployment among American workers.
Every doctor said we were going to have 3 million people killed by now we’re not even close to that number and we never will be because of trumps life-saving drugs a new vaccine that’s coming on the way to save people lives.. His job creating skills have created millions of jobs in just a short amount of time he’s an amazing creator of wealth and prosperity for all Americans

Oh? What policy did Impeached Trump enact that added those millions of jobs?

Well, first and foremost was doing away with 2 redundant regulations for every one proposed. Then there were the cuts to the tax rates that brought us into allignment to the countries luring our company's away....

That's two.
That was all before the unemployment rate skyrocketed.

None the less, Trump was successful in bringing business back to America, when Obama scoffed and said he'd need a magic wand......The unemployment was a direct result of shutting down the economy due to the virus...Are you saying he shouldn't have done that?
No, he should have. But paying people to not work caused the unemployment rate to skyrocket.

See what I mean about Catch22's? You say he should have signed it, but in the same breath want to bash him for signing it? That's just silly.
Trump isn't going to be impeached.

Do you not know what impeached means? Lol poor guy
A step above 'perp-walk'?

Seems only Democrats celebrate failure.
If they didn’t celebrate failure, they wouldn’t be able to celebrate anything at all.

Seems Republicans don't want to face it.

Both parties suck up to the rich. Our failure is voting for Democrats or Republicans.
Pap I just can't get how you put both parties in the same bag With this all time misfit in office clearly imo you should see major differences
Trump is spending way too much and Biden is looking to spend trillions on the New Green Deal No one in their right mind would want to spend more than where we are currently at. I can’t vote that way.
You don't think pap that America is seriously in need of an infrastructure plan? Something moron trump has ignored? just as he has the virus?

Trump hasn't "ignored" anything....You don't like his plans, or approach...But that's your problem, not his.
Yes He's ignored all his pal Putin has done Guess he'll need his help again

You'll need to fix your reply...I don't speak gibberish.
Yes Trump has done a magnificent job Fuked up response to virus , racism has raised it's ugly head because of his inability to speak out against it,,and 8.5%unemployment is a GD recession Thank you republicans I hope you feel the brunt of this AH in our Wh's policies
Link?? To what ?? It's all easily available You think we're not in recession now?
Trump just got unemployment under 9% in five months it took Obama Biden 30 months to do so Trump is absolutely incredible
yeah good on trump You do realize Trump is compromised ?
The COVID-19 outbreak and the economic downturn it engendered swelled the ranks of unemployed Americans by more than 14 million, from 6.2 million in February to 20.5 million in May 2020. As a result, the U.S. unemployment rate shot up from 3.8% in February – among the lowest on record in the post-World War II era – to 13.0% in May. That rate was the era’s second highest, trailing only the level reached in April (14.4%).

The rise in the number of unemployed workers due to COVID-19 is substantially greater than the increase due to the Great Recession, when the number unemployed increased by 8.8 million from the end of 2007 to the beginning of 2010. The Great Recession, which officially lasted from December 2007 to June 2009, pushed the unemployment rate to a peak of 10.6% in January 2010, considerably less than the rate currently, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of government data.

How we did this
The unemployment rate in May might have been as high as 16%, by the U.S. government’s estimate. But it is not recorded as such because of measurement challenges that have arisen amid the coronavirus outbreak. Also, a sharp decline in labor force participation among U.S. workers overall may be adding to the understatement of unemployment. In May, 9 million Americans not in the labor force were in want of a job compared with 5 million in February, per government estimates. But these workers are not included in the official measure of unemployment. Thus, the COVID-19 recession is comparable more to the Great Depression of the 1930s, when the unemployment rate is estimated to have reached 25%.

Unemployment among all groups of workers increased sharply in the COVID-19 recession. But the experiences of several groups of workers, such as women and black men, in the COVID-19 outbreak vary notably from how they experienced the Great Recession. Here are five facts about how the COVID-19 downturn is affecting unemployment among American workers.
Every doctor said we were going to have 3 million people killed by now we’re not even close to that number and we never will be because of trumps life-saving drugs a new vaccine that’s coming on the way to save people lives.. His job creating skills have created millions of jobs in just a short amount of time he’s an amazing creator of wealth and prosperity for all Americans

Oh? What policy did Impeached Trump enact that added those millions of jobs?

Well, first and foremost was doing away with 2 redundant regulations for every one proposed. Then there were the cuts to the tax rates that brought us into allignment to the countries luring our company's away....

That's two.
That was all before the unemployment rate skyrocketed.

None the less, Trump was successful in bringing business back to America, when Obama scoffed and said he'd need a magic wand......The unemployment was a direct result of shutting down the economy due to the virus...Are you saying he shouldn't have done that?
No, he should have. But paying people to not work caused the unemployment rate to skyrocket.

See what I mean about Catch22's? You say he should have signed it, but in the same breath want to bash him for signing it? That's just silly.
I didn't say he should have signed it. You're hallucinating again.
Um, Impeached Trump caused the unemployment rate to skyrocket when he paid Americans to not work. All that's happening now is the stimulus he doled out is exhausted and those same people are now forced to go back to work.

Oh, EXONERATED TRUMP did that, huh? :lmao:

You may be an Iranian agent, and you may be a fucking liar, but GAWDAMNED aren't you stupid...
Yes, he did. His name was even on the checks.

You people really love your Catch 22's don't you? The stimulus originated in the House....That would be your hero, Hypocrite Nancy....
Who signed that bill?
You live in a very convenient world. Obama was not responsible for anything.
Yes Trump has done a magnificent job Fuked up response to virus , racism has raised it's ugly head because of his inability to speak out against it,,and 8.5%unemployment is a GD recession Thank you republicans I hope you feel the brunt of this AH in our Wh's policies
Link?? To what ?? It's all easily available You think we're not in recession now?
Trump just got unemployment under 9% in five months it took Obama Biden 30 months to do so Trump is absolutely incredible
yeah good on trump You do realize Trump is compromised ?
The COVID-19 outbreak and the economic downturn it engendered swelled the ranks of unemployed Americans by more than 14 million, from 6.2 million in February to 20.5 million in May 2020. As a result, the U.S. unemployment rate shot up from 3.8% in February – among the lowest on record in the post-World War II era – to 13.0% in May. That rate was the era’s second highest, trailing only the level reached in April (14.4%).

The rise in the number of unemployed workers due to COVID-19 is substantially greater than the increase due to the Great Recession, when the number unemployed increased by 8.8 million from the end of 2007 to the beginning of 2010. The Great Recession, which officially lasted from December 2007 to June 2009, pushed the unemployment rate to a peak of 10.6% in January 2010, considerably less than the rate currently, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of government data.

How we did this
The unemployment rate in May might have been as high as 16%, by the U.S. government’s estimate. But it is not recorded as such because of measurement challenges that have arisen amid the coronavirus outbreak. Also, a sharp decline in labor force participation among U.S. workers overall may be adding to the understatement of unemployment. In May, 9 million Americans not in the labor force were in want of a job compared with 5 million in February, per government estimates. But these workers are not included in the official measure of unemployment. Thus, the COVID-19 recession is comparable more to the Great Depression of the 1930s, when the unemployment rate is estimated to have reached 25%.

Unemployment among all groups of workers increased sharply in the COVID-19 recession. But the experiences of several groups of workers, such as women and black men, in the COVID-19 outbreak vary notably from how they experienced the Great Recession. Here are five facts about how the COVID-19 downturn is affecting unemployment among American workers.
Every doctor said we were going to have 3 million people killed by now we’re not even close to that number and we never will be because of trumps life-saving drugs a new vaccine that’s coming on the way to save people lives.. His job creating skills have created millions of jobs in just a short amount of time he’s an amazing creator of wealth and prosperity for all Americans

Oh? What policy did Impeached Trump enact that added those millions of jobs?

Well, first and foremost was doing away with 2 redundant regulations for every one proposed. Then there were the cuts to the tax rates that brought us into allignment to the countries luring our company's away....

That's two.
That was all before the unemployment rate skyrocketed.

None the less, Trump was successful in bringing business back to America, when Obama scoffed and said he'd need a magic wand......The unemployment was a direct result of shutting down the economy due to the virus...Are you saying he shouldn't have done that?
No, he should have. But paying people to not work caused the unemployment rate to skyrocket.

See what I mean about Catch22's? You say he should have signed it, but in the same breath want to bash him for signing it? That's just silly.
I didn't say he should have signed it. You're hallucinating again.

Oh please...had the President refused to sign the stimulus that pushed out an additional $600 on to unemployment to help American's continue with their lives in the face of a national shut down, you guy's would have demanded his head on a pike....Now you're in here, after the fact I might add, bashing him for signing it? What a load of crap.
Yes Trump has done a magnificent job Fuked up response to virus , racism has raised it's ugly head because of his inability to speak out against it,,and 8.5%unemployment is a GD recession Thank you republicans I hope you feel the brunt of this AH in our Wh's policies
Link?? To what ?? It's all easily available You think we're not in recession now?
Trump just got unemployment under 9% in five months it took Obama Biden 30 months to do so Trump is absolutely incredible
yeah good on trump You do realize Trump is compromised ?
The COVID-19 outbreak and the economic downturn it engendered swelled the ranks of unemployed Americans by more than 14 million, from 6.2 million in February to 20.5 million in May 2020. As a result, the U.S. unemployment rate shot up from 3.8% in February – among the lowest on record in the post-World War II era – to 13.0% in May. That rate was the era’s second highest, trailing only the level reached in April (14.4%).

The rise in the number of unemployed workers due to COVID-19 is substantially greater than the increase due to the Great Recession, when the number unemployed increased by 8.8 million from the end of 2007 to the beginning of 2010. The Great Recession, which officially lasted from December 2007 to June 2009, pushed the unemployment rate to a peak of 10.6% in January 2010, considerably less than the rate currently, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of government data.

How we did this
The unemployment rate in May might have been as high as 16%, by the U.S. government’s estimate. But it is not recorded as such because of measurement challenges that have arisen amid the coronavirus outbreak. Also, a sharp decline in labor force participation among U.S. workers overall may be adding to the understatement of unemployment. In May, 9 million Americans not in the labor force were in want of a job compared with 5 million in February, per government estimates. But these workers are not included in the official measure of unemployment. Thus, the COVID-19 recession is comparable more to the Great Depression of the 1930s, when the unemployment rate is estimated to have reached 25%.

Unemployment among all groups of workers increased sharply in the COVID-19 recession. But the experiences of several groups of workers, such as women and black men, in the COVID-19 outbreak vary notably from how they experienced the Great Recession. Here are five facts about how the COVID-19 downturn is affecting unemployment among American workers.
Every doctor said we were going to have 3 million people killed by now we’re not even close to that number and we never will be because of trumps life-saving drugs a new vaccine that’s coming on the way to save people lives.. His job creating skills have created millions of jobs in just a short amount of time he’s an amazing creator of wealth and prosperity for all Americans

Oh? What policy did Impeached Trump enact that added those millions of jobs?

Well, first and foremost was doing away with 2 redundant regulations for every one proposed. Then there were the cuts to the tax rates that brought us into allignment to the countries luring our company's away....

That's two.
That was all before the unemployment rate skyrocketed.

None the less, Trump was successful in bringing business back to America, when Obama scoffed and said he'd need a magic wand......The unemployment was a direct result of shutting down the economy due to the virus...Are you saying he shouldn't have done that?
No, he should have. But paying people to not work caused the unemployment rate to skyrocket.

See what I mean about Catch22's? You say he should have signed it, but in the same breath want to bash him for signing it? That's just silly.
I didn't say he should have signed it. You're hallucinating again.

Oh please...had the President refused to sign the stimulus that pushed out an additional $600 on to unemployment to help American's continue with their lives in the face of a national shut down, you guy's would have demanded his head on a pike....Now you're in here, after the fact I might add, bashing him for signing it? What a load of crap.

Since when do you righties care that we criticize Impeached Trump? That's really your defense?? That he had to sign it otherwise he would have been criticized?

Trump isn't going to be impeached.

Do you not know what impeached means? Lol poor guy
A step above 'perp-walk'?

Seems only Democrats celebrate failure.
If they didn’t celebrate failure, they wouldn’t be able to celebrate anything at all.

Seems Republicans don't want to face it.

Both parties suck up to the rich. Our failure is voting for Democrats or Republicans.
Pap I just can't get how you put both parties in the same bag With this all time misfit in office clearly imo you should see major differences
Trump is spending way too much and Biden is looking to spend trillions on the New Green Deal No one in their right mind would want to spend more than where we are currently at. I can’t vote that way.
You don't think pap that America is seriously in need of an infrastructure plan? Something moron trump has ignored? just as he has the virus?

We need a lot of things, however the new green deal is trillions in spending, adding spending that is not needed, financed by those making over $400,000. Great, however that alone won’t come close to funding anything. So, we sink further in debt. The fact that he believes those making of $400000 will finance such massive spending shows me one of two things, he is really stupid or two, he is trying to pull one over on the public.
Yes Trump has done a magnificent job Fuked up response to virus , racism has raised it's ugly head because of his inability to speak out against it,,and 8.5%unemployment is a GD recession Thank you republicans I hope you feel the brunt of this AH in our Wh's policies
Link?? To what ?? It's all easily available You think we're not in recession now?
Trump just got unemployment under 9% in five months it took Obama Biden 30 months to do so Trump is absolutely incredible
yeah good on trump You do realize Trump is compromised ?
The COVID-19 outbreak and the economic downturn it engendered swelled the ranks of unemployed Americans by more than 14 million, from 6.2 million in February to 20.5 million in May 2020. As a result, the U.S. unemployment rate shot up from 3.8% in February – among the lowest on record in the post-World War II era – to 13.0% in May. That rate was the era’s second highest, trailing only the level reached in April (14.4%).

The rise in the number of unemployed workers due to COVID-19 is substantially greater than the increase due to the Great Recession, when the number unemployed increased by 8.8 million from the end of 2007 to the beginning of 2010. The Great Recession, which officially lasted from December 2007 to June 2009, pushed the unemployment rate to a peak of 10.6% in January 2010, considerably less than the rate currently, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of government data.

How we did this
The unemployment rate in May might have been as high as 16%, by the U.S. government’s estimate. But it is not recorded as such because of measurement challenges that have arisen amid the coronavirus outbreak. Also, a sharp decline in labor force participation among U.S. workers overall may be adding to the understatement of unemployment. In May, 9 million Americans not in the labor force were in want of a job compared with 5 million in February, per government estimates. But these workers are not included in the official measure of unemployment. Thus, the COVID-19 recession is comparable more to the Great Depression of the 1930s, when the unemployment rate is estimated to have reached 25%.

Unemployment among all groups of workers increased sharply in the COVID-19 recession. But the experiences of several groups of workers, such as women and black men, in the COVID-19 outbreak vary notably from how they experienced the Great Recession. Here are five facts about how the COVID-19 downturn is affecting unemployment among American workers.
Every doctor said we were going to have 3 million people killed by now we’re not even close to that number and we never will be because of trumps life-saving drugs a new vaccine that’s coming on the way to save people lives.. His job creating skills have created millions of jobs in just a short amount of time he’s an amazing creator of wealth and prosperity for all Americans

Oh? What policy did Impeached Trump enact that added those millions of jobs?

Well, first and foremost was doing away with 2 redundant regulations for every one proposed. Then there were the cuts to the tax rates that brought us into allignment to the countries luring our company's away....

That's two.
That was all before the unemployment rate skyrocketed.

None the less, Trump was successful in bringing business back to America, when Obama scoffed and said he'd need a magic wand......The unemployment was a direct result of shutting down the economy due to the virus...Are you saying he shouldn't have done that?
No, he should have. But paying people to not work caused the unemployment rate to skyrocket.

What caused the unemployment to skyrocket was governors shutting down most businesses. We lost 95% of our business in less than 24 hours, I’m shocked unemployment didn’t go above what it did. The $600 a week, the plan the Democrats back is a little over done.
Trump isn't going to be impeached.

Do you not know what impeached means? Lol poor guy
A step above 'perp-walk'?

Seems only Democrats celebrate failure.
If they didn’t celebrate failure, they wouldn’t be able to celebrate anything at all.

Seems Republicans don't want to face it.

Both parties suck up to the rich. Our failure is voting for Democrats or Republicans.
Pap I just can't get how you put both parties in the same bag With this all time misfit in office clearly imo you should see major differences
Trump is spending way too much and Biden is looking to spend trillions on the New Green Deal No one in their right mind would want to spend more than where we are currently at. I can’t vote that way.
You don't think pap that America is seriously in need of an infrastructure plan? Something moron trump has ignored? just as he has the virus?

We need a lot of things, however the new green deal is trillions in spending, adding spending that is not needed, financed by those making over $400,000. Great, however that alone won’t come close to funding anything. So, we sink further in debt. The fact that he believes those making of $400000 will finance such massive spending shows me one of two things, he is really stupid or two, he is trying to pull one over on the public.
The moron in office now pap has spent trillions with zero plan of getting it back except give more tax cuts to his buddies The ah thinks he's smarter than scientists Biden won't go to the same dark places trump goes Trump disparaging our heroes?? Biden is not the AH trump is

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