'Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan ripped House Democrats’ decision to bring in former Ambassador to Ukraine, Bill Taylor, as a star witness in their impeachment probe against President Donald Trump.'

Jordan also RIPPED Taylor's testimony to shreds:

“Ambassador, you weren’t on the call, were you? You didn’t listen in on President Trump and President Zelensky’s call?!"


"Jordan also forced Taylor to acknowledge that he had never even met the president or (never) talked with his current chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney."

“You’re their star witness. You’re their first witness. You’re the guy. You are the guy, based on, this based on, I mean, I’ve seen church prayer chains that are easier to understand than”

Jordan was talking about the CHAIN OF HEARSAY from which Taylor ADMITTED he had formulated his OPINION of what he believed happened during the phone call between the President and Ukraine PM, a phone call he was forced to admit he was NOT part of and of which he had no 1st-hand account knowledge.

....and, as Jordan questioned:
'...and yet YOU (Taylor) are Schiff's STAR 'witness'? You didn't WITNESS anything...'



‘I’ve Seen Church Prayer Chains That Are Easier To Understand’: Jim Jordan Eviscerates Impeachment Process

Slam dunk. Pelosi fucked up big time.
If Trump was trying to get to the bottom of Ukranian corruption it might be relevant. However Trump tied US aid to digging dirt. That is using public funds for a personal purpose. Bidens alleged crimes are not germane.
There is always a price for USA aid...why else would we give hard earned tax dollars away?....
Not to finance trumps re-election.

If Trump didn't hold back the military aid, in fact he gave it to the Ukrainians, and if Trump didn't get them to actually do anything .........how exactly did Trump tie U.S. aid to digging dirt? They got the aid, they didn't investigate anything....and the aid they got was better from Trump than the aid they got from obama...Trump gave them weapons to kill Russians....obama gave them blankets and MREs.......

So again......this is a sham..

So if person A paid B to kill A's wife, and B got caught before he committed the crime, A would be in the clear?
So this is what you people are reduced to... making up fictional circumstances about things completely unrelated with your present FARCE?

This kind of insanity is why the democrat party is in for a major ASS KICKIN' at the ballot box next year.

No crime no foul. Right?

I bet Trumpybear was pissed when he realized his planned assault on Good ol' Joe not only failed, but also was going to get him impeached. Ah the poor poor Double ** President.
te floor every time Jordon digs into him. You know that deer in the headlights look. I think it's safe to say that Taylor is done in the Trump or any other state department.

Taylor may be a career guy, so he might be safe from firing. But he shouldn't be surprised if he is sent to a duty post at an outlying consulate in the Kingdom of Shithole.
For what?

We need staff for the outback area of Shithole. Why not Taylor?
They just asked “ what do you think trumps motives were”

“ to influence an election “

who gives a shit what left wing anti trumpers THINK! Lol

The Democrats do, because what people think or heard is what this impeachment is all about. You know as well as I do that Democrats have no integrity, so they can't conduct an impeachment on facts, only suppositions and interpretation. It's what I call the Thought Police impeachment.
'Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan ripped House Democrats’ decision to bring in former Ambassador to Ukraine, Bill Taylor, as a star witness in their impeachment probe against President Donald Trump.'

Jordan also RIPPED Taylor's testimony to shreds:

“Ambassador, you weren’t on the call, were you? You didn’t listen in on President Trump and President Zelensky’s call?!"


"Jordan also forced Taylor to acknowledge that he had never even met the president or (never) talked with his current chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney."

“You’re their star witness. You’re their first witness. You’re the guy. You are the guy, based on, this based on, I mean, I’ve seen church prayer chains that are easier to understand than”

Jordan was talking about the CHAIN OF HEARSAY from which Taylor ADMITTED he had formulated his OPINION of what he believed happened during the phone call between the President and Ukraine PM, a phone call he was forced to admit he was NOT part of and of which he had no 1st-hand account knowledge.

....and, as Jordan questioned:
'...and yet YOU (Taylor) are Schiff's STAR 'witness'? You didn't WITNESS anything...'



‘I’ve Seen Church Prayer Chains That Are Easier To Understand’: Jim Jordan Eviscerates Impeachment Process


Wow- Jim Jordan got Taylor to admit to what Taylor said in his opening statement two weeks ago?

That is devestating.
It is since it proves Democrats have no evidence of Trumps impropriety.
I'm taking a brief recess,,,,,but one question Where are those who refused to honor subpoenas?
I found the testimony today to be quite interesting, informative, and I sure didn't see the Republicans walking out of this one with a win. They did their best but the testimony was damning.

Damning in what way?
I am trying to figure out what you think was proven today
I am one of the old fashioned people who believe the ambassadors and career state department officials who have spent their lives serving the interests of this country. And I don't like Trump, so that makes me biased all the way around, but this is what I sounds like to me: Taylor told us the story of what was happening and how the phone call was just the tip of the iceberg. I don't know how you can ask that question unless you (1) think he's lying or (2) you didn't even bother listening to the testimony.
You mean the phone call he wasn't on?
We know what was said on that phone call, or at least the parts the President wants us to know, so there is no point to your point.
What we know is there is no point to ask these clowns what their opinion and feelings are about the phone call.

That's the entire point -

That's the left

The facts are irrelevant

Career Diplomats had their feelings hurt because the President didn't bow to their judgement and proceeded in a manner that they did not agree with.

That is literally their case.

Look at the Oldlady person - that alone has her convinced.
Jordan also got Taylor to admit that the US Embassy in Ukraine and operations there are much improved and working much better under President Trump than under President Obama.
The ONLY thing the Dimwingers have is the opinions of these two "witnesses" who didn't actually witness anything.....nothing but hearsay.

Perhaps the president should stop blocking witnesses. If this is a hoax and a witch hunt blocking potential witnesses is unnecessary.
Last edited:
'Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan ripped House Democrats’ decision to bring in former Ambassador to Ukraine, Bill Taylor, as a star witness in their impeachment probe against President Donald Trump.'

Jordan also RIPPED Taylor's testimony to shreds:

“Ambassador, you weren’t on the call, were you? You didn’t listen in on President Trump and President Zelensky’s call?!"


"Jordan also forced Taylor to acknowledge that he had never even met the president or (never) talked with his current chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney."

“You’re their star witness. You’re their first witness. You’re the guy. You are the guy, based on, this based on, I mean, I’ve seen church prayer chains that are easier to understand than”

Jordan was talking about the CHAIN OF HEARSAY from which Taylor ADMITTED he had formulated his OPINION of what he believed happened during the phone call between the President and Ukraine PM, a phone call he was forced to admit he was NOT part of and of which he had no 1st-hand account knowledge.

....and, as Jordan questioned:
'...and yet YOU (Taylor) are Schiff's STAR 'witness'? You didn't WITNESS anything...'



‘I’ve Seen Church Prayer Chains That Are Easier To Understand’: Jim Jordan Eviscerates Impeachment Process


Wow- Jim Jordan got Taylor to admit to what Taylor said in his opening statement two weeks ago?

That is devestating.

Jordan was able to successfully emphasize the point that Taylor knew nothing and knew nobody and was just spewing his opinion about this.

So we can safely disregard everything he said previously.

Well, that's a surprise.
Damning in what way?
I am trying to figure out what you think was proven today
I am one of the old fashioned people who believe the ambassadors and career state department officials who have spent their lives serving the interests of this country. And I don't like Trump, so that makes me biased all the way around, but this is what I sounds like to me: Taylor told us the story of what was happening and how the phone call was just the tip of the iceberg. I don't know how you can ask that question unless you (1) think he's lying or (2) you didn't even bother listening to the testimony.
You mean the phone call he wasn't on?
We know what was said on that phone call, or at least the parts the President wants us to know, so there is no point to your point.
What we know is there is no point to ask these clowns what their opinion and feelings are about the phone call.

That's the entire point -

That's the left

The facts are irrelevant

Career Diplomats had their feelings hurt because the President didn't bow to their judgement and proceeded in a manner that they did not agree with.

That is literally their case.

Look at the Oldlady person - that alone has her convinced.

Perhaps the president should stop blocking witnesses. If this is a hoax and a witch hunt, blocking potential witnesses is unnecessary.
I found the testimony today to be quite interesting, informative, and I sure didn't see the Republicans walking out of this one with a win. They did their best but the testimony was damning.

Damning in what way?
I am trying to figure out what you think was proven today
I am one of the old fashioned people who believe the ambassadors and career state department officials who have spent their lives serving the interests of this country. And I don't like Trump, so that makes me biased all the way around, but this is what I sounds like to me: Taylor told us the story of what was happening and how the phone call was just the tip of the iceberg. I don't know how you can ask that question unless you (1) think he's lying or (2) you didn't even bother listening to the testimony.
You mean the phone call he wasn't on?
We know what was said on that phone call, or at least the parts the President wants us to know, so there is no point to your point.
I found the testimony today to be quite interesting, informative, and I sure didn't see the Republicans walking out of this one with a win. They did their best but the testimony was damning.

Damning in what way?
I am trying to figure out what you think was proven today
I am one of the old fashioned people who believe the ambassadors and career state department officials who have spent their lives serving the interests of this country. And I don't like Trump, so that makes me biased all the way around, but this is what I sounds like to me: Taylor told us the story of what was happening and how the phone call was just the tip of the iceberg. I don't know how you can ask that question unless you (1) think he's lying or (2) you didn't even bother listening to the testimony.
You mean the phone call he wasn't on?
We know what was said on that phone call, or at least the parts the President wants us to know, so there is no point to your point.
Damning in what way?
I am trying to figure out what you think was proven today
I am one of the old fashioned people who believe the ambassadors and career state department officials who have spent their lives serving the interests of this country. And I don't like Trump, so that makes me biased all the way around, but this is what I sounds like to me: Taylor told us the story of what was happening and how the phone call was just the tip of the iceberg. I don't know how you can ask that question unless you (1) think he's lying or (2) you didn't even bother listening to the testimony.
You mean the phone call he wasn't on?
We know what was said on that phone call, or at least the parts the President wants us to know, so there is no point to your point.
What we know is there is no point to ask these clowns what their opinion and feelings are about the phone call.

That's the entire point -

That's the left

The facts are irrelevant

Career Diplomats had their feelings hurt because the President didn't bow to their judgement and proceeded in a manner that they did not agree with.

That is literally their case.

Look at the Oldlady person - that alone has her convinced.
They went in to rob the bank ,,That they didn't get the money is not a factor in their guilt
Why are Democrats dealing almost entirely with “what if” rather than “what is”
A witch hunt impeachment based on what might have been sprinkled with prove yourself innocent

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