Swalwell just got the witness to admit President Trump was on the phone call.

That kid is a genius I tell ya!:21::21::21:
'Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan ripped House Democrats’ decision to bring in former Ambassador to Ukraine, Bill Taylor, as a star witness in their impeachment probe against President Donald Trump.'

Jordan also RIPPED Taylor's testimony to shreds:

“Ambassador, you weren’t on the call, were you? You didn’t listen in on President Trump and President Zelensky’s call?!"


"Jordan also forced Taylor to acknowledge that he had never even met the president or (never) talked with his current chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney."

“You’re their star witness. You’re their first witness. You’re the guy. You are the guy, based on, this based on, I mean, I’ve seen church prayer chains that are easier to understand than”

Jordan was talking about the CHAIN OF HEARSAY from which Taylor ADMITTED he had formulated his OPINION of what he believed happened during the phone call between the President and Ukraine PM, a phone call he was forced to admit he was NOT part of and of which he had no 1st-hand account knowledge.

....and, as Jordan questioned:
'...and yet YOU (Taylor) are Schiff's STAR 'witness'? You didn't WITNESS anything...'



‘I’ve Seen Church Prayer Chains That Are Easier To Understand’: Jim Jordan Eviscerates Impeachment Process

'Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan ripped House Democrats’ decision to bring in former Ambassador to Ukraine, Bill Taylor, as a star witness in their impeachment probe against President Donald Trump.'

Jordan also RIPPED Taylor's testimony to shreds:

“Ambassador, you weren’t on the call, were you? You didn’t listen in on President Trump and President Zelensky’s call?!"


"Jordan also forced Taylor to acknowledge that he had never even met the president or (never) talked with his current chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney."

“You’re their star witness. You’re their first witness. You’re the guy. You are the guy, based on, this based on, I mean, I’ve seen church prayer chains that are easier to understand than”

Jordan was talking about the CHAIN OF HEARSAY from which Taylor ADMITTED he had formulated his OPINION of what he believed happened during the phone call between the President and Ukraine PM, a phone call he was forced to admit he was NOT part of and of which he had no 1st-hand account knowledge.

....and, as Jordan questioned:
'...and yet YOU (Taylor) are Schiff's STAR 'witness'? You didn't WITNESS anything...'



‘I’ve Seen Church Prayer Chains That Are Easier To Understand’: Jim Jordan Eviscerates Impeachment Process


Wow- Jim Jordan got Taylor to admit to what Taylor said in his opening statement two weeks ago?

That is devestating.
Watching about a half hour of this thing and there is not much here to see other than grandstanding/posturing/leading questions almost 100% conjecture.."what if".. "could it be"..."it seems like".
I am truly amazed. I mean that. For fucks sake people... this is what Washington has become now. It's not about doing real things... passing real laws...working together to do their damn jobs... it is like watching a banana republic government where the rule of the day is accuse/deny accuse/deny.

I am ashamed.
So fucking disappointing.
Let's be clear... this is what the "DEMOCRATS" have turned Washington into.
Swalwell got the witness to admit Trump was on the phone call.

That kid is a genius I tell ya!:21:
'Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan ripped House Democrats’ decision to bring in former Ambassador to Ukraine, Bill Taylor, as a star witness in their impeachment probe against President Donald Trump.'

Jordan also RIPPED Taylor's testimony to shreds:

“Ambassador, you weren’t on the call, were you? You didn’t listen in on President Trump and President Zelensky’s call?!"


"Jordan also forced Taylor to acknowledge that he had never even met the president or (never) talked with his current chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney."

“You’re their star witness. You’re their first witness. You’re the guy. You are the guy, based on, this based on, I mean, I’ve seen church prayer chains that are easier to understand than”

Jordan was talking about the CHAIN OF HEARSAY from which Taylor ADMITTED he had formulated his OPINION of what he believed happened during the phone call between the President and Ukraine PM, a phone call he was forced to admit he was NOT part of and of which he had no 1st-hand account knowledge.

....and, as Jordan questioned:
'...and yet YOU (Taylor) are Schiff's STAR 'witness'? You didn't WITNESS anything...'



‘I’ve Seen Church Prayer Chains That Are Easier To Understand’: Jim Jordan Eviscerates Impeachment Process


Wow- Jim Jordan got Taylor to admit to what Taylor said in his opening statement two weeks ago?

That is devestating.
Did Jordon keep his shirt on?
thats just one of 3 charges YOU give me info on Bidens I send you 391 million What do you call that?

When did Trump say "YOU give me info on Bidens I send you 391 million"?

Link please.
Listen in tomorrow You'll hear it first hand We have 7,8 American patriots that know of trumps attempt to give money for getting the bidens

Yeah. A Shifftard is done. The Democrats are done. It’s not even hear say. It’s someone heard he said this and they told someone else. I love how the Democrats are trying to make up the rules as they go along. A judges would throw that shit out of court in a second. You have nothing. You can’t do anything and your fucked in 2020. President Trump will be here till 2024. Now the polls show that more then half of the country don’t believe or trust the Democrats with the impeachment. Good luck with another zero burger. Better start thinking up something else.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trail of Tears genocide, Civil War - 600,000 dead, Jim Crow laws, abortion, now Trump impeachment.

The list of Democratic accomplishments go on and on.

Viet Nam war as well
Eisenhower sent aid and advisors . So who's war is it then. Your scum ball leader is going down and his followers are going back under the rocks they came from. You won't be able to turn this country into a dictatorship as you want and we won't let you piss on our flag and constitution. We have the military and the majority so your threats with all you guns is comical . We will have you run over with your 32 guns on your back with a tank. You can't have my country. God Bless America

What makes you think you have the tank?
Simply because the military has a oath to protect our democracy

We are not a democracy, but a Republic, and you people are trying to destroy it.

You might at least learn what it is that you're trying to destroy.
Jordan hasn't raised his hand and sworn on bible he had no knowledge of the abuse of wrestlers at Ohio State. He now accuses everyone who testifies under oath of lying.
Lame deflection.

Proves today's debacle has you flummoxed.

Wrong, I spent the morning listening to the statements by the Majority Chairman and Nunes, Kent and Taylor. I then went to my yard and bagged leaves and just came in for lunch.

My take on the opening was necessary and sufficient to see where this was going:

Facts by the Democrats, Obstructions and character assassinations by the Republicans.
They are giving there OPINION ON FOREIGN POLICY!
What a waste of tax payers money!
Why is the state department hiding the documents of these 2 men from congress?
Jordan hasn't raised his hand and sworn on bible he had no knowledge of the abuse of wrestlers at Ohio State. He now accuses everyone who testifies under oath of lying.
Lame deflection.

Proves today's debacle has you flummoxed.

Wrong, I spent the morning listening to the statements by the Majority Chairman and Nunes, Kent and Taylor. I then went to my yard and bagged leaves and just came in for lunch.

My take on the opening was necessary and sufficient to see where this was going:

Facts by the Democrats, Obstructions and character assassinations by the Republicans.
The ONLY thing the Dimwingers have is the opinions of these two "witnesses" who didn't actually witness anything.....nothing but hearsay.

In other words, Schifferbrains has nothing but a huge debacle.
If Trump was trying to get to the bottom of Ukranian corruption it might be relevant. However Trump tied US aid to digging dirt. That is using public funds for a personal purpose. Bidens alleged crimes are not germane.
There is always a price for USA aid...why else would we give hard earned tax dollars away?....
Not to finance trumps re-election.

If Trump didn't hold back the military aid, in fact he gave it to the Ukrainians, and if Trump didn't get them to actually do anything .........how exactly did Trump tie U.S. aid to digging dirt? They got the aid, they didn't investigate anything....and the aid they got was better from Trump than the aid they got from obama...Trump gave them weapons to kill Russians....obama gave them blankets and MREs.......

So again......this is a sham..

So if person A paid B to kill A's wife, and B got caught before he committed the crime, A would be in the clear?
I don't think I understand. This is not a criminal court and the rules of evidence is not the bar here, if that's what you're referring to.
You get that you've lost again. Dingbats, snowflakes and prigs rarely prevail...thank God.
I found the testimony today to be quite interesting, informative, and I sure didn't see the Republicans walking out of this one with a win. They did their best but the testimony was damning.

Damning in what way?
I am trying to figure out what you think was proven today
I am one of the old fashioned people who believe the ambassadors and career state department officials who have spent their lives serving the interests of this country. And I don't like Trump, so that makes me biased all the way around, but this is what I sounds like to me: Taylor told us the story of what was happening and how the phone call was just the tip of the iceberg. I don't know how you can ask that question unless you (1) think he's lying or (2) you didn't even bother listening to the testimony.
Trail of Tears genocide, Civil War - 600,000 dead, Jim Crow laws, abortion, now Trump impeachment.

The list of Democratic accomplishments go on and on.

Viet Nam war as well
Eisenhower sent aid and advisors . So who's war is it then. Your scum ball leader is going down and his followers are going back under the rocks they came from. You won't be able to turn this country into a dictatorship as you want and we won't let you piss on our flag and constitution. We have the military and the majority so your threats with all you guns is comical . We will have you run over with your 32 guns on your back with a tank. You can't have my country. God Bless America

What makes you think you have the tank?
Simply because the military has a oath to protect our democracy

We are not a democracy, but a Republic, and you people are trying to destroy it.

You might at least learn what it is that you're trying to destroy.
We know what we are, that's why we oppose Trump.
If Trump was trying to get to the bottom of Ukranian corruption it might be relevant. However Trump tied US aid to digging dirt. That is using public funds for a personal purpose. Bidens alleged crimes are not germane.
There is always a price for USA aid...why else would we give hard earned tax dollars away?....
Not to finance trumps re-election.

If Trump didn't hold back the military aid, in fact he gave it to the Ukrainians, and if Trump didn't get them to actually do anything .........how exactly did Trump tie U.S. aid to digging dirt? They got the aid, they didn't investigate anything....and the aid they got was better from Trump than the aid they got from obama...Trump gave them weapons to kill Russians....obama gave them blankets and MREs.......

So again......this is a sham..

So if person A paid B to kill A's wife, and B got caught before he committed the crime, A would be in the clear?
What if A paid B to wash his car or mow his lawn?
I don't think I understand. This is not a criminal court and the rules of evidence is not the bar here, if that's what you're referring to.
You get that you've lost again. Dingbats, snowflakes and prigs rarely prevail...thank God.
I found the testimony today to be quite interesting, informative, and I sure didn't see the Republicans walking out of this one with a win. They did their best but the testimony was damning.

Damning in what way?
I am trying to figure out what you think was proven today
I am one of the old fashioned people who believe the ambassadors and career state department officials who have spent their lives serving the interests of this country. And I don't like Trump, so that makes me biased all the way around, but this is what I sounds like to me: Taylor told us the story of what was happening and how the phone call was just the tip of the iceberg. I don't know how you can ask that question unless you (1) think he's lying or (2) you didn't even bother listening to the testimony.
You mean the phone call he wasn't on?
They just asked “ what do you think trumps motives were”

“ to influence an election “

who gives a shit what left wing anti trumpers THINK! Lol

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