Viet Nam war as well
Eisenhower sent aid and advisors . So who's war is it then. Your scum ball leader is going down and his followers are going back under the rocks they came from. You won't be able to turn this country into a dictatorship as you want and we won't let you piss on our flag and constitution. We have the military and the majority so your threats with all you guns is comical . We will have you run over with your 32 guns on your back with a tank. You can't have my country. God Bless America

What makes you think you have the tank?
Simply because the military has a oath to protect our democracy

We are not a democracy, but a Republic, and you people are trying to destroy it.

You might at least learn what it is that you're trying to destroy.
We know what we are, that's why we oppose Trump.

They were not there, they never were with the president, they never spoke to the president,
and they never were on the phone with the president.
Either stop your lying, or get your facts straight.
They had to rely on others to formulate their opinions.
You're usually fair. Don't call me a liar, please.

You are also relying on others to formulate your opinion, I take it. Does that mean your judgment has no merit?
I don't think I understand. This is not a criminal court and the rules of evidence is not the bar here, if that's what you're referring to.
well post some facts then
She has. What you don't want to believe doesn't change the that.
name a fact she posted.
No. She stated the facts and I am going to do what you maggots do. I made a statement and that statement is so because I said it. That's what you guys do all the time.
so you agree no facts were provided. I don't lie.
They had to rely on second hand information, which they already admitted to, old lady.
Kinda like garbage in, garbage out.

You cannot refute it, and Taylor and Kent couldn't either.
?They were there. What kind of information would satisfy you?
They were not there, they never were with the president, they never spoke to the president,
and they never were on the phone with the president.
Either stop your lying, or get your facts straight.
They had to rely on others to formulate their opinions.
You're usually fair. Don't call me a liar, please.

You are also relying on others to formulate your opinion, I take it. Does that mean your judgment has no merit?
I don't think I understand. This is not a criminal court and the rules of evidence is not the bar here, if that's what you're referring to.
well post some facts then
You just got two and a half hours of them. You should try listening to them.
unless either person was on the call, which they weren't, all of that was their belief systems that weren't voted for. Trump's were. so you listened to fiction.

The category of literature, drama, film, or other creative work whose content is imagined and is not necessarily based on fact.
te floor every time Jordon digs into him. You know that deer in the headlights look. I think it's safe to say that Taylor is done in the Trump or any other state department.

Taylor may be a career guy, so he might be safe from firing. But he shouldn't be surprised if he is sent to a duty post at an outlying consulate in the Kingdom of Shithole.
For what?
Undermining the foreign policy of the President, for starters.
That didn't happen.

It seemed as if Taylor was subverting and denigrating the efforts of President Trump and his counsel Mr. Giuliani in their efforts to effect US Policy in Ukraine. That's "undermining" in my view. He may not like the fact that Giuliani isn't a member of the foreign policy club and is on his turf. But tough shit. Taylor isn't President, Trump is.
They were not there, they never were with the president, they never spoke to the president,
and they never were on the phone with the president.
Either stop your lying, or get your facts straight.
They had to rely on others to formulate their opinions.
You're usually fair. Don't call me a liar, please.

You are also relying on others to formulate your opinion, I take it. Does that mean your judgment has no merit?
I don't think I understand. This is not a criminal court and the rules of evidence is not the bar here, if that's what you're referring to.
well post some facts then
You just got two and a half hours of them. You should try listening to them.

sorry old hag but that was 2 1/2 hrs of hearsay and opinions,,,
insulting me doesn't strengthen your argument.
sure it does.
You're usually fair. Don't call me a liar, please.

You are also relying on others to formulate your opinion, I take it. Does that mean your judgment has no merit?
I don't think I understand. This is not a criminal court and the rules of evidence is not the bar here, if that's what you're referring to.
well post some facts then
You just got two and a half hours of them. You should try listening to them.

sorry old hag but that was 2 1/2 hrs of hearsay and opinions,,,
insulting me doesn't strengthen your argument.

ITS NOT THE INSULT THAT DOES THAT,,,its the facts that does that,,,

the insult was just appropriate,,,
and the facts are, she has none.
You get that you've lost again. Dingbats, snowflakes and prigs rarely prevail...thank God.
I found the testimony today to be quite interesting, informative, and I sure didn't see the Republicans walking out of this one with a win. They did their best but the testimony was damning.

Damning in what way?
I am trying to figure out what you think was proven today
I am one of the old fashioned people who believe the ambassadors and career state department officials who have spent their lives serving the interests of this country. And I don't like Trump, so that makes me biased all the way around, but this is what I sounds like to me: Taylor told us the story of what was happening and how the phone call was just the tip of the iceberg. I don't know how you can ask that question unless you (1) think he's lying or (2) you didn't even bother listening to the testimony.
You mean the phone call he wasn't on?
We know what was said on that phone call, or at least the parts the President wants us to know, so there is no point to your point.
We do by the transcript, but certainly not by these non witnesses

It’s short, so no excuse to not watch it. I really hope some day you will admit when you get it wrong.
If Trump was trying to get to the bottom of Ukranian corruption it might be relevant. However Trump tied US aid to digging dirt. That is using public funds for a personal purpose. Bidens alleged crimes are not germane.
There is always a price for USA aid...why else would we give hard earned tax dollars away?....
Not to finance trumps re-election.

If Trump didn't hold back the military aid, in fact he gave it to the Ukrainians, and if Trump didn't get them to actually do anything exactly did Trump tie U.S. aid to digging dirt? They got the aid, they didn't investigate anything....and the aid they got was better from Trump than the aid they got from obama...Trump gave them weapons to kill Russians....obama gave them blankets and MREs.......

So again......this is a sham..

So if person A paid B to kill A's wife, and B got caught before he committed the crime, A would be in the clear?
That isn't even a halfway decent strawman. No one asked anyone to kill anybody. Evidently you are new to how world leaders negotiate thinks looking for a win win for both their nation's interests. Now you've been introduced to the way thinks have been done dating back to George Washington. Take the rest of the day off, you must be winded.
'Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan ripped House Democrats’ decision to bring in former Ambassador to Ukraine, Bill Taylor, as a star witness in their impeachment probe against President Donald Trump.'

Jordan also RIPPED Taylor's testimony to shreds:

“Ambassador, you weren’t on the call, were you? You didn’t listen in on President Trump and President Zelensky’s call?!"


"Jordan also forced Taylor to acknowledge that he had never even met the president or (never) talked with his current chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney."

“You’re their star witness. You’re their first witness. You’re the guy. You are the guy, based on, this based on, I mean, I’ve seen church prayer chains that are easier to understand than”

Jordan was talking about the CHAIN OF HEARSAY from which Taylor ADMITTED he had formulated his OPINION of what he believed happened during the phone call between the President and Ukraine PM, a phone call he was forced to admit he was NOT part of and of which he had no 1st-hand account knowledge.

....and, as Jordan questioned:
'...and yet YOU (Taylor) are Schiff's STAR 'witness'? You didn't WITNESS anything...'



‘I’ve Seen Church Prayer Chains That Are Easier To Understand’: Jim Jordan Eviscerates Impeachment Process

Jordan is a a a... 3rd rate carnival barker with a bad underbite.
Is he right or wrong? That is what matters here.


It was probably the most unexpected moment in Impeachment Coup Attempt Circus Ring Master Adam Schiff's very long, very bad the Democrats had already declared they did NOT want happening in these proceedings...

"State Department official George Kent testified Wednesday that he would “love” to see Ukraine look into the circumstances surrounding the closure of a probe tied to natural gas firm Burisma Holdings, while also raising concerns that Hunter Biden’s role on the board of that firm created the appearance of a conflict of interest."

"Kent testified that it was his and other officials’ “strong assumption” that the founder of the firm, Mykola Zlochevsky, had stolen money, and that a prosecutor had taken “a bribe to close the case.”

Castor asked Kent whether he was in favor of that matter “being fully investigated and prosecuted.”

“I think since U.S. taxpayer dollars are wasted, I would love to see the Ukrainian prosecutor general’s office find who the corrupt prosecutor was that took the bribe and how much was paid,” Kent answered."

You know Schiff and his fellow Trump-hating Democrats - and the Bidens watching the hearing on TV - had to poop themselves at this moment....


Impeachment witness urges Burisma probe, testifies to concern of Hunter Biden ‘conflict’

I found the testimony today to be quite interesting, informative, and I sure didn't see the Republicans walking out of this one with a win. They did their best but the testimony was damning.

Damning in what way?
I am trying to figure out what you think was proven today
I am one of the old fashioned people who believe the ambassadors and career state department officials who have spent their lives serving the interests of this country. And I don't like Trump, so that makes me biased all the way around, but this is what I sounds like to me: Taylor told us the story of what was happening and how the phone call was just the tip of the iceberg. I don't know how you can ask that question unless you (1) think he's lying or (2) you didn't even bother listening to the testimony.
You mean the phone call he wasn't on?
We know what was said on that phone call, or at least the parts the President wants us to know, so there is no point to your point.
We do by the transcript, but certainly not by these non witnesses

It’s short, so no excuse to not watch it. I really hope some day you will admit when you get it wrong.

beautiful. wow that's priceless.

No minds have been changed, another soap opera.... and still no Russian connection


What is there to change? It is all HEARSAY testimony and all being co-opted by the House. Another worthless shell game by the limpdicked democrats.
te floor every time Jordon digs into him. You know that deer in the headlights look. I think it's safe to say that Taylor is done in the Trump or any other state department.

Taylor may be a career guy, so he might be safe from firing. But he shouldn't be surprised if he is sent to a duty post at an outlying consulate in the Kingdom of Shithole.
For what?
Undermining the foreign policy of the President, for starters.
That didn't happen.
Yes, it did.
I found the testimony today to be quite interesting, informative, and I sure didn't see the Republicans walking out of this one with a win. They did their best but the testimony was damning.

Damning in what way?
I am trying to figure out what you think was proven today
I am one of the old fashioned people who believe the ambassadors and career state department officials who have spent their lives serving the interests of this country. And I don't like Trump, so that makes me biased all the way around, but this is what I sounds like to me: Taylor told us the story of what was happening and how the phone call was just the tip of the iceberg. I don't know how you can ask that question unless you (1) think he's lying or (2) you didn't even bother listening to the testimony.
You mean the phone call he wasn't on?
We know what was said on that phone call, or at least the parts the President wants us to know, so there is no point to your point.
We do by the transcript, but certainly not by these non witnesses

It’s short, so no excuse to not watch it. I really hope some day you will admit when you get it wrong.

I truly enjoy the smirck on the idiots face, like duhhhhh nope.


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