I just can't imagine being in the same room as Nan Nan while she was watching this hearing... Everyone here at the Whalers Port Lounge agreed she was surely fit to be tied... It is very possible she may pull the plug after watching the junior varsity democrats make fools out of the whole Democratic Party...
"Do this little thing for me and............."
Where did he say 'and'???? He asked for a favor. Period. NO "and". Quit fucking lying like a schiff.
He is not entitled to ask for a personal favour. The US is not a fucking banana republic.
He didn't ask for a personal favor. YOu shouldn't let Schifferbrains tell you what to think.

Try thinking on your own.

Unfair! Democrats are not equipped to think.
'Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan ripped House Democrats’ decision to bring in former Ambassador to Ukraine, Bill Taylor, as a star witness in their impeachment probe against President Donald Trump.'

Jordan also RIPPED Taylor's testimony to shreds:

“Ambassador, you weren’t on the call, were you? You didn’t listen in on President Trump and President Zelensky’s call?!"


"Jordan also forced Taylor to acknowledge that he had never even met the president or (never) talked with his current chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney."

“You’re their star witness. You’re their first witness. You’re the guy. You are the guy, based on, this based on, I mean, I’ve seen church prayer chains that are easier to understand than”

Jordan was talking about the CHAIN OF HEARSAY from which Taylor ADMITTED he had formulated his OPINION of what he believed happened during the phone call between the President and Ukraine PM, a phone call he was forced to admit he was NOT part of and of which he had no 1st-hand account knowledge.

....and, as Jordan questioned:
'...and yet YOU (Taylor) are Schiff's STAR 'witness'? You didn't WITNESS anything...'



‘I’ve Seen Church Prayer Chains That Are Easier To Understand’: Jim Jordan Eviscerates Impeachment Process

The extortion took place over the course of weeks and months, long before the July 25 phone call, dipshit. That's why trained chimps like Jordan keep directing your attention away from that fact.
I found the testimony today to be quite interesting, informative, and I sure didn't see the Republicans walking out of this one with a win. They did their best but the testimony was damning.

Damning in what way?
I am trying to figure out what you think was proven today
I am one of the old fashioned people who believe the ambassadors and career state department officials who have spent their lives serving the interests of this country. And I don't like Trump, so that makes me biased all the way around, but this is what I sounds like to me: Taylor told us the story of what was happening and how the phone call was just the tip of the iceberg. I don't know how you can ask that question unless you (1) think he's lying or (2) you didn't even bother listening to the testimony.
You mean the phone call he wasn't on?
We know what was said on that phone call, or at least the parts the President wants us to know, so there is no point to your point.
We do by the transcript, but certainly not by these non witnesses

It’s short, so no excuse to not watch it. I really hope some day you will admit when you get it wrong.

Case closed. Schiff is done

"I overheard a conversation in the stall of the Men's room and it sounded like either, 'fuck we're out of Charmin' or "quid pro quo'"
'Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan ripped House Democrats’ decision to bring in former Ambassador to Ukraine, Bill Taylor, as a star witness in their impeachment probe against President Donald Trump.'

Jordan also RIPPED Taylor's testimony to shreds:

“Ambassador, you weren’t on the call, were you? You didn’t listen in on President Trump and President Zelensky’s call?!"


"Jordan also forced Taylor to acknowledge that he had never even met the president or (never) talked with his current chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney."

“You’re their star witness. You’re their first witness. You’re the guy. You are the guy, based on, this based on, I mean, I’ve seen church prayer chains that are easier to understand than”

Jordan was talking about the CHAIN OF HEARSAY from which Taylor ADMITTED he had formulated his OPINION of what he believed happened during the phone call between the President and Ukraine PM, a phone call he was forced to admit he was NOT part of and of which he had no 1st-hand account knowledge.

....and, as Jordan questioned:
'...and yet YOU (Taylor) are Schiff's STAR 'witness'? You didn't WITNESS anything...'



‘I’ve Seen Church Prayer Chains That Are Easier To Understand’: Jim Jordan Eviscerates Impeachment Process

The extortion took place over the course of weeks and months, long before the July 25 phone call, dipshit. That's why trained chimps like Jordan keep directing your attention away from that fact.

Cool story. Perhaps Schifferbrains shoulda led with that. :21::21::21:
Another big nothing burger day for the filthy Democrats.

They have accumulated enough nothing burgers investigating Trump to create a national fast food franchise.
te floor every time Jordon digs into him. You know that deer in the headlights look. I think it's safe to say that Taylor is done in the Trump or any other state department.

Taylor may be a career guy, so he might be safe from firing. But he shouldn't be surprised if he is sent to a duty post at an outlying consulate in the Kingdom of Shithole.
For what?
Undermining the foreign policy of the President, for starters.
You know what Trump did for Putin? Stalled long enough for Putin to move his tanks before the Ukrainians had weapons to take them out. Eventually the funds were THEN released.
The stupid Democrats have accumulated enough nothing burgers investigating Trump to create a national fast food franchise.
te floor every time Jordon digs into him. You know that deer in the headlights look. I think it's safe to say that Taylor is done in the Trump or any other state department.

Taylor may be a career guy, so he might be safe from firing. But he shouldn't be surprised if he is sent to a duty post at an outlying consulate in the Kingdom of Shithole.
For what?
Undermining the foreign policy of the President, for starters.
You know what Trump did for Putin? Stalled long enough for Putin to move his tanks before the Ukrainians had weapons to take them out. Eventually the funds were THEN released.
Yeah, sure. Love all the evidence you brought.
No one asked anyone to kill anybody.

No one was harmed in the making of my conspiracy straw man. A's wife is still alive and well, but is looking for an attorney.

Evidently you are new to how world leaders negotiate thinks looking for a win win for both their nation's interests.

Getting the aid is a win for Ukraine. Something they already won, so they thought. Not sure how it was a win for them to being strong armed into announcing an investigation into the Republicans political rivals. Certainly wouldn't have been a win for the Democrat part of our country now would it?
Last edited:
'Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan ripped House Democrats’ decision to bring in former Ambassador to Ukraine, Bill Taylor, as a star witness in their impeachment probe against President Donald Trump.'

Jordan also RIPPED Taylor's testimony to shreds:

“Ambassador, you weren’t on the call, were you? You didn’t listen in on President Trump and President Zelensky’s call?!"


"Jordan also forced Taylor to acknowledge that he had never even met the president or (never) talked with his current chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney."

“You’re their star witness. You’re their first witness. You’re the guy. You are the guy, based on, this based on, I mean, I’ve seen church prayer chains that are easier to understand than”

Jordan was talking about the CHAIN OF HEARSAY from which Taylor ADMITTED he had formulated his OPINION of what he believed happened during the phone call between the President and Ukraine PM, a phone call he was forced to admit he was NOT part of and of which he had no 1st-hand account knowledge.

....and, as Jordan questioned:
'...and yet YOU (Taylor) are Schiff's STAR 'witness'? You didn't WITNESS anything...'



‘I’ve Seen Church Prayer Chains That Are Easier To Understand’: Jim Jordan Eviscerates Impeachment Process

Jordan is a a a... 3rd rate carnival barker with a bad underbite.
Is he right or wrong? That is what matters here.
He's right. We all played "Telephone" when we were kids. All sat in a line and the first person whispers a statement to the next person and it goes down the line and the initial statement, "The big fat pig tried to chase the dog and had some fun," ends up "The pig sat and cried when the race was done." Not even close.
I found the testimony today to be quite interesting, informative, and I sure didn't see the Republicans walking out of this one with a win. They did their best but the testimony was damning.

Damning in what way?
I am trying to figure out what you think was proven today
I am one of the old fashioned people who believe the ambassadors and career state department officials who have spent their lives serving the interests of this country. And I don't like Trump, so that makes me biased all the way around, but this is what I sounds like to me: Taylor told us the story of what was happening and how the phone call was just the tip of the iceberg. I don't know how you can ask that question unless you (1) think he's lying or (2) you didn't even bother listening to the testimony.
You mean the phone call he wasn't on?
We know what was said on that phone call, or at least the parts the President wants us to know, so there is no point to your point.
We do by the transcript, but certainly not by these non witnesses

It’s short, so no excuse to not watch it. I really hope some day you will admit when you get it wrong.
Jordan was fantastic! He shredded the hoax in front of millions of viewers in 60 seconds.

Seriously brilliant!!!
'Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan ripped House Democrats’ decision to bring in former Ambassador to Ukraine, Bill Taylor, as a star witness in their impeachment probe against President Donald Trump.'

Jordan also RIPPED Taylor's testimony to shreds:

“Ambassador, you weren’t on the call, were you? You didn’t listen in on President Trump and President Zelensky’s call?!"


"Jordan also forced Taylor to acknowledge that he had never even met the president or (never) talked with his current chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney."

“You’re their star witness. You’re their first witness. You’re the guy. You are the guy, based on, this based on, I mean, I’ve seen church prayer chains that are easier to understand than”

Jordan was talking about the CHAIN OF HEARSAY from which Taylor ADMITTED he had formulated his OPINION of what he believed happened during the phone call between the President and Ukraine PM, a phone call he was forced to admit he was NOT part of and of which he had no 1st-hand account knowledge.

....and, as Jordan questioned:
'...and yet YOU (Taylor) are Schiff's STAR 'witness'? You didn't WITNESS anything...'



‘I’ve Seen Church Prayer Chains That Are Easier To Understand’: Jim Jordan Eviscerates Impeachment Process



dems need to pack up their shit and find another country that will tolerate their fucking nonsense
I'm taking a brief recess,,,,,but one question Where are those who refused to honor subpoenas?
Why would that be your only question?

Sound very much like a rear-guard action, and we understand why.
There are many questions I don't have time for all The closing bell is coming
No closing bell needed. Dems have been KOed and no amount of spin is worth a rat's ass
There was a KO but you have the wrong guy KOed The noose is tighter around your crooks neck What trump has done CAN'T become the new normal

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