The outcome is irrelevant. He isn't on trial for withholding aid. He is on trial for linking aid to helping his personal political objectives.i
Trump is not on trial. There is no trial. There are only pathetic Democrat House members who fear losing VOTES, next election, if they don't support an impeachment charade. So they show up pretending that they support it. Ho hum.

After the Senate trash cans it, Trump's popularity will soar right before the election, but Democrats will have saved their House seats. Ho hum.

'Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan ripped House Democrats’ decision to bring in former Ambassador to Ukraine, Bill Taylor, as a star witness in their impeachment probe against President Donald Trump.'

Jordan also RIPPED Taylor's testimony to shreds:

“Ambassador, you weren’t on the call, were you? You didn’t listen in on President Trump and President Zelensky’s call?!"


"Jordan also forced Taylor to acknowledge that he had never even met the president or (never) talked with his current chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney."

“You’re their star witness. You’re their first witness. You’re the guy. You are the guy, based on, this based on, I mean, I’ve seen church prayer chains that are easier to understand than”

Jordan was talking about the CHAIN OF HEARSAY from which Taylor ADMITTED he had formulated his OPINION of what he believed happened during the phone call between the President and Ukraine PM, a phone call he was forced to admit he was NOT part of and of which he had no 1st-hand account knowledge.

....and, as Jordan questioned:
'...and yet YOU (Taylor) are Schiff's STAR 'witness'? You didn't WITNESS anything...'



‘I’ve Seen Church Prayer Chains That Are Easier To Understand’: Jim Jordan Eviscerates Impeachment Process

The extortion took place over the course of weeks and months, long before the July 25 phone call, dipshit. That's why trained chimps like Jordan keep directing your attention away from that fact.

You mean Biden's extortion, right?

That's the thing here. They are accusing our guy of something he didn't do, but their guy did, and trying to impeach him on it.

Impeach Trump for Biden's crimes
Just like Hills was standing there waving her Russian paperwork while they witch hunted for Trumps; Biden is on video boasting of his corruption while the Dems desperately try to dig up on Trump.
All they have to defend poor old Trumpybear is that his plot to extort the Ukraine failed miserably

Jordan kept driving that point home.

The plot failed! You can't impeach him because his plot failed, can you? How dare you impeach that failure!

Except for the fact there was no extortion. When commies make up lies, that doesn't make it the truth.
It can't be helped you have clamped your hands over your eyes and ears and only parrot what your masters tell you to parrot.

You are a waste of time.
All they have to defend poor old Trumpybear is that his plot to extort the Ukraine failed miserably

Jordan kept driving that point home.

The plot failed! You can't impeach him because his plot failed, can you? How dare you impeach that failure!

Except for the fact there was no extortion. When commies make up lies, that doesn't make it the truth.
It can't be helped you have clamped your hands over your eyes and ears and only parrot what your masters tell you to parrot.

You are a waste of time.
OK so, tell me what is your views on a verified liar being chairman of the impeachment inquiry?
'Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan ripped House Democrats’ decision to bring in former Ambassador to Ukraine, Bill Taylor, as a star witness in their impeachment probe against President Donald Trump.'

Jordan also RIPPED Taylor's testimony to shreds:

“Ambassador, you weren’t on the call, were you? You didn’t listen in on President Trump and President Zelensky’s call?!"


"Jordan also forced Taylor to acknowledge that he had never even met the president or (never) talked with his current chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney."

“You’re their star witness. You’re their first witness. You’re the guy. You are the guy, based on, this based on, I mean, I’ve seen church prayer chains that are easier to understand than”

Jordan was talking about the CHAIN OF HEARSAY from which Taylor ADMITTED he had formulated his OPINION of what he believed happened during the phone call between the President and Ukraine PM, a phone call he was forced to admit he was NOT part of and of which he had no 1st-hand account knowledge.

....and, as Jordan questioned:
'...and yet YOU (Taylor) are Schiff's STAR 'witness'? You didn't WITNESS anything...'



‘I’ve Seen Church Prayer Chains That Are Easier To Understand’: Jim Jordan Eviscerates Impeachment Process


Wow- Jim Jordan got Taylor to admit to what Taylor said in his opening statement two weeks ago?

That is devestating.
Did Jordon keep his shirt on?


I heard Schiff is becoming desperate and is considering asking Eric "The Red" Ciaramella to actually testify.

Here is a clip of him in Schiff's Double Secret Meetings in The Basement of The House of Representatives.

All they have to defend poor old Trumpybear is that his plot to extort the Ukraine failed miserably

Jordan kept driving that point home.

The plot failed! You can't impeach him because his plot failed, can you? How dare you impeach that failure!

Except for the fact there was no extortion. When commies make up lies, that doesn't make it the truth.
It can't be helped you have clamped your hands over your eyes and ears and only parrot what your masters tell you to parrot.

You are a waste of time.


^ Extortion
Since when do "witnesses" read their prepared testimony instead of answering questions?
This isn't a trial. Try to keep up.
So far it is just one massive hearsay slander while the people in question are kept tied and gagged in another room without so much as the chance to defend themselves much less air their side!
All they have to defend poor old Trumpybear is that his plot to extort the Ukraine failed miserably

Jordan kept driving that point home.

The plot failed! You can't impeach him because his plot failed, can you? How dare you impeach that failure!

Except for the fact there was no extortion. When commies make up lies, that doesn't make it the truth.
It can't be helped you have clamped your hands over your eyes and ears and only parrot what your masters tell you to parrot.

You are a waste of time.
When the Dems started praising the witness' service and going to abject conjecture, it was over. From now on it's just rear-guard action.
This pretty much nails it.

Read the whole thing, has a lot of words, so you may need to take some breaks......but read it and discover just how devoid of facts and evidence this impeachment farce is.

I predict a lot of Dimwinger crying and whining about the author, and nothing to debunk any of the facts he presents.

Gregg Jarrett: The Trump impeachment inquiry is already in big trouble. Here's who Democrats have to thank

The clown show known as an "impeachment inquiry" is getting more comical and hapless by the day.

Consider the latest remark from the circus master himself, California Rep. Adam Schiff, (think Bozo, not Pennywise). The Democratic chairman of the House Intelligence Committee says he doesn’t want Republicans turning the impeachment proceedings into a “sham.” The hilarious irony is lost on no one. Schiff has already managed to accomplish it all on his own.

At first, Schiff wanted the faux “whistleblower” who triggered the impeachment farce to testify. Then, suddenly, he didn’t. What changed? In the interim, evidence emerged that Schiff and/or his staff colluded with the “whistleblower” before the complaint was ever filed and then lied about it, earning Schiff “Four Pinocchios” from The Washington Post.

The chairman now wants to conceal his own role in engineering the pretext for impeachment and his subsequent deceit. This is why he has insisted that the “whistleblower” remain anonymous, despite no such right, guarantee, privilege, or entitlement written in the law, as I explained in an earlier column. Even though the undercover informant (reportedly working for the CIA) does not qualify for whistleblower status under the law as determined by the Department of Justice, any effort by Republicans to call him as a witness will be blocked by Schiff.

But Schiff’s machinations are more malevolent than masking the key witness. Those he will call to testify are already on record dishing up prodigious plates of multiple hearsay and rank speculation. It is obvious from the released transcripts of the heretofore “super top-secret” inquisition that none of them have any firsthand knowledge of a “quid pro quo” allegedly demanded by President Trump.

For example, Bill Taylor, the acting ambassador to Ukraine who will testify on Wednesday, told Schiff’s committee that it was his “understanding” there was a link between U.S. security assistance and an investigation of Joe and Hunter Biden. How did Taylor arrive at his opinion? He heard it through discussions with other diplomats, although there is no indication that any of these individuals had direct knowledge of anything. The chain of hearsay went something like this: the European Union Ambassador Gordon Sondland told National Security Council official Tim Morrison who, in turn, told Taylor that there was a purported "quid pro quo."

But wait. If Sondland was the original source, where did he get his information? He initially testified that in a brief phone conversation with Trump, the president explicitly told him, “I want nothing ... I want no quid pro quo.” Sondland added that he “never” thought there was a precondition on aid. Later, he revised his testimony to state, “I presumed that the aid suspension had become linked to the proposed anti-corruption statement.”

Ah, yes. He "presumed." Reliable witnesses do not assume or presume anything. If they do, it is nothing more than supposition that should be discarded like yesterday’s trash.

My favorite purveyor of assorted hearsay is another star witness for Schiff this Wednesday. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent testified that he “believed” there was a “quid pro quo” after speaking to Taylor who spoke to Morrison who heard it from Sondland who, as noted, “presumed” a precondition. This is conjecture built on triple hearsay. It is not evidence, it is junk. If this were a court of law, the presiding judge would instruct the jury to disregard such testimony and strike it from the record.

The Democratic chairman of the House Intelligence Committee says he doesn’t want Republicans turning the impeachment proceedings into a “sham.” The hilarious irony is lost on no one. Adam Schiff has already managed to accomplish it all on his own.

Under cross-examination, these witnesses readily admitted they had no firsthand knowledge of the president’s intent during his telephone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. They simply propagated and repeated rumors and innuendo in their diplomatic echo chamber. But that has not stopped Schiff from pretending that they are valued witnesses. With the chairman’s encouragement and guidance, they have offered their interpretations of the Trump-Zelensky conversation. It reminds me of Schiff’s own dramatic interpretation of the phone call, which was nothing more than an unconscionable fabrication designed to smear Trump.

A transcript of the real conversation is the best evidence of what actually occurred. Indeed, it is the only relevant and material evidence. Nowhere is there a demand, condition, or pressure for a “quid pro quo” that made an investigation of the Bidens contingent on U.S. military assistance. This is corroborated by Zelensky who is on record stating that there was no blackmail involved and no pressure applied. “Nobody pushed me,” Zelensky said. “We had a great phone call,” he added. “It was normal.”

The Ukrainian government has confirmed that it was unaware that U.S. aid had been temporarily suspended until almost five weeks after the call with Trump. As noted in my previous column, it is impossible for there to be a “quid pro quo” when the recipient of the “quid” is oblivious to the existence of the "quo."

In the court of public opinion, Schiff increasingly reveals himself to be the court jester playing the fool. He presides over an investigatory charade that is anathema to fundamental fairness and due process.

If the inquiry was equitable, both sides would be able to call their own witnesses. Yet, the House of Representatives passed its impeachment measure giving Schiff the right to veto GOP witnesses. He has already made it clear that he will do so, rejecting a request that the faux “whistleblower” testify. It is clear that other witnesses, including Schiff and/or his staff, will also be rejected.

To his credit, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., has made it clear that if the unidentified informant who precipitated the impeachment "witch hunt" is not allowed to testify in the House, “this thing is dead on arrival in the Senate.”

In truth, it was DOA the moment Schiff was put in charge of this clown show.

Gregg Jarrett: The Trump impeachment inquiry is already in big trouble. Here's who Democrats have to thank
That is quite a wall of Gish Gallop , Dude

Let me boil a few things down for you:

Yes, the witnesses who testified may not have first hand information but many people have been convicted on hearsay evidence.

The Trump (so called ) Administration has blocked those who do have first hand knowledge from appearing.

The information contained in the whistleblower complaint has been independently corroborated by the witnesses

You asked what has changed from the time that Adam Schiff wanted the whistleblower to appear and now. I will tell you. They have enough to nail the orange ogre without the whistleblower, who by the way, does qualify for that status.

The Republicans are showing their fear and desperation by trying to make it about Biden and whatever other horseshit that they can throw at the wall in the hope that something will stick. There is more but you get the idea
R-Jim Jordan has been amazing, as always! absolutely amazing! so proud of him also! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

Every question includes "What did you understand that to mean".

This clown has nothing but his opinion. No facts. Nothing.

What a debacle.:dance:
how do you think the ukraine's felt?

I can't tell you what they feel,

but tell us anyway. too fking funny. folks can't make it up.

The best part was when after spending all day talking about Ukraine this and Ukraine that, when someone pointed out that Ukraine themselves have stated that none of this is true and they were never pressured, the democrats reply was: Don't listen to Ukraine! :5_1_12024:
'Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan ripped House Democrats’ decision to bring in former Ambassador to Ukraine, Bill Taylor, as a star witness in their impeachment probe against President Donald Trump.'

Jordan also RIPPED Taylor's testimony to shreds:

“Ambassador, you weren’t on the call, were you? You didn’t listen in on President Trump and President Zelensky’s call?!"


"Jordan also forced Taylor to acknowledge that he had never even met the president or (never) talked with his current chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney."

“You’re their star witness. You’re their first witness. You’re the guy. You are the guy, based on, this based on, I mean, I’ve seen church prayer chains that are easier to understand than”

Jordan was talking about the CHAIN OF HEARSAY from which Taylor ADMITTED he had formulated his OPINION of what he believed happened during the phone call between the President and Ukraine PM, a phone call he was forced to admit he was NOT part of and of which he had no 1st-hand account knowledge.

....and, as Jordan questioned:
'...and yet YOU (Taylor) are Schiff's STAR 'witness'? You didn't WITNESS anything...'



‘I’ve Seen Church Prayer Chains That Are Easier To Understand’: Jim Jordan Eviscerates Impeachment Process


Wow- Jim Jordan got Taylor to admit to what Taylor said in his opening statement two weeks ago?

That is devestating.

Jordan was able to successfully emphasize the point that Taylor knew nothing and knew nobody and was just spewing his opinion about this.

So we can safely disregard everything he said previously.
That's the problem with Witch Hunt 2.0. Schiff does not want anyone interviewed that was actually involved in the call. Even the fake Whistle Blower- Spy Report is 2nd hand information.

Schiff even refused to allow The Republicans to call Volker to testify, nor did they allow Hunter Biden to explain why he was given millions by Burisma and why all his Ukrainian friends fled to Russia when an Anti-Corruption administration was elected to power.
Every question includes "What did you understand that to mean".

This clown has nothing but his opinion. No facts. Nothing.

What a debacle.:dance:
how do you think the ukraine's felt?

I can't tell you what they feel,

but tell us anyway. too fking funny. folks can't make it up.

The best part was when after spending all day talking about Ukraine this and Ukraine that, when someone pointed out that Ukraine themselves have stated that none of this is true and they were never pressured, the democrats reply was: Don't listen to Ukraine! :5_1_12024:
All they have to defend poor old Trumpybear is that his plot to extort the Ukraine failed miserably

Jordan kept driving that point home.

The plot failed! You can't impeach him because his plot failed, can you? How dare you impeach that failure!

Except for the fact there was no extortion. When commies make up lies, that doesn't make it the truth.
It can't be helped you have clamped your hands over your eyes and ears and only parrot what your masters tell you to parrot.

You are a waste of time.
When the Dems started praising the witness' service and going to abject conjecture, it was over. From now on it's just rear-guard action.

Well, the D's are going to have to move to Plan C then. Or is it Plan F? K? P?

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