We have several people who noted the extortion attempt. You can read the transcripts. You can watch the testimony. Now you won't believe any of it unless the biggest liar ever to serve as President tell you?
No quote of the smoking gun? Lol, I didn't think so...
This isn't a trial. Try to keep up.
So far it is just one massive hearsay slander while the people in question are kept tied and gagged in another room without so much as the chance to defend themselves much less air their side!
Wow, try reading the transcripts. These are people that were involved & know first hand about Trump's extortion demands.
Bullshit. Neither was there. All they had to offer was their opinions and feelings of what they claim others told them.

There is no hearsay evidence. This is not a criminal trial. It's an impeachment inquiry, and is absolutely allowed to be entered into the record.

Ambassador Sondland, who was on the phone call will be corroborating Ambassador Taylors Testimony next week.

Sondland donated $1 million to Trumps campaign, and for that reason was made an Ambassador.

With that information entered into the record, Ol' Gym Jordan is going to look really fucking stupid when he tries to paint Sondland as a never trumper huh?

And anyone that tries to imply he's a DNC witness will come off looking even more stupid than that huh?

See you at the next hearing.
Yes, it is hearsay. It doesn't matter what you call the proceedings, when you are giving your opinion and feelings about what others told you they heard it is the very definition of hearsay.

What part of the person who was on the call will be corroborating Taylors testimony next week didn't you get?

Your hearsay excuse will be blowing up in your face next week moron. Better start working on that next excuse.
And where was your "civic duty" through all the myriad of Obama and Hillary crimes? Was it out to lunch? On vacation that day? Where is your "civic duty" when it comes to hearing the defense of Trump or the evidence against Biden? Out stuck in traffic?

It takes a lot more than wishful thinking and desires to impeach a president, and I hope the democrats try it without an iron clad steel case against Trump that he truly committed a high crime with intentional malice. You know, Trump's such an idiot, and so incompetent, he might have committed a crime like Hillary through total recklessness without even knowing better! That was enough to get her off about 15 felony charges that other people go to prison for.

Impeach Trump without all that and I'll be sitting laughing when it all comes back like a punch in the face next year when the voters reject the democrats for trying to overthrow a presidency on purely political grounds! :badgrin:
I am neither Republican or Democrat. Both parties are corrupt. Trump is the most corrupt (and stupid) of all.
/----/ Too bad Shytface can't prove anything. Maybe you should testify.
Too bad you can't see the extortion. Is it that dark up Trump's ass?

You might want to get into a legal dictionary and see what elements are required for extortion. They aren't present in the call.

False. The extortion was to obtain personal gaim through the threat of witholding or diminishing security assistance. Plain as day.
Please quote the "extortion"
The problem is what Trump was asking for in exchange for releasing the aid - whether weapon or wampum doesn't matter. You fellas have a knack for irrelevance.

He asked for NOTHING as the transcript proves....but low IQ liberals will follow lying talkingvpoints to their deaths!

He asked for a favor. As the transcript proves. You may want to try a different line of bullshit.
A favor...like this favor?
Was this not a USA Potus and Congress approved?

Yes, the Surrender Monkey was dragged into it by Biden...DONT BELIEVE ME CALL OBUMA!
Keep Deflecting, Prove some plausible real facts claimed here?
This Biden guy spewing was approved by all 3 branches of US Gobmint folks here at the time, then.
So we can see your WEAK Point as we know you can't be truthful here to start.
Section referring to Mod actions removed, As they are so weak. Will this thread be moved to the Badlands now?
Last edited:
Starting this morning AMERICA will begin to be shown evidence of more corruption done by this president. Now the standard apologists here will try to claim we aren't hearing what we heard. A live event will be turned into a claim of liberal media spin. It will be called a coup and a witch hunt. But the reality here is we are looking at a constitutional process for the ultimate check on a tyrannical president. Trump is the one that has overturned the result that did not elect the peoples choice for president by HIS BEHAVIOR.

The day has come for Trump. He and his supporters must learn that he cannot do anything he wants.

No one is above the law. Republicans don't get special rights.

Historic impeachment hearings are set to begin, with GOP and Democrats pushing dueling messages on Trump’s conduct
IM, I plan on watching and I'll probably want to comment, but it would be great if we had one Impeachment Hearing Thread for 11/13/2019. Yours is already the second or third. I'm going to see if there's a mod awake who could merge them. Hope you don't mind. It gets so damned confusing when you're trying to carry on conversations in two different threads--don't you think?
Starting this morning AMERICA will begin to be shown evidence of more corruption done by this president. Now the standard apologists here will try to claim we aren't hearing what we heard. A live event will be turned into a claim of liberal media spin. It will be called a coup and a witch hunt. But the reality here is we are looking at a constitutional process for the ultimate check on a tyrannical president. Trump is the one that has overturned the result that did not elect the peoples choice for president by HIS BEHAVIOR.

The day has come for Trump. He and his supporters must learn that he cannot do anything he wants.

No one is above the law. Republicans don't get special rights.

Historic impeachment hearings are set to begin, with GOP and Democrats pushing dueling messages on Trump’s conduct
Day one of coup and witch hunt four-we had Russia hoax, Kavanaugh hoax, Mueller hoax, and now this. Why can't otherwise smart people see that the Democrats are using the House to persecute Trump for beating Hillary and to help win in 2020. And trying to rob US of our votes-they had better not! So, waste your time and our money Democrats, and do not work on trade treaty or infrastructure or healthcare-you WILL PAY in 2020 !
It's not because Hillary lost. It's because Trump is doing things that aren't legal, ethical or sensible.
No, it is a Revenge Hunt!
Since when do "witnesses" read their prepared testimony instead of answering questions?
This isn't a trial. Try to keep up.
So far it is just one massive hearsay slander while the people in question are kept tied and gagged in another room without so much as the chance to defend themselves much less air their side!
Wow, try reading the transcripts. These are people that were involved & know first hand about Trump's extortion demands.
Bullshit. Neither was there. All they had to offer was their opinions and feelings of what they claim others told them.

There is no hearsay evidence. This is not a criminal trial. It's an impeachment inquiry, and is absolutely allowed to be entered into the record.

Ambassador Sondland, who was on the phone call will be corroborating Ambassador Taylors Testimony next week.

Sondland donated $1 million to Trumps campaign, and for that reason was made an Ambassador.

With that information entered into the record, Ol' Gym Jordan is going to look really fucking stupid when he tries to paint Sondland as a never trumper huh?

And anyone that tries to imply he's a DNC witness will come off looking even more stupid than that huh?

See you at the next hearing.
What's he going to "corroborate?" We have the transcript of the phone call.
Starting this morning AMERICA will begin to be shown evidence of more corruption done by this president. Now the standard apologists here will try to claim we aren't hearing what we heard. A live event will be turned into a claim of liberal media spin. It will be called a coup and a witch hunt. But the reality here is we are looking at a constitutional process for the ultimate check on a tyrannical president. Trump is the one that has overturned the result that did not elect the peoples choice for president by HIS BEHAVIOR.

The day has come for Trump. He and his supporters must learn that he cannot do anything he wants.

No one is above the law. Republicans don't get special rights.

Historic impeachment hearings are set to begin, with GOP and Democrats pushing dueling messages on Trump’s conduct
IM, I plan on watching and I'll probably want to comment, but it would be great if we had one Impeachment Hearing Thread for 11/13/2019. Yours is already the second or third. I'm going to see if there's a mod awake who could merge them. Hope you don't mind. It gets so damned confusing when you're trying to carry on conversations in two different threads--don't you think?
Starting this morning AMERICA will begin to be shown evidence of more corruption done by this president. Now the standard apologists here will try to claim we aren't hearing what we heard. A live event will be turned into a claim of liberal media spin. It will be called a coup and a witch hunt. But the reality here is we are looking at a constitutional process for the ultimate check on a tyrannical president. Trump is the one that has overturned the result that did not elect the peoples choice for president by HIS BEHAVIOR.

The day has come for Trump. He and his supporters must learn that he cannot do anything he wants.

No one is above the law. Republicans don't get special rights.

Historic impeachment hearings are set to begin, with GOP and Democrats pushing dueling messages on Trump’s conduct
Day one of coup and witch hunt four-we had Russia hoax, Kavanaugh hoax, Mueller hoax, and now this. Why can't otherwise smart people see that the Democrats are using the House to persecute Trump for beating Hillary and to help win in 2020. And trying to rob US of our votes-they had better not! So, waste your time and our money Democrats, and do not work on trade treaty or infrastructure or healthcare-you WILL PAY in 2020 !
It's not because Hillary lost. It's because Trump is doing things that aren't legal, ethical or sensible.

in this case he did neither,,,
List the first two with examples, the third, OK
Way to rain on my attempt at civic duty.

I guess I can go out tomorrow and replenish my special impeachment blend popcorn.

And where was your "civic duty" through all the myriad of Obama and Hillary crimes? Was it out to lunch? On vacation that day? Where is your "civic duty" when it comes to hearing the defense of Trump or the evidence against Biden? Out stuck in traffic?

It takes a lot more than wishful thinking and desires to impeach a president, and I hope the democrats try it without an iron clad steel case against Trump that he truly committed a high crime with intentional malice. You know, Trump's such an idiot, and so incompetent, he might have committed a crime like Hillary through total recklessness without even knowing better! That was enough to get her off about 15 felony charges that other people go to prison for.

Impeach Trump without all that and I'll be sitting laughing when it all comes back like a punch in the face next year when the voters reject the democrats for trying to overthrow a presidency on purely political grounds! :badgrin:
I am neither Republican or Democrat. Both parties are corrupt. Trump is the most corrupt (and stupid) of all.
/----/ Too bad Shytface can't prove anything. Maybe you should testify.
Too bad you can't see the extortion. Is it that dark up Trump's ass?

You might want to get into a legal dictionary and see what elements are required for extortion. They aren't present in the call.


Who cares about the call? The call is just a single piece of evidence. One in which the big dummy couldn't close the deal and still got caught.
He asked for NOTHING as the transcript proves....but low IQ liberals will follow lying talkingvpoints to their deaths!

He asked for a favor. As the transcript proves. You may want to try a different line of bullshit.
A favor...like this favor?
Was this not a USA Potus and Congress approved?

Yes, the Surrender Monkey was dragged into it by Biden...DONT BELIEVE ME CALL OBUMA!
Keep Deflecting, Prove some plausible real facts claimed here.
This was approved by all 3 branches of US Gobmint here then.
So we can see your WEAK Point as we know can't be truthful here to start.
You NOT UNDERSTAND this??? Just really stupid?

The President has been consulting with his national security leadership team to determine the best use of Ukraine security assistance funds to achieve US national security interests,” Office of Management and Budget staff wrote in an email to House Appropriations Committee staff aides. Agencies, OMB said, “must wait to obligate them until the policy review process is complete and the President had made a final determination.

I copied this down so when you ask again, I can mock you and post it...again!
So far it is just one massive hearsay slander while the people in question are kept tied and gagged in another room without so much as the chance to defend themselves much less air their side!
Wow, try reading the transcripts. These are people that were involved & know first hand about Trump's extortion demands.
Bullshit. Neither was there. All they had to offer was their opinions and feelings of what they claim others told them.

There is no hearsay evidence. This is not a criminal trial. It's an impeachment inquiry, and is absolutely allowed to be entered into the record.

Ambassador Sondland, who was on the phone call will be corroborating Ambassador Taylors Testimony next week.

Sondland donated $1 million to Trumps campaign, and for that reason was made an Ambassador.

With that information entered into the record, Ol' Gym Jordan is going to look really fucking stupid when he tries to paint Sondland as a never trumper huh?

And anyone that tries to imply he's a DNC witness will come off looking even more stupid than that huh?

See you at the next hearing.
Yes, it is hearsay. It doesn't matter what you call the proceedings, when you are giving your opinion and feelings about what others told you they heard it is the very definition of hearsay.

What part of the person who was on the call will be corroborating Taylors testimony next week didn't you get?

Your hearsay excuse will be blowing up in your face next week moron. Better start working on that next excuse.

There is only hearsay evidence.... The written transcript blows the lies being told out of the water.. You fucktards are going to be soooooooo upset when this circle jerk fails to get you off...:9:
Trump had a constitutional duty to ask Zelensky about Hunter Biden!

The United States signed an anti-corruption treaty with Ukraine in 1998, meaning Bill Clinton's signature is on it. Joe Biden voted for it. Let's remember that according to Article VI, Clause 2 "all treaties...which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land."

(Excerpt) Read more at onenewsnow.com ...
Trump controlled the US Justice Dept for three years and never gave a shit about Hunter Biden

All of a sudden he is spouting conspiracy theories

The previous government was untrustworthy obviously. Remember, Zelensky was just elected President. When did you want Trump to talk to him, before he was elected?
And where was your "civic duty" through all the myriad of Obama and Hillary crimes? Was it out to lunch? On vacation that day? Where is your "civic duty" when it comes to hearing the defense of Trump or the evidence against Biden? Out stuck in traffic?

It takes a lot more than wishful thinking and desires to impeach a president, and I hope the democrats try it without an iron clad steel case against Trump that he truly committed a high crime with intentional malice. You know, Trump's such an idiot, and so incompetent, he might have committed a crime like Hillary through total recklessness without even knowing better! That was enough to get her off about 15 felony charges that other people go to prison for.

Impeach Trump without all that and I'll be sitting laughing when it all comes back like a punch in the face next year when the voters reject the democrats for trying to overthrow a presidency on purely political grounds! :badgrin:
I am neither Republican or Democrat. Both parties are corrupt. Trump is the most corrupt (and stupid) of all.
/----/ Too bad Shytface can't prove anything. Maybe you should testify.
Too bad you can't see the extortion. Is it that dark up Trump's ass?

You might want to get into a legal dictionary and see what elements are required for extortion. They aren't present in the call.

False. The extortion was to obtain personal gain through the threat of witholding or diminishing security assistance. Plain as day.

Quote where in the call Trump said he was withholding anything. Your or anyone else assumptions don't count. Zelensky said it didn't happen.

Democrats have yet to prove intent. I ll wait patiently.

Trumps demands of Zelensky show intent
Link to his "demand".

Watch this dodge...............

Not only Trump, but the staff Trump told him to deal with

Read my Signature...
Are you really that stupid? Serious question.

"I would like you to do us a favor"

Is a DEMAND in your twisted, demented world?

Please............PLEASE tell us you aren't that stupid. Unless you come to your senses and admit that is in no way a "DEMAND' our only conclusion can be that you are a moron.

Your call...............

He's just a troll

hundreds of pages of testimony have been corroborated.

The Whistleblower Complaint Has Largely Been Corroborated. Here's How.

nice try though.

Can you quote a "high crime or misdemeanor" from those hundreds of pages? Or maybe a quid pro quo that was intended exclusively for the benefit of the president?

Withhold aid in exchange for an announcement of a Ukraine investigate into his political rival.

Is that what he did? Can you please show me exactly where he did that?

"The other thing, there's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that, so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me."
And where was your "civic duty" through all the myriad of Obama and Hillary crimes? Was it out to lunch? On vacation that day? Where is your "civic duty" when it comes to hearing the defense of Trump or the evidence against Biden? Out stuck in traffic?

It takes a lot more than wishful thinking and desires to impeach a president, and I hope the democrats try it without an iron clad steel case against Trump that he truly committed a high crime with intentional malice. You know, Trump's such an idiot, and so incompetent, he might have committed a crime like Hillary through total recklessness without even knowing better! That was enough to get her off about 15 felony charges that other people go to prison for.

Impeach Trump without all that and I'll be sitting laughing when it all comes back like a punch in the face next year when the voters reject the democrats for trying to overthrow a presidency on purely political grounds! :badgrin:
I am neither Republican or Democrat. Both parties are corrupt. Trump is the most corrupt (and stupid) of all.
/----/ Too bad Shytface can't prove anything. Maybe you should testify.
Too bad you can't see the extortion. Is it that dark up Trump's ass?

You might want to get into a legal dictionary and see what elements are required for extortion. They aren't present in the call.

False. The extortion was to obtain personal gain through the threat of witholding or diminishing security assistance. Plain as day.
No, it wasnt.asswipe, keep posting your bullshit and I'll simply post the correct response!...AGAIN...

The President has been consulting with his national security leadership team to determine the best use of Ukraine security assistance funds to achieve US national security interests,” Office of Management and Budget staff wrote in an email to House Appropriations Committee staff aides. Agencies, OMB said, “must wait to obligate them until the policy review process is complete and the President had made a final determination
This isn't a trial. Try to keep up.
So far it is just one massive hearsay slander while the people in question are kept tied and gagged in another room without so much as the chance to defend themselves much less air their side!
Wow, try reading the transcripts. These are people that were involved & know first hand about Trump's extortion demands.
Bullshit. Neither was there. All they had to offer was their opinions and feelings of what they claim others told them.

There is no hearsay evidence. This is not a criminal trial. It's an impeachment inquiry, and is absolutely allowed to be entered into the record.

Ambassador Sondland, who was on the phone call will be corroborating Ambassador Taylors Testimony next week.

Sondland donated $1 million to Trumps campaign, and for that reason was made an Ambassador.

With that information entered into the record, Ol' Gym Jordan is going to look really fucking stupid when he tries to paint Sondland as a never trumper huh?

And anyone that tries to imply he's a DNC witness will come off looking even more stupid than that huh?

See you at the next hearing.
What's he going to "corroborate?" We have the transcript of the phone call.

What's the guy who was actually on the call going to corroborate?

That's your question?:aug08_031:
And where was your "civic duty" through all the myriad of Obama and Hillary crimes? Was it out to lunch? On vacation that day? Where is your "civic duty" when it comes to hearing the defense of Trump or the evidence against Biden? Out stuck in traffic?

It takes a lot more than wishful thinking and desires to impeach a president, and I hope the democrats try it without an iron clad steel case against Trump that he truly committed a high crime with intentional malice. You know, Trump's such an idiot, and so incompetent, he might have committed a crime like Hillary through total recklessness without even knowing better! That was enough to get her off about 15 felony charges that other people go to prison for.

Impeach Trump without all that and I'll be sitting laughing when it all comes back like a punch in the face next year when the voters reject the democrats for trying to overthrow a presidency on purely political grounds! :badgrin:
I am neither Republican or Democrat. Both parties are corrupt. Trump is the most corrupt (and stupid) of all.
/----/ Too bad Shytface can't prove anything. Maybe you should testify.
Too bad you can't see the extortion. Is it that dark up Trump's ass?

You might want to get into a legal dictionary and see what elements are required for extortion. They aren't present in the call.


Who cares about the call? The call is just a single piece of evidence. One in which the big dummy couldn't close the deal and still got caught.
The call is the entire bases of the impeachment inquiry, dumbass. The opinions of ambassadors are evidence of nothing.
He asked for a favor. As the transcript proves. You may want to try a different line of bullshit.
A favor...like this favor?
Was this not a USA Potus and Congress approved?

Yes, the Surrender Monkey was dragged into it by Biden...DONT BELIEVE ME CALL OBUMA!
Keep Deflecting, Prove some plausible real facts claimed here.
This was approved by all 3 branches of US Gobmint here then.
So we can see your WEAK Point as we know can't be truthful here to start.
You NOT UNDERSTAND this??? Just really stupid?

The President has been consulting with his national security leadership team to determine the best use of Ukraine security assistance funds to achieve US national security interests,” Office of Management and Budget staff wrote in an email to House Appropriations Committee staff aides. Agencies, OMB said, “must wait to obligate them until the policy review process is complete and the President had made a final determination.

I copied this down so when you ask again, I can mock you and post it...again!
This hearing reminded me of an REO Speedwagon tune.

" Heard It From A Friend...Who heard It From A friend..Who Heard It From Another You Been Messing Around."
He asked for NOTHING as the transcript proves....but low IQ liberals will follow lying talkingvpoints to their deaths!

He asked for a favor. As the transcript proves. You may want to try a different line of bullshit.
A favor...like this favor?
Was this not a USA Potus and Congress approved?

Yes, the Surrender Monkey was dragged into it by Biden...DONT BELIEVE ME CALL OBUMA!
Keep Deflecting, Prove some plausible real facts claimed here?
This Biden guy spewing was approved by all 3 branches of US Gobmint folks here at the time, then.
So we can see your WEAK Point as we know you can't be truthful here to start.
Just as this post will not be approved by DOPer MOD views, will this thread be moved to the Badlands now?

So when did the US courts weigh in on Bidens extortion?

And where was your "civic duty" through all the myriad of Obama and Hillary crimes? Was it out to lunch? On vacation that day? Where is your "civic duty" when it comes to hearing the defense of Trump or the evidence against Biden? Out stuck in traffic?

It takes a lot more than wishful thinking and desires to impeach a president, and I hope the democrats try it without an iron clad steel case against Trump that he truly committed a high crime with intentional malice. You know, Trump's such an idiot, and so incompetent, he might have committed a crime like Hillary through total recklessness without even knowing better! That was enough to get her off about 15 felony charges that other people go to prison for.

Impeach Trump without all that and I'll be sitting laughing when it all comes back like a punch in the face next year when the voters reject the democrats for trying to overthrow a presidency on purely political grounds! :badgrin:
I am neither Republican or Democrat. Both parties are corrupt. Trump is the most corrupt (and stupid) of all.
/----/ Too bad Shytface can't prove anything. Maybe you should testify.
Too bad you can't see the extortion. Is it that dark up Trump's ass?

You might want to get into a legal dictionary and see what elements are required for extortion. They aren't present in the call.


Who cares about the call? The call is just a single piece of evidence. One in which the big dummy couldn't close the deal and still got caught.

Evidence, opinions aren't evidence. Differences over policy aren't evidence either.


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