Officer Who Pepper-Sprayed a Black Army Medic Is Fired

There was a short window of time when they could have slowed it all down and probably none of this shit would have happened.
They let that opportunity pass and look what happened.

Maybe it would have gone to shit anyway but if they had at least tried, they would be able to show they were being reasonable.

Instead, we get a shit show.
I know they don’t always need to have weapons drawn when they approach someone for a traffic violation.

They should have done that. There was no reason to approach him screaming with weapons drawn.

Sure there was. For one, he didn't stop until a mile after the police hit their lights. Two, he didn't have a license plate that they could see. They assumed that he could be up to no good and perhaps driving a stolen vehicle. So they drew their weapons in preparation to defend themselves if that was indeed the case.

If this joker got out of the car when asked, totally complied with all their demands, they would have had less of a reason to suspect this guy could be a problem. But he demonstrated he was a problem, and so of course they aggressed the situation.
I’m still not hearing a reason why this individual couldn’t have been told why there were guns in his face.

I mean, it could have easily deescalated the situation if the cop had calmly talked to him about what was happening. Why wouldn’t he take the opportunity to do that?

Give me one reason.

One more time: Because that's not police procedure! Police do things one way, the way they were trained at the academy and departmental policy.

The police tell you how they are going to handle the situation, not you telling them.
I know they don’t always need to have weapons drawn when they approach someone for a traffic violation.

They should have done that. There was no reason to approach him screaming with weapons drawn.

Sure there was. For one, he didn't stop until a mile after the police hit their lights. Two, he didn't have a license plate that they could see. They assumed that he could be up to no good and perhaps driving a stolen vehicle. So they drew their weapons in preparation to defend themselves if that was indeed the case.

If this joker got out of the car when asked, totally complied with all their demands, they would have had less of a reason to suspect this guy could be a problem. But he demonstrated he was a problem, and so of course they aggressed the situation.
He had a camera on him and he didn't want to move away from it's view.
He also had a pistol by his leg, very near where the seat belt release was and he sure as hell didn't want to put his hands anywhere near that.

His actions were understandable, he just wasn't dealing with understanding people right then.
Not to mention the fact that they supposedly pulled him over because he was missing a plate ...except it was a new car and the dealer plate was in the back window.

I guess the cop never saw a new car before...

I guess you didn't watch the video. If you had, you would see the glass on the back of the truck was heavily tinted, and the cops can't see that at night.
He seemed confused about why he was being stopped and afraid of how aggressive these officers were being.
So confused that he thought if he resisted arrest the cops would give up and go away?

this black guy acts like he’s never been out of the ghetto before

He was repeatedly requesting why he was being accosted

The cops had him under control, his hands were in sight, and he was polite and non-aggressive.

This calls for pepper spray
The Army LT was trying to deescalate...the thug cop was escalating the situation.
Biden should fire the Army medic not the police officer who was just doing his job

****Joe Gutierrez, who is accused of using excessive force during a traffic stop in Windsor, Va., has been dismissed, the town said.*****

He must be one of those white hispanics that the lib news media accuses of hating black people
Gutierrez has no business working in law enforcement. He thinks that badge is a license to be a violent asshole as we have witnessed.
He had a camera on him and he didn't want to move away from it's view.
He also had a pistol by his leg, very near where the seat belt release was and he sure as hell didn't want to put his hands anywhere near that.

His actions were understandable, he just wasn't dealing with understanding people right then.

Then he should have alerted the officers of the situation. Then they would have told him how to proceed. But instead, he told the officer he's not getting out of his vehicle period.

I don't know what the laws are in that state, but in ours, if I'm armed, it's the first thing that has to come out of my mouth when addressed by a police officer. I have the duty to inform an officer I am armed before I say anything else.
The Army LT was trying to deescalate...the thug cop was escalating the situation.

For one, it's not his position to de-escalate anything. Two, you don't de-escalate by refusing to obey police commands. That's escalating the situation, not de-escalating it.
Biden should fire the Army medic not the police officer who was just doing his job

****Joe Gutierrez, who is accused of using excessive force during a traffic stop in Windsor, Va., has been dismissed, the town said.*****

He must be one of those white hispanics that the lib news media accuses of hating black people
I heard him say that he intentionally drove to a well lighted area which is why he didn't stop immediately and that he was afraid to exit the vehicle.
One more time: Because that's not police procedure! Police do things one way, the way they were trained at the academy and departmental policy.
How do you know it’s not “police procedure”?

Oh right, because you watched a lot of Cops.

Prove it. Show me the policy you’re referring to.
Sure there was. For one, he didn't stop until a mile after the police hit their lights. Two, he didn't have a license plate that they could see. They assumed that he could be up to no good and perhaps driving a stolen vehicle. So they drew their weapons in preparation to defend themselves if that was indeed the case.

That’s stupid. All of that could have been cleared up by simply TALKING to him.

Once he was stopped and had his hands out the window, he clearly wasn’t a threat. The police officers could have tried to DE-ESCALATE the situation by lowering their weapons and simply explaining to him why he was pulled over. Give him a ticket and done.

Those police officers acted terribly and their own police department agrees with me. That’s why that idiot is out of a job now.
That’s stupid. All of that could have been cleared up by simply TALKING to him.

Once he was stopped and had his hands out the window, he clearly wasn’t a threat. The police officers could have tried to DE-ESCALATE the situation by lowering their weapons and simply explaining to him why he was pulled over. Give him a ticket and done.

Those police officers acted terribly and their own police department agrees with me. That’s why that idiot is out of a job now.

What do you mean he clearly wasn't a threat? If he had a gun right next to him, it only takes one second for him to grab it and kill one of the police officers. So there was a possibility he was indeed a threat. Now had he followed police orders and got out of his vehicle, then he would have been much less of a threat. Do you now understand why cops follow the same procedure every time they are confronted with such a situation? It's why they are trained this way.
How do you know it’s not “police procedure”?

Oh right, because you watched a lot of Cops.

Prove it. Show me the policy you’re referring to.

Dig up some videos and watch it yourself. All cops do things the same way all over the country. I've been an avid fans of the show COPS, I've seen our own city police do the exact same thing, and I know police officers. If all cops do things the same way, then yes, it is police procedure.
What do you mean he clearly wasn't a threat? If he had a gun right next to him, it only takes one second for him to grab it and kill one of the police officers.

What I mean is that his hands were up and he was speaking calmly. He clearly wasn’t a threat.

Officers go through tons of routine traffic violations without drawing their weapons. This should have been a routine traffic stop.

Calmly explain why he was pulled over. Write him a ticket. Wish him well. It’s that simple.

The police officer screwed it up and now he’s out of a job. Maybe he should have tried DE-ESCALATING this situation.
How do you know it’s not “police procedure”?

Oh right, because you watched a lot of Cops.

Prove it. Show me the policy you’re referring to.

Dig up some videos and watch it yourself. All cops do things the same way all over the country. I've been an avid fans of the show COPS, I've seen our own city police do the exact same thing, and I know police officers. If all cops do things the same way, then yes, it is police procedure.
So you are just assuming that based on your experience with television?

I call bullshit. Don’t pretend to know stuff you don’t know.

There’s not a damn reason he couldn’t act like a civilized human being and just talk to him because he was too busy trying to enforce his authority like a thug (my opinion).
So you are just assuming that based on your experience with television?

I call bullshit. Don’t pretend to know stuff you don’t know.

There’s not a damn reason he couldn’t act like a civilized human being and just talk to him because he was too busy trying to enforce his authority like a thug (my opinion).

That's what it is, your opinion. If I'm making an assumption "just" based on television (forgetting my personal experiences) then what are you basing your assumptions on? Do you think police create protocol based on each stop they make? They have no standard procedure and make procedure up at will?

There is a damn reason the officer responded the way he did.

1. The vehicle didn't stop for a mile after the officer turned on his warning lights.
2. The driver refused to exit his vehicle when commanded.
3. There was no visible license plate while trying to stop him.
4. The driver refused to get to the ground when commanded.

Don't pretend to know stuff you don't know.
Biden should fire the Army medic not the police officer who was just doing his job

****Joe Gutierrez, who is accused of using excessive force during a traffic stop in Windsor, Va., has been dismissed, the town said.*****

He must be one of those white hispanics that the lib news media accuses of hating black people

How do you people get he was a medic? He was a 2nd LT.

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