Officer Who Pepper-Sprayed a Black Army Medic Is Fired

That is why they said they stopped him
In their report, they said they noticed the TEMP plate when they walked up to the car.
End of their reason to stop

That is why they refused to tell the driver why he was stopped. They were fishing for something else to charge him with

They didn't need anything else to charge him with. What if this guy carjacked somebody who had a temporary tag on their vehicle?
That is why they said they stopped him
In their report, they said they noticed the TEMP plate when they walked up to the car.
End of their reason to stop

That is why they refused to tell the driver why he was stopped. They were fishing for something else to charge him with

They didn't need anything else to charge him with. What if this guy carjacked somebody who had a temporary tag on their vehicle?

They quickly realized there was one person in the car
Proper procedure would be to call in the plate and see if it is stollen before you go in like a couple of goons
What was the “end”?
Did you watch till they released the guy with no charges?

Yes I watched it. I also watched the officer ask the driver which route he wanted to go. The driver chose to not press the issue to avoid being charged and the military finding out about it. It was entirely his choice.
They quickly realized there was one person in the car
Proper procedure would be to call in the plate and see if it is stollen before you go in like a couple of goons

Yes, and that's what they likely would have done if this lowlife had a proper upbringing to respect and comply with authority. But obviously he wasn't raised that well.

But when you start giving the cops a hard time, they have every reason to believe you are up to no good.
They could have calmly explained why he was stopped, hand him a ticket, and then leave.

No they couldn't because they didn't even know WTF they were dealing with. That's why police explain everything that's going on after the subject is secured.

Right. Because police pull their weapons out on every single traffic violation.

They usually don’t and there was no reason to here. Just calmly tell him what he did wrong, write him a ticket, and leave. Like most other traffic violations. Simple.
Oh god. So many things. Good question.

He could have deescalated. He could have told him for the reason of the traffic stop. He could have told them why they had their weapons out.

None of this needed to happen.

That's not police procedure. Police procedure is that if you have a potentially dangerous subject, the first thing you do is secure the suspect. You get him out of the room or car, you frisk him for weapons, you place handcuffs on him or her, and then explain what's going on. Not once in my life out of the thousand or so episodes I've watched on the show COPS have police around the country do it any other way.

It's the idiot driver that could have de-escalated the situation by simply following the orders of the police officer. But for the life of me, anytime a situation like this comes up on USMB, you people always side with the troublemaker. Why is that?
Your opinion of police procedure comes from watching a thousand episode of Cops?

There was zero reason he couldn’t have simply told him what was going on given that he presented precisely zero threat.
They quickly realized there was one person in the car
Proper procedure would be to call in the plate and see if it is stollen before you go in like a couple of goons

Yes, and that's what they likely would have done if this lowlife had a proper upbringing to respect and comply with authority. But obviously he wasn't raised that well.

But when you start giving the cops a hard time, they have every reason to believe you are up to no good.
He is an officer in the US Army serving his country

Only a lowlife would pepper spray him over a Temp License Plate
They usually don’t and there was no reason to here. Just calmly tell him what he did wrong, write him a ticket, and leave. Like most other traffic violations. Simple.

I think he was pissed off that the guy didn’t pull over fast enough to suit him and then got pissed that he was standing up for his rights
Biden should fire the Army medic not the police officer who was just doing his job

****Joe Gutierrez, who is accused of using excessive force during a traffic stop in Windsor, Va., has been dismissed, the town said.*****

He must be one of those white hispanics that the lib news media accuses of hating black people
The pig deserved what he gotz.
Biden should fire the Army medic not the police officer who was just doing his job

****Joe Gutierrez, who is accused of using excessive force during a traffic stop in Windsor, Va., has been dismissed, the town said.*****

He must be one of those white hispanics that the lib news media accuses of hating black people

.....and you have the nerve to question why folks call you a racist.
Your opinion of police procedure comes from watching a thousand episode of Cops?

There was zero reason he couldn’t have simply told him what was going on given that he presented precisely zero threat.

No, I know police officers. On my last job, a coworker was a retired Cleveland police officer. They didn't know if the guy was a threat because he didn't cooperate, so they didn't know who he was, what he was doing, and why he was refusing their commands.

Again, it's so simple for us on the right, and something so difficult for the left. Obey all police commands, and you'll save yourself a lot of grief. Then again, Democrats give us nothing but grief in this country which is why we need to divide it and have two countries instead.
He is an officer in the US Army serving his country

Only a lowlife would pepper spray him over a Temp License Plate

To me, anybody that doesn't listen to authority and causes trouble is a lowlife. To the left, they are heroes.

Tell me Ray how do you get out of the car when you are being told to keep your hands out the car where they can see them and you are sitting in a car with a seat belt on. Explain how you do that, genius.

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