Officer Who Pepper-Sprayed a Black Army Medic Is Fired

I'm not done watching the whole 30 min video, but I am struck by how ironic it is that cops will do all sorts of crazy shit in the name of officer safety, but they see any attempt at citizen safety to be unreasonable and illegitimate.
The guy was scared and had some good reasons to be, IMO, going off the way the senior cop was behaving. They should have slowed down a bit and deescalated it...... if he tries to passively/aggressively drag it out, they can ramp back up if need be.
Don’t forget. It’s the media’s fault that Nazario was afraid of the cops who were immediately pointing guns at him for no reason.
It probably is.
It's probably also why the cops were so overly concerned about a guy in camo in a truck, as well.

Shit-stirrers are the source of a lot of conflict.
No he wasnt

He was indeed told to put his hands out the window. Almost immediately after the cops start shouting at him.

Yes, once

i saw that on the video you provided

leave it to someone with the black brain disease to only obey one command but none of the others

I counted 8 times. Cmon man, you’re better than this. Be real.

Hard to keep your hands out the window and get out of a car.
Biden should fire the Army medic not the police officer who was just doing his job

****Joe Gutierrez, who is accused of using excessive force during a traffic stop in Windsor, Va., has been dismissed, the town said.*****

He must be one of those white hispanics that the lib news media accuses of hating black people
You are in full support of that cop's behavior, eh?

If Nazario would have complied, none of this would have happened.
I am not excusing his probable violations at all, what I am pointing out is the lack of visible danger from him, he was never aggressive, never made verbal threats and stayed in the seat of his vehicle.

What I disliked were the over the top verbal aggression from the police DEMANDING with guns drawn from the start without a shred of provocation from the driver, who stayed in the car sticking his EMPTY hands out the window.

They spray in his face while he never showed a danger behavior pattern to the police at all, his hands were still empty, he was still BELTED in the seat......., I would be scared when the police screaming at you with guns in their hands while I stay in the seat with empty hands and not be threatening

The police ESCALATED the situation, a very unprofessional behavior, what they were doing is STUPID!

That is WHY he got fired.

Go watch the video.

I watched the video and certain parts repeatedly when lies were told about what happened. The suspect refused to get out of the car. What were cops supposed to do? They pepper sprayed him so the officer could open the car from the inside to force him out.

Just because a suspect isn't aggressive doesn't mean he won't or can't get aggressive very quickly. When you have no idea who or what you're dealing with, you take no chances.

Police are taught in a traffic stop like this, you do X, then Y, then Z. You don't allow a suspect to tell you that you're going to do Z, then X, then Y, or they are not doing X, just Y and Z. As a huge fan of the former TV series COPS, I've seen police do exactly what this officer did on many episodes of the show.

The officer offered him a break, and in return, he ran to some ambulance chaser who is suing the city, and that's the only reason he was fired. It's hard to fire a guy when he performed his duty as trained by the police academy and departmental procedure.
Biden should fire the Army medic not the police officer who was just doing his job

****Joe Gutierrez, who is accused of using excessive force during a traffic stop in Windsor, Va., has been dismissed, the town said.*****

He must be one of those white hispanics that the lib news media accuses of hating black people
Yeah, I don't think the cop did anything wrong, perhaps with the exception of his mouthing off to the idiot in the car.
Nonsense. As usual.
Not really. Cops could have easily deescalated the situation.

Give me one good reason why the cops couldn’t even tell him why they had pulled him over as they were pointing guns in his face.
Biden should fire the Army medic not the police officer who was just doing his job

****Joe Gutierrez, who is accused of using excessive force during a traffic stop in Windsor, Va., has been dismissed, the town said.*****

He must be one of those white hispanics that the lib news media accuses of hating black people
Seems harsh, but then I was not there. It seemed to me, that banter between persons in uniform would have been more appropriate. The Peace Officer could have simply pointed to his fasces of power (the badge he took care to shine before going on shift), and simply proclaimed that he is the superior officer on this issue and insists on compliance.
I hate to say this but i think the soldier brought this on himself. He took too long to stop for them...what was it? a mile and a half. THEN he would not obey when they told him to get out of the car. I've lost my respect for cops but i don't have a problem determining who the culprit is.
He wa s looking for a well lit area, after watching so much police brutality over the last few years. Looks like he was spot on. Is he charged with resisting? With fleeing? No? Okay, you can stop making stuff up now.
It's probably also why the cops were so overly concerned about a guy in camo in a truck, as well
Nah, it's because he is black. It's okay. You can say it. I know it burns.
I have beaten the living fuck out of several black guys, and it was never because they were black, it was because they were assholes.

You default assumption that every case of shitty behavior is based in racism is why shit never gets fixed, so thanks for nothing fuckface.
It's probably also why the cops were so overly concerned about a guy in camo in a truck, as well
Nah, it's because he is black. It's okay. You can say it. I know it burns.
I have beaten the living fuck out of several black guys, and it was never because they were black, it was because they were assholes.

You default assumption that every case of shitty behavior is based in racism is why shit never gets fixed, so thanks for nothing fuckface.
And your hilarious lies and dancing and prancing and hissy fits at every mention of racism is why we remain one of the most racist countries on earth.

Yes, police are terrified of black people. It's not a guess.

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