Officer Who Pepper-Sprayed a Black Army Medic Is Fired

Why not? The cops had guns pointed at his head, anyone would be rationally concerned for their safety.

There is no rational here. Obviously he's a leftist, because he took the hard way out by refusing to comply. And as a leftist, opted to start trouble. And as a leftist, had zero common sense.
Gotta watch the full video. The “deal” he’s cutting him is at about 25 minutes.

He's not cutting him anything. He's giving the moron a choice on what he wants to do. The officer said repeatedly if he wants to get charged, he'll do it. But he talked to his supervisor and they said it's the officers option whether to pursue it or not.

That's a far cry than what you and Wrongwinger were claiming, which is they threatened his military career and told him to keep his mouth shut.

You are ignoring the part where he specifically states that they’ll only charge him if he exerts his right to formally protest the actions of the officers.

And they clearly state that it will be difficult for Nazario’s career should they press charges.
Why not? The cops had guns pointed at his head, anyone would be rationally concerned for their safety.

There is no rational here. Obviously he's a leftist, because he took the hard way out by refusing to comply. And as a leftist, opted to start trouble. And as a leftist, had zero common sense.

When he expressed his concerns for his own safety, the officer indicated he was right to be concerned.

It’s absolutely idiotic to say that no one has any need to fear police, as if you want us to believe every single cop is an angel.
You are ignoring the part where he specifically states that they’ll only charge him if he exerts his right to formally protest the actions of the officers.

And they clearly state that it will be difficult for Nazario’s career should they press charges.

Wait a minute, when did the officer say they will charge him if he pursues action? Again, using your video, give me an exact timestamp.

My Lord you leftists pile one lie on top of the other. The officer said if the military gets involved, it will be bad on everybody so he's willing not to charge him. There was no ultimatum. He left that decision totally to the idiot driver.
When he expressed his concerns for his own safety, the officer indicated he was right to be concerned.

It’s absolutely idiotic to say that no one has any need to fear police, as if you want us to believe every single cop is an angel.

Okay, so he expressed his concerns about his safety. So what were the cops supposed to do, say "Okay, well if you're scared, we'll just leave you alone!"
20 minutes? You poor thing. You asked for a very specific time stamp that I had to fish out of a 30 minute video.

And you never gave me one either. You said "around" the 25 minute mark. Okay, I watched from 24 to 27. Not once did I hear the cop tell him to keep quiet about the incident. Not once did he threaten to make it hard on his military career, and he explained that he too was in the service and knew how complicated that would be for him and his department.
You are ignoring the part where he specifically states that they’ll only charge him if he exerts his right to formally protest the actions of the officers.

And they clearly state that it will be difficult for Nazario’s career should they press charges.

Wait a minute, when did the officer say they will charge him if he pursues action? Again, using your video, give me an exact timestamp.

My Lord you leftists pile one lie on top of the other. The officer said if the military gets involved, it will be bad on everybody so he's willing not to charge him. There was no ultimatum. He left that decision totally to the idiot driver.

Multiple times in the little speech he gave. He said Nazario could just “chill, let this go” then they wouldn’t file charges. He says that specifically at 27:05.
20 minutes? You poor thing. You asked for a very specific time stamp that I had to fish out of a 30 minute video.

And you never gave me one either. You said "around" the 25 minute mark. Okay, I watched from 24 to 27. Not once did I hear the cop tell him to keep quiet about the incident. Not once did he threaten to make it hard on his military career, and he explained that he too was in the service and knew how complicated that would be for him and his department.
If that’s the conclusion that you came to, you can’t see the facts he’s laying out.

He threatened to file charges unless he “lets it go”. He said is plain as day.
I hate to say this but i think the soldier brought this on himself. He took too long to stop for them...what was it? a mile and a half. THEN he would not obey when they told him to get out of the car. I've lost my respect for cops but i don't have a problem determining who the culprit is.
One woould thnk that an Officer in the US Army would be able to follow directions.
And he shouldn't have been. Maybe he or his union will be suing the city pretty soon. He followed all police procedures.
Is it legal for a cop to go into a car to search for a gun without a warrant or permission?
A Cop can order the occupants to exit the vehicle and inspect them for weapons. Two guys wearing camo in a vehicle without a rear license plate is grounds for extreme caution these days especially in the tidewater of Va. The Officers should have been commended for their restraint in handling the situation.
A Cop can order the occupants to exit the vehicle and inspect them for weapons. Two guys wearing camo in a vehicle without a rear license plate is grounds for extreme caution these days especially in the tidewater of Va. The Officers should have been commended for their restraint in handling the situation.
The weapon wasn’t on the military officer, it was in the car. The car didn’t have a license plate as it was in transit. They saw the tag on the back window where it was required to be displayed.

The officers were behaving irrationally. It makes no sense to pull weapons and start screaming at Nazario without telling him anything about what was going on.

No one should be okay with law enforcement behaving this way.
Biden should fire the Army medic not the police officer who was just doing his job

****Joe Gutierrez, who is accused of using excessive force during a traffic stop in Windsor, Va., has been dismissed, the town said.*****

He must be one of those white hispanics that the lib news media accuses of hating black people

He was fired before we ever heard about the story.
Biden should fire the Army medic not the police officer who was just doing his job

****Joe Gutierrez, who is accused of using excessive force during a traffic stop in Windsor, Va., has been dismissed, the town said.*****

He must be one of those white hispanics that the lib news media accuses of hating black people
There are legit cases of police abuse out there to protest over, like this one for instance, although it's hard to say if there is any racial angle to this.

Does anyone else wonder why BLM doesn't protest more cases like this, and less of the bullshit ones like rapists with knives getting shot?
At what point could the Police have de-escalated the situation?

When the car they were pursuing pulled into a well lit gas station?
When they pulled behind the SUV and saw a temporary tag?
When instead of being full of a bunch of young thugs, it was a US Army Officer?
When the driver was answering politely and nonconfrontationally?

At what point do you declare a routine traffic stop?

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