Officer Who Pepper-Sprayed a Black Army Medic Is Fired

Later in the tape, the officers say they will let Nazario go if he remained quiet about the incident, but that he would face additional charges if he complained. Nazario was later released at the scene and not charged.

Is that so? What time stamp did the officer say that? I watched my video and the video in your post and never heard the officer say that.
Rightwinger made it up
I provided my source
wow---you seem to be coming off as the bad ass internet person...i think we are all afraid(LOL),
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Searches require probable cause of a crime.

They had none.

You had a driver that didn't immediately pull over for a police car.
You had a person who refused police orders by not getting out of the vehicle.
You had a person that refused to get on the ground when commanded.
You had a person that refused to put his hands behind his back.

And there is no probable cause he might be up to something?
Later in the tape, the officers say they will let Nazario go if he remained quiet about the incident, but that he would face additional charges if he complained. Nazario was later released at the scene and not charged.

Is that so? What time stamp did the officer say that? I watched my video and the video in your post and never heard the officer say that.
Rightwinger made it up
I provided my source
reliable, un-edited...not your splice and dice from cbs, or msm, or cnn---they do not provide news, just opinions, which are biased
So you have all the video from the confrontation?
The guy was fucking fired. The FULL tape was presented against him

The driver acted appropriately and faced not even a traffic ticket.

The officer acted inappropriately and was dismissed

Wait a minute, if the cop said that, why IN YOUR SOURCE didn't they show it. It was cutoff the exact same time my Youtube post was cut.

I'll tell you what I did see, and that is the officer call dispatch to say they had one in custody. So how did they let him off the hook when that is on video and police department audio recorder?
Searches require probable cause of a crime.

They had none.

You had a driver that didn't immediately pull over for a police car.
You had a person who refused police orders by not getting out of the vehicle.
You had a person that refused to get on the ground when commanded.
You had a person that refused to put his hands behind his back.

And there is no probable cause he might be up to something?
It’s a false description of what happened. It was a man who acknowledged the flashing lights by slowing down and pulling into a well lit area.

Then it was the actions of someone who was blindsided by the excessively aggressive and contradictory commands of the police who were threatening his health and safety.

Then it was the actions of someone who had been blinded, in pain, being manhandled by screaming cops for no reason.

Probable cause can’t be predicated on police acting like belligerents because someone had the audacity to ask why he had guns pointing at him.
and endangered the public....oj didnt

How is someone slowly proceeding to a safe place to pull over endangering the public?

Police escalation of a minor traffic stop endangered the public
Apparently they were

No they were not. They had their guns drawn because of a suspicious vehicle. They had a non-complaint driver. So what rights did they violate and how was his safety threatened?
I said his safety was jeopardized

Having two guns drawn on you and being pepper sprayed for a minor traffic incident jeopardizes your safety
I provided my source for the statement in post #150
You obviously don’t have tape beyond the driver being cuffed

That's the source I went to and they had the same exact video I posted. So what timestamp did the officer tell him to keep quiet about the event?
I said his safety was jeopardized

Having two guns drawn on you and being pepper sprayed for a minor traffic incident jeopardizes your safety

No it doesn't because police are allowed to use their firearms for self-defense, especially with a suspicious vehicle and a non-compliant suspect. There was no threat to his safety. He was pepper sprayed because he refused their order to exit his vehicle.
Better start thinking of your excuses now when it turns out to be the truth.
you havent produced any evidence by now

the black guys bearded lawyer made claims cannot be proven

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