Officer Who Pepper-Sprayed a Black Army Medic Is Fired

And of course he was charged with resisting arrest, correct?

the police are in full retreat across America

police chiefs appointed by liberal democrats know they will be fired if they dont maintain a low profile
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One of the two was fired

Guess which one?

And he shouldn't have been. Maybe he or his union will be suing the city pretty soon. He followed all police procedures.

He escalated a non violent situation into a violent one
At no point was the driver aggressive, only requesting his rights
You have right to do as the officers demand------he ignored the cops while stopped and you pretend that this jackass wouldn't have done the same thing while driving.

If that is true....why were no resisting a lawful demand charges filed?
Why was the cop fired?
Why did everyone apologize like crazy?
Let's see.
The stop occurred 12/5/20. Video released yesterday. The Lieutenant has a lawsuit pending.
The Lieutenant set up this lawsuit perfectly!!

The cops tried to cover up their actions at the scene.
They offered to drop everything if he would just let it go

He was hoping the cops would step all over themselves and they did in true Barney Fife fashion. Jackpot!
And of course he was charged with resisting arrest, correct?

the police are in full retreat a ross America

police chiefs appointed by liberal democrats know they will be fired if they dont maintain a low profile

This cop wasn’t in full retreat when he acted like a thug for no reason. It was only after the fact that the cop realized he was in deep shit over his irrational behavior. That’s why the cop threatened Nazario unless he kept his mouth shut.

This is exactly what we’ve been talking about, policing is out of control if you think it is okay for them to treat people like this.
He seemed confused about why he was being stopped and afraid of how aggressive these officers were being.
So confused that he thought if he resisted arrest the cops would give up and go away?

this black guy acts like he’s never been out of the ghetto before

The police department agrees with me.

"Officials said an internal investigation had determined that Mr. Gutierrez’s actions were not consistent with the department’s policies."

Those officers needed to de-escalate that situation.
He was repeatedly requesting why he was being accosted
Suspects are not allowed to set the parameters of a police investigation

if the black guy had stopped running his mouth and cooperated he would have found out what the problem was

Suspects are allowed to protect their safety and their rights.
Later in the tape, the officers say they will let Nazario go if he remained quiet about the incident, but that he would face additional charges if he complained. Nazario was later released at the scene and not charged.

Is that so? What time stamp did the officer say that? I watched my video and the video in your post and never heard the officer say that.
are allowed to protect their safety and their rights.
The black guy was doing a piss poor job of protecting his safety

as for his rights intelligent people let their lawyer handle that
Later in the tape, the officers say they will let Nazario go if he remained quiet about the incident, but that he would face additional charges if he complained. Nazario was later released at the scene and not charged.

Is that so? What time stamp did the officer say that? I watched my video and the video in your post and never heard the officer say that.
Rightwinger made it up
Later in the tape, the officers say they will let Nazario go if he remained quiet about the incident, but that he would face additional charges if he complained. Nazario was later released at the scene and not charged.

Is that so? What time stamp did the officer say that? I watched my video and the video in your post and never heard the officer say that.

So you have all the video from the confrontation?
The guy was fucking fired. The FULL tape was presented against him

The driver acted appropriately and faced not even a traffic ticket.

The officer acted inappropriately and was dismissed

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