Officer Who Pepper-Sprayed a Black Army Medic Is Fired

Oh god. So many things. Good question.

He could have deescalated. He could have told him for the reason of the traffic stop. He could have told them why they had their weapons out.

None of this needed to happen.

That's not police procedure. Police procedure is that if you have a potentially dangerous subject, the first thing you do is secure the suspect. You get him out of the room or car, you frisk him for weapons, you place handcuffs on him or her, and then explain what's going on. Not once in my life out of the thousand or so episodes I've watched on the show COPS have police around the country do it any other way.

It's the idiot driver that could have de-escalated the situation by simply following the orders of the police officer. But for the life of me, anytime a situation like this comes up on USMB, you people always side with the troublemaker. Why is that?
It's probably also why the cops were so overly concerned about a guy in camo in a truck, as well
Nah, it's because he is black. It's okay. You can say it. I know it burns.
I have beaten the living fuck out of several black guys, and it was never because they were black, it was because they were assholes.

You default assumption that every case of shitty behavior is based in racism is why shit never gets fixed, so thanks for nothing fuckface.
And your hilarious lies and dancing and prancing and hissy fits at every mention of racism is why we remain one of the most racist countries on earth.

Yes, police are terrified of black people. It's not a guess.
We're not one of the most racist countries on earth, we're not even close, actually.

You need to get out more.
If obeying the police is optional for obstinate black guys like this Army medic then we might as well give libs what they want and close the doors entirely

What we really need is to divide the country into two countries instead. They can run their country their way, and we could run our country our way.
The officer offered him a break, and in return, he ran to some ambulance chaser who is suing the city, and that's the only reason he was fired.

The officer panicked right after the incident when he realized he overstepped his bounds. That is why he threatened the officers career if he didn’t drop the whole thing
They admitted they did see the tag when they drove up

If they had any questions about the car or driver, they could have asked instead of coming out with guns drawn

They didn't see the plate until they walked up to the back of the vehicle. They probably would have called it in right there to find out it was legit if this asshole didn't give them such a hard time after he was stopped.
If obeying the police is optional for obstinate black guys like this Army medic then we might as well give libs what they want and close the doors entirely

What we really need is to divide the country into two countries instead. They can run their country their way, and we could run our country our way.

You can have Cleveland
We will take the good parts
The officer panicked right after the incident when he realized he overstepped his bounds. That is why he threatened the officers career if he didn’t drop the whole thing

But he never did that. What did I tell you about using lies to try and win a debate? Why is it you liberals never learn anything?
They admitted they did see the tag when they drove up

If they had any questions about the car or driver, they could have asked instead of coming out with guns drawn

They didn't see the plate until they walked up to the back of the vehicle. They probably would have called it in right there to find out it was legit if this asshole didn't give them such a hard time after he was stopped.

Before they even accosted the driver, they knew their reason for a stop was bogus.
That is why they wouldn’t tell him why he was stopped or what it was about
The officer panicked right after the incident when he realized he overstepped his bounds. That is why he threatened the officers career if he didn’t drop the whole thing

But he never did that. What did I tell you about using lies to try and win a debate? Why is it you liberals never learn anything?

It’s in the record
Stop ignoring information you don’t like
You can have Cleveland
We will take the good parts

Nope. We divide the country with equal square miles north to south. You get the west side by the Mexican border you love so much and we'll take the east side. All you leftists move to the west side to your country and conservatives move to the east in our country. Then we build a huge Trump wall so you can't get into our country, and everybody (at least those of us on the right) will be happy.
Before they even accosted the driver, they knew their reason for a stop was bogus.
That is why they wouldn’t tell him why he was stopped or what it was about

They stopped him because he had no visible plate. If you think he did, then go to the video and read what that temp tag said.
It’s in the record
Stop ignoring information you don’t like

It's not on anything. We've seen the video from beginning to end. The officer even called his supervisor to ask him what they should do, and the supervisor told the officer it was his call.
What was the “end”?
Did you watch till they released the guy with no charges?
If that’s the conclusion that you came to, you can’t see the facts he’s laying out.

He threatened to file charges unless he “lets it go”. He said is plain as day.

Liar. He gave the guy a break as a fellow serviceman, and look at the thanks he got for it. How could he keep something quiet when the rookie officer called in a suspect in custody, and the other officer had a discussion with his supervisor on further action?
Before they even accosted the driver, they knew their reason for a stop was bogus.
That is why they wouldn’t tell him why he was stopped or what it was about

They stopped him because he had no visible plate. If you think he did, then go to the video and read what that temp tag said.

That is why they said they stopped him
In their report, they said they noticed the TEMP plate when they walked up to the car.
End of their reason to stop

That is why they refused to tell the driver why he was stopped. They were fishing for something else to charge him with

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