Officer Who Pepper-Sprayed a Black Army Medic Is Fired

So you are telling me it is routine for them to jump out of their car with guns drawn and start screaming and yelling. How many times has this happened to you?

No it is not routine, and this was not a routine stop. No, because I never drove around in a vehicle with no license plate. No, because when the cops turn their warning lights on, I immediately stop. So no, the police never drew their gun on me before.
They were not his superior officers and he should have been treated with more respect.

When it comes to law, the police are our superiors.
That attitude is what is at the heart of so much of the current social unrest we're seeing, and it's very wrong Ray.

I used to think that too until I found out how woefully misinformed some officers can be about the laws they're tasked with upholding as well as other "legal" and constitutional topics. A particular set of circumstances forced me to begin studying our legal system in order to find a solution to a problem no one seemed willing or able to address.

It is working the way it was designed to, it needs to be reformed.
So you are telling me it is routine for them to jump out of their car with guns drawn and start screaming and yelling. How many times has this happened to you?

No it is not routine, and this was not a routine stop. No, because I never drove around in a vehicle with no license plate. No, because when the cops turn their warning lights on, I immediately stop. So no, the police never drew their gun on me before.

He wasn't driving with no license plate either. You're a white man so of course you have no problem being pulled over on a dark road, it's different for black folks to bad you can't understand that.
That attitude is what is at the heart of so much of the current social unrest we're seeing, and it's very wrong Ray.

I used to think that too until I found out how woefully misinformed some officers can be about the laws they're tasked with upholding as well as other "legal" and constitutional topics. A particular set of circumstances forced me to begin studying our legal system in order to find a solution to a problem no one seemed willing or able to address.

As I wrote earlier, one time I did have a problem with two officers. Yes sir, no sir, and when I got home, I filed a complaint against them. That's how you handle the situation. And trust me, I'm a big guy. I'm 6'3", I weighed 240 lbs at the time, I was muscles all over, and a black belt in karate. It took everything to stop me from getting out of my cab and beating the hell out of both these little loud mouth twerps at once which I knew I could do without trying. My training was superior to theirs. But where would that have gotten me?

I would have been arrested. My employer would likely have fired me. I would be spending time in jail and have to make restitution to the injuries I inflicted on the officers. I would have a police record. Anytime I got stopped in the future, the officers would be advised of my last conviction and treat me much differently than they treat me today. It just wasn't worth it.

I don't know what happened to those two clowns, but when I went to that weigh station again 3 weeks later, neither of them were there. I got a reply from both the Governors office and my state rep, but my state rep only told me he will make sure that never happens to me ever again.

So I'm the last one laughing.
That attitude is what is at the heart of so much of the current social unrest we're seeing, and it's very wrong Ray.

I used to think that too until I found out how woefully misinformed some officers can be about the laws they're tasked with upholding as well as other "legal" and constitutional topics. A particular set of circumstances forced me to begin studying our legal system in order to find a solution to a problem no one seemed willing or able to address.

As I wrote earlier, one time I did have a problem with two officers. Yes sir, no sir, and when I got home, I filed a complaint against them. That's how you handle the situation. And trust me, I'm a big guy. I'm 6'3", I weighed 240 lbs at the time, I was muscles all over, and a black belt in karate. It took everything to stop me from getting out of my cab and beating the hell out of both these little loud mouth twerps at once which I knew I could do without trying. My training was superior to theirs. But where would that have gotten me?

I would have been arrested. My employer would likely have fired me. I would be spending time in jail and have to make restitution to the injuries I inflicted on the officers. I would have a police record. Anytime I got stopped in the future, the officers would be advised of my last conviction and treat me much differently than they treat me today. It just wasn't worth it.

I don't know what happened to those two clowns, but when I went to that weigh station again 3 weeks later, neither of them were there. I got a reply from both the Governors office and my state rep, but my state rep only told me he will make sure that never happens to me ever again.

So I'm the last one laughing.

Well you are a white man and the situation was handled, in a lot of cases it doesn't work that way for black folks.
He wasn't driving with no license plate either. You're a white man so of course you have no problem being pulled over on a dark road, it's different for black folks to bad you can't understand that.

They had no idea who he was yet alone his race. They followed him a mile to the gas station, the first thing they did was draw their weapons and order him out of the vehicle. They didn't know what his race was until he got his hands out of the window and they got close enough to see the color of his hands. So this has zero to do with race.

And the only reason the cop gave him a break was his solidarity with fellow military men. If that would have been me, there would have been no breaks. They would have just thrown me in jail.
That attitude is what is at the heart of so much of the current social unrest we're seeing, and it's very wrong Ray.

I used to think that too until I found out how woefully misinformed some officers can be about the laws they're tasked with upholding as well as other "legal" and constitutional topics. A particular set of circumstances forced me to begin studying our legal system in order to find a solution to a problem no one seemed willing or able to address.

As I wrote earlier, one time I did have a problem with two officers. Yes sir, no sir, and when I got home, I filed a complaint against them. That's how you handle the situation. And trust me, I'm a big guy. I'm 6'3", I weighed 240 lbs at the time, I was muscles all over, and a black belt in karate. It took everything to stop me from getting out of my cab and beating the hell out of both these little loud mouth twerps at once which I knew I could do without trying. My training was superior to theirs. But where would that have gotten me?

I would have been arrested. My employer would likely have fired me. I would be spending time in jail and have to make restitution to the injuries I inflicted on the officers. I would have a police record. Anytime I got stopped in the future, the officers would be advised of my last conviction and treat me much differently than they treat me today. It just wasn't worth it.

I don't know what happened to those two clowns, but when I went to that weigh station again 3 weeks later, neither of them were there. I got a reply from both the Governors office and my state rep, but my state rep only told me he will make sure that never happens to me ever again.

So I'm the last one laughing.
Do you honestly think this is the outcome that most people receive when they file a complaint against a police officer?
He wasn't driving with no license plate either. You're a white man so of course you have no problem being pulled over on a dark road, it's different for black folks to bad you can't understand that.

They had no idea who he was yet alone his race.

You don't know that, you are assuming they didn't.

They followed him a mile to the gas station, the first thing they did was draw their weapons and order him out of the vehicle. They didn't know what his race was until he got his hands out of the window and they got close enough to see the color of his hands. So this has zero to do with race.

In the video footage, officers shout at Nazario to put his arms out of the window and approach him with their guns drawn. So no that is not the first thing they ordered him to do.

And the only reason the cop gave him a break was his solidarity with fellow military men. If that would have been me, there would have been no breaks. They would have just thrown me in jail.

So telling a man he should be afraid and telling him his career is going to be destroyed is giving him a break. That's a joke. You guys are closet racist plain and simple, anytime a black man is involves with the police you always have an excuse.
Even the cops admitted that his not pulling over was expected. Why do you ignore that? As soon as they saw the temp tag, their reason to stop the driver went bye-bye. They should have apologized and sent him on his way.

And what if he was an armed carjacker that stole a vehicle with a temp tag in it?

Making a few assumptions aren't we? Don't be a dumbass. It was an illegal stop.
Making a few assumptions, aren't you? Don't be a dumbass.
Do you honestly think this is the outcome that most people receive when they file a complaint against a police officer?

What I honestly believe is you never challenge an officer on the road. Filing a complaint is your only reasonable alternative. It's what people do in a civilized society.

But here's the thing: For one, we can't have suspects dictating how police conduct their business. Two, we need our police to enforce the laws we created. So we give them the authority to carry out these duties.
And the only reason the cop gave him a break was his solidarity with fellow military men. If that would have been me, there would have been no breaks. They would have just thrown me in jail.
Thrown you in jail for what!?!

Do you seriously not understand that because this officer was fired, that validates the fact that his behavior was WRONG and potentially dangerous to the driver. You know that one of the first rules of firearm safety is to NEVER point a weapon at anything that you aren't willing to kill or destroy so I don't see anything in this scenario that is considered "giving him a break" unless you're referring to the fact that they didn't go ahead and shoot him?!?

You know that cops sometimes do things to people just to give them a hard time and waste their time and money because for the most part, unless you're well connected, there is nothing that anyone can do about it.

And don't think that they don't retaliate against the people who file complaints against them.
Do you honestly think this is the outcome that most people receive when they file a complaint against a police officer?

What I honestly believe is you never challenge an officer on the road. Filing a complaint is your only reasonable alternative. It's what people do in a civilized society.

But here's the thing: For one, we can't have suspects dictating how police conduct their business. Two, we need our police to enforce the laws we created. So we give them the authority to carry out these duties.
There is more than one way to do just about anything and a lot of people were not raised in families or communities were they are treated in such an openly hostile manner being yelled at, threatened with violence and or other harm and basically as if they were a common criminal.

You're either very naive or you know that what black people experience in their interactions with law enforcement is not the same as what whites experience, and that's apparently by design.

Thank God that these thug cops all over the country are being exposed and are finally suffering consequences as a result of their behavior.
He just had to comply with the police orders to get out of the car
All the police had to do was respond to his reasonable question about why he had guns pointed at him.
AFTER they get the criminal to comply....
So it's noted that you as well as most others supporting these cops want and advocate the police beating, tazering, shooting & killing individuals for disobedience, not because they are posing a threat to the officers or anyone else.

That's pretty much unlawful, at least I know it is for shooting and then attempting to claim self defense.
its noted that you should never assume what someone else is thinking.....that makes you an idiot
i advocate for obeying LE...i see lights, i pull over, not in to get gas...suspicion starts---disobey to get out of vehicle---suspicion continues....
choices are what put people where they wind up....CHOICES
if the criminal just stopped, there would be none of this.
and what the fuck do the publishing stations (msn, cnn, cbs,) cover a traffic stop for? they didnt 15 years ago...hmmm
You don't know that, you are assuming they didn't.

How could they have known that? It was pitch dark outside and he was driving a vehicle with a heavily tinted rear window. There was no possible way for them to know what race he was.

In the video footage, officers shout at Nazario to put his arms out of the window and approach him with their guns drawn. So no that is not the first thing they ordered him to do.

Fine, but the point is they drew their weapons and screamed at the person in the vehicle without knowing what race he was.
So telling a man he should be afraid and telling him his career is going to be destroyed is giving him a break. That's a joke. You guys are closet racist plain and simple, anytime a black man is involves with the police you always have an excuse.

First of all I put that lie to rest pages ago. The officer never threatened his military career. Secondly, his reference to being a afraid was because he was not cooperating with them--not because he was a half-black. But I want to address an earlier point you made about police interaction with different races:

There are millions of interactions between Black people and police annually, including about 2 million arrests.

In 2019, 1,004 people, mostly white, were shot dead by the police, according to the Washington Post. Assuming that an average of one police officer is involved per killing, then 1,004 police officers, or fourteen-hundredths of 1% of America’s 700,000 police officers, were involved in fatal police shootings. Obviously, the typical police officer will never kill anyone in his career.

A Washington Post database shows that 14 Black and 25 white “unarmed” Americans were shot dead by police in 2019. An analysis that was broadcast on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" of 10 of the “unarmed” Black decedents showed that for five of these persons, calling them unarmed is misleading: two had cars, one had a stun gun, and two others had guns, authorities said. In those two cases where the decedents had guns, which were the only cases where the weapons were not used to assault police, the officers faced homicide charges.

So perhaps it's us whites who should be scared of police because on average, blacks seem to be at an advantage when it comes to police interactions.
Do you honestly think this is the outcome that most people receive when they file a complaint against a police officer?

What I honestly believe is you never challenge an officer on the road. Filing a complaint is your only reasonable alternative. It's what people do in a civilized society.

But here's the thing: For one, we can't have suspects dictating how police conduct their business. Two, we need our police to enforce the laws we created. So we give them the authority to carry out these duties.
He just had to comply with the police orders to get out of the car
All the police had to do was respond to his reasonable question about why he had guns pointed at him.
AFTER they get the criminal to comply....
So it's noted that you as well as most others supporting these cops want and advocate the police beating, tazering, shooting & killing individuals for disobedience, not because they are posing a threat to the officers or anyone else.

That's pretty much unlawful, at least I know it is for shooting and then attempting to claim self defense.
its noted that you should never assume what someone else is thinking.....that makes you an idiot
i advocate for obeying LE...i see lights, i pull over, not in to get gas...suspicion starts---disobey to get out of vehicle---suspicion continues....
choices are what put people where they wind up....CHOICES
if the criminal just stopped, there would be none of this.
and what the fuck do the publishing stations (msn, cnn, cbs,) cover a traffic stop for? they didnt 15 years ago...hmmm
I'm not assuming a damn thing. I am making a comment based on observable facts, something you could do too if you had the brain power.
The cops stopped him illegally. Rewind back to the fact that he never should have been told to get out of the car.
The cops had a legal right to stop him

and a legal right to remove him from his car

What was that right? The "missing" tag? They stopped him for a missing tag which they then saw, removing that right.
I have never been told to exit my vehicle until well after the reason I was stopped was established.
There is always a first time

how many felony stops have you had?

One, as a suspect in a armed robbery. The officer never even drew his gun even though y car matched the car used as a get-away vehicle.
Do you honestly think this is the outcome that most people receive when they file a complaint against a police officer?

What I honestly believe is you never challenge an officer on the road. Filing a complaint is your only reasonable alternative. It's what people do in a civilized society.

But here's the thing: For one, we can't have suspects dictating how police conduct their business. Two, we need our police to enforce the laws we created. So we give them the authority to carry out these duties.
He just had to comply with the police orders to get out of the car
All the police had to do was respond to his reasonable question about why he had guns pointed at him.
AFTER they get the criminal to comply....
So it's noted that you as well as most others supporting these cops want and advocate the police beating, tazering, shooting & killing individuals for disobedience, not because they are posing a threat to the officers or anyone else.

That's pretty much unlawful, at least I know it is for shooting and then attempting to claim self defense.
its noted that you should never assume what someone else is thinking.....that makes you an idiot
i advocate for obeying LE...i see lights, i pull over, not in to get gas...suspicion starts---disobey to get out of vehicle---suspicion continues....
choices are what put people where they wind up....CHOICES
if the criminal just stopped, there would be none of this.
and what the fuck do the publishing stations (msn, cnn, cbs,) cover a traffic stop for? they didnt 15 years ago...hmmm
I'm not assuming a damn thing. I am making a comment based on observable facts, something you could do....and i dont give a shit if you refer to it as ---noted--or --assume---1 in the same....duh too if you had the brain power.
you are, dip shit, duh.....we dont agree w/you. is that so hard to understand?...and i dont give a shit if you refer to it as ---noted--or --assume---1 in the same....duh

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