Officer Who Pepper-Sprayed a Black Army Medic Is Fired

it's noted that you as well as most others supporting these cops want and advocate the police beating, tazering, shooting & killing individuals for disobedience, not because they are posing a threat to the officers or anyone else.
The cops do not know if they pose a threat or not till thevsuspect/citizen complies. Cip
was that right? The "missing" tag? They stopped him for a missing tag which they then saw, removing that right.
You dont know when the cops saw the tag

But if the black guy had stopped promptly and followed instructions everything would ha been ok
it's noted that you as well as most others supporting these cops want and advocate the police beating, tazering, shooting & killing individuals for disobedience, not because they are posing a threat to the officers or anyone else.
The cops do not know if they pose a threat or not till thevsuspect/citizen complies. Cip
was that right? The "missing" tag? They stopped him for a missing tag which they then saw, removing that right.
You dont know when the cops saw the tag

But if the black guy had stopped promptly and followed instructions everything would ha been ok

Hell if they acted that way in the light, the young man probably would have been shot in the dark.
That’s such bullshit Ray. So if a cop pounds on your door and demands you let him in to search your house do you have to just comply or are you allowed to ask for a search warrant and deny him entry if he doesn’t provide one?? Direct answer please.

WTF does that have to do with this story?
It has everything to do with it. What’s your answer?
I have never been told to exit my vehicle until well after the reason I was stopped was established.
There is always a first time

how many felony stops have you had?

One, as a suspect in a armed robbery. The officer never even drew his gun even though y car matched the car used as a get-away vehicle.
Those were happier days before obama, false charges of white privilege and radicals murdering cops as a political statement
So Xpo, you define slowing down and turning hazards on as the same as pulling over and complying with the cops? :cuckoo:
It's an indication that you intend to comply when you can safely do so. It's essentially what I do on the occasions I get stopped. I also turn on my dome light at night before stopping and place my hands on the dashboard so they and the interior of my car are clearly visible to the approaching cop. Those steps were what I was instructed to do by a cop after he nearly blew my head off with a shotgun in what I assumed to be a routine traffic stop on a dark, deserted coastal highway in California. Some of the fault was on my shoulders. it was my first traffic ticket, and I started to exit the car and was reaching for my wallet while doing so. I got a long lecture from the cop about the best way to behave when pulled over. no ticket was written. But to this day I still don't know why I was pulled over or why the Chippie had his shotgun trained on me. My guess is that my car resembled one they were looking for. Oh, by the way, I was a large (over six foot, built like a linebacker) Latino-looking white guy dressed in military uniform during the Vietnam War.
They saw the tag after he pulled into the gas station. “ apologies sir, I was pulling you over because I couldn’t see your tag and now I see that it is valid. Next time please pull over soon as you see the lights and don’t drive so far. Have a nice night”

that’s all that needed to happen.

Where is your evidence of that? All they said is they seen his tag, they didn't state when. Judging from the video, it couldn't have been until they got close to the vehicle.
If they didn’t see it then they can simply ask at the window. Either way the script I wrote should have been used. If he didn’t see the tag then substitute the intro. “Hello sir, I pulled you over because I didn’t see your tags.” It’s not hard
They were not lawful orders dumb fuck.
You are making up crap to fit the situation

the driver with black brain disease created this incident
Lol. Go look up the laws. Stupid fuckibg cop has to follow them just like you and me. I made nothing up. Fuck that cop and every other cop that does not obey the rules. I don't obey the rules in my profession they jerk my license, cancel my e&o s and sue me out of my pocket. Cops are protected as hell and this one was fired almost immediately. Why was he fired? Gross negligence of duty. He got what fucking deserved and I am laughing at his dumb ass. I am not laughing at the tax payers that will have to pay for his stupidity.
The cops had a legal right to tell the suspect to get out of his car
Yes they do, but they very rarely do because the driver is easier to control when confined to the car.
Yelling and aggressively threatening is not being extra cautious it is escalating and dangerous and inappropriate.
The driver failed to follow instructions

if he was outside the car in full view it puts the police at less risk
The driver signaled he was pulling over and went to a safe well lit area. Nothing about that signaled a threat to the cops. Why are you trying so hard to defend this ass clown of an cop. He is a disgrace
the only disgrace, is the NON-COMPLIANT criminal. i dont care if it was for spitting out the window, pull over when you are being followed, and the lights are on....pretty simple...things would go a hell of alot smoother.
but you dicks think ---anti-cop-....grow up, and respect LE
I think black people are scared of cops and they don’t trust them. There is a trial going on right now against a cop who killed a black man by kneeling on his neck. So I don’t blame the driver for going to a safe well lit area. And if that was out of line the cop could calmly tell him that while telling him why he was pulled over. Not scream and threaten and demand he leave the vehicle to be manhandled.

Negroes are assholes most of the time and deserve to be treated the way they are.

They need to stop committing so many crimes, get the fuck off welfare, stop being obnoxious shitasses, stop with that filthy entitlement mentality, start taking care of their families and then maybe they will be treated with more respect.
I don’t think they care much about what and who people like you respect... nor do I
You can have Cleveland
We will take the good parts

Nope. We divide the country with equal square miles north to south. You get the west side by the Mexican border you love so much and we'll take the east side. All you leftists move to the west side to your country and conservatives move to the east in our country. Then we build a huge Trump wall so you can't get into our country, and everybody (at least those of us on the right) will be happy.

I'd rather fight for it. Losers get buried or deported
then i guess the shit stain should have pulled over quicker, and not pulling in to get gas...whatever excuse you shit stains need 2 tell yourselves. you are all fucking brain dead

Or he wanted to pull somewhere that he and the officers wouldn't run the risk of being hit by traffic.

Point was, the officers were completely out of line.

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