Officer Who Pepper-Sprayed a Black Army Medic Is Fired

Dont think you can pepper spray a guy sitting in his car because he won’t stop sitting In his car
Also the cops lecture at the end was revealing as to what he’s all about
I’m 90.% defender of police but not this time
Even the cops admitted that his not pulling over was expected. Why do you ignore that? As soon as they saw the temp tag, their reason to stop the driver went bye-bye. They should have apologized and sent him on his way.

And what if he was an armed carjacker that stole a vehicle with a temp tag in it?

Making a few assumptions aren't we? Don't be a dumbass. It was an illegal stop.
Making a few assumptions, aren't you? Don't be a dumbass.

There are no assumptions in my statement. That makes me assume you have reading comprehension difficulties.
Even the cops admitted that his not pulling over was expected. Why do you ignore that? As soon as they saw the temp tag, their reason to stop the driver went bye-bye. They should have apologized and sent him on his way.

And what if he was an armed carjacker that stole a vehicle with a temp tag in it?

Making a few assumptions aren't we? Don't be a dumbass. It was an illegal stop.
Making a few assumptions, aren't you? Don't be a dumbass.

There are no assumptions in my statement. That makes me assume you have reading comprehension difficulties.
Don't be a dumbass.
Even the cops admitted that his not pulling over was expected. Why do you ignore that? As soon as they saw the temp tag, their reason to stop the driver went bye-bye. They should have apologized and sent him on his way.

And what if he was an armed carjacker that stole a vehicle with a temp tag in it?

Making a few assumptions aren't we? Don't be a dumbass. It was an illegal stop.
Making a few assumptions, aren't you? Don't be a dumbass.

There are no assumptions in my statement. That makes me assume you have reading comprehension difficulties.
Don't be a dumbass.

You failed to point out my assumptions and replied with an insult. I guess that is an admission that I was correct.
The driver signaled he was pulling over and went to a safe well lit area.
Ok so far

but after stopping he refuse to get out of his car and thats why he was pepper sprayed

he should have complied with the police instructions
Why would the cop hysterically command he get out of the car with explanation about why he even pulled the guy over? That’s where the cop got out of line. The Driver knew his rights and calmly asked what was going on. The cop was completely out of line, how do you not see that? Is that really how you want our police to act?
Yelling and aggressively threatening is not being extra cautious it is escalating and dangerous and inappropriate.
The driver failed to follow instructions

if he was outside the car in full view it puts the police at less risk
The driver signaled he was pulling over and went to a safe well lit area. Nothing about that signaled a threat to the cops. Why are you trying so hard to defend this ass clown of an cop. He is a disgrace
the only disgrace, is the NON-COMPLIANT criminal. i dont care if it was for spitting out the window, pull over when you are being followed, and the lights are on....pretty simple...things would go a hell of alot smoother.
but you dicks think ---anti-cop-....grow up, and respect LE
I think black people are scared of cops and they don’t trust them. There is a trial going on right now against a cop who killed a black man by kneeling on his neck. So I don’t blame the driver for going to a safe well lit area. And if that was out of line the cop could calmly tell him that while telling him why he was pulled over. Not scream and threaten and demand he leave the vehicle to be manhandled.
Fuck that guy. He will not be a cop again. He does not deserve to wear the badge. He is destined to some overnight security gig where he sits in his car all night and doesn’t interact with people. He can stick that pepper spray up his ass and pull the trigger.

he was fired because he didn’t do what he was trained to do. He abused his power and got busted

Okay genius. When an officer commands that a suspect get out of his vehicle and he refuses. What is the officer supposed to do? Say "well okay, if you don't want to get out, then you don't want to get out!"
You have a fucking conversation, especially if you are speaking to an army officer who is being calm and controlled. You don’t say he’s gonna ride the lightning and threaten him and pepper spray him, especially when the whole reason for the pull over was bullshit and his tags were valid. The dude is done and you’re an idiot for defending his nonsense
you are speaking to an army officer who is being non-compliant and stupid for not complying. especially when the whole reason for the pull over was suspicion, for whatever reason.... id like to see the criminal act like that , disregarding an order from 1 of its military officers. this criminal would be locked up for insubordination, dereliction of duty and whatever other charges would ignorant retards defending a criminal..
The guy is an army medic. They are the people that go into the ugly spots and treat troops who have been blown to pieces. You’re lack of respect is a disgrace. Cops don’t get to command whatever they want when ever they want. We have rights as US citizens and we have the right to know why we are being questioned detained or searched by the police. The driver had the right to ask and know why he was pulled over. He had reason to be suspicious and cautious of that cop.
You know why I’m right and you’re wrong? Because the cop was fired for his actions. Fired because he was completely out of line. Sorry but you lose
Well there’s a shift as expected. Yelling and aggressively threatening is not being extra cautious it is escalating and dangerous and inappropriate. The driver had every right to ask why he was pulled over. And he had every right to wait for an answer before exiting the car to a screaming police officer with his gun. Why are you defending such obvious miss behavior and abuse of power?

If you watch police shows or even see police in your city with somebody like this, they all scream. They are taught at the academy that you need to scream like a drill sergeant to show authority. Why are you defending a guy who refused to obey the commands of a police officer?
That’s complete bullshit. I do a lot of work with my local sheriff and police during emergency situations and that is absolutely not how they are trained to approach a car during a routine pull over.
it is when there is a NON-COMPLIANT retard behind the wheel
No it’s not. Stop making shit up.
You have a fucking conversation, especially if you are speaking to an army officer who is being calm and controlled. You don’t say he’s gonna ride the lightning and threaten him and pepper spray him, especially when the whole reason for the pull over was bullshit and his tags were valid. The dude is done and you’re an idiot for defending his nonsense

They didn't know his tag was valid. They didn't see the thing until this moron forced them into a situation where he refused to obey their orders. They don't call in temporary tags while they are holding a gun on a non-compliant subject. If the asshole got out of the car as instructed, the police would have secured the situation, then called in the tag, and this guy would have been on his way in ten minutes. But no. Fight with the police. That's the intelligent thing to do.
They saw the tag after he pulled into the gas station. “ apologies sir, I was pulling you over because I couldn’t see your tag and now I see that it is valid. Next time please pull over soon as you see the lights and don’t drive so far. Have a nice night”

that’s all that needed to happen.
You don't realize the Army has voiced full support of the Lieutenant. I guess you don't understand lawful orders and illegal orders. The Sergeant Major of the Army has voiced this for the entire Army to see.

It must be a lawful order because this is what police do all across our country. Their first priority is their safety and the safety of the public. Secure the subject and then conduct the investigation. Not allow the subject to dictate what order police are to do things.
That’s such bullshit Ray. So if a cop pounds on your door and demands you let him in to search your house do you have to just comply or are you allowed to ask for a search warrant and deny him entry if he doesn’t provide one?? Direct answer please.
That’s such bullshit Ray. So if a cop pounds on your door and demands you let him in to search your house do you have to just comply or are you allowed to ask for a search warrant and deny him entry if he doesn’t provide one?? Direct answer please.

WTF does that have to do with this story?
They saw the tag after he pulled into the gas station. “ apologies sir, I was pulling you over because I couldn’t see your tag and now I see that it is valid. Next time please pull over soon as you see the lights and don’t drive so far. Have a nice night”

that’s all that needed to happen.

Where is your evidence of that? All they said is they seen his tag, they didn't state when. Judging from the video, it couldn't have been until they got close to the vehicle.
Even the cops admitted that his not pulling over was expected. Why do you ignore that? As soon as they saw the temp tag, their reason to stop the driver went bye-bye. They should have apologized and sent him on his way.

And what if he was an armed carjacker that stole a vehicle with a temp tag in it?

Making a few assumptions aren't we? Don't be a dumbass. It was an illegal stop.
Making a few assumptions, aren't you? Don't be a dumbass.

There are no assumptions in my statement. That makes me assume you have reading comprehension difficulties.
Don't be a dumbass.

You failed to point out my assumptions and replied with an insult. I guess that is an admission that I was correct.
you assume--" As soon as they saw the temp tag, their reason to stop the driver went bye-bye."
now the reason for driving 10 minutes w/out stopping needs to be figured out, the temp tag, needs to be called in,....quit assuming you know every movement that was made, you were not there
Fuck that guy. He will not be a cop again. He does not deserve to wear the badge. He is destined to some overnight security gig where he sits in his car all night and doesn’t interact with people. He can stick that pepper spray up his ass and pull the trigger.

he was fired because he didn’t do what he was trained to do. He abused his power and got busted

Okay genius. When an officer commands that a suspect get out of his vehicle and he refuses. What is the officer supposed to do? Say "well okay, if you don't want to get out, then you don't want to get out!"
You have a fucking conversation, especially if you are speaking to an army officer who is being calm and controlled. You don’t say he’s gonna ride the lightning and threaten him and pepper spray him, especially when the whole reason for the pull over was bullshit and his tags were valid. The dude is done and you’re an idiot for defending his nonsense
you are speaking to an army officer who is being non-compliant and stupid for not complying. especially when the whole reason for the pull over was suspicion, for whatever reason.... id like to see the criminal act like that , disregarding an order from 1 of its military officers. this criminal would be locked up for insubordination, dereliction of duty and whatever other charges would ignorant retards defending a criminal..
The guy is an army medic. They are the people that go into the ugly spots and treat troops who have been blown to pieces. You’re lack of respect is a disgrace. Cops don’t get to command whatever they want when ever they want. We have rights as US citizens and we have the right to know why we are being questioned detained or searched by the police. The driver had the right to ask and know why he was pulled over. He had reason to be suspicious and cautious of that cop.
You know why I’m right and you’re wrong? Because the cop was fired for his actions. Fired because he was completely out of line. Sorry but you lose
obviously, you never served....deflection noted also.
you assume--" As soon as they saw the temp tag, their reason to stop the driver went bye-bye."
now the reason for driving 10 minutes w/out stopping needs to be figured out, the temp tag, needs to be called in,....quit assuming you know every movement that was made, you were not there

Correct. Vehicles that have temp tags do get stolen as well. And the last few years, there have been people who ambushed police officers. So that's another thing police have to think about when this guy drives slowly to the gas station.
Fuck that guy. He will not be a cop again. He does not deserve to wear the badge. He is destined to some overnight security gig where he sits in his car all night and doesn’t interact with people. He can stick that pepper spray up his ass and pull the trigger.

he was fired because he didn’t do what he was trained to do. He abused his power and got busted

Okay genius. When an officer commands that a suspect get out of his vehicle and he refuses. What is the officer supposed to do? Say "well okay, if you don't want to get out, then you don't want to get out!"
You have a fucking conversation, especially if you are speaking to an army officer who is being calm and controlled. You don’t say he’s gonna ride the lightning and threaten him and pepper spray him, especially when the whole reason for the pull over was bullshit and his tags were valid. The dude is done and you’re an idiot for defending his nonsense
you are speaking to an army officer who is being non-compliant and stupid for not complying. especially when the whole reason for the pull over was suspicion, for whatever reason.... id like to see the criminal act like that , disregarding an order from 1 of its military officers. this criminal would be locked up for insubordination, dereliction of duty and whatever other charges would ignorant retards defending a criminal..
The guy is an army medic. They are the people that go into the ugly spots and treat troops who have been blown to pieces. You’re lack of respect is a disgrace. Cops don’t get to command whatever they want when ever they want. We have rights as US citizens and we have the right to know why we are being questioned detained or searched by the police. The driver had the right to ask and know why he was pulled over. He had reason to be suspicious and cautious of that cop.
You know why I’m right and you’re wrong? Because the cop was fired for his actions. Fired because he was completely out of line. Sorry but you lose
obviously, you never served....deflection noted also.
Haha. What do you think I was deflecting from?
You don't know that, you are assuming they didn't.

How could they have known that? It was pitch dark outside and he was driving a vehicle with a heavily tinted rear window. There was no possible way for them to know what race he was.

When they pulled into the gas station which was well lit you can look at the side mirror and tell who is in the vehicle.

In the video footage, officers shout at Nazario to put his arms out of the window and approach him with their guns drawn. So no that is not the first thing they ordered him to do.

Fine, but the point is they drew their weapons and screamed at the person in the vehicle without knowing what race he was.

I disagree, they knew who was in the vehicle.

So telling a man he should be afraid and telling him his career is going to be destroyed is giving him a break. That's a joke. You guys are closet racist plain and simple, anytime a black man is involves with the police you always have an excuse.

First of all I put that lie to rest pages ago. The officer never threatened his military career. Secondly, his reference to being a afraid was because he was not cooperating with them--not because he was a half-black.

“What’s going on is you’re fixin’ to ride the lightning, son,” one replied, using a slang term for the electric chair in a line from the film, "The Green Mile."

“I’m honestly afraid to get out,” Nazario told the officers.

“Yeah, you should be!” one retorted.

after questioning Nazario, the officers threatened to derail his military career "knowing the harm criminal charges would cause him" and told him they would refrain from filing charges if he would "chill and let this go."

Are you telling us that this didn't happen?
But I want to address an earlier point you made about police interaction with different races:

There are millions of interactions between Black people and police annually, including about 2 million arrests.

In 2019, 1,004 people, mostly white, were shot dead by the police, according to the Washington Post. Assuming that an average of one police officer is involved per killing, then 1,004 police officers, or fourteen-hundredths of 1% of America’s 700,000 police officers, were involved in fatal police shootings. Obviously, the typical police officer will never kill anyone in his career.

A Washington Post database shows that 14 Black and 25 white “unarmed” Americans were shot dead by police in 2019. An analysis that was broadcast on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" of 10 of the “unarmed” Black decedents showed that for five of these persons, calling them unarmed is misleading: two had cars, one had a stun gun, and two others had guns, authorities said. In those two cases where the decedents had guns, which were the only cases where the weapons were not used to assault police, the officers faced homicide charges.

So perhaps it's us whites who should be scared of police because on average, blacks seem to be at an advantage when it comes to police interactions.

Ok thxs for that tidbit, now show us how many whites were killed by the police when an officer grabbed his gun and murdered someone white when they claimed they meant to grab their tasor.
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Yelling and aggressively threatening is not being extra cautious it is escalating and dangerous and inappropriate.
The driver failed to follow instructions

if he was outside the car in full view it puts the police at less risk
The driver signaled he was pulling over and went to a safe well lit area. Nothing about that signaled a threat to the cops. Why are you trying so hard to defend this ass clown of an cop. He is a disgrace
the only disgrace, is the NON-COMPLIANT criminal. i dont care if it was for spitting out the window, pull over when you are being followed, and the lights are on....pretty simple...things would go a hell of alot smoother.
but you dicks think ---anti-cop-....grow up, and respect LE
I think black people are scared of cops and they don’t trust them. There is a trial going on right now against a cop who killed a black man by kneeling on his neck. So I don’t blame the driver for going to a safe well lit area. And if that was out of line the cop could calmly tell him that while telling him why he was pulled over. Not scream and threaten and demand he leave the vehicle to be manhandled.

Negroes are assholes most of the time and deserve to be treated the way they are.

They need to stop committing so many crimes, get the fuck off welfare, stop being obnoxious shitasses, stop with that filthy entitlement mentality, start taking care of their families and then maybe they will be treated with more respect.
Right. Because police pull their weapons out on every single traffic violation.

They usually don’t and there was no reason to here. Just calmly tell him what he did wrong, write him a ticket, and leave. Like most other traffic violations. Simple.

So what police academy did you attend that taught you this? Most every traffic violators comply with all police requests and demands. This joker didn't.
When I took Law Enforcement classes in college, we were taught that traffic stops were the single most dangerous thing a officer could do. We were taught to approach with caution and not to escalate the situation because the driver was very likely stressed by his or her first encounter with a police officer. In this case, the police officers seemed to do nothing except escalate the situation.
Yelling and aggressively threatening is not being extra cautious it is escalating and dangerous and inappropriate.
The driver failed to follow instructions

if he was outside the car in full view it puts the police at less risk
The driver signaled he was pulling over and went to a safe well lit area. Nothing about that signaled a threat to the cops. Why are you trying so hard to defend this ass clown of an cop. He is a disgrace
the only disgrace, is the NON-COMPLIANT criminal. i dont care if it was for spitting out the window, pull over when you are being followed, and the lights are on....pretty simple...things would go a hell of alot smoother.
but you dicks think ---anti-cop-....grow up, and respect LE
I think black people are scared of cops and they don’t trust them. There is a trial going on right now against a cop who killed a black man by kneeling on his neck. So I don’t blame the driver for going to a safe well lit area. And if that was out of line the cop could calmly tell him that while telling him why he was pulled over. Not scream and threaten and demand he leave the vehicle to be manhandled.

Negroes are assholes most of the time and deserve to be treated the way they are.

They need to stop committing so many crimes, get the fuck off welfare, stop being obnoxious shitasses, stop with that filthy entitlement mentality, start taking care of their families and then maybe they will be treated with more respect.

You racist POS, GFY.

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