Officers Afraid To Do Their Jobs After Freddie Gray Case


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2015
After insisting the police force was not engaged in a work slowdown — causing the rise in violent crime — the union now says officers are “afraid of going to jail for doing their jobs.” May has been Baltimore’s most violent month in 15 years.

Baltimore Police Union Now Says Officers Afraid To Do Their Jobs After Freddie Gray Case - BuzzFeed News

I would also be afraid to do my job if I were a police officer in Baltimore. Hostile campaign against American policemen should be stopped. Not all officers are bad and not all of them are responsible for crimes, committed by someone else. 6 people are responsible for Freddie Gray's death. What about thousands fair and professional cops, who have never been accused of anything?
Do you want to stay face to face with enraged black crowd? Because that's how you get it.
Well, getting hung out to dry by your own government and cheering on the violent thugs will do it. People like you should enjoy as this is what you wanted. You wanted the cops to BACK OFF!!! What you don't realize is that the black community has a serious crime problem and it can only get worse without the cops.

This shows that the cops and people that want civilization are right.
They are not the only one affraid

Baltimore gets bloodier as arrests drop post-Freddie Gray - Yahoo News

BALTIMORE (AP) — A 31-year-old woman and a young boy were shot in the head Thursday, becoming Baltimore's 37th and 38th homicide victims so far this month, the city's deadliest in 15 years


"I'm afraid to go outside," said Antoinette Perrine, whose brother was shot down three weeks ago on a basketball court near her home in the Harlem Park neighborhood of West Baltimore. Ever since, she has barricaded her door and added metal slabs inside her windows to deflect gunfire.
After insisting the police force was not engaged in a work slowdown — causing the rise in violent crime — the union now says officers are “afraid of going to jail for doing their jobs.” May has been Baltimore’s most violent month in 15 years.

Baltimore Police Union Now Says Officers Afraid To Do Their Jobs After Freddie Gray Case - BuzzFeed News

I would also be afraid to do my job if I were a police officer in Baltimore. Hostile campaign against American policemen should be stopped. Not all officers are bad and not all of them are responsible for crimes, committed by someone else. 6 people are responsible for Freddie Gray's death. What about thousands fair and professional cops, who have never been accused of anything?
Do you want to stay face to face with enraged black crowd? Because that's how you get it.
Freddy Gray is responsible for Freddie Gray's death.
One does have to wonder when a mayor and chief of police tell cops to stand by and watch looters loot.

The entire Baltimore PD should just walk away and let these idiots fend for themselves.
Completely predictable, of course.

Which makes me wonder a bit - was this a goal?

This is what the anarchists wanted. A complete breakdown of our society. Saul alinsky's plan as implemented by Obama and fellow radicals is working. The next president needs to undo every aspect of ObamaNation or America will not last 20 more years.

Cancel your newspaper subscription.
After insisting the police force was not engaged in a work slowdown — causing the rise in violent crime — the union now says officers are “afraid of going to jail for doing their jobs.” May has been Baltimore’s most violent month in 15 years.

Baltimore Police Union Now Says Officers Afraid To Do Their Jobs After Freddie Gray Case - BuzzFeed News

I would also be afraid to do my job if I were a police officer in Baltimore. Hostile campaign against American policemen should be stopped. Not all officers are bad and not all of them are responsible for crimes, committed by someone else. 6 people are responsible for Freddie Gray's death. What about thousands fair and professional cops, who have never been accused of anything?
Do you want to stay face to face with enraged black crowd? Because that's how you get it.

Police are the only thing keeping people at bay. Without police, you don't have a society. You have a jungle where might makes right, and the strong prey upon the weak.

Let's see how long it lasts when police only do the legally required minimum. When the politicians start getting shot and become part of the dysfunctional society and scream to their former protectors, but get just silence in return, then maybe they'll come to realize their place in the universe. Namely, that they don't occupy one.
Said it many times long before all this started, but without fear you can't have law and order. If people aren't afraid of the police any more, society collapses.
"Afraid" to do their jobs?
I say BS.
All they need to do is keep people alive while in custody. Something that is normal everywhere else.
Smells like retribution.
Not since the dark days before Pearl harbor have we seen such a mess, except for the Civil War, and the Revolutionary War...
"Afraid" to do their jobs?
I say BS.
All they need to do is keep people alive while in custody. Something that is normal everywhere else.
Smells like retribution.

Nope the job is a lot more than that keeping prisoners alive.

If you don't know that than you are one clueless idiot.

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