Officers Afraid To Do Their Jobs After Freddie Gray Case

And Chicago had 15 shot, 1 dead yesterday.

The question is, how much tourism money has Baltimore lost?

As it stands now, I have friends and family that don't want to go into Chicago because some crap always happens. They don't want to deal with the mobs downtown that are stealing crap or raising hell. They don't want to go to the festivals because something always happens.

People really need to start looking at where the money is coming from for those protests and if they have an outlined goal. Because, they aren't in Baltimore anymore.
"Afraid" to do their jobs?
I say BS.
All they need to do is keep people alive while in custody. Something that is normal everywhere else.
Smells like retribution.

Nope the job is a lot more than that keeping prisoners alive.

If you don't know that than you are one clueless idiot.

They said police were "afraid" of going to jail.
Well ,don't kill suspects in your custody.

Try to follow the context of posts.
After insisting the police force was not engaged in a work slowdown — causing the rise in violent crime — the union now says officers are “afraid of going to jail for doing their jobs.” May has been Baltimore’s most violent month in 15 years.

Baltimore Police Union Now Says Officers Afraid To Do Their Jobs After Freddie Gray Case - BuzzFeed News

I would also be afraid to do my job if I were a police officer in Baltimore. Hostile campaign against American policemen should be stopped. Not all officers are bad and not all of them are responsible for crimes, committed by someone else. 6 people are responsible for Freddie Gray's death. What about thousands fair and professional cops, who have never been accused of anything?
Do you want to stay face to face with enraged black crowd? Because that's how you get it.
The cops are not afraid. They are engaged in a "job action," meaning they will do everything they cannot avoid doing.

They will answer all "jobs" given to them via radio but will take their time in responding. And they will not look for any trouble, such as apparent drug-dealing or "strapped" (armed) gang-bangers. So far there are news reports of free-wheeling drug-dealing and 37 deaths by gunshot in the past month in Baltimore alone. Soon home invasions and street crime in upscale neighborhoods will start.
When officers do respond to a call they are immediately threatened by an angry mob.

That won't happen in upscale neighborhoods.
Completely predictable, of course.

Which makes me wonder a bit - was this a goal?

This is what the anarchists wanted. A complete breakdown of our society. Saul alinsky's plan as implemented by Obama and fellow radicals is working. The next president needs to undo every aspect of ObamaNation or America will not last 20 more years.

Cancel your newspaper subscription.

What newspaper subscription? Righties don't read newspapers. They snip headlines off wingnut blogs and look at long legs in short skirts on Fox. Hahahahaa
After insisting the police force was not engaged in a work slowdown — causing the rise in violent crime — the union now says officers are “afraid of going to jail for doing their jobs.” May has been Baltimore’s most violent month in 15 years.

Baltimore Police Union Now Says Officers Afraid To Do Their Jobs After Freddie Gray Case - BuzzFeed News

I would also be afraid to do my job if I were a police officer in Baltimore. Hostile campaign against American policemen should be stopped. Not all officers are bad and not all of them are responsible for crimes, committed by someone else. 6 people are responsible for Freddie Gray's death. What about thousands fair and professional cops, who have never been accused of anything?
Do you want to stay face to face with enraged black crowd? Because that's how you get it. we have officers who for decades have mistreated a community of blacks, who never learned how to negotiate conflict with the black community without afraid that the seeds they've sown for decades have now produced the anti cop behavior they themselves help created!!
Said it many times long before all this started, but without fear you can't have law and order. If people aren't afraid of the police any more, society collapses.

Oh, I see. So "protect and defend" is just police union propaganda? So a police state is the desirable form of government?
I hope all you anti-cop and pro-thug assholes are happy.

I hope the asshole cops are happy. They are refusing to do their job guaranteeing that more people will be killed. Fire them all if they don't want to do their job. Nobody is anti cop. They are just anti bad cop. You don't get that?
Said it many times long before all this started, but without fear you can't have law and order. If people aren't afraid of the police any more, society collapses.

Fearing the police should never ever ever be a mandate for law and order....fearing the justice system, however should be. For decades law abiding black people have been subject to the same aggressive manuevers that should be reserved for violent criminals and now that the seeds of mistrust and aggression have marinated into generational mistrust, we now have the law in fear? They sowed these seeds and now must deal with the consequences of that harvest. One can only pray that somehow the trust and respect that all sides should maintain, comes as swiftly as the changes that need to be made.
"Afraid" to do their jobs?
I say BS.
All they need to do is keep people alive while in custody. Something that is normal everywhere else.
Smells like retribution.

Nope the job is a lot more than that keeping prisoners alive.

If you don't know that than you are one clueless idiot.

Keeping prisoners alive would have kept the problems from happening. Are you too ignorant to see that?
I hope all you anti-cop and pro-thug assholes are happy.

I hope the asshole cops are happy. They are refusing to do their job guaranteeing that more people will be killed. Fire them all if they don't want to do their job. Nobody is anti cop. They are just anti bad cop. You don't get that?

What these cowards fail to realize is that once mayhem ensues, it spreads and it spreads quickly.....and maybe to areas where they themselves live. What is amazing is that they are the one's responsible for the chaos and mistrust and now the chickens have come to roost.
I hope all you anti-cop and pro-thug assholes are happy.

I hope the asshole cops are happy. They are refusing to do their job guaranteeing that more people will be killed. Fire them all if they don't want to do their job. Nobody is anti cop. They are just anti bad cop. You don't get that?

It's a mess, but one well defined by Matt Taibbi's expose this month in R.S. Check it out. 1968 Supreme Court case Terry v. Ohio and the "Broken Windows" policy initiated by Giuliani in NYC started the ball rolling in the wrong direction. Cops got caught in the middle and of course, everyone loses.

Page 5 of Why Baltimore Blew Up Rolling Stone
"Afraid" to do their jobs?
I say BS.
All they need to do is keep people alive while in custody. Something that is normal everywhere else.
Smells like retribution.

The irony in all this, is that outside of their communities, where's its safe....these officers really don't know how to police blacks WITHOUT VIOLENT TATICS....Because they never learned to respect anyone outside their box of who's worthy of that respect!!
After insisting the police force was not engaged in a work slowdown — causing the rise in violent crime — the union now says officers are “afraid of going to jail for doing their jobs.” May has been Baltimore’s most violent month in 15 years.

Baltimore Police Union Now Says Officers Afraid To Do Their Jobs After Freddie Gray Case - BuzzFeed News

I would also be afraid to do my job if I were a police officer in Baltimore. Hostile campaign against American policemen should be stopped. Not all officers are bad and not all of them are responsible for crimes, committed by someone else. 6 people are responsible for Freddie Gray's death. What about thousands fair and professional cops, who have never been accused of anything?
Do you want to stay face to face with enraged black crowd? Because that's how you get it. we have officers who for decades have mistreated a community of blacks, who never learned how to negotiate conflict with the black community without afraid that the seeds they've sown for decades have now produced the anti cop behavior they themselves help created!!
Arresting lawbreakers is not mistreating the black community. Act up in a white neighborhood and you get arrested too. Difference is white neighborhoods are quiet and safe go be in. Blacks bring their misery on themselves. Whites aren't fucking up black neighborhoods.

I'm tired of blacks whining..
I hope all you anti-cop and pro-thug assholes are happy.

I hope the asshole cops are happy. They are refusing to do their job guaranteeing that more people will be killed. Fire them all if they don't want to do their job. Nobody is anti cop. They are just anti bad cop. You don't get that?
You're full of horseshit. Every cop has a target painted on them and people like you don't give a shit.
"Afraid" to do their jobs?
I say BS.
All they need to do is keep people alive while in custody. Something that is normal everywhere else.
Smells like retribution.

Retribution? Cops aren't doing the killing in Baltimore, Idiot.

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