Official 2009 World Series Thread

yeah xeno is right...if anything the Yankees should have won this series back in Anaheim...either a sweep or game 5. Girardi's managerial blunders as well as swisher not being to execute sac fly's on multiple occasions all but gave the Angels their 2 wins.

As poor as the Yanks played...lets not forget they played the Angels who had 97 wins in the AL.

Let's not compare the Angels to the Dodgers who the Phillies had the pleasure of playing.
I'd take Pedro over Burnett any day of the week at this point.

Burnett;s has 1 bad game in the post season...and you're a disgruntled red sox fan who would take anyone over any yankee you're opinion means nothing
yeah xeno is right...if anything the Yankees should have won this series back in Anaheim...either a sweep or game 5. Girardi's managerial blunders as well as swisher not being to execute sac fly's on multiple occasions all but gave the Angels their 2 wins.

As poor as the Yanks played...lets not forget they played the Angels who had 97 wins in the AL.

Let's not compare the Angels to the Dodgers who the Phillies had the pleasure of playing.

plus Yanks have always had trouble beating the Angels
NY was beating Pedro when he was top notch, old who's your daddy Pedro isn't striking fear into anybody.

Game 2 will also feature a DH, something pedro doesn't want to deal with.
NY was beating Pedro when he was top notch, old who's your daddy Pedro isn't striking fear into anybody.

Game 2 will also feature a DH, something pedro doesn't want to deal with.

Yeah I remember 2004. If the Yanks hadn't been down by so many runs, they would have fucked Pedro yet again.
Same thing I've been saying every year since 1962 whenever they're in the Series: Yankees in 6
Wishful thinking Paulie.

It's a gimme for the Yanks. Philly will overachieve if they win one game.
Jeter .985 OPS in 27 ABs
Tex 1.157 OPS in 23 ABs
Posada .939 OPS in 21 ABs
Swisher .903 in 18 ABs
ARod 1.183 in 15 ABs
Melky .833 OPS in 11 ABs

Cabrera 11 .273 .645
Cano 18 .222 .222
Damon 22 .091 .091
Jeter 27 .407 .519
Matsui 17 .294 .412
Posoda 21 .286 .667
Rodriguez 15 .333 .733
Swisher 18 .333 .444
Teixeira 23 .391 .696

VS Lee

Also looks like the Phils are leaning towards Pedro for game 2 which is the smart move imo but also has it's huge drawbacks

ERA for Pedro

Home 1.88
Away 5.66

And Hamels just doesn't scare me at all I know he can all of a sudden have alights out game cause he does have the stuff...but he hasn't shown a glimpse of it as of yet. Something is off with him. He currently has a 6.75 era this post season. He CAN NOT pitch like that to the Yankees.
I think starting rotation is even.

And our bullpen consists of a few guys who are actually STARTERS who didn't make the postseason rotation.

We can bring out Happ and Blanton, and Scott Eyre has been shutting the lefties down.

Madson worries me this year, when last year he didn't. But so far, Lidge appears to be back.

If I'm Manuel, I don't even start Hamels until at least game 4. He has an attitude problem and I think he got his money last year and doesn't care now. He needs to show the team he deserves to be here.

Everyone seems to respond well to Manuel's rare punishments. Like when Moyer came in out of the pen after his demotion and lit everyone up. Or when Rollins was sat for being late and proceeded to pick up his game after that.

We already know how to beat Sabathia, we crushed him last year. Only difference is he'll be rested this time around. This is going to be a fun series, and I'll take my lickings if we lose.

If we take game 1, we have the overwhelming advantage the rest of the way through, even if we split at NY.

We're the best road team in the Majors, but the Yanks are the best home team.

I don't think baseball could have gotten a better World Series.

I can't wait to hear Buck and McCarver try and get garbled words out while any random Yankee's dick is buried down their throats.

A-Rod is also a key. If he doesn't hit well, there's a good chance Tex might not either.

Also, Pettitte is #1 at holding runners on and Tex is a gold glover, maybe the best in the biz right now. So when he pitches, our running game is going to be hurting.

I think I'm more excited about this one than I was with the last one. Beating the Yankees would be sooooooo damn sweet :D
Jeter .985 OPS in 27 ABs
Tex 1.157 OPS in 23 ABs
Posada .939 OPS in 21 ABs
Swisher .903 in 18 ABs
ARod 1.183 in 15 ABs
Melky .833 OPS in 11 ABs

Cabrera 11 .273 .645
Cano 18 .222 .222
Damon 22 .091 .091
Jeter 27 .407 .519
Matsui 17 .294 .412
Posoda 21 .286 .667
Rodriguez 15 .333 .733
Swisher 18 .333 .444
Teixeira 23 .391 .696

VS Lee

Also looks like the Phils are leaning towards Pedro for game 2 which is the smart move imo but also has it's huge drawbacks

ERA for Pedro

Home 1.88
Away 5.66

And Hamels just doesn't scare me at all I know he can all of a sudden have alights out game cause he does have the stuff...but he hasn't shown a glimpse of it as of yet. Something is off with him. He currently has a 6.75 era this post season. He CAN NOT pitch like that to the Yankees.

I don't care about historic regular season stats, the postseason is such a completely different animal. Everyone (well, ALMOST) steps their game up.

@ Mani:

Name the terms. Are you betting we only win 1 game, or that we lose the series? I'm not taking a series bet, but I'll DEF bet that we win more than 1.

Clarify and name the terms.
Hamels for sure will start game 3 no question...thats why it's imperative for the Phils to split in NY because if you are down 0-2 with Hamels going...series could get ugly very quickly.


Ryan Howard is atrocious against Lefties hitting .207 compared to .320 against righties and he will see lefties for the most part between CC and Andy.

I think the key to the Phillies is getting Tex out so they can pitch carefully around A-rod. If Tex gets on base then you have to pitch to A-rod. Most importantly for the Phils the pitching needs to step it up..both of these teams are going to score

I think this is going to be a fantastic series and we are goign to get our money's worth...and the ratings may not have gotten what they wanted but the real baseball fans did.

Baseball in the Gritty North East...where it all started and where the most passionate fans are.

Hamels for sure will start game 3 no question...thats why it's imperative for the Phils to split in NY because if you are down 0-2 with Hamels going...series could get ugly very quickly.


Ryan Howard is atrocious against Lefties hitting .207 compared to .320 against righties and he will see lefties for the most part between CC and Andy.

I think the key to the Phillies is getting Tex out so they can pitch carefully around A-rod. If Tex gets on base then you have to pitch to A-rod. Most importantly for the Phils the pitching needs to step it up..both of these teams are going to score

I think this is going to be a fantastic series and we are goign to get our money's worth...and the ratings may not have gotten what they wanted but the real baseball fans did.

Baseball in the Gritty North East...where it all started and where the most passionate fans are.

Look at Howard's #'s vs. lefties LATELY, though. He's stepped up his game big time.

And he's hitting great so far in the PS, and had another stellar September. He's clutch as hell.

He's not falling for that lefty breaking ball anymore, he's waiting for his pitch. Also, he moved closer to the plate, which I was SCREAMING about all last year. The guy was practically standing outside the box for christ's sake. Now he's right up on it and can get to the outside pitches better.

Just wait til he learns how to go the other way and everyone has to stop using that crazy shift :D

Like I had said though, how A-rod hits is key, becuase that dictates how we get to pitch to Tex.
When Howard would have a 1-2 or 0-2 count, and it was a lefty pitching, you KNEW the breaking ball was coming. I mean, so did Howard if he had any brains.

But yet, when it came, he swung anyway and tallied another K.

Now, pitchers are realizing he's being patient, so he gets fastballs in those counts now.

Not to mention, Werth is protecting him, and Werth is a friggin BEAST.

Nothing else to say. Just bring it on, baby!
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Yes I see the irony that Drago lost...but it's still fitting
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Yes I see the irony that Drago lost...but it's still fitting

Not only did Drago lose, but the turtle beat the hare, and David beat Goliath.

I'm sure there are other historic references to the underdog coming out on top, but you get the drift :D
[ame=]YouTube - 2001 World Series[/ame]

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