Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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Biden has spent quite awhile now supporting rioters and condemning the police.

You think that is 'easing' the tensions?

You're an idiot and nobody cares what you think.

Biden will be your president.
Way to be civil and unifying.

You have absolutely no room to talk about being civil.
Didn't Biden say he wanted to be the President for all Americans? What do you mean I don't have any room to talk? I am not the one bragging and insulting here today.

Do you honestly think that you have been civil? Honestly? Do you think you have any room to lecture about being civil?

Man you are delusional.
Biden said that he wants to unify America. I am taking that lead and doing the same. Civility from here on in. He will be my new President and I like that idea. What do you think about unity?
Ill take sad and pathetic behavior on Twitter over starting another bloody war any day of the week.

If anything is going to start another bloody war, it's this pathetic behavior by our child President.
Except it DIDNT.

The previous non-childish presidents not so much. Reality disagrees with what you expect. How do you square that?

Well there is no bloody war either. So I’m not sure what your argument is.

Maybe you can clarify.
One of the very few things Trump managed to do correctly was not to expand our war efforts any further. He should have gone much further in getting us out of foreign engagements but at least we really did not start any new ones. Obama? Nope, it got even worse under Obama. Bush? He started most of this fucking mess. Clinton? Also nope.

Biden claims he has changed but his record on foreign engagements is abysmal. We will see but I would bet that we will be bombing more countries before his tenure is over. NOT bombing other countries is a MASSIVE + in my book. Not only that but this is the first time in 30 years we have seen any movement whatsoever on peace in the ME. The rest of the Washington idiots were assuring us that Trump was going to cause massive harm and unrest there. Actual reality disagrees. If not for Trumps absolute failure on every other FP area, I would likely have been able to vote for him.

I agree that Trump did a good job of not getting us into unnecessary wars.

It remains to be seen how Biden will handle foreign relations. I trust Biden's judgment over Trump's. Biden is a sensible adult.
Foreign relations? Possibly - Trump is an utter failure with our allies and bringing that extreme power to bear on our adversaries.

War? I do not have any trust in Biden in that department at all. His record is utter garbage and any 'return to normal' is a return to ever expanding bombing campaigns.

I think the overall point I was making was lost though - the idea that Trump is some sort of unique evil and supporting him is stupid, unacceptable or otherwise shows a character flaw is misguided at best and I find the original statement that it is sad anyone can support Trump to reflect that idea. I can and have pointed to one way in which you could easily support Trump over Biden rationally. This attitude that support of Trump is 'sad' IMHO reflects the very same rot that you and other are pointing to ruining our political discourse on the other sider. Those 71 million people that voted for him are not going away and I think there is a significant portion of the electorate that sees them as 'deplorable' to use a buzz word.
Ill take sad and pathetic behavior on Twitter over starting another bloody war any day of the week.

If anything is going to start another bloody war, it's this pathetic behavior by our child President.
Except it DIDNT.

The previous non-childish presidents not so much. Reality disagrees with what you expect. How do you square that?

Well there is no bloody war either. So I’m not sure what your argument is.

Maybe you can clarify.
One of the very few things Trump managed to do correctly was not to expand our war efforts any further. He should have gone much further in getting us out of foreign engagements but at least we really did not start any new ones. Obama? Nope, it got even worse under Obama. Bush? He started most of this fucking mess. Clinton? Also nope.

Biden claims he has changed but his record on foreign engagements is abysmal. We will see but I would bet that we will be bombing more countries before his tenure is over. NOT bombing other countries is a MASSIVE + in my book. Not only that but this is the first time in 30 years we have seen any movement whatsoever on peace in the ME. The rest of the Washington idiots were assuring us that Trump was going to cause massive harm and unrest there. Actual reality disagrees. If not for Trumps absolute failure on every other FP area, I would likely have been able to vote for him.

I agree that Trump did a good job of not getting us into unnecessary wars.

It remains to be seen how Biden will handle foreign relations. I trust Biden's judgment over Trump's. Biden is a sensible adult.
Foreign relations? Possibly - Trump is an utter failure with our allies and bringing that extreme power to bear on our adversaries.

War? I do not have any trust in Biden in that department at all. His record is utter garbage and any 'return to normal' is a return to ever expanding bombing campaigns.

I think the overall point I was making was lost though - the idea that Trump is some sort of unique evil and supporting him is stupid, unacceptable or otherwise shows a character flaw is misguided at best and I find the original statement that it is sad anyone can support Trump to reflect that idea. I can and have pointed to one way in which you could easily support Trump over Biden rationally. This attitude that support of Trump is 'sad' IMHO reflects the very same rot that you and other are pointing to ruining our political discourse on the other sider. Those 71 million people that voted for him are not going away and I think there is a significant portion of the electorate that sees them as 'deplorable' to use a buzz word.

Trump is terrible. But there are things that he should receive praise for. Not leading us to war is one of the very few things I didn't mind about his term.
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

So when I ran into them and they tried to threaten me they were a figment of my imagination.


Go back to sleep Pigo.


Dumbfuck, there's nothing in there about Antifa. You hallucinating again?


Whatever helps you sleep at night. Antifa literally threatened me. You guys live in a fantasy world. I
am done with petty insults. Want to have a grown up debate let me know. Otherwise have a nice life.

So .... you were "literally threatened" by a philosophy?

Not easy to do.
If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

Also, if anything causes more riots, it will be because Donald Trump claims that the election was stolen from him.

This behavior of his is completely inappropriate, stupid, and potentially dangerous.

We have enough heavily armed, stupid assholes in this country. We don't need to feed them unsubstantiated bullshit like this.

Worst president ever. I'm glad he's gone. Hopefully he doesn't cause any more damage on his way out.
If in March 2021 a police officer justly kills a black criminal in LA and riots happen who will they blame?

That issue isn't going to magically disappear. Biden will at least ease the tensions. Trump is the one throwing gasoline on the fire.
Biden has spent quite awhile now supporting rioters and condemning the police.

Got links?
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

So when I ran into them and they tried to threaten me they were a figment of my imagination.


Go back to sleep Pigo.


Dumbfuck, there's nothing in there about Antifa. You hallucinating again?


Whatever helps you sleep at night. Antifa literally threatened me. You guys live in a fantasy world. I
am done with petty insults. Want to have a grown up debate let me know. Otherwise have a nice life.

So .... you were "literally threatened" by a philosophy?

Not easy to do.

It’s not a philosophy. These are people dressed in black cooperating under the Antifa flag.
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

So when I ran into them and they tried to threaten me they were a figment of my imagination.


Go back to sleep Pigo.


Dumbfuck, there's nothing in there about Antifa. You hallucinating again?


Whatever helps you sleep at night. Antifa literally threatened me. You guys live in a fantasy world. I
am done with petty insults. Want to have a grown up debate let me know. Otherwise have a nice life.

So .... you were "literally threatened" by a philosophy?

Not easy to do.

It’s not a philosophy. These are people dressed in black cooperating under the Antifa flag.

Guess what the word "antifa" is short for. Hint: the accent is on the first syllable, not the second.
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

So when I ran into them and they tried to threaten me they were a figment of my imagination.


Go back to sleep Pigo.


Dumbfuck, there's nothing in there about Antifa. You hallucinating again?


Whatever helps you sleep at night. Antifa literally threatened me. You guys live in a fantasy world. I
am done with petty insults. Want to have a grown up debate let me know. Otherwise have a nice life.

So .... you were "literally threatened" by a philosophy?

Not easy to do.

It’s not a philosophy. These are people dressed in black cooperating under the Antifa flag.

Guess what the word "antifa" is short for. Hint: the accent is on the first syllable, not the second.

In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

So when I ran into them and they tried to threaten me they were a figment of my imagination.


Go back to sleep Pigo.


Dumbfuck, there's nothing in there about Antifa. You hallucinating again?


Whatever helps you sleep at night. Antifa literally threatened me. You guys live in a fantasy world. I
am done with petty insults. Want to have a grown up debate let me know. Otherwise have a nice life.

So .... you were "literally threatened" by a philosophy?

Not easy to do.

It’s not a philosophy. These are people dressed in black cooperating under the Antifa flag.

Guess what the word "antifa" is short for. Hint: the accent is on the first syllable, not the second.

Yet they act just like Fascists. Told me not to go into the restaurant because the prior night they allowed a pro 2nd amendment group to dine there. I politely told them to fuck off.
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

So when I ran into them and they tried to threaten me they were a figment of my imagination.


Go back to sleep Pigo.


Dumbfuck, there's nothing in there about Antifa. You hallucinating again?


Whatever helps you sleep at night. Antifa literally threatened me. You guys live in a fantasy world. I
am done with petty insults. Want to have a grown up debate let me know. Otherwise have a nice life.

So .... you were "literally threatened" by a philosophy?

Not easy to do.

It’s not a philosophy. These are people dressed in black cooperating under the Antifa flag.

Guess what the word "antifa" is short for. Hint: the accent is on the first syllable, not the second.

In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

So when I ran into them and they tried to threaten me they were a figment of my imagination.


Go back to sleep Pigo.


Dumbfuck, there's nothing in there about Antifa. You hallucinating again?


Whatever helps you sleep at night. Antifa literally threatened me. You guys live in a fantasy world. I
am done with petty insults. Want to have a grown up debate let me know. Otherwise have a nice life.

So .... you were "literally threatened" by a philosophy?

Not easy to do.

It’s not a philosophy. These are people dressed in black cooperating under the Antifa flag.

Guess what the word "antifa" is short for. Hint: the accent is on the first syllable, not the second.

Yet they act just like Fascists. Told me not to go into the restaurant because the prior night they allowed a pro 2nd amendment group to dine there. I politely told them to fuck off.

Good. You did the right thing.

Regardless what "they" "act like" --- whoever "they" might or mightn't be --- the fact remains it means "anti-fascist", which is a philosophy. There is no organization called "Antifa". There is no "Antifa headquarters". There is no "Antifa hierarchy". It's a set of beliefs. It's a concept. It cannot be quantified.
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

So when I ran into them and they tried to threaten me they were a figment of my imagination.


Go back to sleep Pigo.


Dumbfuck, there's nothing in there about Antifa. You hallucinating again?


Whatever helps you sleep at night. Antifa literally threatened me. You guys live in a fantasy world. I
am done with petty insults. Want to have a grown up debate let me know. Otherwise have a nice life.

So .... you were "literally threatened" by a philosophy?

Not easy to do.

It’s not a philosophy. These are people dressed in black cooperating under the Antifa flag.

Guess what the word "antifa" is short for. Hint: the accent is on the first syllable, not the second.

In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

So when I ran into them and they tried to threaten me they were a figment of my imagination.


Go back to sleep Pigo.


Dumbfuck, there's nothing in there about Antifa. You hallucinating again?


Whatever helps you sleep at night. Antifa literally threatened me. You guys live in a fantasy world. I
am done with petty insults. Want to have a grown up debate let me know. Otherwise have a nice life.

So .... you were "literally threatened" by a philosophy?

Not easy to do.

It’s not a philosophy. These are people dressed in black cooperating under the Antifa flag.

Guess what the word "antifa" is short for. Hint: the accent is on the first syllable, not the second.

Yet they act just like Fascists. Told me not to go into the restaurant because the prior night they allowed a pro 2nd amendment group to dine there. I politely told them to fuck off.

Good. You did the right thing.

Regardless what "they" "act like" --- whoever "they" might or mightn't be --- the fact remains it means "anti-fascist", which is a philosophy. There is no organization called "Antifa". There is no "Antifa headquarters". There is no "Antifa hierarchy". It's a set of beliefs. It's a concept. It cannot be quantified.

That’s what they want you to think. They came out in numbers but luckily were thin and relatively puny. I suppose You don’t believe BLM is a terror group either. To each their own.
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

So when I ran into them and they tried to threaten me they were a figment of my imagination.


Go back to sleep Pigo.


Dumbfuck, there's nothing in there about Antifa. You hallucinating again?


Whatever helps you sleep at night. Antifa literally threatened me. You guys live in a fantasy world. I
am done with petty insults. Want to have a grown up debate let me know. Otherwise have a nice life.

So .... you were "literally threatened" by a philosophy?

Not easy to do.

It’s not a philosophy. These are people dressed in black cooperating under the Antifa flag.

Guess what the word "antifa" is short for. Hint: the accent is on the first syllable, not the second.

In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

So when I ran into them and they tried to threaten me they were a figment of my imagination.


Go back to sleep Pigo.


Dumbfuck, there's nothing in there about Antifa. You hallucinating again?


Whatever helps you sleep at night. Antifa literally threatened me. You guys live in a fantasy world. I
am done with petty insults. Want to have a grown up debate let me know. Otherwise have a nice life.

So .... you were "literally threatened" by a philosophy?

Not easy to do.

It’s not a philosophy. These are people dressed in black cooperating under the Antifa flag.

Guess what the word "antifa" is short for. Hint: the accent is on the first syllable, not the second.

Yet they act just like Fascists. Told me not to go into the restaurant because the prior night they allowed a pro 2nd amendment group to dine there. I politely told them to fuck off.

Good. You did the right thing.

Regardless what "they" "act like" --- whoever "they" might or mightn't be --- the fact remains it means "anti-fascist", which is a philosophy. There is no organization called "Antifa". There is no "Antifa headquarters". There is no "Antifa hierarchy". It's a set of beliefs. It's a concept. It cannot be quantified.

That’s what they want you to think. They came out in numbers but luckily were thin and relatively puny. I suppose You don’t believe BLM is a terror group either. To each their own.

Correct. Know what BLM stands for? Of course you do. "Black Lives Matter". That's, again, a statement of opiinion. There is no "BLM" building, no "BLM" organization, no "BLM" CEO. It's an attitude. "BLM" is not capable of doing anything; it's only capable of being thought. You can agree with it or you can disagree with it, but you can't count it. Because it isn't an "it".
In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

So when I ran into them and they tried to threaten me they were a figment of my imagination.


Go back to sleep Pigo.


Dumbfuck, there's nothing in there about Antifa. You hallucinating again?


Whatever helps you sleep at night. Antifa literally threatened me. You guys live in a fantasy world. I
am done with petty insults. Want to have a grown up debate let me know. Otherwise have a nice life.

So .... you were "literally threatened" by a philosophy?

Not easy to do.

It’s not a philosophy. These are people dressed in black cooperating under the Antifa flag.

Guess what the word "antifa" is short for. Hint: the accent is on the first syllable, not the second.

In the debate Biden said “Antifa is an idea”....

I think that was a mistake by him.

I don't think it was totally inaccurate when taking the context into account. I think the comparison was with it being an "organization". I think he was trying to say that it's just a group of idiots being idiots rather than a centralized organization. Something like that.

It didn't come across well and I ultimately chalk it up as a mistake and an even bigger missed opportunity to reiterate some of his previous comments on looting and rioting.

Biden rolled out an even firmer statement on the violence on Sunday, calling the violence in Portland “unacceptable” and stating, “I condemn the violence unequivocally,” adding “whether on the left or the right.”

“I challenge Donald Trump to do the same,” Biden added, possibly taking aim at Trump for applauding a caravan of his supporters who were caught on video tear gassing protesters and shooting them with paintballs and for not immediately condemning Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old Trump supporter charged with homicide for shooting protesters in Kenosha.

He had a chance to double down on this and he whiffed in my opinion. Not necessarily condemn-worthy, but still a mistake. My $0.02.
And Nadler? Calling the riots a myth. The party will be in charge come January. If more riots occur what will they do in your opinion? Can no longer blame DJT.

You're still lying about Democrats calling the riots a myth?? Nadler called the claim that it was Antifa, a myth. He never said the riots were a myth.
I posted a link that said otherwise. Too bad you can’t read. Stupid walking corpse.


You're such a fucking retard, ShortBus. From your own link...

Fletcher: There’s violence across the whole country. Do you disavow the violence from Antifa that’s happening in Portland right now? There’s riots—
Nadler: That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.
Fletcher: About Antifa in Portland?
Nadler: Yes.

Nadler said Antifa causing the violence in Portland was a myth.

So who was causing it? You and I ?

Wasn't me, I can tell you that. Still, according to the video you posted, Nadler did not call riots a myth.

But thanks for again showing the forum why I call you, "ShortBus."


My bad. Wasn’t me either. Do you believe it was Antifa? In your opinion.

"Antifa" is not a thing. Not a noun. Therefore you can't use it as a predicate adjective.

You could call it a "movement" if you like but movements by definition cannot commit an action or make a statement. You'd have to be a noun to do that.

So when I ran into them and they tried to threaten me they were a figment of my imagination.


Go back to sleep Pigo.


Dumbfuck, there's nothing in there about Antifa. You hallucinating again?


Whatever helps you sleep at night. Antifa literally threatened me. You guys live in a fantasy world. I
am done with petty insults. Want to have a grown up debate let me know. Otherwise have a nice life.

So .... you were "literally threatened" by a philosophy?

Not easy to do.

It’s not a philosophy. These are people dressed in black cooperating under the Antifa flag.

Guess what the word "antifa" is short for. Hint: the accent is on the first syllable, not the second.

Yet they act just like Fascists. Told me not to go into the restaurant because the prior night they allowed a pro 2nd amendment group to dine there. I politely told them to fuck off.

Good. You did the right thing.

Regardless what "they" "act like" --- whoever "they" might or mightn't be --- the fact remains it means "anti-fascist", which is a philosophy. There is no organization called "Antifa". There is no "Antifa headquarters". There is no "Antifa hierarchy". It's a set of beliefs. It's a concept. It cannot be quantified.

That’s what they want you to think. They came out in numbers but luckily were thin and relatively puny. I suppose You don’t believe BLM is a terror group either. To each their own.

Correct. Know what BLM stands for? Of course you do. "Black Lives Matter". That's, again, a statement of opiinion. There is no "BLM" building, no "BLM" organization, no "BLM" CEO. It's an attitude. "BLM" is not capable of doing anything; it's only capable of being thought. You can agree with it or you can disagree with it, but you can't count it. Because it isn't an "it".

They are capable of raising $1bn dollars.
I have never felt so emotional for our country, and so full of love as I do now, when we, the people, made our voices heard and brought us out of the darkness.

God Bless America :love_ya4:

We the people, hand in hand,
We, the people, understand,
That there's an answer, there's a way,
We, the people, have to say,
So, send the orders to prepare,
We, the people, do declare,
Send the good news, send the word,
We, the people, will be heard,
We, the people, everywhere.
This pretty much sums it up:

View attachment 413140

And this pretty much sums the above up:


-- which in turn is summed up by:

... leaving us with Lord Buckley's inimitable wisdom of long ago:
"IF you get to it and you can NOT do it.... there you jolly well are (whew) ... aren't you"

Then you should have no problem letting them audit the vote.

Which nobody does, speaking of strawmen nobody brought up.

FUCK outta here.
Well, in a law suit it’s called discovery....
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