Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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Didn't one state change their laws to give their electoral votes to whom-ever won the NATIONAL POPULAR VOTE?

I thunk it was OR.

there were 12 or 15 states that signed this POShit. And lucky for them, there's a clause in the compact that it does not go into effect until the states who have signed reach the 270 margin to win the E-College..

OTHERWISE -- it's a good chance these whining lefties would be watching the ENTIRE ELECTORAL MAP for the country turn red on election night.. I was hoping this would be another Democrat "self inflicted wound" in their long slow suicide...
I'm bugging out of this also.. But not before I embarrass myself by making a prediction that you didn't HEAR in the media the past week...

I've tossed the polls and just done some "back of envelope" calculations based on the "bleed" from the Dem party in their black, jewish, latino, police, owners of looted stores, dead restaurants, other divisions.. And on recent REGISTRATIONS running in favor of the Repubs.

In addition RECORD turn-outs in the Red states are already a fact. Boosting the pop vote for Trump..

By my calculations -- Trump SWEEPS the pop vote. But I'm not committing to the E-College vote.. Waiting to see the HYPOCRISY and WHINING from the RIGHT -- if Trump is AHEAD by 5 million pop votes nationwide, but loses the E-college.. :up:

Minimum 5Mill vote pop vote margin for Trump over Biden.. No E-college prediction..
Well, if such a thing happened (Trump gets popular vote, Dems get Electoral vote) it would certainly go a long way toward winning bipartisan support for doing away with — or at least reforming — the Electoral College system!

The hell it would.. The E-college is there for the same reason the "undemocratic" Senate is there. And by comparison --- the E-College is FAR MORE "democratic" than the Senate. AND BTW -- LIGHTYEARS more democratic than your average DNC "SUPER-delegate"...

So -- you'd be burying the Republic and looking at a totally new Constitutional Convention to ratify some OTHER scheme of governance..,.

IF -- you got this out of Congress and had even a fraction of the states willing to vote for abolishing the Republic.. Thomas Paine should know this -- Am i RIGHT???
I was curious if a videographer and independent observer was hired to document President Trump's amazing campaign. No idea if that happened, but this gives a general feel.

At no time in American history did American citizens support their President and support his re-election except maybe George Washington! And this was in the context of democrat operative Fraud Fauci's "lockdown" protocol and the Fake News/DNC brainwashing stupid saps.
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I'm bugging out of this also.. But not before I embarrass myself by making a prediction that you didn't HEAR in the media the past week...

I've tossed the polls and just done some "back of envelope" calculations based on the "bleed" from the Dem party in their black, jewish, latino, police, owners of looted stores, dead restaurants, other divisions.. And on recent REGISTRATIONS running in favor of the Repubs.

In addition RECORD turn-outs in the Red states are already a fact. Boosting the pop vote for Trump..

By my calculations -- Trump SWEEPS the pop vote. But I'm not committing to the E-College vote.. Waiting to see the HYPOCRISY and WHINING from the RIGHT -- if Trump is AHEAD by 5 million pop votes nationwide, but loses the E-college.. :up:

Minimum 5Mill vote pop vote margin for Trump over Biden.. No E-college prediction..
Well, if such a thing happened (Trump gets popular vote, Dems get Electoral vote) it would certainly go a long way toward winning bipartisan support for doing away with — or at least reforming — the Electoral College system!

The hell it would.. The E-college is there for the same reason the "undemocratic" Senate is there. And by comparison --- the E-College is FAR MORE "democratic" than the Senate. AND BTW -- LIGHTYEARS more democratic than your average DNC "SUPER-delegate"...

So -- you'd be burying the Republic and looking at a totally new Constitutional Convention to ratify some OTHER scheme of governance..,.

IF -- you got this out of Congress and had even a fraction of the states willing to vote for abolishing the Republic.. Thomas Paine should know this -- Am i RIGHT???
Reforming or abolishing the Electoral College is nothing like “burying the republic” — surely you know this as well as I do. I was just repeating an observation I made many times before about this issue, as here:

i have also often said I think Trump will win, or has a very good chance to. He himself is on record as calling for abolishing the Electoral College as “undemocratic.” He even once called for a “Revolution” if Republicans should lose the EC after winning the popular vote. But then you knew this too, right?
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Tom, we are dealing with reality, not your particular interpretations of things. Ad hominems will not support your view. But let's take your view further. How about every American citizen vote for every congressional and senate seat that is open? Abolishing the undemocratic policy of only "locals" voting for politicians that impact everyone is not democratic after all. Do you think the pathological liars like Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, etc. would be voted in by popular vote?
I'm bugging out of this also.. But not before I embarrass myself by making a prediction that you didn't HEAR in the media the past week...

I've tossed the polls and just done some "back of envelope" calculations based on the "bleed" from the Dem party in their black, jewish, latino, police, owners of looted stores, dead restaurants, other divisions.. And on recent REGISTRATIONS running in favor of the Repubs.

In addition RECORD turn-outs in the Red states are already a fact. Boosting the pop vote for Trump..

By my calculations -- Trump SWEEPS the pop vote. But I'm not committing to the E-College vote.. Waiting to see the HYPOCRISY and WHINING from the RIGHT -- if Trump is AHEAD by 5 million pop votes nationwide, but loses the E-college.. :up:

Minimum 5Mill vote pop vote margin for Trump over Biden.. No E-college prediction..
Well, if such a thing happened (Trump gets popular vote, Dems get Electoral vote) it would certainly go a long way toward winning bipartisan support for doing away with — or at least reforming — the Electoral College system!

The hell it would.. The E-college is there for the same reason the "undemocratic" Senate is there. And by comparison --- the E-College is FAR MORE "democratic" than the Senate. AND BTW -- LIGHTYEARS more democratic than your average DNC "SUPER-delegate"...

So -- you'd be burying the Republic and looking at a totally new Constitutional Convention to ratify some OTHER scheme of governance..,.

IF -- you got this out of Congress and had even a fraction of the states willing to vote for abolishing the Republic.. Thomas Paine should know this -- Am i RIGHT???
Reforming or abolishing the Electoral College is nothing like “burying the republic” — surely you know this as well as I do. I was just repeating an observation I made many times before about this issue, as here:

i have also often said I think Trump will win, or has a very good chance to. He himself is on record as calling for abolishing the Electoral College as “undemocratic.” He even once called for a “Revolution” if Republicans should lose the EC after winning the popular vote. But then you knew this too, right?

There are at least a half dozen things we need to improve structurally in our federal government so different people do not change the rules to benefit their party or, as in Trump's case, themselves. We need to separate the DOJ from the Executive branch, improve the EC, force one house of Congress to give a floor vote to the actions of the other house, give the President the line item veto, get rid of the Presidential Pardon, and make contempt of Congress an offense punishable by jail time. None of it will happen...ever. And the nation suffers because of it.
By my calculations -- Trump SWEEPS the pop vote. But I'm not committing to the E-College vote..

Well Flac, that just kills it! The Dems have been screaming bloody murder for four years about the evils and failing of the EC and how Hillary won the popular vote! If this happens to Trump, maybe it is TIME TO ACT, time to CONCEDE TO THE LEFT'S WISHES, time to finally ADMIT THEY ARE RIGHT about something and have Trump call an emergency session to change the voting rules to the popular vote!

I don' mind if Trump is elected on the popular vote alone.

I mean, it is either THAT or let the democrats brutally EMBARRASS themselves by doing a 180 in mid-stride after ripping the EC for four years and now CHAMPIONING the Electoral College! :eusa_whistle:
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If Dems lose the popular vote but win the EC they will flip flop 180 degrees without batting an eye and declare the EC a mandate from the people.

Well I voted for Biden and you will be hell bent to find where I ever wrote that Hillary should have won because of the National Popular vote...

I am very pro-Electoral College and understand the importance of it for our Republic and Trump won it because he knew how to play the map and if Biden does win it while losing the National Popular Vote then he is still President...
I wonder if Lady Gaga minds hurting countless women who were sexually intimidated, assaulted, molested and attacked by Joe Biden just to endorse him after endorsing Hillary Clinton? I mean, what a great qualification to vote for Joe, he had Lady Gaga on stage for 5 minutes!


Fortunately it was an easy hop over just a few blocks from his Hollywood advertising producers who designed Joe's MARKETING CAMPAIGN to sell this bag of dog doodoo to the public, conveniently right around the corner from Joe's plastic surgeon who did all the cosmetic surgery on Joe's face during his many long absences and lids in his "basement."

Here's a good close up of the hundreds of age spots and things on Joe's face BEFORE getting the nomination:
The REAL JOE of 77-- --
Screen Shot 2020-11-03 at 3.56.51 AM.png

And now after thousands of dollars of cosmetic work to try to make Joe look in his 60s:
Screen Shot 2020-11-03 at 3.55.35 AM.jpg

All they need now is a little black shoe shine polish in his hair to complete the illusion.

Is there nothing real or authentic about this guy?


The ONLY thing they can't FAKE is the fact that the light has gone out in Joe's eyes.
I wonder if Lady Gaga minds hurting countless women who were sexually intimidated, assaulted, molested and attacked by Joe Biden just to endorse him after endorsing Hillary Clinton? I mean, what a great qualification to vote for Joe, he had Lady Gaga on stage for 5 minutes!

View attachment 410496

Fortunately it was an easy hop over just a few blocks from his Hollywood advertising producers who designed Joe's MARKETING CAMPAIGN to sell this bag of dog doodoo to the public, conveniently right around the corner from Joe's plastic surgeon who did all the cosmetic surgery on Joe's face during his many long absences and lids in his "basement."

Here's a good close up of the hundreds of age spots and things on Joe's face BEFORE getting the nomination:
The REAL JOE of 77-- --
View attachment 410497

And now after thousands of dollars of cosmetic work to try to make Joe look in his 60s:
View attachment 410499

All they need now is a little black shoe shine polish in his hair to complete the illusion.

Is there nothing real or authentic about this guy?

View attachment 410501

The ONLY thing they can't FAKE is the fact that the light has gone out in Joe's eyes.

What like the 26 women Trumped raped.

What like the 26 women Trumped raped.

I guess your public college never taught you that simple "sexual misconduct" is a far cry from actual RAPE, Froggy! All you need is ONE semen or DNA sample to PROVE rape!

How many you got so far? Any of these women? I thought so. Just you and your strong right fist . . .
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