Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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ABC had Bye-Don with 54% of the vote with 50% of the precincts reporting in Ohio.

It doesn't count Hamilton County all bets are off until then. Good sign though.
Biden ahead by 6.3% in NC with 67% of the vote in.

I like!

I don't see that big a spread.

Looks good to me. I predicted it going red. I'll take any lead in NC.

Trump can't win without it.

I agree.

Still mathematically possible obviously but it would be absolutely devastating to his re-election. He has such a narrow path to victory.

Trump has Florida...

At this stage rather be Biden than Trump... But it far from certain...

There was a reason Trump was scared of Biden... He eating his counties where he was winning while holding mainly in other areas, Miami Dade is the exception..
BTW - I voted.
In 2016, I did not. It was the first time I did not vote in a Presidential election since 1984.
This time I voted for Trump. The main reason being I cannot accept a Harris presidency. Joe Biden would not be the President for long. No way. No how. Harris is THE most leftist in the U.S. Senate. No way I want her. I would rather have 4 more of Trump than her.
She was a bad choice.
If Trump loses, the question is, "how will Harris govern America and deal with China"? A career politician who will at best, rely on the same Establishment that has been wrong about so much the last 30 years.
Well folks...can we start using the phrase Blue Wave yet?

Ohio for Biden. Damn. The pulse of this country has gone monstrously Socialist. Wow. Unexpected.
Not to me...but i don't think of it as there's that. In the end..all elections are popularity contests..and hated by so many. The inexorable demographic what you are really seeing here. Younger, Browner and pissed.
Prince William in NOVA just flipped red for Trump
Trump 27,507
Biden 27,283

And 95+% of the urban areas are already reported in.
Trump is going to win Virginia methinks

Um, Virginia or W Virginia? Virginia has already been called for Biden.
Why? 83% reporting:
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