Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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Trump has won the election people. The media will drag it out for a few more days but it's done. The media lied out of their ass for months. What else is new. Dims you have been conned and lied too for 4 years. Please for Christsakes stop believing the crap.
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Fake News CNN already signaling their way to rig this.

Yeah, saw that, then changed the channel.

I have been predicting that for weeks now.

It will be chaos for days to come if the ruling oligarchs get their way now. Buckle up, it'll be a rough ride now. Stock up on food, water, TP, etc. I just finished up provisioning today. :rolleyes:

. . . hopefully, BLM and ANTIFA will NOT do their bidding this time.
Trump has won the election people. The media will drag it out for a few more days but its done. The media lied out of their ass for months. What else is new. Dims you have been conned and lied too for 4 years. Please for Christsakes stop believing the crap.

Current odds to win the presidency from

Pretty much comes down to if Biden can sweep MI/WI/AZ (assuming he loses PA). IF he doesn't. He loses.


And it ain't looking too good for Biden in either WI or MI at this point in time.

Still, looking at the specific data in Texas however...I think it still goes red but it may be a lot closer than it is currently. The big news is Trump's performance in Tarrant county.. Beto did so well there 2 years ago. Biden...not so much.
Today victories will be made!

Tomorrow memes will be made!

PROG NEWS Shows Biden up 209-112....In other terms, Trump would have to about sweep.

They also show Trump up about 2.5 million in the popular vote.

This is going to be fucking interesting
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America is its people. We elect our officials. So you hate America since you hate millions who voted for him.

And those that voted against him??
So you hate half of America? Lol

No, I have an extreme dislike for neocon whackadoodles. The good new is, if Trumpie wins you won't be seeing me for at least 12 months. There, something else to make you happy!

There is no "if". Trump has it in the bag now. He is ahead in all the swing states.

You can go put on your pink pussy hat and go wail at the sky now.

I am going to wager on Biden, I don't like this "we are shutting down for the night" from Penn and GA. The entire Big Tech, Cali, NY elites have decided that Biden is best for them, they refuse to let an outsider win again.

Americans who have watched elections for years have to be asking themselves, "wtf is this"?

It's 11 PM. They call Biden to Cali, they call Biden over and over. Still have not called Florida. Why?
1. the remaining counties in Texas and North Carolina either voted for trump in 2016 or are red counties.

2. Ron Desantis, on newsmax, just said trump won at 8:30 and he is 400,000 votes ahead making it mathematically impossible for Biden to win.
But FOX won't call it meanwhile they call every presumptive blue state for Biden.

I am really getting sick of FAUX SNOOZE.
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