Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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They finally called Texas for Trump......
Ridiculous how long they are dragging this out.

Trump is projected on the Bing Engine with 296 ECs

They aren't dragging this out, they are finding a way to give it to Biden.

I wonder how the voters in AZ feel? I wonder how Trumps team feels? I hope he has hundreds of lawyers on this. I'm watching this on Fox and it's very odd. If it's like this on Fox, how is it on CNN and MSNBC?

It is an issue because it will lead to people distrusting the final outcome. They want people going to bed with Biden up in EC vote.
Fox called Arizona for Biden, which is a HUGE leap, but Fox is refusing to call Ohio or Texas for Trump.
Fuck Fox.
They just called Ohio for Trump a few minutes ago.
No president has ever been elected without Ohio or Florida and Trump has both.

Stick a fork in Senile Pedophile Biden.

However, Fox is ticking me off.

Here is how ridiculous Fox is being tonight.

There are 10 states shaded red where Trump is leading. Fox won't call them.

There are only 3 states shaded blue not called for Biden. Fox called every state they could early for Biden.

As of the time I wrote this they have Biden at 209. By my count there are only a possible 4 states for him to grab at max.

Nevada, Minnesota, Maine, and Arizona total 30 ECs. Maine though only gives 2 ECs to the winner and 1 to the loser.

Biden cannot get to 270. He can only get to 238

So The Election is over. These states stopping these vote counting where Trump is leading should be descended on like flies with Federal Election Officials and Law Enforcement.

The Democrats have to steal 32 ECs somewhere to get to 270 and it is not going to happen.

Nevada is looking like it might go to Trump, so they may need to steal 40 some EC votes.

I have Trump at a projected 296 ECs

So ask yourself as I do, "why are they doing this"?

Why are they delaying it for his side, but not the other?

This election is going to be "granted" to Biden. I don't like this. Why did GA go home for the night? Fox isn't even asking. Why did Penn shut it down at 10PM just as Trump hit a massive lead?

They are sowing doubt in viewers minds and then try to explain it later. They refuse to accept Trump no matter how much he puts America First. This is going to create problems. Far worse than 2000.

The budgeting for paying the workers didn't cover around-the-clock vote counting. Relax.
I agree with you Taz, in normal times.

Someone call me down from this ledge, because I am conditioned the last week to not like these outcomes. I have put my faith in the U.S system, to the point I contacted the U.S military 15 years ago to understand the process to apply to U.S military as a Canadian to fight the terrorists.

Americans need to understand this fully. America NEEDS to remain a democratic republic. You don't like someone or policies, vote a man out, we can't see you fail. Believe me.

I can't see Bidens path based on these massive leads. I still don't trust it. Trump has been attacked for 4 years, and seeing Big Tech media silence people (including me), I'm very untrusting. Then we see two states go home for the night, who can trust the votes tomorrow?

Take it easy my friend ... Have a little faith in your Southern neighbors.


I'd like to. I am very worried. The entire PENN issue has been pounded by multiple media outlets, in Canada too. This has been cooking for some time in a state with a bad reputation and these new rules only a year old.

Now Wallace saying "even in Ohio, you can get a ballot on Nov 13th, that could change the race". Then he says that PENN can decide it. Why in the F does PENN stop counting at 10PM? Why?

This is all a parody to me right now, Fox News is doing a bad job of selling this. They call AZ so early, with "new data".

None of this "new data" works in Trumps favor.
45 precincts left in VA
View attachment 410928
AP needs to reverse their call on VA and go ahead and call Ohio. Trump is like400k votes ahead with about 300k votes not counted, sheezus!

So the ask, "why aren't they calling this"?
Why did PENN go home at 10PM, why did GA go home?!

They call yet again, another Biden. Still no changes for Trump.

I should have bet on Biden when I had the chance, this is a racket.

It always was.
Here is one screen capture for Battle Ground States.

TRUMP is still favored but just barley

Current odds to win the presidency from


I put my faith in God that he is not ready to wash His hands clean of America and give it to The Communist Globalist 666 New World Order.

Btw No one should call AZ for Biden, when these %$^#&# won't call at least 10 states that Trump has substantial late leads in.
They finally called Texas for Trump......
Ridiculous how long they are dragging this out.

Trump is projected on the Bing Engine with 296 ECs

They aren't dragging this out, they are finding a way to give it to Biden.

I wonder how the voters in AZ feel? I wonder how Trumps team feels? I hope he has hundreds of lawyers on this. I'm watching this on Fox and it's very odd. If it's like this on Fox, how is it on CNN and MSNBC?

It is an issue because it will lead to people distrusting the final outcome. They want people going to bed with Biden up in EC vote.

it's FAR worse than this. Imagine Trump loses this election and you work for the military as a Trump supporter. You are very suspicious of the entire process and outcome.

Now you China or Russia reach out to you to betray your country. Will they have better or worse success if someone does NOT trust the system?

We have this happen in Canada often. Why? Canadian patriotism isn't there. People don't have faith in our system as you do.

Now, I am seeing for the first time a very odd process. Why did GA stop counting? Why did PENN stop counting at 10pm?

This is precisely what Trump supporters said would happen. They want to steal this election through the courts. We aren't seeing updates on PENN, when we get them Trumps lead will be down to 1%, and if it isn't Dems will blame GOP of "voter suppression".

This is a very odd election. There are great dangers. Fox will lose a great deal of support also. This is all peculiar, and I don't trust that Chris Stirwelt guy, never have.
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