Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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Humes asks if they've called Georgia, right away Weasel Wallace changes the subject to Texas and nobody says to the audience, "yeah as soon as Trump was up 10%, GA went home for the night".

Isn't this a question they should be answering? WTF!?

I'd pay $1,000 to see someone give Wallace an uppercut on live TV.
Again they call in dirty Chris Stirwelt the rat, Never Trumper, panty wearer to explain why they call AZ with 30% left, but not the other ones.

This is Bidens election, watch. I should have bet when I had the chance. Fox News is going to be hurt, first Chris Wallace debate B.S, now tonight. They are uncomfortable with this, and they are behind others.

F Chris Stirewelt, he's a POS Never Trumper D bag. A goof. I wouldn't trust that fat SOB with anything. They now appease rabid Trump supporters by calling Ohio, but calling AZ too early. This is all odd.

I called him out in the Mid-Terms. Plain and simple. The kind of guy, you'd plaster into the boards during a hockey game and enjoy it. Now listen to him, "If I'm Trump, Penn takes precedence".

Yeah just as expected. AZ should not be called this early. Chris is trying to explain WHY they can't call states like Texas. He's a POS. Why are they allowing one fat A-hole to make these decisions? He is selling this as Trump being way behind.

None of this is normal.
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Trump chances of winning are getting smaller lol

Current odds to win the presidency from


They are going to find a way to give PA and in a last effort, GA as well. I should have laid money on Biden when I had the chance, this is NOT going to heal America, nor the Western hemisphere.

Fox News can't even explain this. It's a very odd situation.
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GA hasn't been called (this map is about 20 minutes old) because those gray counties represent about 3,000,000 citizens and about 1.5-2M voters.

Now...why are the counties gray? Biden is leading in all of them.

Those are mostly dumb ass ghetto Negro voting areas and as we have seen in other states the Negros are not coming out in numbers to vote for this Biden asshole. In fact the smart Negros are voting for Trump.
It is becoming likely Trump is going to win, since Biden EV total is going to be around 250 at best.

Right now it is Trump with 284 to Biden 241, this is including the leading states totals.

Small chance Trump will win Virginia with 13 EV to add onto 284, which would reduce Biden back to 228.

You assume Penn and GA won't all of a sudden make a massive shift and go Biden? This has been baked in before hand, I told you all, the media was pounding this for two weeks.

GA Trump is up 10% with 67% in. Penn he's up 12% with 44% in.

They go home for the night in both states, then they will say "trust us, we are going to get ALL the late votes".

And we have yet to get a detailed explanation of how absentee ballots are handled and counted.
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