Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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newsmax called Georgia for trump.

also saying fox is backtracking on Arizona.

Fox SHOULD backtrack. Over 1 MILLION left and only 100k between them and Trump votes come later.

PENN and GA should be counting and updating, going home early raises serious concerns.
They are going to try to steal Georgia and PA. That is Biden's only chance. They have to commit Voter Fraud and gain 40 ECs, beacause Trump has the all the right states locked up.

Biden campaign claimed they didn't need Pa, yet they had Biden there all week? Did they realize if they didn't get Biden out of the basement voter fraud would be too obvious...and now Biden is about to make a statement...WTF!!! Basement Biden who has spent 99% of the campaign in his basement is going to give a statement after midnight?
Who is the fact fck on Fox supposedly an expert?

What a clown

Fox has been very disappointing. Everything from their outrageous polls to their terrible debate moderator to this crappy election day coverage.
Their leader.....
...the biggest never Trumper of them all....
newsmax called Georgia for trump.

also saying fox is backtracking on Arizona.

Fox SHOULD backtrack. Over 1 MILLION left and only 100k between them and Trump votes come later.

PENN and GA should be counting and updating, going home early raises serious concerns.

even newsmax is calling the outlets' failure to call Florida and calling Arizona blue bizarre and disturbing.
Right now Trump is at 204, and I think we can comfortably add to his column Wi, MI, MT, AK, IA, and GA for a total of 54 EC, which puts Trump at 258.

So NC gets him over the 270 needed as does PA and a combo of NV and MN.

I think he will win NC, PA and NV and MN are tossups.

I will sleep well tonight and look forward to seeing the news tomorrow morning (lol, yeah, right, like I can sleep with all this going on)
I can't sleep. I cannot stand dishonesty, and games.
Fox called Arizona for Biden, which is a HUGE leap, but Fox is refusing to call Ohio or Texas for Trump.
Fuck Fox.
They just called Ohio for Trump a few minutes ago.
No president has ever been elected without Ohio or Florida and Trump has both.

Stick a fork in Senile Pedophile Biden.

However, Fox is ticking me off.

Here is how ridiculous Fox is being tonight.

There are 10 states shaded red where Trump is leading. Fox won't call them.

There are only 3 states shaded blue not called for Biden. Fox called every state they could early for Biden.

As of the time I wrote this they have Biden at 209. By my count there are only a possible 4 states for him to grab at max.

Nevada, Minnesota, Maine, and Arizona total 30 ECs. Maine though only gives 2 ECs to the winner and 1 to the loser.

Biden cannot get to 270. He can only get to 238

So The Election is over. These states stopping these vote counting where Trump is leading should be descended on like flies with Federal Election Officials and Law Enforcement.

The Democrats have to steal 32 ECs somewhere to get to 270 and it is not going to happen.

Nevada is looking like it might go to Trump, so they may need to steal 40 some EC votes.

I have Trump at a projected 296 ECs

So ask yourself as I do, "why are they doing this"?

Why are they delaying it for his side, but not the other?

This election is going to be "granted" to Biden. I don't like this. Why did GA go home for the night? Fox isn't even asking. Why did Penn shut it down at 10PM just as Trump hit a massive lead?

They are sowing doubt in viewers minds and then try to explain it later. They refuse to accept Trump no matter how much he puts America First. This is going to create problems. Far worse than 2000.

The budgeting for paying the workers didn't cover around-the-clock vote counting. Relax.

Actually Fox said a few minutes ago the PA will count round the clock in 8 hr shifts, according to the Sec of State. It's slowed down but not stopped.


I heard they went home already. Could be. Dunno.
Who is the fact fck on Fox supposedly an expert?

What a clown

Fox has been very disappointing. Everything from their outrageous polls to their terrible debate moderator to this crappy election day coverage.

This is clearly a race for Trump to lose, they should be looking at WHERE IN THE F IS BIDENS PATH?!? They are looking at Trumps path. They call little Iowa but give AZ away early.

They are making a mockery of democracy in real-time. This should have been settled tonight. No question.
Fox called Arizona for Biden, which is a HUGE leap, but Fox is refusing to call Ohio or Texas for Trump.
Fuck Fox.
They just called Ohio for Trump a few minutes ago.
No president has ever been elected without Ohio or Florida and Trump has both.

Stick a fork in Senile Pedophile Biden.

However, Fox is ticking me off.

Here is how ridiculous Fox is being tonight.

There are 10 states shaded red where Trump is leading. Fox won't call them.

There are only 3 states shaded blue not called for Biden. Fox called every state they could early for Biden.

As of the time I wrote this they have Biden at 209. By my count there are only a possible 4 states for him to grab at max.

Nevada, Minnesota, Maine, and Arizona total 30 ECs. Maine though only gives 2 ECs to the winner and 1 to the loser.

Biden cannot get to 270. He can only get to 238

So The Election is over. These states stopping these vote counting where Trump is leading should be descended on like flies with Federal Election Officials and Law Enforcement.

The Democrats have to steal 32 ECs somewhere to get to 270 and it is not going to happen.

Nevada is looking like it might go to Trump, so they may need to steal 40 some EC votes.

I have Trump at a projected 296 ECs

So ask yourself as I do, "why are they doing this"?

Why are they delaying it for his side, but not the other?

This election is going to be "granted" to Biden. I don't like this. Why did GA go home for the night? Fox isn't even asking. Why did Penn shut it down at 10PM just as Trump hit a massive lead?

They are sowing doubt in viewers minds and then try to explain it later. They refuse to accept Trump no matter how much he puts America First. This is going to create problems. Far worse than 2000.

The budgeting for paying the workers didn't cover around-the-clock vote counting. Relax.

Actually Fox said a few minutes ago the PA will count round the clock in 8 hr shifts, according to the Sec of State. It's slowed down but not stopped.


I heard they went home already. Could be. Dunno.

If they are counting, why aren't they updating then? As I said, it will go from +10% Trump, to +1% Trump overnight.

This is not just democracy on the line for America, it's for the world. The entire Western world is watching and hoping America accepts this, just as the Brits accepted Brexit.

The Fox News "decision desk" seems to make odd decisions.

I don't care if you elect socialist Bernie or flaky Jeb Bush, it has to be the Will of the People. If not, you are opening up a loss of what people believe in. People fight and die for these beliefs.
This is the most boring election night coverage I've ever seen.
Endless speculation because votes aren't being recorded.

And that's why I'm worried. It isn't smooth. They are trying to distract. Tucker Carlson coming on and saying "I don't know who is going to win or not, but the polls are so wrong", doesn't mean f all to voters at this moment. They want straight results and Fox News have their reputation on the line.

Talk about votes and counts not this because it looks really, really bad.
Fox News is calling the races faster than the others.

Not a fox News issue, its a precinct reporting issue
newsmax called Georgia for trump.

also saying fox is backtracking on Arizona.

Fox SHOULD backtrack. Over 1 MILLION left and only 100k between them and Trump votes come later.

PENN and GA should be counting and updating, going home early raises serious concerns.
They are going to try to steal Georgia and PA. That is Biden's only chance. They have to commit Voter Fraud and gain 40 ECs, beacause Trump has the all the right states locked up.

Biden campaign claimed they didn't need Pa, yet they had Biden there all week? Did they realize if they didn't get Biden out of the basement voter fraud would be too obvious...and now Biden is about to make a statement...WTF!!! Basement Biden who has spent 99% of the campaign in his basement is going to give a statement after midnight?

Biden COULD lose PA and if he sweeps MI/WI and AZ it won't matter.

But that's drawing to an inside straight.


It ain't looking too good for him in WI or MI.
So Gop is down one on Senate seats, about what I expected, though a Tillis win and John James in Michigan might pull another one out and flip it back even steven
Fox called Arizona for Biden, which is a HUGE leap, but Fox is refusing to call Ohio or Texas for Trump.
Fuck Fox.
They just called Ohio for Trump a few minutes ago.
No president has ever been elected without Ohio or Florida and Trump has both.

Stick a fork in Senile Pedophile Biden.

However, Fox is ticking me off.

Here is how ridiculous Fox is being tonight.

There are 10 states shaded red where Trump is leading. Fox won't call them.

There are only 3 states shaded blue not called for Biden. Fox called every state they could early for Biden.

As of the time I wrote this they have Biden at 209. By my count there are only a possible 4 states for him to grab at max.

Nevada, Minnesota, Maine, and Arizona total 30 ECs. Maine though only gives 2 ECs to the winner and 1 to the loser.

Biden cannot get to 270. He can only get to 238

So The Election is over. These states stopping these vote counting where Trump is leading should be descended on like flies with Federal Election Officials and Law Enforcement.

The Democrats have to steal 32 ECs somewhere to get to 270 and it is not going to happen.

Nevada is looking like it might go to Trump, so they may need to steal 40 some EC votes.

I have Trump at a projected 296 ECs

So ask yourself as I do, "why are they doing this"?

Why are they delaying it for his side, but not the other?

This election is going to be "granted" to Biden. I don't like this. Why did GA go home for the night? Fox isn't even asking. Why did Penn shut it down at 10PM just as Trump hit a massive lead?

They are sowing doubt in viewers minds and then try to explain it later. They refuse to accept Trump no matter how much he puts America First. This is going to create problems. Far worse than 2000.

The budgeting for paying the workers didn't cover around-the-clock vote counting. Relax.

Actually Fox said a few minutes ago the PA will count round the clock in 8 hr shifts, according to the Sec of State. It's slowed down but not stopped.


I heard they went home already. Could be. Dunno.

If they are counting, why aren't we updating then?

Counting and posting are two different things.
I heard they went home.... It would make sense since, you know, tomorrow is Wednesday and for some reason we vote on Tuesdays. Its another day at the office tomorrow.
Like I said... all of this “calling it” shit should be stopped. Make it illegal to “call” anything. Merely out up the numbers, you don’t call anything until damn near all the votes are in, and the remaining votes would make it impossible for the state to flip.
Yeah, right, like the journos will ever shut up when they dont have to.
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