Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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Chris Wallace is a lying asshole.

Here is what is going on from the Bing Engine

There are only 2 states left to call for Biden.

The Media, everyone is refusing to call this election when the remaining states are All Trump with late and substantial leads.

Trump is at 290, max 299.

Biden cannot get past 239 max 248

So this is over unless Fraud occurs in the Trump Lead States.

I'm reading Fox News comments, there are alot of suspicious people posting, and I thoroughly understand it. Especially the call on AZ. This isn;t how to decide an election.

As I said, this is going to go to Biden and what will lawyers do?
I know y'all think I'm a tin foil hatter. . . but I don't think they would have shut down the counting for the night in those battle ground states if Biden was in the lead. :heehee:

Yeah I'm more along the lines of they need to figure out how many votes they need to fill out. I'm noticing they are not give the total #'s of how many votes still need to be counted. In past election they constantly gave outstanding vote #'s.

Not that you'll believe it but NBC News has that "outstanding vote" counter.
Gotta love how they hid the fat bastard and let this so-called expert, who talks about voting models.

Huh? Elections aren't won on models, they are won on counts. I notice though, he makes excuses for N Carolina not going to Trump. They keep dividing up whats available. Count the votes, don't stop voting and call a race.

This is the strangest I have ever seen this. 8% lead for Trump in GA and 83% in, he can't call it, but the SOB can call AZ with 30% remaining and a smaller lead?!

They want Big Tech and China First to win. This is a horror show.
The only state that has flipped red to blue from last election is Arizona,
Hillary only carried 20 states plus DC and had 5 faithless electors, for 227 EC votes

How is Joe already at 223
It's over.

NC, GA, WI, and MI are all Trump....PA is irrelevant.....

Watch. They are going to give this to Biden. We are watching this happen in real-time. As I said, they need to keep it close enough so that PA can be called "oh, look, they are blocking votes" As I said, this is their ace in the hole.

They are stealing this election. Sorry. it's what I said a few days ago. They can't have Trump hit 270 today, The West is finished. This is not normal. None of this and viewers know it.

I called this. China is going to own us all soon.
Good news
Several pts in Michigan
5 in W
11 in P

They closed down Philly . Looks very suspicious in Philly
It's over.

NC, GA, WI, and MI are all Trump....PA is irrelevant.....

Watch. They are going to give this to Biden. We are watching this happen in real-time. As I said, they need to keep it close enough so that PA can be called "oh, look, they are blocking votes" As I said, this is their ace in the hole.

They are stealing this election. Sorry. it's what I said a few days ago. They can't have Trump hit 270 today, The West is finished. This is not normal. None of this and viewers know it.

I called this. China is going to own us all soon.
If they steal it, and the 666 New World Order is swept in, then it is all that much closer to Jesus 2nd coming. I just wanted a few more years to accomplish some things, and right some wrongs I did in my life.
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