Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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Can someone explain to me how Georgia goes from 99.5% Reporting to 85.47% Reporting?

I will tell you how. They paused the counting, the media, every single media outlet is refusing to call these states for Trump and declare him the winner.

They paused the vote at 99.5% finished, then went out and found or manufactured as many votes as they needed.

YOU DO NOT GO from 99.5% counted to 85.47% counted unless you just dumped a SHIT LOAD of FAKE BALLOTS in to the total and they now need to count them.
I have to admit Jo Jorgensen vote total is surprising...

Libertarians need to capitalize on Johnson and Jo last two election results seeing there is a need for a third and maybe fourth political party...
Bing is directly listing AP data. That is the most up to date and accurate. Trump won North Carolina, Georgia, and Wisconsin. It is very likely he also wins Pennsylvania and Michigan. is not on the ball.

They just dropped GA back to 85%

AP reporting that all votes are counted in NC and Trump has like a 1.4% lead.

But they wont call the state for Trump? WTF?

This is what they are intending. To just repeat "every call must be counted" And then a big load of mail votes that will go 88% Dems. The trial balloon was during the em the Primaries, that was a test run clearly.

I don't get this, the damage to America is immense. To pretend you aren't prepared for this to delay official reporting, it's going to really create an anger and distrust unlike any other.

Weasel Wallace is a POS also, A China First D bag.
There we are

Thank Mr President!

You won! :clap: :clap: :clap:
Lol you idiots believe anything he says. Trump doesn’t decide who wins. Votes do.

Dude, you still did not accept he won in 2016, so it matter not about votes when it come to you!

I am telling you there is no way Biden is going to win Pennsylvania nor will he win the Electoral College and there is a slight chance Biden loses the damn popular vote to Trump!
Lol you’re so goddamn stupid. I never disputed the legitimacy of Trump’s win. You’re also a moron if you think Trump will win the popular vote. You’re one of those dumbasses who pretends to be a Biden supporter but just agrees with anything Trumptards say. It’s so pathetic.

Also let me add those like you are delusional and can not accept Trump should have lost this election and the Democrats went far left and gave the man and GOP another victory when there should have been none at all!

Biden had to win Ohio and did not and once Trump got Florida and Ohio the reality is Biden had no chance of winning!

You do not take Harris as VP nor do you proclaim you will end the Oil Industry and when I saw the markets the last two days I knew Trump had a chance to win because the Markets were betting on the red wave this entire board warned us about!

So get your head out of your *** and realize Trump won and I did not want another four fucking years of the man at all!
Lol you know nothing about how this election works. Biden did not need Ohio. In fact, he just won Arizona. More proof that he never needed it. Biden is currently ahead in the electoral vote therefore declaring Trump the victor makes you all look like retards. You notice how I am not declaring Biden the winner? It’s because this shit is far from over.

The only ones calling AZ are the fanatics for Biden.
These leftist are going to ignite a Civil War
Even many blacks and Latinos voted Trump
Democrats expect black people to act as their shock troops if they get their civil war. I hope black people are ready to die for their white liberal masters.

Many strong blacks !!
It’s the white left that needs to bleed
I hope so. Black people need to wake up. At some point being a slave is a choice.
AP reporting that all votes are counted in NC and Trump has like a 1.4% lead.

But they wont call the state for Trump? WTF?

This is what they are intending. To just repeat "every call must be counted" And then a big load of mail votes that will go 88% Dems. The trial balloon was during the em the Primaries, that was a test run clearly.

I don't get this, the damage to America is immense. To pretend you aren't prepared for this to delay official reporting, it's going to really create an anger and distrust unlike any other.

Weasel Wallace is a POS also, A China First D bag.
If your End Goal is to bring The Ant Christ to power in a couple years, having an Honest Election is not important to you. People have no idea of THE EVIL that is in the world now, but I have been around these people and they are Spiritually Sick, Evil, and Mentally Ill.
Why can't Fox address the question of why the states just all stopped counting at the exact same time?
Deep Down, inside, you know the answer to this. The truth is just too awful for you to admit to yourself, so you just keep asking it, in your confused faux outrage.

Who wants to be me, that what I just saw happen in Georgia, that held for an hour at 99.5% done, and dropped in seconds down to 85% doesn't start happening with the other states while America Sleeps?
Ya i see that too.

Revenge or justice. Hope the democrats choose wisely
Why can't Fox address the question of why the states just all stopped counting at the exact same time?
Deep Down, inside, you know the answer to this. The truth is just too awful for you to admit to yourself, so you just keep asking it, in your confused faux outrage.


Because I am busy stuffing the boxes with my name!!!
Someone explain to me how President Trump gets record turnout by his base, record support by Blacks and Latinos, wins Ohio, Florida, Texas and can still lose this election?

Only Covid and Fraud could lose this election.

I still trust God to pull through. He is not done with America yet. He is not going to hand us over to Satanic Godless Globalist Maxists.
Can someone explain to me how Georgia goes from 99.5% Reporting to 85.47% Reporting?

I will tell you how. They paused the counting, the media, every single media outlet is refusing to call these states for Trump and declare him the winner.

They paused the vote at 99.5% finished, then went out and found or manufactured as many votes as they needed.

YOU DO NOT GO from 99.5% counted to 85.47% counted unless you just dumped a SHIT LOAD of FAKE BALLOTS in to the total and they now need to count them.
I just said it Georgia..... easier to steal....
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