Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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We won
They don’t have the votes to make up such huge deficits
They shocked us in Arizona !!

Gop must send in hundreds to thousands of lawyers to each “ballot counting facility “ by 4 am
They better be on planes ..right now

What do they do with mail in ballots? Does the ballot ever get separated from the signed envelope?
The issue is that by Philly stopping the count, they can prevent the state from being called tonight with the douchebag media playing along ) even though Trump clearly won
And they can make up the difference... right add to the dems to give them the State.This is why they stopped, to know how many votes they need to create.

They need what 700,000 plus votes in PA
Get cheating ya

Fat ******* and fat white women are counting the votes in Philly one ****** today was on social media bragging he threw out 100 votes for trump
Democracy yea......pfffft


Armpit Atlanta

It'll be easy to steal Georgia....much closer then PA and Wisconsin
PA and Wisconsin should already be declared for Trump


4 more years
There we are

Thank Mr President!

You won! :clap: :clap: :clap:
Lol you idiots believe anything he says. Trump doesn’t decide who wins. Votes do.

Dude, you still did not accept he won in 2016, so it matter not about votes when it come to you!

I am telling you there is no way Biden is going to win Pennsylvania nor will he win the Electoral College and there is a slight chance Biden loses the damn popular vote to Trump!
Lol you’re so goddamn stupid. I never disputed the legitimacy of Trump’s win. You’re also a moron if you think Trump will win the popular vote. You’re one of those dumbasses who pretends to be a Biden supporter but just agrees with anything Trumptards say. It’s so pathetic.

Also let me add those like you are delusional and can not accept Trump should have lost this election and the Democrats went far left and gave the man and GOP another victory when there should have been none at all!

Biden had to win Ohio and did not and once Trump got Florida and Ohio the reality is Biden had no chance of winning!

You do not take Harris as VP nor do you proclaim you will end the Oil Industry and when I saw the markets the last two days I knew Trump had a chance to win because the Markets were betting on the red wave this entire board warned us about!

So get your head out of your *** and realize Trump won and I did not want another four fucking years of the man at all!
Lol you know nothing about how this election works. Biden did not need Ohio. In fact, he just won Arizona. More proof that he never needed it. Biden is currently ahead in the electoral vote therefore declaring Trump the victor makes you all look like retards. You notice how I am not declaring Biden the winner? It’s because this shit is far from over.

The only ones calling AZ are the fanatics for Biden.
When it is official who will the Progressives blame for failing to beat Trump?

Voter suppression?

Rural voters are retarded??

Space Alien Chimps???

Here it is in a nutshell why Biden failed to win:

1. Harris: Taking Harris while knowing there was no way Biden was finishing his first term scared people like when McCain took Palin as his VP.

Biden and the Progressive movement should have taken Warren or someone less polarizing than Harris...

2. Pelosi: From the Impeachment nonsense to not getting some form of stimulus package done it cost her and the Democrats dearly!

You do not hold the nation hostage with the hope you can take all three branches!

3. Threatening to end the Oil addiction: Many on the Progressive left applauded Biden willingness to say that he would get us off the Oil addiction without realizing it would have killed our damn economy!

Biden shot himself in the foot during the third debate and made damn sure Trump voters came out in droves to vote against Biden!

Final Note:

Biden voters including myself should realize Trump is a different beast and I knew better than to think Biden had this in the bag because Trump is one person you should never underestimate ever!

The Progressive left will have to ask themselves is the direction they are heading going to win them much more elections or will the new Trump era GOP defeat them like what happened tonight?

Trump did not have a Ronald Reagan victory and more like a possible George W. Bush type but still I see no way for Biden to win, so Progressives who do you blame for the loss if things hold and Trump squeak out a narrow victory in the Electoral College?
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The issue is that by Philly stopping the count, they can prevent the state from being called tonight with the douchebag media playing along ) even though Trump clearly won
And they can make up the difference... right add to the dems to give them the State.This is why they stopped, to know how many votes they need to create.

They need what 700,000 plus votes in PA
Get cheating ya

Fat ******* and fat white women are counting the votes in Philly one ****** today was on social media bragging he threw out 100 votes for trump
Democracy yea......pfffft


Armpit Atlanta

It'll be easy to steal Georgia....much closer then PA and Wisconsin
PA and Wisconsin should already be declared for Trump

View attachment 411009

4 more years
That is why T has thousands of lawyers to deploy to these places in the morning
They’re all knew this would happen
Have the lawyers there at 4 am
The issue is that by Philly stopping the count, they can prevent the state from being called tonight with the douchebag media playing along ) even though Trump clearly won
And they can make up the difference... right add to the dems to give them the State.This is why they stopped, to know how many votes they need to create.

They need what 700,000 plus votes in PA
Get cheating ya

Fat ******* and fat white women are counting the votes in Philly one ****** today was on social media bragging he threw out 100 votes for trump
Democracy yea......pfffft


Armpit Atlanta

It'll be easy to steal Georgia....much closer then PA and Wisconsin
PA and Wisconsin should already be declared for Trump

View attachment 411009

4 more years
That is why T has thousands of lawyers to deploy to these places in the morning
They’re all knew this would happen
Have the lawyers there at 4 am

We called it here on the board ...we knew it was coming
There we are

Thank Mr President!

You won! :clap: :clap: :clap:
Lol you idiots believe anything he says. Trump doesn’t decide who wins. Votes do.

Dude, you still did not accept he won in 2016, so it matter not about votes when it come to you!

I am telling you there is no way Biden is going to win Pennsylvania nor will he win the Electoral College and there is a slight chance Biden loses the damn popular vote to Trump!
Lol you’re so goddamn stupid. I never disputed the legitimacy of Trump’s win. You’re also a moron if you think Trump will win the popular vote. You’re one of those dumbasses who pretends to be a Biden supporter but just agrees with anything Trumptards say. It’s so pathetic.

Also let me add those like you are delusional and can not accept Trump should have lost this election and the Democrats went far left and gave the man and GOP another victory when there should have been none at all!

Biden had to win Ohio and did not and once Trump got Florida and Ohio the reality is Biden had no chance of winning!

You do not take Harris as VP nor do you proclaim you will end the Oil Industry and when I saw the markets the last two days I knew Trump had a chance to win because the Markets were betting on the red wave this entire board warned us about!

So get your head out of your *** and realize Trump won and I did not want another four fucking years of the man at all!
Lol you know nothing about how this election works. Biden did not need Ohio. In fact, he just won Arizona. More proof that he never needed it. Biden is currently ahead in the electoral vote therefore declaring Trump the victor makes you all look like retards. You notice how I am not declaring Biden the winner? It’s because this shit is far from over.

The only ones calling AZ are the fanatics for Biden.
These leftist are going to ignite a Civil War
Even many blacks and Latinos voted Trump
There we are

Thank Mr President!

You won! :clap: :clap: :clap:
Lol you idiots believe anything he says. Trump doesn’t decide who wins. Votes do.

Dude, you still did not accept he won in 2016, so it matter not about votes when it come to you!

I am telling you there is no way Biden is going to win Pennsylvania nor will he win the Electoral College and there is a slight chance Biden loses the damn popular vote to Trump!
Lol you’re so goddamn stupid. I never disputed the legitimacy of Trump’s win. You’re also a moron if you think Trump will win the popular vote. You’re one of those dumbasses who pretends to be a Biden supporter but just agrees with anything Trumptards say. It’s so pathetic.

Also let me add those like you are delusional and can not accept Trump should have lost this election and the Democrats went far left and gave the man and GOP another victory when there should have been none at all!

Biden had to win Ohio and did not and once Trump got Florida and Ohio the reality is Biden had no chance of winning!

You do not take Harris as VP nor do you proclaim you will end the Oil Industry and when I saw the markets the last two days I knew Trump had a chance to win because the Markets were betting on the red wave this entire board warned us about!

So get your head out of your *** and realize Trump won and I did not want another four fucking years of the man at all!
Lol you know nothing about how this election works. Biden did not need Ohio. In fact, he just won Arizona. More proof that he never needed it. Biden is currently ahead in the electoral vote therefore declaring Trump the victor makes you all look like retards. You notice how I am not declaring Biden the winner? It’s because this shit is far from over.

Wow, you will never accept Biden has no path and when Trump does win you will proclaim that Biden was cheated!

You also have been declaring Biden victory earlier in this thread and now you see the reality and call everyone retards after you could not even comprehend what I wrote earlier!

Biden will not win Pennsylvania nor will he win Michigan or Wisconsin, so tell the board Biden path to victory that you see?

Biden needed to win Ohio and not to win the State mean Biden loses and when it is all over you will then tell me how the American voter was so retarded not to vote for Biden and spend the next four years crying about it!
There we are

Thank Mr President!

You won! :clap: :clap: :clap:
Lol you idiots believe anything he says. Trump doesn’t decide who wins. Votes do.

Dude, you still did not accept he won in 2016, so it matter not about votes when it come to you!

I am telling you there is no way Biden is going to win Pennsylvania nor will he win the Electoral College and there is a slight chance Biden loses the damn popular vote to Trump!
Lol you’re so goddamn stupid. I never disputed the legitimacy of Trump’s win. You’re also a moron if you think Trump will win the popular vote. You’re one of those dumbasses who pretends to be a Biden supporter but just agrees with anything Trumptards say. It’s so pathetic.

Also let me add those like you are delusional and can not accept Trump should have lost this election and the Democrats went far left and gave the man and GOP another victory when there should have been none at all!

Biden had to win Ohio and did not and once Trump got Florida and Ohio the reality is Biden had no chance of winning!

You do not take Harris as VP nor do you proclaim you will end the Oil Industry and when I saw the markets the last two days I knew Trump had a chance to win because the Markets were betting on the red wave this entire board warned us about!

So get your head out of your *** and realize Trump won and I did not want another four fucking years of the man at all!
Lol you know nothing about how this election works. Biden did not need Ohio. In fact, he just won Arizona. More proof that he never needed it. Biden is currently ahead in the electoral vote therefore declaring Trump the victor makes you all look like retards. You notice how I am not declaring Biden the winner? It’s because this shit is far from over.

The only ones calling AZ are the fanatics for Biden.
These leftist are going to ignite a Civil War
Even many blacks and Latinos voted Trump
Democrats expect black people to act as their shock troops if they get their civil war. I hope black people are ready to die for their white liberal masters.
There we are

Thank Mr President!

You won! :clap: :clap: :clap:
Lol you idiots believe anything he says. Trump doesn’t decide who wins. Votes do.

Dude, you still did not accept he won in 2016, so it matter not about votes when it come to you!

I am telling you there is no way Biden is going to win Pennsylvania nor will he win the Electoral College and there is a slight chance Biden loses the damn popular vote to Trump!
Lol you’re so goddamn stupid. I never disputed the legitimacy of Trump’s win. You’re also a moron if you think Trump will win the popular vote. You’re one of those dumbasses who pretends to be a Biden supporter but just agrees with anything Trumptards say. It’s so pathetic.

Also let me add those like you are delusional and can not accept Trump should have lost this election and the Democrats went far left and gave the man and GOP another victory when there should have been none at all!

Biden had to win Ohio and did not and once Trump got Florida and Ohio the reality is Biden had no chance of winning!

You do not take Harris as VP nor do you proclaim you will end the Oil Industry and when I saw the markets the last two days I knew Trump had a chance to win because the Markets were betting on the red wave this entire board warned us about!

So get your head out of your *** and realize Trump won and I did not want another four fucking years of the man at all!
Lol you know nothing about how this election works. Biden did not need Ohio. In fact, he just won Arizona. More proof that he never needed it. Biden is currently ahead in the electoral vote therefore declaring Trump the victor makes you all look like retards. You notice how I am not declaring Biden the winner? It’s because this shit is far from over.

The only ones calling AZ are the fanatics for Biden.
These leftist are going to ignite a Civil War
Even many blacks and Latinos voted Trump
Democrats expect black people to act as their shock troops if they get their civil war. I hope black people are ready to die for their white liberal masters.

Many strong blacks !!
It’s the white left that needs to bleed
I'm watching Fox News and the clown they have explaining everything, Fox News has lost all credibility. Worse for America and the world, liberty and free and fair elections will no longer be trusted.

The increase in those looking to sell out their nation now, will increase significantly. You can never roll back a distrust of an election once this happens. You simply can't recover. This isn't like Florida in 2000, that was bad, it wasn't like this. Not multiple states and they all stop calling at once.
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