Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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Current Update:

Trump at 294 ECs
Biden at 244 ECs
Why the fuck is Valerie Jarrett on TV.

That Bitch really makes me want to strangle something.

You made me laugh and all I could think of is I hope there is no Democrat in your house at the moment...

Oh there is...but they don't talk stupidly.

We disagree on a great deal.

We agree on a great deal.

Jarrett was the fucking shitface who ran the country behind Obama.

She totally pissed me off.
Democrats will pay one way or the other.

We will have justice or revenge.

We will let the democrats pick.
Settle down, they are still Americans.
No, they have sold out. They are traitors. They are the enemy within. If you think they have the best interests of America at heart, you're a fool. They hate America and dream of punishing Americans.
Luke 23:34

There we are

Thank Mr President!

You won! :clap: :clap: :clap:
Lol you idiots believe anything he says. Trump doesn’t decide who wins. Votes do.

Dude, you still did not accept he won in 2016, so it matter not about votes when it come to you!

I am telling you there is no way Biden is going to win Pennsylvania nor will he win the Electoral College and there is a slight chance Biden loses the damn popular vote to Trump!
Lol you’re so goddamn stupid. I never disputed the legitimacy of Trump’s win. You’re also a moron if you think Trump will win the popular vote. You’re one of those dumbasses who pretends to be a Biden supporter but just agrees with anything Trumptards say. It’s so pathetic.

Also let me add those like you are delusional and can not accept Trump should have lost this election and the Democrats went far left and gave the man and GOP another victory when there should have been none at all!

Biden had to win Ohio and did not and once Trump got Florida and Ohio the reality is Biden had no chance of winning!

You do not take Harris as VP nor do you proclaim you will end the Oil Industry and when I saw the markets the last two days I knew Trump had a chance to win because the Markets were betting on the red wave this entire board warned us about!

So get your head out of your *** and realize Trump won and I did not want another four fucking years of the man at all!
Lol you know nothing about how this election works. Biden did not need Ohio. In fact, he just won Arizona. More proof that he never needed it. Biden is currently ahead in the electoral vote therefore declaring Trump the victor makes you all look like retards. You notice how I am not declaring Biden the winner? It’s because this shit is far from over.
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