Official Coronavirus Thread - Up to the minute Coronavirus map and count.

Wow. We have over 61,000 new cases today so far. That's a new high.

Deaths close to 900 and it looks like they're trending upward again. I hope I'm wrong but I don't see how we can reverse that trend when the cases are skyrocketing.

What is up with Republicans saying we need less testing? That's the opposite of what we need.

Especially in Arizona, Florida, South Carolina, Texas, and Alabama.
What is up? They attached their wagons to a base of morons, so now they have to pander to morons.

Just that simple.
Wow. We have over 61,000 new cases today so far. That's a new high.

Deaths close to 900 and it looks like they're trending upward again. I hope I'm wrong but I don't see how we can reverse that trend when the cases are skyrocketing.

There answer is clear. The Country must return to the full lockdowns of March/April immediately, reinforced with mask wearing. There should be federal emergency funding to build up a task force that will be equipped to offer mass, rapid, testing, in every state. Then there must be a new organization created to conduct contact tracing in every state. Facilities must be built across the country to house and isolate people with coronavirus infection. Hospitals must be set up, or new wings of hospitals built to handle ONLY Covid-19 cases, to keep them and the virus separated from the other services performed by the Hospital.

With 1.6 million active cases, and 60,000 new cases a day, the United States has put itself in a terrible hole. To get out of the hole, the United States must first stop digging it.
Wow. We have over 61,000 new cases today so far. That's a new high.

Deaths close to 900 and it looks like they're trending upward again. I hope I'm wrong but I don't see how we can reverse that trend when the cases are skyrocketing.

There answer is clear. The Country must return to the full lockdowns of March/April immediately, reinforced with mask wearing. There should be federal emergency funding to build up a task force that will be equipped to offer mass, rapid, testing, in every state. Then there must be a new organization created to conduct contact tracing in every state. Facilities must be built across the country to house and isolate people with coronavirus infection. Hospitals must be set up, or new wings of hospitals built to handle ONLY Covid-19 cases, to keep them and the virus separated from the other services performed by the Hospital.

With 1.6 million active cases, and 60,000 new cases a day, the United States has put itself in a terrible hole. To get out of the hole, the United States must first stop digging it.

At this point, I'm not even sure that would work. This has gotten too politicized. We botched this about as terribly as we possibly could have.
Texas, CA, Florida are 1/2 of our new cases.

California with 150 deaths....they are starting to look bad.

They are still low in terms of deaths per million....but their rate is climbing.
Way to go Sweden....

Deaths are going back up. We're averaging 943 deaths per day since the holiday weekend.

Looks like we're heading to another batch of at least 1,000 deaths per day like we were seeing a few months ago.
Final numbers: 61,067 new cases. That's just short of our record set yesterday at 61,848. We also ended up with 960 new deaths.

Both new cases and deaths are trending upward.

Let's look at the infection rate averages in the states with the highest infection rates.

Arizona: 26.8% (Same as yesterday)
Florida: 19.1% (Up 0.2%)
South Carolina: 17.2% (Up 0.3%)
Texas: 15.6% (Up 1.2%)
Alabama: 14.7% (Up 0.6%)

National Average: 8.2% (Up 0.2%)

Nationally we're trending upward. Texas had a big increase in their infection rate.

It's hard for anyone to look at these numbers and see anything positive coming from it. Everything is going the wrong direction.
Globally, we are at 12,500,000 cases

We are at 500,000 deaths

We are at 7,300,000 recovered

That means we have 4,700,000 active cases globally.

That is 0.061% of the worlds population.

Just sayin'.
Well, we just hit another record for new cases. Smashed the previous high and we're still going up.

This is completely out of control. The only question now is how many Americans are going to die from this thing. We can't contain this.
Well...that sucked.

71,787 new cases. We went way past our previous high of 61,848. Deaths are 849 today. The only positive piece of news is that deaths dropped slightly.

Back to the average percentages of positive test results.

National Average: 8.4% (Up 0.4% from 7/8)

Highest percentage of positive test results:
Arizona: 27.4% (Up 0.6%)
Florida: 19.6% (Up 0.7%)
Alabama: 17.8% (Up 3.8%)
South Carolina: 17.6% (Up 0.7%)
Texas: 16.1% (Up 1.7%)

Lowest percentage of positive test results:
Vermont: 0.8% (Down 0.1%)
Connecticut: 1% (Up 0.2%)
New York: 1.1% (Same)
Maine: 1.1% (Down 0.1%)
Alaska: 1.3% (Same)

Again Alabama is a bit surprising, mostly because people aren't talking about them the same way they're talking about Arizona, Florida, Texas, and California. But it may be time to start monitoring them closer. Their infection rate is increasing very quickly.

The states with the highest positive test rates are getting worse. A silver lining here is that new infection rates appear to be stabilizing at about 1% in the North East. For every one person who tests positive for covid, there are about 99 people who test negative for the virus.
Well, we just hit another record for new cases. Smashed the previous high and we're still going up.

This is completely out of control. The only question now is how many Americans are going to die from this thing. We can't contain this.

We can contain this, the evidence is there about how to do it from TAIWAN, New Zealand, and even from the lockdowns in the United States in March/April. But Government leaders have to let the Scientist decide policy until the pandemic is defeated. Trump and the rest of his idiots have to get out of the way, and let the knowledge of what has worked in other countries be used here to FIX the situation and save as many lives as possible.

If there is not a reversal back to the lockdowns of March/April, you will be setting up the country for mass infection and death.

Its the idiots who thought that we needed to open up, should open up, based on their assumptions about the economy and nothing about the science of fighting a pandemic which has brought the United States to this point.

We have to put in place policies that will reduce the number of new infections per day. Were back to trying to flatten the curve, and then bring it down. Essentially we have to start over from the beginning and implement new lockdowns. It may take longer this time for new lockdowns to bring down the infection rate, but its the only way forward if you want to save lives and the economy.
There are people on the board attempting to correlate the reopening with current deaths. The only issue is the time lag.

The recent protests are a much more viable correlation.
Well, we just hit another record for new cases. Smashed the previous high and we're still going up.

This is completely out of control. The only question now is how many Americans are going to die from this thing. We can't contain this.

We can contain this, the evidence is there about how to do it from TAIWAN, New Zealand, and even from the lockdowns in the United States in March/April. But Government leaders have to let the Scientist decide policy until the pandemic is defeated. Trump and the rest of his idiots have to get out of the way, and let the knowledge of what has worked in other countries be used here to FIX the situation and save as many lives as possible.

If there is not a reversal back to the lockdowns of March/April, you will be setting up the country for mass infection and death.

Its the idiots who thought that we needed to open up, should open up, based on their assumptions about the economy and nothing about the science of fighting a pandemic which has brought the United States to this point.

We have to put in place policies that will reduce the number of new infections per day. Were back to trying to flatten the curve, and then bring it down. Essentially we have to start over from the beginning and implement new lockdowns. It may take longer this time for new lockdowns to bring down the infection rate, but its the only way forward if you want to save lives and the economy.

It CAN be contained if we all collectively do our part and listen to the guidance of our health officials.

That isn't going to happen.

We can't even get people to agree on the importance of wearing a mask. This has gotten far too political and I just don't see us reversing this thing with our current trajectory and stupidity.
Arizona now has the 4th highest infection rate. Not long ago, they were in the mid 30's. They really took off quickly.

A month ago they had 40,000 cases. Today they have 120,000 cases. One month.
Well, we just hit another record for new cases. Smashed the previous high and we're still going up.

This is completely out of control. The only question now is how many Americans are going to die from this thing. We can't contain this.

We can contain this, the evidence is there about how to do it from TAIWAN, New Zealand, and even from the lockdowns in the United States in March/April. But Government leaders have to let the Scientist decide policy until the pandemic is defeated. Trump and the rest of his idiots have to get out of the way, and let the knowledge of what has worked in other countries be used here to FIX the situation and save as many lives as possible.

If there is not a reversal back to the lockdowns of March/April, you will be setting up the country for mass infection and death.

Its the idiots who thought that we needed to open up, should open up, based on their assumptions about the economy and nothing about the science of fighting a pandemic which has brought the United States to this point.

We have to put in place policies that will reduce the number of new infections per day. Were back to trying to flatten the curve, and then bring it down. Essentially we have to start over from the beginning and implement new lockdowns. It may take longer this time for new lockdowns to bring down the infection rate, but its the only way forward if you want to save lives and the economy.

It CAN be contained if we all collectively do our part and listen to the guidance of our health officials.

That isn't going to happen.

We can't even get people to agree on the importance of wearing a mask. This has gotten far too political and I just don't see us reversing this thing with our current trajectory and stupidity.

Then U.S. citizens will suffer, become injured, and die in growing numbers from this pandemic. The economy will suffer as well. This will likely continue for a full year until, "hopefully", a vaccine is ready for mass distribution in the summer of 2021. But even if that happens, how many Americans will be die, become injured for the rest of their lives, or experience the infection on some level in the next 12 months? The first death was February 29, 2020, or at least the first reported death. A little over 4 months later and there 137,000 dead Americans from covid-19. Hard to tell how many could die in the next year, but it could be anywhere from 100,000 to 1 MILLION by August 2021, next year.

The Best hope is a Democratic President, a Democratic controlled Senate, Democratic controlled House coming into office in January 2021. With the full power of the federal government in control of people who value human life and want to save the country, finally maybe then progress can start to be made against this pandemic.

If you live in Taiwan or New Zealand, your not praying for a Vaccine or a miracle because government policy has successfully defeated the virus to a large degree. TAIWAN, a country of 24 million, as big as any U.S. state except California, still only has 451 infections and 7 deaths. There are only 6 active cases of coronavirus in Taiwan as of today July 11, 2020. No one has died in Taiwan from covid-19 since early May.
Arizona now has the 4th highest infection rate. Not long ago, they were in the mid 30's. They really took off quickly.

A month ago they had 40,000 cases. Today they have 120,000 cases. One month.

It won't be long now before Arizona has the HIGHEST infection rate in the country. Despite the lack of leadership from Trump and the failure of the Federal government to block much of the virus from getting in to the United States, ARIZONA had TIME, lots of time to prepare and prevent a tragedy from every happening there. ARIZONA saw what happened in ITALY, saw what happened in New York, and was in a position in early May to PREVENT that from ever happening in Arizona. Instead they let their guard down and now could possibly suffer a worse fate than what was seen in New York City in April.
Arizona now has the 4th highest infection rate. Not long ago, they were in the mid 30's. They really took off quickly.

A month ago they had 40,000 cases. Today they have 120,000 cases. One month.

It won't be long now before Arizona has the HIGHEST infection rate in the country. Despite the lack of leadership from Trump and the failure of the Federal government to block much of the virus from getting in to the United States, ARIZONA had TIME, lots of time to prepare and prevent a tragedy from every happening there. ARIZONA saw what happened in ITALY, saw what happened in New York, and was in a position in early May to PREVENT that from ever happening in Arizona. Instead they let their guard down and now could possibly suffer a worse fate than what was seen in New York City in April.

They're definitely going to get to 3rd place. There's still a big gap to get into the top two but they're definitely on track for it.

We'll see if they start using some common sense or not. To my understanding, they weren't taking any of this seriously and they were even holding anti-mask rallies. Now they're one of the most infected states in the country. Not smart.

And you're right - this didn't sneak up on Arizona. It hit the North East early on and Arizona had plenty of time to plan accordingly. They completely botched this and their stupidity is going to cost them lots of lives. Their death rate was in the 30's a month ago. So far they're at 15 and climbing very quickly.

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