Official Election results thread

Clinton lead in VA is up to 20k. Would had been nice for Trump to steal this one, doesn't look like it's going to happen.
This is a text message I just got from a friend of mine who previously ran for Congress. (No bullshit)

"Looks like Trump is going to win. My friend from the DNC who is NY with Team Clinton and is a one of the numbers crunchers for the national Dems said they don't see a path to 27O. Says she has less than a 20% chance of winning."

I don't agree with this, but just reporting it
OMG. Really?

That's what he's saying and he's a Democrat and Clinton supporter. I'm still skeptical.
Thank you. I agree, it's still too early, but it is certainly interesting.
Trump winning WI by 15,000 votes.

I live here, and I can tell you, you get outside the liberal cess pools like Madison and Milwaukee, and WI is pretty conservative. Most will vote dem because there are so many farmers, and they want those crop rotation checks, money for letting their land sit there doing nothing. People will vote for Santa Claus every time, but this time is different. They also all love to HUNT, and they know a vote for clinton is a vote to have your guns taken away.
Florida has 99% of the vote in, and they haven't called it yet?
If you look at Florida counties - Broward claims they are 98% while the other counties have all counted but Broward and Miami Dade which is 99% counted. I believe Broward held back last because that is where the massive voter fraud is and they have Democrats down there filling out stolen voter ballots that were never mailed to the Republicans. It was reported that the election officials were in on it and they had a room set up filling out those ballots. It is likely they will be the last ones to turn in the final ballots in order to try to flip Fla to Clinton but if you look at the list of counties most every county in Florida voted for Donald Trump. So you see the irregularity. It's blatantly out of place. There is no way they should be able to get away with it. Trump is up in Wisconsin too.

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