Official Impeachment Thread 2.0: House Judiciary Committee Hearings

Post some evidence. I've never seen a single one of you douchebags do that.
Here’s a piece... now you do the rest and see how the rest of the world wanted the same thing...
3 GOP senators called for Ukrainian government reform in 2016 letter
Nowhere is Shokin's name mentioned.
What was mentioned in the letter? What was the purpose? Do I really need to walk you through 2+2?! You can’t be that dumb
In other words, Shokin wasn't mentioned.

Thanks for playing.
Yeah I should have figured it was over your head. Reforms to his office means replacing leadership in his office which means firing the current corrupt leader in that office, Shokin. It isn’t difficult and it was also widely known and talked about back then. I posted and article from 2016 and testimony from the ambassador. You you can’t accept really after all that then you are a hopeless idiot

That's your interpretation. However, there are many other ways to interpret that statement. "It was widely known" and "it isn't difficult" are not statements of fact. They are bullshit.
Can anyone actually point to factual evidence, that is not opinion based, that shows trump did a quid pro quo for personal gain, or to have a foreign country interfere with the election?

I want to see the evidence that shows trump talking about how he wants to get dirt on Biden to help his campaign, or conspiring with other people to get ukraine to influence the election.

So far, this is something I haven't seen. All we've seen is people giving their opinion of what they think transpired, but as of yet, no audio, video, or written statement by trump stating he was looking for personal gain.

You shouldnt impeach a president based on opinion, you should have the smoking gun. I hear a lot of these people during the hearing talking about how trump did this or that for personal gain, yet, I've seen nobody offer up proof that it was for personal gain.
It absolutely was. Not only our national policy but that of many country’s in the EU. You need to education yourself. Ron Johnson even signed a letter calling for reforms to Shokins office.
Ron Johnson and the EU sets our "National policy"?

Yovanovitch Says Biden's Push to Oust Ukraine Prosecutor Was U.S. Policy
Your source Is the butthurt anti- Trumper who is pissed about being reassigned?

My source is a US Ambassador who worked for the administration at the time and who testified to that under oath to congress. Is your reply really going to be that she is lying? Final answer?
Why doesn’t Pompeo come out and expose the perjury? He is SOS he would have that intel. It would discredit her testimony and implicate Biden thus justifying trumps request for an investigation and end this whole impeachment inquiry. If your theory is true then why doesn’t Pompeo do that and end this whole thing?
Here’s a piece... now you do the rest and see how the rest of the world wanted the same thing...
3 GOP senators called for Ukrainian government reform in 2016 letter
Nowhere is Shokin's name mentioned.
What was mentioned in the letter? What was the purpose? Do I really need to walk you through 2+2?! You can’t be that dumb
In other words, Shokin wasn't mentioned.

Thanks for playing.
Yeah I should have figured it was over your head. Reforms to his office means replacing leadership in his office which means firing the current corrupt leader in that office, Shokin. It isn’t difficult and it was also widely known and talked about back then. I posted and article from 2016 and testimony from the ambassador. You you can’t accept really after all that then you are a hopeless idiot

That's your interpretation. However, there are many other ways to interpret that statement. "It was widely known" and "it isn't difficult" are not statements of fact. They are bullshit.
How do you interpret the letter?
Watching a recorded version of the hearing and Bucks line of questioning. He asked Turley if the other three panelists would consider a list of other acts that other presidents did as an abuse of power under the same standards they are holding on Trump. The other three panelists were siting right there but instead of questioning them he just went off on his own rant pushing his narrative and using Turley as a nodding bobble head .... that was the most pathetic line of questioning I’ve seen yet.

the questions were actually good but he was too scared to actually question the people sitting right in front of him. #Weak

Pathetic, wasn't it? Turley was visibly uncomfortable. Sadly, he didn't find it in himself to retort, "With all due respect, Congressman, my esteemed colleagues are sitting right here, right next to me. So, if you want to hear their opinion on the matters you inquired, why not ask them? I'd also be interested in hearing them out."

Well, just as pathetic was the Democrats' determined effort to ignore Turley. Apparently there was just one with the guts to take him on, at least so far. In my view, they are doing this hearing a great disservice. Personally, I find Turley thoroughly disingenuous in his arguments, and would have loved to see them picked apart. So, they chose to let stand, basically unopposed, the charge there's a thin basis for impeachment, which would be further marred by lack of evidence. Disconcerting, that.
i agree... I don’t like the 3 on 1 and I don’t like how each side is using the witnesses to push their agenda instead of challenging them with questions and good debate.

I would love to see Turley and the guy on the left end have a sit down debate/discussion about it. Get these soapbox politicians out of the way.

You mean the guy on the left who said trump should be impeached for a naughty tweet? You missed Turlys point all along and not just for today. His point is t that trump is awesome. Matter of fact, Turly ain't even a trump guy. He was correct in saying that this is nothing but people who are mad being mad, and that impeaching a presidant because he is a poopy face is not a good idea, even though it's doable. This should worry the hell out of you, and it would if you could see past the TDS. Look, one day a democrat will be presidant. That's a fact. One day the republicans will have a house full of crazy fuckers equivelant to AOC and her squad. What will you say when they impeach that presidant?

That is the exact same bullshit defense Turley gave when he represented Thomas Porteous in his impeachment in 2010. It didn't prevent Porteous from being kicked out of office then, but the GOP still had some integrity back then. As far as the house being full of crazy repub fuckers, they impeached Clinton for a consensual blowjob.
Clinton was impeached for lying under oath and obstruction of justice. Both even with statutory crimes, they didn't provoke a broad bipartisan consensus that the President should be removed from office in his second term, so the GOP was foolish to push it and they did very poorly in the next mid-terms.

Here, you have no consensus, no statutory crimes and it's an election year, so if voters want his presidency to end, it will.

While Democrats claim Trump has abused his executive power, a case they are not successfully making, they are making a very good case that THEY are abusing their impeachment power.


Fox Business reported, "MMA legend Tito Ortiz is not afraid to sport his Make America Great Again headgear.

"'I walk with a Make America Great Again hat -- Latinos for Trump,' he said Monday during an appearance on FOX Business’ Mornings with Maria.

"In fact, the former light heavyweight champion, known as The Huntington Beach Bad Boy, said there are so many Latinos that support Trump, but are afraid to come out and say it."

The story also said, "Ortiz said as people get more informed, Trump will muscle up more support from the Latino and black communities."

Remember when that autopsy of the 2012 election came out and said Republicans have to go Democrat-lite to get non-white votes?

Donald John Trump ran as a Republican and governs as a Republican, and is gaining non-white votes.
No that’s not at all what Biden did.

had Biden leveraged the loan in order to drop the Burisma case then it would be on par with what Trump did and I’d agree that would be a criminal act

But that's exactly what he did: Fire the prosecutor investigating the Burisma case, or you're not getting the one billion dollars.

And son of a bitch, they fired the prosecutor.
You are making that up. Biden didn’t get sokin fired because he was investigating Burisma. That investigation wasn’t even active. He got him fired because it was a source of corruption in Ukraine and it was our countries policy and that of our allies to seek reforms in his office.
We've heard this cover story a thousands times. Where is the proof that the US or our allies wanted him fired? No one has ever posted it.
Here you go you dunce. WSJ article from 2016 before all this Trump drama started.... It was a known position of our country and our allies
The United States and other Western nations had for months called for the ousting of Mr. Shokin, who was widely criticized for turning a blind eye to corrupt practices and for defending the interests of a venal and entrenched elite. He was one of several political figures in Kiev whom reformers and Western diplomats saw as a worrying indicator of a return to past corrupt practices, two years after a revolution that was supposed to put a stop to self-dealing by those in power.

Ukraine Ousts Viktor Shokin, Top Prosecutor, and Political Stability Hangs in the Balance
"It was a known position of our country and allies" is not a quote of some government official in a position of authority demanding the Shokin be fired. You still haven't quoted anyone demand Shokin to be fired.
Yes I did. I quoted the Ukrainians ambassadors testimony under oath. But I post a quote and you just say she’s lying. You are a joke and your argument is debunked. Sorry you lose
Watching a recorded version of the hearing and Bucks line of questioning. He asked Turley if the other three panelists would consider a list of other acts that other presidents did as an abuse of power under the same standards they are holding on Trump. The other three panelists were siting right there but instead of questioning them he just went off on his own rant pushing his narrative and using Turley as a nodding bobble head .... that was the most pathetic line of questioning I’ve seen yet.

the questions were actually good but he was too scared to actually question the people sitting right in front of him. #Weak

Pathetic, wasn't it? Turley was visibly uncomfortable. Sadly, he didn't find it in himself to retort, "With all due respect, Congressman, my esteemed colleagues are sitting right here, right next to me. So, if you want to hear their opinion on the matters you inquired, why not ask them? I'd also be interested in hearing them out."

Well, just as pathetic was the Democrats' determined effort to ignore Turley. Apparently there was just one with the guts to take him on, at least so far. In my view, they are doing this hearing a great disservice. Personally, I find Turley thoroughly disingenuous in his arguments, and would have loved to see them picked apart. So, they chose to let stand, basically unopposed, the charge there's a thin basis for impeachment, which would be further marred by lack of evidence. Disconcerting, that.
i agree... I don’t like the 3 on 1 and I don’t like how each side is using the witnesses to push their agenda instead of challenging them with questions and good debate.

I would love to see Turley and the guy on the left end have a sit down debate/discussion about it. Get these soapbox politicians out of the way.
Nadlers closing statement indicated the decision has already been made, so why the dog and pony show?


Because for three years democrat leadership has been telling a bunch of freshman congress critter that it will all be okay and to trust them.

I know it may seem like 3 years, but commiecrats have only been in leadership in the house less than a year.

It absolutely was. Not only our national policy but that of many country’s in the EU. You need to education yourself. Ron Johnson even signed a letter calling for reforms to Shokins office.
Ron Johnson and the EU sets our "National policy"?

Yovanovitch Says Biden's Push to Oust Ukraine Prosecutor Was U.S. Policy
Where is the documentary evidence? Why should anyone believe a Trump hating partisan?
because she was the Ukrainian ambassador who testified under oath and said something that dozens of officials could easily contradict if she was Perjuring herself. But I guess you’re gonna run with the “she’s lying reply too?”

you two are literally retarded
Where did she say the US and its allies were demanding that Shokin be fired?
If I took the time to get the quote would you accept that it was US policy or would you just call her a trump hating liar? I’m not wasting my time on your troll games. We both know the truth, you just can’t accept it.
So says you. He did nothing but say to Zelensky, that the Attorney General Barr, and Guliani are the people he should work with on issues of corruption.

So how about instead of avoiding facts and evading questions, why don’t you just bring some facts and evidence?

But Facts and Evidence are not something that Nazis and Communists require when they need to move a political rival out of the way.

Your biased opinion is invalid.

How about this, why don’t you do “US” (The United States) a favor and investigate Joe Biden’s dealings with Russian Puppets in The Ukraine for his own personal enrichment?

No, that was not “The Royal US”

How are “the wages of desperation” paying off for you?

Shit on your face is how.

You deserve it by the way.

ThereS nothing illegal about what Biden did. Quid pro quo isn’t illegal when used in national diplomacy. Did you not know that?

What Joe Biden did is called "bribery" and yes, that is a crime. And unlike Trump, there is evidence of it.
No it’s not a crime when used in diplomacy. Nobody in congress or the executive objected to how Biden handled affairs with Ukraine because it was in line with our national policy. Trump on the other hand made move against what the set policy was

The President of the United States sets the policy of this country, and Donald Trump is the President of the United States.

So if bribery is supposedly "not a crime" when used in diplomacy, why the impeachment hearings?

You're desperately clutching at straws, dude.
you are right, the president sets policy and if he thought there was corruption with Biden in Ukraine he has every right to root it out and there is a process for that. He didn’t go through that process. He back channeled with Rudy Guliani because he was trying to get political dirt, not serve the interest of his country.
Trumps whole team in Ukraine just testified to Congress about what the agenda was. No aid or meet until investigations are announced. Pretty simple. All on record. Stop playing dumb
Why do innocent people have to prove that they are innocent?

The burden of proof is on the usurpers.

Your source Is the butthurt anti- Trumper who is pissed about being reassigned?

My source is a US Ambassador who worked for the administration at the time and who testified to that under oath to congress. Is your reply really going to be that she is lying? Final answer?
Why doesn’t Pompeo come out and expose the perjury? He is SOS he would have that intel. It would discredit her testimony and implicate Biden thus justifying trumps request for an investigation and end this whole impeachment inquiry. If your theory is true then why doesn’t Pompeo do that and end this whole thing?
Why shouldn't Biden be investigated? He did after all, violate his oath of office and probably several laws as well.
I disagree. There is no evidence of any crime and the accusations that Trump is now leveling years later are obviously political in nature.

Biden violated the UN charter by meddling in the internal political affairs of another country, there is a reason to investigate that.

you're stretching... nice try though

No stretch, a fact. Oh and the old, just following orders defense won't cut it.

Did you know the IMF made the same threat?

Are they a member nation in the UN?

Biden was never going to win.

I disagree

He's already cutting staff and running out of money, the writing is on the wall.

Nice try. He is the front runner, who do you think you’re fooling?

You might want to check his numbers in the early States, he's down in some, slipping in others. National polls are irrelevant at this point.

I’m not worried about the early stats. It’s all about Super Tuesday

If he makes it that long.

So says you. He did nothing but say to Zelensky, that the Attorney General Barr, and Guliani are the people he should work with on issues of corruption.

So how about instead of avoiding facts and evading questions, why don’t you just bring some facts and evidence?

But Facts and Evidence are not something that Nazis and Communists require when they need to move a political rival out of the way.

Your biased opinion is invalid.

How about this, why don’t you do “US” (The United States) a favor and investigate Joe Biden’s dealings with Russian Puppets in The Ukraine for his own personal enrichment?

No, that was not “The Royal US”

How are “the wages of desperation” paying off for you?

Shit on your face is how.

You deserve it by the way.

What Joe Biden did is called "bribery" and yes, that is a crime. And unlike Trump, there is evidence of it.
No it’s not a crime when used in diplomacy. Nobody in congress or the executive objected to how Biden handled affairs with Ukraine because it was in line with our national policy. Trump on the other hand made move against what the set policy was

The President of the United States sets the policy of this country, and Donald Trump is the President of the United States.

So if bribery is supposedly "not a crime" when used in diplomacy, why the impeachment hearings?

You're desperately clutching at straws, dude.
you are right, the president sets policy and if he thought there was corruption with Biden in Ukraine he has every right to root it out and there is a process for that. He didn’t go through that process. He back channeled with Rudy Guliani because he was trying to get political dirt, not serve the interest of his country.

Trumps whole team in Ukraine just testified to Congress about what the agenda was. No aid or meet until investigations are announced. Pretty simple. All on record. Stop playing dumb

First off you fake piece of shit, Biden is not even the nominee and will not be.

He’s not a political opponent of The President.

When you are done serving as Putin’s Butt Plug, bring Actual Evidence. Zelensky said that there was Zero Pressure for him to do anything, and in subsequent meetings with Trump Administration Officials after that call Nothing at all was brought up about Investigations in to Biden.

In fact Zelensky had to do absolutely nothing to get EVERYTHING he wanted including Javelin missiles.

Trump did not send him blankets like Obama Bin Spying did after giving Putin a wink and a nod to make his move on Crimea and invade The Ukraine.
Why do innocent people have to prove that they are innocent?

The burden of proof is on the usurpers.

Your source Is the butthurt anti- Trumper who is pissed about being reassigned?

My source is a US Ambassador who worked for the administration at the time and who testified to that under oath to congress. Is your reply really going to be that she is lying? Final answer?
Why doesn’t Pompeo come out and expose the perjury? He is SOS he would have that intel. It would discredit her testimony and implicate Biden thus justifying trumps request for an investigation and end this whole impeachment inquiry. If your theory is true then why doesn’t Pompeo do that and end this whole thing?
they don’t. Dipshit here was accusing the ex ambassador of lying under oath. If she did that then I posed the question why her boss wouldn’t call it out and at the same time end the impeachment of a US president. So why would t pompeo do that of the facts were the way y’all paint them
I disagree. There is no evidence of any crime and the accusations that Trump is now leveling years later are obviously political in nature.

Biden violated the UN charter by meddling in the internal political affairs of another country, there is a reason to investigate that.

you're stretching... nice try though

No stretch, a fact. Oh and the old, just following orders defense won't cut it.

Did you know the IMF made the same threat?

Are they a member nation in the UN?

Why does that matter?
It absolutely was. Not only our national policy but that of many country’s in the EU. You need to education yourself. Ron Johnson even signed a letter calling for reforms to Shokins office.
Ron Johnson and the EU sets our "National policy"?

Yovanovitch Says Biden's Push to Oust Ukraine Prosecutor Was U.S. Policy
Where is the documentary evidence? Why should anyone believe a Trump hating partisan?
The same might be asked of you bri Why should anyone believe anything this lying AH trump or his traitors say/
No one is asking you to take Trump at his word, dumbass.
how can you support the biggest lyingest SOB ever to enter our WH?
So says you. He did nothing but say to Zelensky, that the Attorney General Barr, and Guliani are the people he should work with on issues of corruption.

So how about instead of avoiding facts and evading questions, why don’t you just bring some facts and evidence?

But Facts and Evidence are not something that Nazis and Communists require when they need to move a political rival out of the way.

Your biased opinion is invalid.

How about this, why don’t you do “US” (The United States) a favor and investigate Joe Biden’s dealings with Russian Puppets in The Ukraine for his own personal enrichment?

No, that was not “The Royal US”

How are “the wages of desperation” paying off for you?

Shit on your face is how.

You deserve it by the way.

No it’s not a crime when used in diplomacy. Nobody in congress or the executive objected to how Biden handled affairs with Ukraine because it was in line with our national policy. Trump on the other hand made move against what the set policy was

The President of the United States sets the policy of this country, and Donald Trump is the President of the United States.

So if bribery is supposedly "not a crime" when used in diplomacy, why the impeachment hearings?

You're desperately clutching at straws, dude.
you are right, the president sets policy and if he thought there was corruption with Biden in Ukraine he has every right to root it out and there is a process for that. He didn’t go through that process. He back channeled with Rudy Guliani because he was trying to get political dirt, not serve the interest of his country.
Trumps whole team in Ukraine just testified to Congress about what the agenda was. No aid or meet until investigations are announced. Pretty simple. All on record. Stop playing dumb

When you are done serving as Putin’s Butt Plug, bring Actual Evidence. Zelensky said that there was Zero Pressure for him to do anything, and subsequent meetings with Trump Administration Officials Nothing at all was brought up about Investigations in to Biden.

In fact Zelensky has to do absolutely nothing to get EVERYTHING he wanted including Javelin missiles.

Trump did not send him blankets like Onama Bin Spying did.
Haha, I always get a kick out of you all parroting irrelevant talking points! Obama’s blankets mean nothing. Zelensky a statement mean nothing. You’re not proving that what I just said didn’t happen. You’re just trying to distract. Nice try but not really
It absolutely was. Not only our national policy but that of many country’s in the EU. You need to education yourself. Ron Johnson even signed a letter calling for reforms to Shokins office.
Ron Johnson and the EU sets our "National policy"?

Yovanovitch Says Biden's Push to Oust Ukraine Prosecutor Was U.S. Policy
Where is the documentary evidence? Why should anyone believe a Trump hating partisan?
The same might be asked of you bri Why should anyone believe anything this lying AH trump or his traitors say/

Would you believe me if I told you that Trump is going to win the election in 2020? :04:
Yes it sure is possible ,to the detriment of America Hopefully the pos has a heart attack first He is slime ...All yours
I don’t parrot shit puppet. I write my own material and do my own research.

Too bad no one can say the same about you.

So says you. He did nothing but say to Zelensky, that the Attorney General Barr, and Guliani are the people he should work with on issues of corruption.

So how about instead of avoiding facts and evading questions, why don’t you just bring some facts and evidence?

But Facts and Evidence are not something that Nazis and Communists require when they need to move a political rival out of the way.

Your biased opinion is invalid.

How about this, why don’t you do “US” (The United States) a favor and investigate Joe Biden’s dealings with Russian Puppets in The Ukraine for his own personal enrichment?

No, that was not “The Royal US”

How are “the wages of desperation” paying off for you?

Shit on your face is how.

You deserve it by the way.

The President of the United States sets the policy of this country, and Donald Trump is the President of the United States.

So if bribery is supposedly "not a crime" when used in diplomacy, why the impeachment hearings?

You're desperately clutching at straws, dude.
you are right, the president sets policy and if he thought there was corruption with Biden in Ukraine he has every right to root it out and there is a process for that. He didn’t go through that process. He back channeled with Rudy Guliani because he was trying to get political dirt, not serve the interest of his country.
Trumps whole team in Ukraine just testified to Congress about what the agenda was. No aid or meet until investigations are announced. Pretty simple. All on record. Stop playing dumb

When you are done serving as Putin’s Butt Plug, bring Actual Evidence. Zelensky said that there was Zero Pressure for him to do anything, and subsequent meetings with Trump Administration Officials Nothing at all was brought up about Investigations in to Biden.

In fact Zelensky has to do absolutely nothing to get EVERYTHING he wanted including Javelin missiles.

Trump did not send him blankets like Onama Bin Spying did.
Haha, I always get a kick out of you all parroting irrelevant talking points! Obama’s blankets mean nothing. Zelensky a statement mean nothing. You’re not proving that what I just said didn’t happen. You’re just trying to distract. Nice try but not really
I never supported Obama Bin Lying past his first year when I found out he was the biggest liar that ever conned his way in to The White House.

Where is the documentary evidence? Why should anyone believe a Trump hating partisan?
The same might be asked of you bri Why should anyone believe anything this lying AH trump or his traitors say/
No one is asking you to take Trump at his word, dumbass.
how can you support the biggest lyingest SOB ever to enter our WH?

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