Official Impeachment Thread 2.0: House Judiciary Committee Hearings

Notice the libtards are not asking Turley any questions?

There is nothing really they CAN ask him after he just pointed out they are attempting a coup while the President is out of the country based on zero crime, zero evidence of a crime, zero whistle blowers, and zero witnesses, pointing out as well that their attempt is not only 'woefully inadequate' but is 'DANGEROUS' to this republic, setting the dangerous precedence of overthrowing an elected President just because you lost and election.
Notice the libtards are not asking Turley any questions?

They did but the question was stupid and badly planned. The three witnesses suck. They are from the group that America hates and has no respect for. Rich, white and privlaged in their jobs like govrenment people. This one is like the others. Just a waste of time. We know the impeachment is coming. Just do it already.
This is a DNC infomercial for the 2020 campaign....the DNC should be paying for this not the American people....
His opinion is there has not been an underlying commission of a crime and therefore impeachment is not warranted. He's wrong, but for now let's put aside his opinion on that issue.

How can he justify not impeaching Trump given the absolute certainty of his obstruction of the impeachment inquiry (and for that matter the Mueller investigation)?
Trump pursued his legal options. Appealing subpoenas is standard court procedure. What your saying is like saying hiring a lawyer is obstruction of justice.

The bottom line is that you're a fucking idiot.
Yes, as he always does he has pursued his legal options.........and will do so until they run out. So far, every court has ruled against his baseless arguments of absolute immunity and blanket privilege.
I have reached the conclusion that DemonRats are using impeachment for their own political gain.
His opinion is there has not been an underlying commission of a crime and therefore impeachment is not warranted. He's wrong, but for now let's put aside his opinion on that issue.

How can he justify not impeaching Trump given the absolute certainty of his obstruction of the impeachment inquiry (and for that matter the Mueller investigation)?
You forgot the link.
He just testified about what I posted.
I knew I had seen her before....


You know what pisses me off?.....the next dem president will not face this kind of shit...the GOP just doesn't have it in them to fight this way....
It appears Turley's opinion is founded on a catch-22.

"Offering an exhaustive and colorful account of the history of impeachment, Mr. Turley agreed with the other panelists that “a quid pro quo to force the investigation of a political rival in exchange for military aid can be impeachable, if proven.”

But for that to be the case, he said, the evidence has to be stronger. Witnesses like Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, and John R. Bolton, the former national security adviser, must be heard from — not just spoken about by other witnesses. He argued the current case is destined for “collapse in a Senate trial.”
Impeachment Hearing Live Updates: Trump’s Actions Are Impeachable, Scholars Testify

So...........he thinks Trump shouldn't be impeached because some witnesses have not testified even as Trump is obstructing the investigation by blocking witness testimony.

And this is the guy the Repubs wanted????????????
So we are supposed to be swayed by libtarded trump hating law professors?
....liberal professors who infest American universities, indoctrinating impressionable kids, and oppressing / punishing any who do not embrace their liberal ideology.....
I would also like to see the order from Trump stopping the Ukrain funds as well. Where is that at?
You know what pisses me off?.....the next dem president will not face this kind of shit...the GOP just doesn't have it in them to fight this way....
Fighting them 'this way', as pointed out by Turley, is criminally dangerous to the Republic and all but makes them 'enemies of the state', willing to destroy , trample, and violate the Constitution, Americans' Rights, and the Rule of Law to re-acquire and hold on to power.

At the end of this, maybe sooner, instead of a desire to fight like 'this', I hope those doing so are held accountable - punished, sent to prison - to deter anyone or any party (the Democrats) from ever doing this again!

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