Official Impeachment Thread 2.0: House Judiciary Committee Hearings

Senate majority will likely subpoena Adam Schiff to testify.

I don't think they will. They are not going to want to set the precedent of subpoena being issued to each other. They can subpoena the Whistle Blower and get all the information they would get out of calling Schiff. Further, it's the House's duty to put on the case, not the Senate, the Senate is the Jury. We don't have Jurors put on prosecutions.

Democrats know they have nothing, that they are going to get wiped out, so they are trying to see if Mitch is dumb enough to catch a Hail Mary pass. McConnell is not that dumb. There is no point in dragging this out. The House will have an opportunity to put their case, which has no impeachable offenses or any statutory crimes, then they vote, and impeachment dies. What is the point of stretching out the inevitable?

Do Democrats have no desire to work on behalf of the American People rather than just trying to overturn an election?


Ready for Democrats to stop all the foolish nonsense and just dedicate themselves to bettering America and enjoying our fabulous and unexpected prosperity this Holiday season!
Perhaps it's a good time to refresh your memory as to the subject matter.

Congress authorized $391M in aid to Ukraine at the end of 2018. $250M under the control of the DoD and $141M under the control of the Dept. of State.

July 3.........Lt. Col. Vindman testified that is the date when he learned a hold on the aid had been put on.

July 10.......During a meeting at the WH Gordo Sondland makes Ukrainian officials aware Zelensky will only get a WH meeting w/ Donzo the Clown if he agrees to launch investigations in to the Biden's. Bolton tells Fiona Hill to report this to the NSC lawyer.

July 18........In a secure call with national security officials, a staff member of the WH OMB announces there’s a freeze on Ukraine aid until further notice, based on a presidential order to the budget office.
Trump’s Hold on Ukrainian Military Aid was Illegal

July 25.........the "perfect" call. Immediately after Zelensky offers to buy more military weapons Trump replies by saying "I would like you to do us a favor though" and proceeds to ask Zelensky to look in to the batshyte crazy conspiracy theory about the Crowdstrike server and later to work with Slimy Rudy in investigating the Biden's.
FEC chairwoman reiterates illegality of soliciting campaign help from foreign governments

Two US officials, Catherine Croft and Laura Cooper, have testified that as early as July 25 Ukraine officials expressed concern over the military aid they knew had been approved. “On July 25, a member of my staff got a question from a Ukraine embassy contact asking what was going on with Ukraine security assistance,” Cooper testified.

Aug. 12.......A whistleblower files a formal complaint addressed to Congress that details concerns over the July 25 phone call and the hold placed on the military aid. The complaint is withheld from Congress until Sept. 25. At some point after the call was made alarmed WH and national security officials, including John Eisenberg, make the decision to use a code level secure server to the transcript of the call even though it contains nothing of national security import to justify such a measure. The DoJ is notified of a criminal referral issued by the CIA's top lawyer regarding the call. Despite the obvious violation of the law prohibiting the solicitation of election assistance from a foreign country Billy the Bagman determines the call is no problemo.

Congressional testimony from Sondland, Hill, Vindman, Taylor, Cooper, Volker all corroborate the fact that diplomatic officials were aware the assistance to Ukraine would be held up until an announcement was made by Ukraine that the investigations Trump wanted were being initiated. Sondland testified that...... “Everyone was in the loop. It was no secret.” He went on to say.......“Was there a quid pro quo? As I testified previously, with regard to the requested White House call and White House meeting, the answer is yes.”

Various WH officials such as................

could offer more details but their testimony is being illegally blocked by the imposition of a claim that does not exist in law, "blanket privilege" for any and all WH officials the prez sees fit to block.

Once the WH became aware Trump had been caught they released the military aid and an edited copy of the call transcript cuz...............what else could they do?

In a nutshell, Trump put a hold on military assistance to use as leverage in order to get Zelensky to agree to announce Ukraine would investigate a political rival of Don's who at the time was the front runner to get the Dem nomination to run for the presidency............breaking two laws.
Dems strategy for 2020....impeachment.:71:

Imagine what Trump will accomplish when the the GOP has full control of Congress.
dedicate themselves to bettering America
They are. It's called impeachment.
Impeachment is a farce. House Democrats know that they have zero chance of removing the President and that Trump will be their quite formidable opponent in the 2020 election.

If Democrats do poorly as a result of this witch hunt and sham impeachment then the only harm they will have done, will be the opportunity lost this year to work on the behalf of the American People.

If Democrats are seen as having benefited from this farce, then it will be routine and greatly damage the separation of powers that maintains our Liberty, by allowing the House to put a strait jacket on the President any time the House is held by a different party from the President.
... "I would like you to do us a favor though"...
Yes he said US, not ME. You are claiming he was was using the royal "we" when he said "us" when he clearly uses the singular term "I" just five words away in the same sentence. Democrats are deliberating distorting what he said and they fool no one. That is why removal in the critical swing states in in free fall.
... and proceeds to ask Zelensky to look in to the batshyte crazy conspiracy theory about the Crowdstrike server...
He has every right to believe things that you do not believe and to speak those views in a phone conversation. The left is just transfixed by the desire to render the holding of views they disagree with and free speech as punishable crimes.

You are going to lose this, and lose badly, and you thoroughly deserve the loss.
dedicate themselves to bettering America
They are. It's called impeachment.
Impeachment is a farce. House Democrats know that they have zero chance of removing the President and that Trump will be their quite formidable opponent in the 2020 election.

If Democrats do poorly as a result of this witch hunt and sham impeachment then the only harm they will have done, will be the opportunity lost this year to work on the behalf of the American People.

If Democrats are seen as having benefited from this farce, then it will be routine and greatly damage the separation of powers that maintains our Liberty, by allowing the House to put a strait jacket on the President any time the House is held by a different party from the President.
If they were smart, they would reconsider this political move, since
30+ Dem House seats are on the chopping block in 2020, all in districts Trump won.

But they're not smart.

I don't think a vote tomorrow is inevitable. You heard it here first.
I believe the Dems are having serious second thoughts, fearing the consequences of failing.
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dedicate themselves to bettering America
They are. It's called impeachment.
Impeachment is a farce. House Democrats know that they have zero chance of removing the President and that Trump will be their quite formidable opponent in the 2020 election.

If Democrats do poorly as a result of this witch hunt and sham impeachment then the only harm they will have done, will be the opportunity lost this year to work on the behalf of the American People.

If Democrats are seen as having benefited from this farce, then it will be routine and greatly damage the separation of powers that maintains our Liberty, by allowing the House to put a strait jacket on the President any time the House is held by a different party from the President.
If they were smart, they would reconsider this political move, since
30+ Dem House seats are on the chopping block in 2020, all in districts Trump won.

But they're not smart.

I don't think a vote tomorrow is inevitable. You heard it here first.
I believe the Dems are having serious second thoughts, fearing the consequences of failing.
It looks now like Pelosi is going to force all but two of those Democrats that represent Red districts to vote to impeach.

Now it all makes sense why the swamp DNC is so enamored at blindly trying to impeach Trump for unjustified reasons. But this impeachment charade is actually helping him in the polls!

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