OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Panic is setting in for the ABNORMALS!!!

Source: Manching a Yes on Kavanaugh barring....

Twitter ^ | Sept 27 | Elaina Plott

Interesting: A source close to Senator Manchin tells me now, "Short of claims that definitively prove Dr. Ford's allegations or a realization that Kavanaugh will gut the healthcare law, Manchin will side with the overwhelming number of people in WV who want Kavanaugh confirmed."

That, of course, isn't an actual photograph.
Panic is setting in for the ABNORMALS!!!

Source: Manching a Yes on Kavanaugh barring....

Twitter ^ | Sept 27 | Elaina Plott

Interesting: A source close to Senator Manchin tells me now, "Short of claims that definitively prove Dr. Ford's allegations or a realization that Kavanaugh will gut the healthcare law, Manchin will side with the overwhelming number of people in WV who want Kavanaugh confirmed."

That, of course, isn't an actual photograph.
WASHINGTON – The Senate could confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court as soon as Tuesday if he clears the Judiciary Committee on Friday and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is ready – meaning he has the votes.

"I don’t think they’ve met their burden of proof," said Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas. "I think it’s time to vote.”

“The longer that the nomination remains open we know that more and more of these scurrilous, anonymous and uncorroborated allegations will be made," he said. "Unfortunately, that’s part of the 'search and destroy' process that, frankly, I think is an embarrassment to the Senate."

Brett Kavanaugh: How quickly could he be confirmed to the Supreme Court?

Expect at least three more liberals to come forward before then...
Wont make a difference. Its done. The only way Kav was not going to be confirmed was if the repubs were honest or Kav broke down and confessed.

Expect the Blue Wave to include a Pink Wave if Kavanaugh is confirmed. Hundreds of women are running for office in November, for a seat on state legislatures and the Congress.

McConnell&Co may win the battle (and McConnell will assure his wife's job) but the war will be won or lost in November.

What "War" are we talking about?

The battle is the likely coronation of Kavanaugh; the war is the election in November.

My turn:

Q. Did Dr. Ford or did Judge Kavanaugh answer the questions; or, which of the two avoided answering the questions.
The last time heard such howling and screeching as the Democrats are doing was when my granny got her tit caught in the washing machine wringer. Now that was memorable!
Ford and her story would be ripped to shreds in a courtroom.
Not as much as Kavanaugh.

What guy in a courtroom tells the prosecutor well do you drink do you drink have you ever been drunk huh huh tell me.
You guys and being fucking morons.. Kavanaugh has contemporaneous notes and witnesses to prove where he was in 1982... Ford hasn't got shit.. I am laughing at your fucked in head ignorance..

Every day of every hour of all of 1982?
Pretty much... And he has credible witnesses to prove it too..
Panic is setting in for the ABNORMALS!!!

Source: Manching a Yes on Kavanaugh barring....

Twitter ^ | Sept 27 | Elaina Plott

Interesting: A source close to Senator Manchin tells me now, "Short of claims that definitively prove Dr. Ford's allegations or a realization that Kavanaugh will gut the healthcare law, Manchin will side with the overwhelming number of people in WV who want Kavanaugh confirmed."


Oh sweetheart, there will soon be A. I. rubber love dolls everywhere. And you can turn them off when not in use. :auiqs.jpg:
The plain truth is that when Feinstein first got that letter from Ford, she could've gone to Grassley and the GOP and asked for a confidential, bipartisan investigation and a closed door hearing by the Committee to thoroughly check it out. They have their own investigators, and if they wanted to keep it confidential according to Ford's wishes then that would've been the way to go. But no, they deliberately withheld the letter and the accusation right up to the last minute strictly for political purposes to delay the confirmation hearing until after the election. They didn't give a damn about justice or about Ford and or Kavanaugh, they only cared about their party and themselves. An FBI investigation was never needed, especially in a case like this where the accuser cannot provide the date and place of the attack and there are no witnesses who can corroborate the story. What is the FBI going to add to the whole thing that we don't already now? Not one fucking thing, except to burn more time on the clock and delay the vote. That is the ONLY thing the Democrats cared about.

I keep asking "what is the rush", but I haven't gotten an answer yet. Are you afraid that the will of the people, which will be obvious after the coming election, won't support a anti-abortion supreme court justice?

First of all, the will of the people has already been made obvious, that's why Trump won and Clinton lost. Second, the rush is to appoint a 9th SCOTUS justice because Anthony Kennedy retired, and you want a odd-numbered court to break a tie if necessary. Perhaps you don't know that the SCOTUS begins hearing cases on Oct 1, so if the new justice isn't on the court by then it means he can't vote on the case.

So tell me, why did Feinstein keep the accusation a secret until the last minute? I think we both know that the ONLY reason was to delay the confirmation process and the vote until after the November election, so if they win back the Senate it's likely Kavanaugh would not be confirmed and Trump probably wouldn't get to put another person on the court with a Dem controlled Senate. In so doing however, Feinstein knew damn well how this was going to play out; she's no rookie, she knew that both Ford and Kavanaugh and their families would subjected to the worst kind of scrutiny and threats. But she didn't care.

I only have to read your first line before I stop and quote your stupidity:
"First of all, the will of the people has already been made obvious, that's why Trump won and Clinton lost."
No, dumbshit.
Trump lost the actual vote by 3,000,000.
Next right wing fuck up....

Before I put you on ignore for being a true asshole, the fact is that total votes not withstanding, Trump got elected instead of Hillary. Like it or lump it, I don't care which. And one big reason for that was that the president nominates replacements to the SCOTUS and most people thought correctly that the 45th president would do that at least once, and they didn't want Hillary to be the one in that position. So, you can piss and moan about how your person lost from now until doomsday, but the FACT is that Trump was elected by the will of the people, and he nominated Brett Kavanaugh.

As for the next election, I guess we'll soon see. Maybe the Dems take back the Senate and maybe they don't. I ain't afraid one way or the other, IMHO we'll get the gov't we deserve either way.

Trump is president, but quit claiming it was the will of the people. That is a lie.
Garland's SC seat was stolen by the right. That is a fact.
Every woman has the right to be believed

Unless you are raped by bill Clinton

Beaten by keith Ellison

Groped by cory booker

Or killed by ted kennedy
WASHINGTON – The Senate could confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court as soon as Tuesday if he clears the Judiciary Committee on Friday and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is ready – meaning he has the votes.

"I don’t think they’ve met their burden of proof," said Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas. "I think it’s time to vote.”

“The longer that the nomination remains open we know that more and more of these scurrilous, anonymous and uncorroborated allegations will be made," he said. "Unfortunately, that’s part of the 'search and destroy' process that, frankly, I think is an embarrassment to the Senate."

Brett Kavanaugh: How quickly could he be confirmed to the Supreme Court?

Expect at least three more liberals to come forward before then...
Wont make a difference. Its done. The only way Kav was not going to be confirmed was if the repubs were honest or Kav broke down and confessed.

Expect the Blue Wave to include a Pink Wave if Kavanaugh is confirmed. Hundreds of women are running for office in November, for a seat on state legislatures and the Congress.

McConnell&Co may win the battle (and McConnell will assure his wife's job) but the war will be won or lost in November.

Blue wave. Now that’s funny!

I'll book mark your comment, and get back to you on Wed. November 7th.
Feel free
And now you understand why victims don't report. Wait, you were the dumbass who wondered why women don't report. Wow, you managed to be the asshole example that is the answer to your own stupid fucking question....nice work...

The only thing that fraud is a victim of is democrat shenanigans

A full day of hearings and still no proof. Waste of time

I've been playing catch up the last hour or so and I was astonished to find that not one allegation was supported in any way. The only one who really delved into the facts was Kavanaugh and he provided proof of his innocence.. Ford gave no witnesses and no corroborating evidence...

And Lindsey Graham was one of the few to call out the democrat bullshit and improper actions of the democrats...

Kavanaugh provided no proof, actually his demeanor was very disturbing.
Kavanaugh was pissed that you left tards famed him..I'd be damn mad too.. you guys like to make shit up..

And yet Ford, a woman relaying her experience of being attacked and subjec to attempted forcible rape.....was able to keep her composure.

She didn't melt down, she didn't start yelling. She was polite, credible, sincere.

Ummm....s0n.....nobody cares about that stuff anymore. Today was political theater.....a big yawn in terms of swaying any votes.

Time to butter up.....because that big bumpy's a comin'!:terror::springbed:
Too bad the Republicans refused to allow an FBI investigation. It would have been the best way of finding out the truth.

That's a decision that totally back-fired on them.

JACKASS, there have already been SIX background investigations to vet Kananaugh! The FBI does not investigate sexual assault. Learn the fucking law.
And even if they did, they wouldn't investigate this shit from 36 years ago.

THE PROBLEM NOW is that this shit is 36 years old. The trail is cold. All we are left with are emotions and impressions. And a very few FACTS:

While Ford seems compelling enough in her story, the closest she comes to corroboration is HER saying she mentioned it in passing TO HER HUSBAND several years ago. None of her friends remember the incident. The DNC deliberately sat on this until the very last minute, now keep trying to call for or trick others into calling for an FBI investigation which is sure to delay the confirmation until well past the election to their benefit and with no certain or clear outcome of it at all. Ford seems to have a problem flying---- except when she wants to. She delayed the hearing trying to get them to come to her then decided to drive there, yet she flies all over the world. Many things which just don't make sense and only served to hold things up. Several other strange lapses and conflicts in her story and recollection. Everyone seems to notice these but the Democrats.

Kavanaugh has a spotless and unimpeachable background and history on the bench. The SC has sided with him 13 out of 14 times. Family man. Man of the community. Impeccable credentials. Then a few days before the vote, this Ford comes out of nowhere with her story just in time to make a circus out of the hearing. Despite all this and only her claims, the Democrats seem willing to unilaterally believe everything and throw this guy to the wolves. Yet if this were Bill Clinton or some democratic nomination, they would undoubtedly hold the same position as the Republicans.

Partisan politics taken to the Nth degree.

While the Left is well known for calling Trump a clown and talking of circuses, they seem the masters at creating them.

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