OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Really, a cartoon is your intelligent contribution?
Yes, it is a bitch when a cartoon is more informative than a liberal asshole...but happens all the time!
SassyIrishLass said:
The burden wasn't on him to prove anything, he wasn't the one that made the allegation
I Wouldn't Have Answered Any Of Their Questions

It's Not Kav's Job To Call For An Investigation On Himself
When Not Harris, Or Any Other Democrat
Has Presented Theses Allegations To Law Enforcement

It's Not Kav's Job
To Aid In His Own Prosecution
Or Even Acknowledge These False Claims
They're Not Just Assaulting His Squeaky-Clean Character
They Are Accusing Him Of Being A Criminal
With-Out A Shred Of Evidence
Just For Political Advantage On The High Court

You Know What ??
Republicans Get A Turn To Appoint Supremes
When They Are Elected President

Democrats Will Get Their Turn Again Too
But By 2024, It Probably Won't Matter Anymore !!

As a serial gang rapist... Kavanaugh really knows how to pick hardcore leftist activists. Before they are even active!!!?
Fuck an “A” this guy is good!
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My opinion (and I was personally asked to help Afghan Woman with their activism during the Taliban restrictions)

1)Calling Ford a Hero when she put woman in jeopardy by not reporting it right away thus allowing the real perp possibly harm more woman is soooooo deeply wrong and ignorant.
2) Her weaponization and false charge is why that Afghan lady stated the US don't believe woman either, because false charges and uses for circus and harm is what makes it harder for real victims who are truly brave by reporting and stoping the right perp before more are harmed.
THIS SITUATION AND admission they'd stop the nomination at all costs is not the same as a normal declaration.
4)I'm EXTREMELY good and accurate at reading people which Is why I prefered seeing the people testify their statements instead of a third person reading it as a picture plasters the screen. Cavanaugh comes off as truthful by his coming forth right away (unprepaired) attitude, body language, speach expression, eye contact etc.
Surprisingly what fooled other people
With Ford (who delayed to take time to be preped[truth needs no prep-time]) I only saw clips, but it made me uneasy in what I noticed in her expression, hair flips, body language, lack of steady eye contact and snearing at wrong moments and orher things made my instincts instantly notice she was lying, including the crying wasn't steady and I might be wrong but to my close eye it looked like acting forced cause of it suddenly breaking too soon at times. I also noticed yesterday her lie detector test administrator was lying and protected her discrepancies which was disturbing in conjunction with his walk around questioning which when outted he made excuses for=deception.
Has anyone seen her original letter yet that Feinstein hid from the congress?
That too might hold clues.
Disclosure: My Uncle a sociologist-psychologist and my friend a FBI administrator both used to comment about my ability to see and notice human behavior that others miss.
I'm very observant and have studied people since my youth, so I've seen it all.
Panic is setting in for the ABNORMALS!!!

Source: Manching a Yes on Kavanaugh barring....

Twitter ^ | Sept 27 | Elaina Plott

Interesting: A source close to Senator Manchin tells me now, "Short of claims that definitively prove Dr. Ford's allegations or a realization that Kavanaugh will gut the healthcare law, Manchin will side with the overwhelming number of people in WV who want Kavanaugh confirmed."
Ford and her story would be ripped to shreds in a courtroom.
Not as much as Kavanaugh.

What guy in a courtroom tells the prosecutor well do you drink do you drink have you ever been drunk huh huh tell me.
You guys and being fucking morons.. Kavanaugh has contemporaneous notes and witnesses to prove where he was in 1982... Ford hasn't got shit.. I am laughing at your fucked in head ignorance..

Every day of every hour of all of 1982?
The plain truth is that when Feinstein first got that letter from Ford, she could've gone to Grassley and the GOP and asked for a confidential, bipartisan investigation and a closed door hearing by the Committee to thoroughly check it out. They have their own investigators, and if they wanted to keep it confidential according to Ford's wishes then that would've been the way to go. But no, they deliberately withheld the letter and the accusation right up to the last minute strictly for political purposes to delay the confirmation hearing until after the election. They didn't give a damn about justice or about Ford and or Kavanaugh, they only cared about their party and themselves. An FBI investigation was never needed, especially in a case like this where the accuser cannot provide the date and place of the attack and there are no witnesses who can corroborate the story. What is the FBI going to add to the whole thing that we don't already now? Not one fucking thing, except to burn more time on the clock and delay the vote. That is the ONLY thing the Democrats cared about.

I keep asking "what is the rush", but I haven't gotten an answer yet. Are you afraid that the will of the people, which will be obvious after the coming election, won't support a anti-abortion supreme court justice?

First of all, the will of the people has already been made obvious, that's why Trump won and Clinton lost. Second, the rush is to appoint a 9th SCOTUS justice because Anthony Kennedy retired, and you want a odd-numbered court to break a tie if necessary. Perhaps you don't know that the SCOTUS begins hearing cases on Oct 1, so if the new justice isn't on the court by then it means he can't vote on the case.

So tell me, why did Feinstein keep the accusation a secret until the last minute? I think we both know that the ONLY reason was to delay the confirmation process and the vote until after the November election, so if they win back the Senate it's likely Kavanaugh would not be confirmed and Trump probably wouldn't get to put another person on the court with a Dem controlled Senate. In so doing however, Feinstein knew damn well how this was going to play out; she's no rookie, she knew that both Ford and Kavanaugh and their families would subjected to the worst kind of scrutiny and threats. But she didn't care.

I only have to read your first line before I stop and quote your stupidity:
"First of all, the will of the people has already been made obvious, that's why Trump won and Clinton lost."
No, dumbshit.
Trump lost the actual vote by 3,000,000.
Next right wing fuck up....

Before I put you on ignore for being a true asshole, the fact is that total votes not withstanding, Trump got elected instead of Hillary. Like it or lump it, I don't care which. And one big reason for that was that the president nominates replacements to the SCOTUS and most people thought correctly that the 45th president would do that at least once, and they didn't want Hillary to be the one in that position. So, you can piss and moan about how your person lost from now until doomsday, but the FACT is that Trump was elected by the will of the people, and he nominated Brett Kavanaugh.

As for the next election, I guess we'll soon see. Maybe the Dems take back the Senate and maybe they don't. I ain't afraid one way or the other, IMHO we'll get the gov't we deserve either way.
Just like Clarence Thomas, he will be bitter and vengeful to liberalism, and all it stands for, FOREVER.

Democrats you blew it big time.
And now you understand why victims don't report. Wait, you were the dumbass who wondered why women don't report. Wow, you managed to be the asshole example that is the answer to your own stupid fucking question....nice work...

The only thing that fraud is a victim of is democrat shenanigans

A full day of hearings and still no proof. Waste of time

I've been playing catch up the last hour or so and I was astonished to find that not one allegation was supported in any way. The only one who really delved into the facts was Kavanaugh and he provided proof of his innocence.. Ford gave no witnesses and no corroborating evidence...

And Lindsey Graham was one of the few to call out the democrat bullshit and improper actions of the democrats...

Kavanaugh provided no proof, actually his demeanor was very disturbing.
How do you provide proof nothing happened when there is no date nor location?
How do you suggest he PROVE he didn’t do something on an unknown date at an unknown place? Please be specific.

FBI and subpoenaed Judge and the other people in the home at the time and find out the home. There is a lot what could be done. He didn't want that and nor did the GOP. This is not going away. He is really a sick man. He was guilty as shit.

You are about a Dumb Ass.....


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