OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

I wish I could have started a thread about this but I have to obey the rules. So here goes.

Here's a 15 second video of a sleazy Democrat giving a secret envelope to Ford's lawyer at the end of her hearing. Betcha it'll never be disclosed what's in the envelope.


Couldn't even wait to pass it on in the gender neutral restroom.

Ford’s Attorney Caught On Camera Being Handed Secret Envelope By Dirty Dem Congresswoman -

BUMP (Isn't this what we're instructed to do?)

And what 'criminal act' was committed in the video, Tinfoil?'re so easy to send running.
Senate Dems on the Judiciary Committee could have revealed Ford's letter to Chairman Chuck Grassley 60 days ago and the FBI could have conducted and completed a confidential investigation two or three weeks ago. But the Democrats didn't do that. They held onto this flimsy accusation until after the hearings and just as the Senate was going to vote on Kavanaugh's nomination.

So it was pure hypocrisy for Democratic members of the committee to ask Kavanaugh if he would now call for an FBI investigation. Where was their desire for an FBI investigation 60 days ago, or when they had their private interviews with him, or during the hearings? Sheer hypocrisy.

Simply because Dr. Christine Blasey Ford asked to remain anonymous. Then, through no fault of her own, her name was leaked.

So why did the Democrats leak her name? The whole investigation could have been done long ago and no names leaked. Of course the Dems would not have accomplished their goals, so damn the woman, right?
What was the single biggest question that came out of today’s Senate hearing?

Why won’t Republicans let the FBI investigate Brett Kavanaugh?
Out of the blue, a hero steps up and I’m in awe.
The hero is Kavanaugh. I am a woman and I do not believe her.

Ford's story is so full of holes she and her story would be ripped to shreds in a courtroom. That she can't remember how she got home is absurd.

Okay she ran out of the house into the street, fearing rape and death and...Miss Ford you didn't have a car or a drivers license how did you get home? You were obviously crying right, tell us who gave you a ride home and witnessed you crying and your emotional distress?
Senate Dems on the Judiciary Committee could have revealed Ford's letter to Chairman Chuck Grassley 60 days ago and the FBI could have conducted and completed a confidential investigation two or three weeks ago. But the Democrats didn't do that. They held onto this flimsy accusation until after the hearings and just as the Senate was going to vote on Kavanaugh's nomination.

So it was pure hypocrisy for Democratic members of the committee to ask Kavanaugh if he would now call for an FBI investigation. Where was their desire for an FBI investigation 60 days ago, or when they had their private interviews with him, or during the hearings? Sheer hypocrisy.

Simply because Dr. Christine Blasey Ford asked to remain anonymous. Then, through no fault of her own, her name was leaked.
It was leaked because the democrats did it. How stupid do you have to be to trust a democrat?
This guy is kind of a wuss, maybe the conservatives should boot it out of committee since he can't even keep from choking up and keep it together long enough to testify with out breaking out in tears. . . .

Hell, they might as well nominate a woman. She could probably hold it together better than he can. This guy is no good under pressure, no grit at all. It's clear he is too emotional, too liberal.
Men are allowed to cry, but this is not normal; I think he's on too much Valium, actually.

With all due respect, Old...I think Ford looked like she was dazed and confused a lot more than Brett Kavanaugh does right now. He looks like someone who is so pissed off they can barely speak.

Do you blame him?

I'm just trying to imagine how emotional and how a Scalia or Renquist would react in the same situation.

What if folks were making up lies out of whole cloth about Scalia or Renquist to derail their entire nomination? Would they carry on like a little girl in front of congress?

Is this even dignified?
Only if they lie under oath. There were no 'plantiffs' or 'defendants'. This was a public hearing.

You've grossly misunderstood the law, Tinfoil.
I posted it wasn't a trail, but burden of proof on the accuser, and the ability to confront your accuser and their evidence (or lack thereof as is in this matter) has been around longer than America has you goofball. :21:
WASHINGTON – The Senate could confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court as soon as Tuesday if he clears the Judiciary Committee on Friday and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is ready – meaning he has the votes.

"I don’t think they’ve met their burden of proof," said Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas. "I think it’s time to vote.”

“The longer that the nomination remains open we know that more and more of these scurrilous, anonymous and uncorroborated allegations will be made," he said. "Unfortunately, that’s part of the 'search and destroy' process that, frankly, I think is an embarrassment to the Senate."

Brett Kavanaugh: How quickly could he be confirmed to the Supreme Court?

Expect at least three more liberals to come forward before then...
Wont make a difference. Its done. The only way Kav was not going to be confirmed was if the repubs were honest or Kav broke down and confessed.

Expect the Blue Wave to include a Pink Wave if Kavanaugh is confirmed. Hundreds of women are running for office in November, for a seat on state legislatures and the Congress.

McConnell&Co may win the battle (and McConnell will assure his wife's job) but the war will be won or lost in November.
What "War" are we talking about?
Illegals RAPE and KILL thousands of Americans, why haven't Dem's demanded FBI investigations?

Right wingers Rape and Kill at least as many, if not more Americans than illegals do. Why haven't republicans demanded FBI investigations?

We are talking about illegals who RAPE and KILL American women and why Dem's protect them and encourage millions of them to invade our country? Can you answer? No you cannot. Take your beating and slither back under your rock.

The Dems are protecting these "rapists" and "killers" so they can use them for their votes. That's all. They don't care who they long as they get the votes. And what a better way to get votes from "illegals"? Lol

A young 20 year old American woman out jogging was recently brutally murdered by an illegal, where was this Dem rage?

Like I said in the previous comments: The Dems don't care! As long as they get votes...they don't care from who! Even if they are "illegal" they will get the votes from them.
Ford and her story would be ripped to shreds in a courtroom.
Not as much as Kavanaugh.

What guy in a courtroom tells the prosecutor well do you drink do you drink have you ever been drunk huh huh tell me.

Go ahead tell us how Ford got home? Fearing rape and death she ran out of the house, lacking a cell phone, car, or drivers license she...what hitched a ride? Obviously she was crying over the attack, lets hear from the witness who gave her a ride home and saw her torn clothes and emotional distress.
WASHINGTON – The Senate could confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court as soon as Tuesday if he clears the Judiciary Committee on Friday and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is ready – meaning he has the votes.

"I don’t think they’ve met their burden of proof," said Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas. "I think it’s time to vote.”

“The longer that the nomination remains open we know that more and more of these scurrilous, anonymous and uncorroborated allegations will be made," he said. "Unfortunately, that’s part of the 'search and destroy' process that, frankly, I think is an embarrassment to the Senate."

Brett Kavanaugh: How quickly could he be confirmed to the Supreme Court?

Expect at least three more liberals to come forward before then...
Wont make a difference. Its done. The only way Kav was not going to be confirmed was if the repubs were honest or Kav broke down and confessed.
Confessed to what. Ford is a liar.
I believe she’s delusional.
But she has such a cute, false, “innocent little girl” voice that she didn’t have for the first 5 minutes until she remembered she practiced it beforehand.
Listening on the radio it appeared as if she were a 14 yr old.

Thank you.
I laughed out loud when she said the reasons they went to therapy was because she wanted two doors and hubby only wanted one.

What a mental case.
Been married since 2002, suddenly need two front doors in 2012. Never lived anywhere else with two front doors. Yet this one she has because of Kav is used for church gatherings. It’s all bullshit.
What was the single biggest question that came out of today’s Senate hearing?

Why won’t Republicans let the FBI investigate Brett Kavanaugh?

The FBI sent the letter to the White House and stated that the investigation is closed.

If any Democrat on the committee wanted additional FBI action, the committee had the authority to request it.

They didn't want it. They wanted the issue for their nefarious plans.
This guy is kind of a wuss, maybe the conservatives should boot it out of committee since he can't even keep from choking up and keep it together long enough to testify with out breaking out in tears. . . .

Hell, they might as well nominate a woman. She could probably hold it together better than he can. This guy is no good under pressure, no grit at all. It's clear he is too emotional, too liberal.
Men are allowed to cry, but this is not normal; I think he's on too much Valium, actually.

With all due respect, Old...I think Ford looked like she was dazed and confused a lot more than Brett Kavanaugh does right now. He looks like someone who is so pissed off they can barely speak.

Do you blame him?

I'm just trying to imagine how emotional and how a Scalia or Renquist would react in the same situation.

What if folks were making up lies out of whole cloth about Scalia or Renquist to derail their entire nomination? Would they carry on like a little girl in front of congress?

Is this even dignified?

The dems have no business talking about being dignified.
Illegals RAPE and KILL thousands of Americans, why haven't Dem's demanded FBI investigations?

They don't have to demand.
The FBI doesn't work for the Dems.
The FBI has jurisdiction over all federal properties, interstate crimes, civil rights violations, etc.
The FBI does not investigate crimes involving state laws, only federal laws.
Crimes involving non military personnel on military bases are also investigated by them since the JAG and military police are somewhat limited to only military personnel.

Next right wing fuck up......


No we need the FBI to investigate illegals who RAPE American women right now, the status quo is no longer acceptable, American women are being RAPED by illegals.

Investigating illegals who rape American would be profiling. Prosecuting them would reduce the risk of American women being raped by illegals

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