OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

I wish I could have started a thread about this but I have to obey the rules. So here goes.

Here's a 15 second video of a sleazy Democrat giving a secret envelope to Ford's lawyer at the end of her hearing. Betcha it'll never be disclosed what's in the envelope.


Couldn't even wait to pass it on in the gender neutral restroom.

Ford’s Attorney Caught On Camera Being Handed Secret Envelope By Dirty Dem Congresswoman -

BUMP (Isn't this what we're instructed to do?)
Illegals RAPE and KILL thousands of Americans, why haven't Dem's demanded FBI investigations?

They don't have to demand.
The FBI doesn't work for the Dems.
The FBI has jurisdiction over all federal properties, interstate crimes, civil rights violations, etc.
The FBI does not investigate crimes involving state laws, only federal laws.
Crimes involving non military personnel on military bases are also investigated by them since the JAG and military police are somewhat limited to only military personnel.

Next right wing fuck up......


No we need the FBI to investigate illegals who RAPE American women right now, the status quo is no longer acceptable, American women are being RAPED by illegals.

No, they are not.



Next right wing fuck up.....

I'm not interested in your LIES you useless puke illegal colluder. I looked into this myself, illegals overwhelmingly commit more crime than Americans. That said illegal on American crime should be 0% NONE they should not be in our country in the first place.
This wasn't a trial, Tinfoil. This was a public hearing. Ford wasn't a plantiff. She was a witness. Kavanaugh wasn't a defendant.

He was a nominee. The hearings are just an extended job interview.
They were under oath, in sworn testimony. Where it may not be a trail, it has more legal bearing than a job interview and does rely on 800 years of Anglo Saxon Law as far as legal precedence is concerned.
You demean real victims by your lies...
No dude, you demean them by calling them liars, when they are victims of one of your cult leaders....the pussy grabber, the abortion fairy ... You have no room to level that accusation at anyone, fuckstick ..
I've been playing catch up the last hour or so and I was astonished to find that not one allegation was supported in any way. The only one who really delved into the facts was Kavanaugh and he provided proof of his innocence.. Ford gave no witnesses and no corroborating evidence...

And Lindsey Graham was one of the few to call out the democrat bullshit and improper actions of the democrats...

Kavanaugh provided no proof, actually his demeanor was very disturbing.
Kavanaugh was pissed that you left tards famed him..I'd be damn mad too.. you guys like to make shit up..

And yet Ford, a woman relaying her experience of being attacked and subjec to attempted forcible rape.....was able to keep her composure.

She didn't melt down, she didn't start yelling. She was polite, credible, sincere.

And as bereft of facts as ever.

If you believe that Ford melted down and started yelling, show me.

She was polite, sincere, even deferential. Kavanaugh was agitated, angry, emotional and defensive.

I found Ford very credible. And apparently I'm not alone.

"This was extremely emotional, extremely raw, and extremely credible,” Wallace said during an appearance on Fox News during a brief Senate Judiciary Committee recess.

“Nobody could listen to her deliver those words and talk about the assault and the impact it had had on her life and not have your heart go out to her,” the "Fox News Sunday" host continued. “She obviously was traumatized by an event.”

“This is a disaster for the Republicans,” Wallace added.

Too funny.

Fuck politeness. Politeness is half the Republicans' problem.

This is war.
I've been playing catch up the last hour or so and I was astonished to find that not one allegation was supported in any way. The only one who really delved into the facts was Kavanaugh and he provided proof of his innocence.. Ford gave no witnesses and no corroborating evidence...

And Lindsey Graham was one of the few to call out the democrat bullshit and improper actions of the democrats...

Kavanaugh provided no proof, actually his demeanor was very disturbing.
Kavanaugh was pissed that you left tards famed him..I'd be damn mad too.. you guys like to make shit up..

And yet Ford, a woman relaying her experience of being attacked and subjec to attempted forcible rape.....was able to keep her composure.

She didn't melt down, she didn't start yelling. She was polite, credible, sincere.

And as bereft of facts as ever.

If you believe that Ford melted down and started yelling, show me.

She was polite, sincere, even deferential. Kavanaugh was agitated, angry, emotional and defensive.

I found Ford very credible. And apparently I'm not alone.

"This was extremely emotional, extremely raw, and extremely credible,” Wallace said during an appearance on Fox News during a brief Senate Judiciary Committee recess.

“Nobody could listen to her deliver those words and talk about the assault and the impact it had had on her life and not have your heart go out to her,” the "Fox News Sunday" host continued. “She obviously was traumatized by an event.”

“This is a disaster for the Republicans,” Wallace added.
Ford was emotional and forthcoming. She was NOT credible as she could not recall major events or even the day of her recent polygraph... Lots of discrepancies and no valid reasons..
Illegals RAPE and KILL thousands of Americans, why haven't Dem's demanded FBI investigations?

Right wingers Rape and Kill at least as many, if not more Americans than illegals do. Why haven't republicans demanded FBI investigations?

We are talking about illegals who RAPE and KILL American women and why Dem's protect them and encourage millions of them to invade our country? Can you answer? No you cannot. Take your beating and slither back under your rock.

The Dems are protecting these "rapists" and "killers" so they can use them for their votes. That's all. They don't care who they long as they get the votes. And what a better way to get votes from "illegals"? Lol

A young 20 year old American woman out jogging was recently brutally murdered by an illegal, where was this Dem rage?
Kavanaugh provided no proof, actually his demeanor was very disturbing.
Kavanaugh was pissed that you left tards famed him..I'd be damn mad too.. you guys like to make shit up..

And yet Ford, a woman relaying her experience of being attacked and subjec to attempted forcible rape.....was able to keep her composure.

She didn't melt down, she didn't start yelling. She was polite, credible, sincere.

And as bereft of facts as ever.

If you believe that Ford melted down and started yelling, show me.

She was polite, sincere, even deferential. Kavanaugh was agitated, angry, emotional and defensive.

I found Ford very credible. And apparently I'm not alone.

"This was extremely emotional, extremely raw, and extremely credible,” Wallace said during an appearance on Fox News during a brief Senate Judiciary Committee recess.

“Nobody could listen to her deliver those words and talk about the assault and the impact it had had on her life and not have your heart go out to her,” the "Fox News Sunday" host continued. “She obviously was traumatized by an event.”

“This is a disaster for the Republicans,” Wallace added.
Ford was emotional and forthcoming. She was NOT credible as she could not recall major events or even the day of her recent polygraph... Lots of discrepancies and no valid reasons..

The lying bitch was reading it off...…...
Weird how defending yourself from a group of partisan people makes one a partisan.
Of course, thats not what i meant....but we both know you cultists will twist anything you see and hear into self soothing affirmation of your own vile neuroses and superstitions...
This wasn't a trial, Tinfoil. This was a public hearing. Ford wasn't a plantiff. She was a witness. Kavanaugh wasn't a defendant.

He was a nominee. The hearings are just an extended job interview.
They were under oath, in sworn testimony. Where it may not be a trail, it has more legal bearing than a job interview and does rely on 800 years of Anglo Saxon Law as far as legal precedence is concerned.

Only if they lie under oath. There were no 'plantiffs' or 'defendants'. This was a public hearing.

You've grossly misunderstood the law, Tinfoil.
Kavanaugh provided no proof, actually his demeanor was very disturbing.
Kavanaugh was pissed that you left tards famed him..I'd be damn mad too.. you guys like to make shit up..

And yet Ford, a woman relaying her experience of being attacked and subjec to attempted forcible rape.....was able to keep her composure.

She didn't melt down, she didn't start yelling. She was polite, credible, sincere.

And as bereft of facts as ever.

If you believe that Ford melted down and started yelling, show me.

She was polite, sincere, even deferential. Kavanaugh was agitated, angry, emotional and defensive.

I found Ford very credible. And apparently I'm not alone.

"This was extremely emotional, extremely raw, and extremely credible,” Wallace said during an appearance on Fox News during a brief Senate Judiciary Committee recess.

“Nobody could listen to her deliver those words and talk about the assault and the impact it had had on her life and not have your heart go out to her,” the "Fox News Sunday" host continued. “She obviously was traumatized by an event.”

“This is a disaster for the Republicans,” Wallace added.

Too funny.

Fuck politeness. Politeness is half the Republicans' problem.

This is war.
what about all of us dog owners? dont dogs drink a lot of beer too?

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