OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

The next Democrat outbreak will be that he, by his own admission, has been destroyed therefore He is damaged goods and not worthy of SC.
Krying Kavanaugh.

I bet you'd squeal like Ned Beatty in Deliverance if you were treated to 1/100th of the persecution to which Brett has been subjected.

If you'd think that would make Kavanaugh look better, you squeal like Ned Beatty,


is a practiced silence more up your alley?

Pathetic deflection, piggy.

Explain the relevance of this: "I bet you'd squeal like Ned Beatty in Deliverance if you were treated to 1/100th of the persecution to which Brett has been subjected".
What are the feminists going to do when I get to keep the abortion bucks they have been stealing?

One of the best moments in history when the total losers will have to face the consequences of their actions.
Krying Kavanaugh.

I bet you'd squeal like Ned Beatty in Deliverance if you were treated to 1/100th of the persecution to which Brett has been subjected.

If you'd think that would make Kavanaugh look better, you squeal like Ned Beatty,


is a practiced silence more up your alley?

Pathetic deflection, piggy.

Explain the relevance of this: "I bet you'd squeal like Ned Beatty in Deliverance if you were treated to 1/100th of the persecution to which Brett has been subjected".

Look in the mirror, piggy.
The dems are going to gain ground in the election. Which is the result I'm hoping for.

Congrats are in order, to Democrats.

They finally created the event where the Right applauds McConnell, Grassley, Graham, Flake, Cruz, and Sasse. The GOP hasn't had this much unity in years.
Here’s a round-up of some of the observations from men and women watching the brave testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.

jess mcintosh


I count three women visibly crying with headphones on in my subway car.

10:49 AM - Sep 27, 2018
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Lauren Kelley


She’s effectively on trial here for having been assaulted, and she’s being so nice to everyone about it, and it’s smashing my heart to smithereens.

11:17 AM - Sep 27, 2018
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Lauren Bohn


Skyping with a female Afghan lawyer in Kabul as we both watch Dr. Ford's testimony. "So women aren't believed in America either?" she asks.

No words. America, 2018. For shame.

1:01 PM - Sep 27, 2018
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Anne Helen Petersen


From my mom, a woman a decade older than Ford and a longtime academic:

"She is the epitome of a woman academic who has made her way through extreme competence and intelligence and not pissing the men around her off."

12:45 PM - Sep 27, 2018
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Erika Andiola


In Trump's America, a 17-year-old privileged, white teenage boy can’t be held accountable for sexually abusing teenage girls, but toddlers brought to America are detained, held in cages and expected to defend themselves in immigration court. Think about it.

2:25 PM - Sep 26, 2018
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April Wolfe


· 5h

It's not stopping. Women calling into every news network and sharing their stories of assault. One woman calls C-SPAN, says she went through something similar, and it's horrible, but thinks Dr. Ford should just get over it cuz she didn't actually get raped. This is too surreal.

April Wolfe


Jesus Christ. A caller dissolves into sobbing when asked about her own story. The news has turned into a therapy hotline. Women hyperventilating, apologizing for their pain. What the fuck have we done to our women.

1:20 PM - Sep 27, 2018
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Sally Field


Out of the blue, a hero steps up and I’m in awe. I know the pain of these kinds of memories, Dr. Ford. Memories that are indelibly imprinted on your brain no matter how many years go by. I, like millions of women across America, are behind you and thank you profoundly.

12:49 PM - Sep 27, 2018
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jeremy scahill


The Republicans on the Judiciary are bona fide sociopaths. The courage and bravery of Dr. Ford is incredible. This entire nation owes her a tremendous debt for what she has done in the face of powerful, despicable men. Every minute they continue this gross inquisition is a crime.

12:55 PM - Sep 27, 2018
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J. Courtney Sullivan@jcourtsull

“The sound of someone telling the absolute truth at great personal cost is unmistakable.” —Anna Quindlen

11:51 AM - Sep 27, 2018
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Joe Patrice


This is a good time to remind everyone that Brett Kavanaugh has ruled that polygraphs can be accepted as gospel by employers in making hiring decisions.

12:15 PM - Sep 27, 2018
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Steve Schmidt


The GOP members are putting on a clinic for political cowardice. Will not one of them, while watching a hectoring and minimally prepared Rachel Mitchell, harass Dr. Ford, step up and take back their time and denounce this kangaroo court ?

12:54 PM - Sep 27, 2018
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I’ll add more as they are available. Please add your reactions in the comments.

Thursday, Sep 27, 2018 · 2:16:45 PM EDT · Jen Hayden

David Corn


Theory: Rachel Mitchell believes Dr. Ford.

2:04 PM - Sep 27, 2018
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Thursday, Sep 27, 2018 · 2:17:41 PM EDT · Jen Hayden

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Amanda Aronczyk


Couple listening to the #KavanaughHearings on the uptown 1 train @wnyc

2:01 PM - Sep 27, 2018
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These are tweets, but I realize that even as obvious that they are, this disclaimer is still necessary for a large number of members of this site.

I would suggest saving any that are of interest before the censors remove them for their obvious partisan reasons.

It doesn't look like she has to worry about abortions being available...
Do you blame him?

I'm just trying to imagine how emotional and how a Scalia or Renquist would react in the same situation.

What if folks were making up lies out of whole cloth about Scalia or Renquist to derail their entire nomination? Would they carry on like a little girl in front of congress?

Is this even dignified?

The dems have no business talking about being dignified.

With his performance?

Neither party at this point should talk about being dignified.

How do you figure?

Judge Kavanaugh showed righteous indignation at the lynch mob who attacked him and the most basic foundations of law. He was extremely dignified. By all rights he should have gotten up and beat the fuck out of clown Booker and pissed in the face of Chinese agent Feinstein. But the Judge was restrained and dignified, saying what was sorely due.

He destroyed the Nazicrats. While Ford garnered some sympathy, the Judge reminded America what is at stake and what the Nazicrats are doing to our nation.

Is this the America we want to live in? Where political opposition is effected through slander and libel? Where accusations are made with no corroboration but we should lynch the accused regardless?

The Judge and Lindsay Graham did spectacularly well today. The Nazicrats revealed to the nation their hatred of fundamental liberty and basic protection of the accused. I believe this killed the midterms for the Nazicrats.

God bless Lindsay Graham. I didn't know he had it in him.

Didn't you? His Lady Macbeth drew raves in Spartanburg.
This has backfired on you liberals times a thousand…..

You have no idea of the backlash you are facing…
Two words. Merrick Garland.

How "bout" the joe biden rule dumb ass?

With that notoriously weak stomach, harsh testimony might be too much for Kavanaugh. He seems a bit delicate.

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