OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Democrats completely ignored all of the evidence brought by Judge Kavanaugh.

Every Democrat on that committee had already found Kavanaugh guilty BEFORE he even testified.

He became guilty when he got on the Trump's nominee list.
what about the first salad Trump ate after he was nominated? was the salad already doomed/convicted cause it had russian dressing?

Right and remember how democrats made fun of TRUMP for not drinking?
This has now gone far beyond Kavanaugh's guilt or innocence. What has happened today is the public exposure of how rotten the current political system is. Both sides are guilty of perverting what should have been a routine confirmation hearing into a tawdry media circus. Republican senators are too gutless to question Dr. Ford directly but hide behind the skirts of a female attorney. Democrats have destroyed the reputation of a long time Federal judge and treated his accuser as if she were the Virgin Mary. The only thing missing here is someone scattering rose petals in front of Dr. Ford as she took her seat!

Kavanaugh MIGHT squeak through the committee vote tomorrow, but at this point there is no way that 51 Republican senators will vote for confirmation. In November, expect the Republicans to lose the house and quite possibly the Senate as well. Why? Because I think that a large portion of Trump's conservative base (like myself) are appalled at his mishandling of this nomination and his failure to deliver on other key issues he was elected to do and will just stay home on election day.
Yeah I'm not sure about the 51 votes either, flake looks like he is in it for name recognition before he leaves office and voting against Kavanaugh [whom I dislike] would assure him of some media fame later on.
There is something about Kavanaugh the man that just does not sit right with me.
You don't like his looks? How he talks? How do the rest of the SC justices "sit with you"?
With that notoriously weak stomach, harsh testimony might be too much for Kavanaugh. He seems a bit delicate.

Not to delicate to spank a little libtard ass...………...:fu:

He was a deer in the headlights when Whitehouse was through with him. He looked at the chair in naked appeal for help, and Graham was unleashed to chew scenery and rouse the base. He cried and whined, but he didn't spank a damn thing.
With that notoriously weak stomach, harsh testimony might be too much for Kavanaugh. He seems a bit delicate.

Not to delicate to spank a little libtard ass...………...:fu:

He was a deer in the headlights when Whitehouse was through with him. He looked at the chair in naked appeal for help, and Graham was unleashed to chew scenery and rouse the base. He cried and whined, but he didn't spank a damn thing.

Pull your head out of your ass....

You libtards took an ass whipping today.

BK will be confirmed…..
With that notoriously weak stomach, harsh testimony might be too much for Kavanaugh. He seems a bit delicate.

Not to delicate to spank a little libtard ass...………...:fu:

He was a deer in the headlights when Whitehouse was through with him. He looked at the chair in naked appeal for help, and Graham was unleashed to chew scenery and rouse the base. He cried and whined, but he didn't spank a damn thing.

Pull your head out of your ass....

You libtards took an ass whipping today.

BK will be confirmed…..

He may well be confirmed, but that angry pity party the Republicans put on didn't kick anyone's ass. If your kids did that, you'd spank them.
I'm just trying to imagine how emotional and how a Scalia or Renquist would react in the same situation.

What if folks were making up lies out of whole cloth about Scalia or Renquist to derail their entire nomination? Would they carry on like a little girl in front of congress?

Is this even dignified?

The dems have no business talking about being dignified.

With his performance?

Neither party at this point should talk about being dignified.

How do you figure?

Judge Kavanaugh showed righteous indignation at the lynch mob who attacked him and the most basic foundations of law. He was extremely dignified. By all rights he should have gotten up and beat the fuck out of clown Booker and pissed in the face of Chinese agent Feinstein. But the Judge was restrained and dignified, saying what was sorely due.

He destroyed the Nazicrats. While Ford garnered some sympathy, the Judge reminded America what is at stake and what the Nazicrats are doing to our nation.

Is this the America we want to live in? Where political opposition is effected through slander and libel? Where accusations are made with no corroboration but we should lynch the accused regardless?

The Judge and Lindsay Graham did spectacularly well today. The Nazicrats revealed to the nation their hatred of fundamental liberty and basic protection of the accused. I believe this killed the midterms for the Nazicrats.

God bless Lindsay Graham. I didn't know he had it in him.

Didn't you? His Lady Macbeth drew raves in Spartanburg.

Whatever the hell you're babbling about. Did you have something either meaningful or interesting to contribute?
Kavanaughty 100% a choir boy ? And 3 accusers 100% sluts or Dem operatives in a conspiracy ? Yeah right ;)

If he makes it to the Supreme Court he’s in for a real nasty ride that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. That rushed nomination is gonna raise one helluva stink.
I love it when leftist idiots decide to go on TV and self-identify their idiocy so that no doubt remains in anyone's mind.

And heroes like Kavanaugh likewise get to display their heroism.
The dems have no business talking about being dignified.

With his performance?

Neither party at this point should talk about being dignified.

How do you figure?

Judge Kavanaugh showed righteous indignation at the lynch mob who attacked him and the most basic foundations of law. He was extremely dignified. By all rights he should have gotten up and beat the fuck out of clown Booker and pissed in the face of Chinese agent Feinstein. But the Judge was restrained and dignified, saying what was sorely due.

He destroyed the Nazicrats. While Ford garnered some sympathy, the Judge reminded America what is at stake and what the Nazicrats are doing to our nation.

Is this the America we want to live in? Where political opposition is effected through slander and libel? Where accusations are made with no corroboration but we should lynch the accused regardless?

The Judge and Lindsay Graham did spectacularly well today. The Nazicrats revealed to the nation their hatred of fundamental liberty and basic protection of the accused. I believe this killed the midterms for the Nazicrats.

God bless Lindsay Graham. I didn't know he had it in him.

Didn't you? His Lady Macbeth drew raves in Spartanburg.

Whatever the hell you're babbling about. Did you have something either meaningful or interesting to contribute?

Nothing like 'Nazicrats'.
With that notoriously weak stomach, harsh testimony might be too much for Kavanaugh. He seems a bit delicate.

Not to delicate to spank a little libtard ass...………...:fu:

He was a deer in the headlights when Whitehouse was through with him. He looked at the chair in naked appeal for help, and Graham was unleashed to chew scenery and rouse the base. He cried and whined, but he didn't spank a damn thing.

I just heard, "It was horrible for him, because that's what I want to believe! That makes it TRUE!"

Seriously, we were already over quota on useless idiots. What the hell do we need you for?
With that notoriously weak stomach, harsh testimony might be too much for Kavanaugh. He seems a bit delicate.

Not to delicate to spank a little libtard ass...………...:fu:

He was a deer in the headlights when Whitehouse was through with him. He looked at the chair in naked appeal for help, and Graham was unleashed to chew scenery and rouse the base. He cried and whined, but he didn't spank a damn thing.

Pull your head out of your ass....

You libtards took an ass whipping today.

BK will be confirmed…..

He may well be confirmed, but that angry pity party the Republicans put on didn't kick anyone's ass. If your kids did that, you'd spank them.

Coming from someone who likely thought this entire multi-week character assassination by the Democrats was brilliant, that means less than nothing.
The dems are going to gain ground in the election. Which is the result I'm hoping for.

Congrats are in order, to Democrats.

They finally created the event where the Right applauds McConnell, Grassley, Graham, Flake, Cruz, and Sasse. The GOP hasn't had this much unity in years.
If that was my first experience seeing Graham, I’d vote for him for President.
Judge Kavanaugh based on his track record as a Circuit Court Appellate Judge is not suitable for the Supreme Court. He has a track record of not following the law he didn't in the "Seven Sky" case (an Affordable Care Act case), in the "Garza" case (an abortion case) and in the "Agri Processor Company" case (an illegal immigration case). Whatever you think of Supreme Court holdings they're the law it's a superior court so as a Circuit Court Judge you follow their decisions and he didn't do so in numerous cases. How can the U.S. Senate confirm him you're supposed to be protecting America's legal system promoting respect for the law putting a Justice on the Supreme Court that he himself didn't obey the law why should District Court Judges and Circuit Court Judges follow the law when a Justice Kavanaugh didn't as a lower Court Judge?

Judge Kavanaugh as a Circuit Court Judge used cases before him as opportunities to apply for a job for the Supreme Court. In numerous of his cases they were like pages of a job resume demonstrating to far right groups and far right politicians he would be their champion on the Supreme Court. Human beings have the capacity to know what is going on everything doesn't have to be spelled out for them and if one reads some of his opinions with prudence one can pick-up on the truth that this is what he was doing. This is shameful beyond words because not only was he breaching his duty to interpret the law in an unbiased manner and be fair to the litigants and conduct himself in a manner that upholds the reputation of the Judiciary but he was seriously messing with peoples lives. In the abortion case where he gave the government more time to find a sponsor for the pregnant juvenile in the Office of Refugee Resettlement custody after the government had five weeks to place her where his extension would have ran her into the seventeen week of her pregnancy where the Texas state law had a twenty week limit and he didn't guarantee her a right to an abortion then but extended to the government another chance to block the juvenile from getting her abortion right. Someone with such a lack of caring for the law, the judiciary and other people is unsuitable for a seat on the Supreme Court!

Judge Kavanaugh is really scary radical and extreme in some of his views. America has numerous independent regulatory agencies that do important work for the American people and Congress in its wisdom made it so the members of the governing body of each of these agencies can only be removed for good cause. Judge Kavanaugh believes this is unconstitutional that all these governing bodies members should be at will appointees of the President meaning the President can remove them for any reason at all. His views here can be garnished from his opinion in PHH v. CFPB 881 F.3d 75 (2018). This would make all these agencies extremely political Presidents would be running these agencies to advance their political agenda. Imagine a President directly controlling the Federal Reserve Board to lower interest rates with the purpose of making credit more affordable to individuals and companies to help in the next election but ultimately creating asset bubbles, inflation and making the Fed unprepared to pull the country out of the next recession. The examples one can readily see would be disastrous for the American people. Judge Kavanaugh is not mainstream in this view and other views he holds and responsible people would definitely not put such a person on the Supreme Court. If the Senate does it will be making a mockery of the U.S. Constitutions "advice and consent" clause on Judicial nominees to the Supreme Court the Senate will have turned it into a completely political vetting process, if the nominee will do the majority's bidding on the Supreme Court the nominee get's confirmed - this will hurt America beyond words!
With that notoriously weak stomach, harsh testimony might be too much for Kavanaugh. He seems a bit delicate.

Not to delicate to spank a little libtard ass...………...:fu:

He was a deer in the headlights when Whitehouse was through with him. He looked at the chair in naked appeal for help, and Graham was unleashed to chew scenery and rouse the base. He cried and whined, but he didn't spank a damn thing.

I just heard, "It was horrible for him, because that's what I want to believe! That makes it TRUE!"

Seriously, we were already over quota on useless idiots. What the hell do we need you for?

I'm with you on the idiot thing. Your needs are your own.

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