OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Cecilie1200 said:
They're gonna lose ground in the courts. Which is the result I'm hoping for..
Yes, Yes !!
If That Were The Only Thing Trump Were To Accomplish
His Presidency Will Be A Resounding Success For At Least A Generation
The left is so desperate, they threw their own character away! Voluntarily, now that’s evil. They sold out to the devil!
Judge Kavanaugh based on his track record as a Circuit Court Appellate Judge is not suitable for the Supreme Court. He has a track record of not following the law he didn't in the "Seven Sky" case (an Affordable Care Act case), in the "Garza" case (an abortion case) and in the "Agri Processor Company" case (an illegal immigration case). Whatever you think of Supreme Court holdings they're the law it's a superior court so as a Circuit Court Judge you follow their decisions and he didn't do so in numerous cases. How can the U.S. Senate confirm him you're supposed to be protecting America's legal system promoting respect for the law putting a Justice on the Supreme Court that he himself didn't obey the law why should District Court Judges and Circuit Court Judges follow the law when a Justice Kavanaugh didn't as a lower Court Judge?

Judge Kavanaugh as a Circuit Court Judge used cases before him as opportunities to apply for a job for the Supreme Court. In numerous of his cases they were like pages of a job resume demonstrating to far right groups and far right politicians he would be their champion on the Supreme Court. Human beings have the capacity to know what is going on everything doesn't have to be spelled out for them and if one reads some of his opinions with prudence one can pick-up on the truth that this is what he was doing. This is shameful beyond words because not only was he breaching his duty to interpret the law in an unbiased manner and be fair to the litigants and conduct himself in a manner that upholds the reputation of the Judiciary but he was seriously messing with peoples lives. In the abortion case where he gave the government more time to find a sponsor for the pregnant juvenile in the Office of Refugee Resettlement custody after the government had five weeks to place her where his extension would have ran her into the seventeen week of her pregnancy where the Texas state law had a twenty week limit and he didn't guarantee her a right to an abortion then but extended to the government another chance to block the juvenile from getting her abortion right. Someone with such a lack of caring for the law, the judiciary and other people is unsuitable for a seat on the Supreme Court!

Judge Kavanaugh is really scary radical and extreme in some of his views. America has numerous independent regulatory agencies that do important work for the American people and Congress in its wisdom made it so the members of the governing body of each of these agencies can only be removed for good cause. Judge Kavanaugh believes this is unconstitutional that all these governing bodies members should be at will appointees of the President meaning the President can remove them for any reason at all. His views here can be garnished from his opinion in PHH v. CFPB 881 F.3d 75 (2018). This would make all these agencies extremely political Presidents would be running these agencies to advance their political agenda. Imagine a President directly controlling the Federal Reserve Board to lower interest rates with the purpose of making credit more affordable to individuals and companies to help in the next election but ultimately creating asset bubbles, inflation and making the Fed unprepared to pull the country out of the next recession. The examples one can readily see would be disastrous for the American people. Judge Kavanaugh is not mainstream in this view and other views he holds and responsible people would definitely not put such a person on the Supreme Court. If the Senate does it will be making a mockery of the U.S. Constitutions "advice and consent" clause on Judicial nominees to the Supreme Court the Senate will have turned it into a completely political vetting process, if the nominee will do the majority's bidding on the Supreme Court the nominee get's confirmed - this will hurt America beyond words!
Hi Troll got a problem with him not being very progressive, right. Well I don't think he was the very best pick but he is going to be a middle of the road which I don't like. But the Constitution has been wanged out of shape and there has been a lot of screwing to it. Case law is Case law. Don't use the Troll book because the same posting show up on a diff, board.
Lindsey G. showed me something today! It's time to take the gloves off with these assholes on the left. It's time to seat Kavanaugh and then it's time to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate the rampant corruption and abuse of power demonstrated by Democrats leading up to...and following the last election.

""They that sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind..."
Frankeneinstein said:
flake looks like he is in it for name recognition before he leaves office and voting against Kavanaugh [whom I dislike] would assure him of some media fame later on.
Flake Doesn't Have To Leave Office In Shame
He Can Palm Off Responsibility
On His Senate Colleagues With A 'Yes' Vote Friday
And Vote 'No' In Open Senate
Leaving It Up To Pence
To Ease His Sleep In Retirement
Lindsey G. showed me something today! It's time to take the gloves off with these assholes on the left. It's time to seat Kavanaugh and then it's time to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate the rampant corruption and abuse of power demonstrated by Democrats leading up to...and following the last election.

""They that sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind..."
He lost to trump for being weak, he is weak no more
Not really a happy day
But a lot of info and feeling was put out there
He is compromised now as instead of another noble SC justice we have a burning image seared into our memories of him stunned and upset.
The Dems will take that and move back to Mueller
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Judge Kavanaugh based on his track record as a Circuit Court Appellate Judge is not suitable for the Supreme Court. He has a track record of not following the law he didn't in the "Seven Sky" case (an Affordable Care Act case), in the "Garza" case (an abortion case) and in the "Agri Processor Company" case (an illegal immigration case). Whatever you think of Supreme Court holdings they're the law it's a superior court so as a Circuit Court Judge you follow their decisions and he didn't do so in numerous cases. How can the U.S. Senate confirm him you're supposed to be protecting America's legal system promoting respect for the law putting a Justice on the Supreme Court that he himself didn't obey the law why should District Court Judges and Circuit Court Judges follow the law when a Justice Kavanaugh didn't as a lower Court Judge?

Judge Kavanaugh as a Circuit Court Judge used cases before him as opportunities to apply for a job for the Supreme Court. In numerous of his cases they were like pages of a job resume demonstrating to far right groups and far right politicians he would be their champion on the Supreme Court. Human beings have the capacity to know what is going on everything doesn't have to be spelled out for them and if one reads some of his opinions with prudence one can pick-up on the truth that this is what he was doing. This is shameful beyond words because not only was he breaching his duty to interpret the law in an unbiased manner and be fair to the litigants and conduct himself in a manner that upholds the reputation of the Judiciary but he was seriously messing with peoples lives. In the abortion case where he gave the government more time to find a sponsor for the pregnant juvenile in the Office of Refugee Resettlement custody after the government had five weeks to place her where his extension would have ran her into the seventeen week of her pregnancy where the Texas state law had a twenty week limit and he didn't guarantee her a right to an abortion then but extended to the government another chance to block the juvenile from getting her abortion right. Someone with such a lack of caring for the law, the judiciary and other people is unsuitable for a seat on the Supreme Court!

Judge Kavanaugh is really scary radical and extreme in some of his views. America has numerous independent regulatory agencies that do important work for the American people and Congress in its wisdom made it so the members of the governing body of each of these agencies can only be removed for good cause. Judge Kavanaugh believes this is unconstitutional that all these governing bodies members should be at will appointees of the President meaning the President can remove them for any reason at all. His views here can be garnished from his opinion in PHH v. CFPB 881 F.3d 75 (2018). This would make all these agencies extremely political Presidents would be running these agencies to advance their political agenda. Imagine a President directly controlling the Federal Reserve Board to lower interest rates with the purpose of making credit more affordable to individuals and companies to help in the next election but ultimately creating asset bubbles, inflation and making the Fed unprepared to pull the country out of the next recession. The examples one can readily see would be disastrous for the American people. Judge Kavanaugh is not mainstream in this view and other views he holds and responsible people would definitely not put such a person on the Supreme Court. If the Senate does it will be making a mockery of the U.S. Constitutions "advice and consent" clause on Judicial nominees to the Supreme Court the Senate will have turned it into a completely political vetting process, if the nominee will do the majority's bidding on the Supreme Court the nominee get's confirmed - this will hurt America beyond words!

If you think he was bad then, wait till he gets in there all pissed off at the Left.

Bye, bye Roe vs. Wade!
I bet more Republican women died in back alley's.

In progressive states, women tended to have choice.
You’ll love the movie on Gosnell I helped fund.

Enjoy the display of America’s biggest mass murderers on the big screen.
Changed The Channel For Kicks
Maddow Just Said It's Outrageous
A Circuit Court Judge Would Treat Senators
With Such Disrespect

Kav Drank
Trump Doesn't
Clinton Didn't Inhale
And Barry Did All Of The Above
If you paid attention...Dr.Ford the accuser did not seem upset that her supposed female friend who was supposedly at the supposed party...couldn't back her up...because of medical problems? Dr.Ford would not tell a "lifelong friend" she claims was at the party what had happened all the years they have stayed in touch?
This is the friend Leland Keyser...from Politico:
"Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford," said Howard Walsh, who said he has been "engaged in the limited capacity" of corresponding with the committee on behalf of Keyser.
Walsh's email was in response to a missive from one of the lawyers for the GOP majority staff, which stated: "I understand that you have been identified as an individual who was in attendance at a party that occurred circa 1982 described in a recent Washington Post article."
You don't like his looks? How he talks? How do the rest of the SC justices "sit with you"?
Normally when someone uses the phrase "there is something about..." it means they cannot say for sure what it is, to not understand that means you should first think about it and then ask your for the rest of the bench I am just OK with it because it is balanced and if the liberals think what they did today was kosher then I hope they need to be kosher 2 or 3 more times during trumps tenure...they were amateurs and it showed.

CNN's Tapper: There Is No Corroborating Evidence For Any Of The Allegations Against Kavanaugh

Matt Vespa

Sep 27, 2018


"Christine Blasey Ford has just finished testifying. Judge Brett Kavanaugh is next. Was there anything earth shattering? The needle didn’t move, no new evidence was offered—we’re back to square one: he said, she said. There are no corroborative witnesses to verify this claim that is nearly 40 years old. Ford alleges that a drunken 17-year-old Kavanaugh tried to rape her at a house party, a party where she can’t remember the time, place, location, or how she got there. These allegations are nowhere near credible, despite what Democrats say. The witness affidavits Ford’s lawyers turned over are not corroborative either. CNN’s Jake Tapper aptly noted prior to the hearing that there’s no evidence to back any of Ford’s accusations."

I have read elsewhere that his nomination vote tomorrow will succeed, proceed to the Main Senate for final vote.

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