OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

Now Maddow Is Insisting The FBI Investigation Lie
Get's Better With Each Telling
Why Haven't Durbin, Feinstein, Harris, Ford
ANY Of Them Sent These Allegations To ANY
Law Enforcement Agency For Investigation Themselves
There Are No Statutes Of Limitations On Sex Crimes In Maryland

What Are They Hiding
Why Do They Expect Kav
To Press For His Own Criminal Investigation For Them

That Garrick Thing Will Be Next For Sure...
Feinstein, when the devil owns your soul!

I posted this on another thread but thought it had potential for normal folks to do their own version. TDS folks are welcome also of course.

Senate Judiciary Committee Democrat Commentary... ;)

Dianne Feinstein D-CA

Hall of shame award for taking the fall for causing this High School Party Fondling Case.

Senator Patrick Leahy D-VT

Very creepy guy who mumbles about stuff nobody cares about.

Senator Dick Durbin D-IL

Comic relief as he seems to enjoy being reprimanded by Senator Grassley.

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse D-RI

This lisping douche is obsessed with puke apparently.

Senator Amy Klobuchar D-MN

She said she is genetically an alcoholic. Whether she drinks or not is unclear.

Senator Christopher A. Coons D-DE

In Coons' world you are guilty until proven the FBI.

Senator Richard Blumenthal D-CT

Extremely creepy guy who is so butthurt that The Donald won the Presidency the poor bastard has developed stage 4 TDS.

Senator Mazie Hirono D-HI

Why the f@ck is this sick, stupid, unqualified, illiterate, White man hating POS not impeached?

Senator Cory Booker D-NJ

Fake Spartacus. Again, unqualified and stupid with no business being in government.

Senator Kamala Harris D-CA

Named after a professional wrestler. Also, unqualified and stupid with no business being in government.

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This is the friend Leland Keyser...from Politico:
"Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford," said Howard Walsh, who said he has been "engaged in the limited capacity" of corresponding with the committee on behalf of Keyser.
In addition Christine Ford says she ran down stairs and past the livingroom of the party and fled out the door and made her way down the streets. NO ONE noticed this running? NO ONE talked to the boys when they came down the stairs? NO ONE was drinking at the party except upstairs? Her home was miles away? HUH?
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He is compromised now as instead of another noble SC justice we have a burning image seared into our memories of him stunned and upset.
The Dems will take that and move back to Mueller

If Kavanaugh is confirmed...and I think he will be...Democrats have done themselves no favors with the way they have treated him. You don't find "moderation" from someone after sapping them from behind and then trying to kick them to death while they're down.
Oldstyle, what this reveals once again, TDS is real. The question is how many voters have it and how many normal people wake up and vote this November to get the democrats out.

AZGAL, some dude on Rush's show went over the narrative step by step as described by the obviously mentally ill Ford and it was laughable in that it made no sense.
Now Maddow Says Kav Should Have Watched Ford's Testimony
Because Ford's Friend Apologized To Ford
For A Statement Her Lawyer Issued In Her Behalf
With-Out Refuting The Content Of The Letter

Kav Wasn't Allowed In The Same Room
And Wouldn't Be Able To Ask Ford Questions
Men Would Not Be Able To Cross-Examine Ford At All
This is the friend Leland Keyser...from Politico:
"Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford," said Howard Walsh, who said he has been "engaged in the limited capacity" of corresponding with the committee on behalf of Keyser.
In addition Christine Ford says she ran down stairs and past the livingroom of the party and fled out the door and made her way down the streets. NO ONE noticed this running? NO ONE talked to the boys when they came down the stairs? NO ONE was drinking at the party except upstairs? Her home was miles away? HUH?

She can't remember who drove her to the party...she can't remember who drove her home. Is it because she can't remember...or is it because the person who drove her when she was leaving would have testified that she seemed fine? can you not remember who it was that RESCUED you from the worst ordeal of your life and drove you to safety? That totally hits a sour note with me.
And everyone that commented are whackos.
We’re getting out the young women’s vote

Did you miss 2016?

The White women vote, that usually goes dem...and the dems paraded 11
women out who had some sexual contact with The Donald and Trump took
the White Women Vote 53-45.
I didn’t say it would work. The democrats suck at this. Nancy Pelosi needs to step down.
The Middle East was riddled with leaders who couldn't produce a stable economy or build a strong productive nation, so they resorted to displaced blame, smoke and mirrors by creating an enemy (Israel/US/sometimes Britain or Europe in General) to blame and demonize or brush frustration onto.
THE Dems many failed policies and missguided ideas have no ability to produce anything remotely useful to this Country, so they resort to the same tactic smokescreen, creating displaced anger as an excuse or outlet for frustration of the party including the same propaganda control of media/demonizing and creating an enemy to deflect upon.
Both processes using hate propaganda
creates terrorists, Frankenstein creates it's monster that even he can't control and turns on him. Wait till this monster Dems created turns on them.
Oldstyle, what this reveals once again, TDS is real. The question is how many voters have it and how many normal people wake up and vote this November to get the democrats out.

AZGAL, some dude on Rush's show went over the narrative step by step as described by the obviously mentally ill Ford and it was laughable in that it made no sense.

I think Ford has left the door open to have medical records examined when she provided them to the Washington Post writer! Hard to claim protected information when you've provided it to a newspaper. Anyone want to bet that Ford has some mental issues?
Oldstyle, what this reveals once again, TDS is real. The question is how many voters have it and how many normal people wake up and vote this November to get the democrats out.

AZGAL, some dude on Rush's show went over the narrative step by step as described by the obviously mentally ill Ford and it was laughable in that it made no sense.

I think Ford has left the door open to have medical records examined when she provided them to the Washington Post writer! Hard to claim protected information when you've provided it to a newspaper. Anyone want to bet that Ford has some mental issues?
She never gave them a thing, it’s why she hemmed and hawed about it and never answered it
Frankeneinstein said:
flake looks like he is in it for name recognition before he leaves office and voting against Kavanaugh [whom I dislike] would assure him of some media fame later on.
Flake Doesn't Have To Leave Office In Shame
He Can Palm Off Responsibility
On His Senate Colleagues With A 'Yes' Vote Friday
And Vote 'No' In Open Senate
Leaving It Up To Pence
To Ease His Sleep In Retirement
Manchun is a yes, don’t need flake
Whomever drove her to and from the party is the attacker and she’s transferred that to him
Oldstyle, what this reveals once again, TDS is real. The question is how many voters have it and how many normal people wake up and vote this November to get the democrats out.

AZGAL, some dude on Rush's show went over the narrative step by step as described by the obviously mentally ill Ford and it was laughable in that it made no sense.

I think Ford has left the door open to have medical records examined when she provided them to the Washington Post writer! Hard to claim protected information when you've provided it to a newspaper. Anyone want to bet that Ford has some mental issues?
She never gave them a thing, it’s why she hemmed and hawed about it and never answered it

She said she couldn't remember if she had. Do you buy that? You honestly couldn't remember whether you gave medical transcripts to a reporter a few weeks ago? Who's memory is that bad? Quite frankly...I think she has memory "lapses" whenever she doesn't want to remember something hard to explain or detrimental to her accusations.

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