OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

This guy is kind of a wuss, maybe the conservatives should boot it out of committee since he can't even keep from choking up and keep it together long enough to testify with out breaking out in tears. . . .

Hell, they might as well nominate a woman. She could probably hold it together better than he can. This guy is no good under pressure, no grit at all. It's clear he is too emotional, too liberal.
Men are allowed to cry, but this is not normal; I think he's on too much Valium, actually.

With all due respect, Old...I think Ford looked like she was dazed and confused a lot more than Brett Kavanaugh does right now. He looks like someone who is so pissed off they can barely speak.

Do you blame him?

I'm just trying to imagine how emotional and how a Scalia or Renquist would react in the same situation.

What if folks were making up lies out of whole cloth about Scalia or Renquist to derail their entire nomination? Would they carry on like a little girl in front of congress?

Is this even dignified?
He’s human.
And if he’d managed to conceal his emotions, the left would be calling him a cold hearted (guilty) monster.
It’s not really like he could win on this issue.
But at least we could see he was genuine (IMO), unlike the second rate scared little girl with the cry voice performance from Ford.
Don't know. Could have walked to a friend house. Could have walked home. Could have gone to the local McDonalds and cried before she went home. Why, do you have some information that is actual real?

So name the friend. Fourteen miles to home, you sound real credible there. You're grasping for straws.
I'm not the one claiming the is obviously a "witness who gave her a ride home and saw her torn clothes and emotional distress."

I'm just asking what actual evidence you have to support your speculation.
Nobody has any evidence, not even Ford.
Well they took away some stuff. Now imaging somebody taking away your self worth. It's NOT a plain crime.

Even more reason to let the justice system handle it.

And they didn't get the walkman, they just hit me 10-15 times. few bruises.
Please just answer my question I highlighted.

Because human memory is fallible. because witnesses die off and/or forget things as well.

Plus you add alcohol to the situation and things become even more muddled. Time doesn't help that.

Over time people have the ability to believe what they want to, and mold their memory to fit it.
Ah so you think someone will just pull out a name out of their ass in a case like this? Furthermore let me ask you this. I've watched these hearings. Not one GOP member said Ford was not credible. So why should Kavanaugh be appointed to the highest court in the country when there is a CREDIBLE accusation of sexual assault. This confirmation process is after all a job interview?

I'm sure she believes what she believes, I'm just not sure what she believes is reality.

Her accusation is NOT credible, she has no direct corroboration, and she can't even give an exact date and location so as to allow a proper defense of said accusation.

It's not just a job interview. If you really believe all this to be true, shouldn't he be Impeached from the DC Circuit, the 2nd highest court in the country?

Don't you think this would basically ruin him professionally if he is denied the nomination based on this?

She doesn't have to be lying in her own mind for her testimony not to be true. Time does that.
I think you are interchanging two terms. Credible and certain. You don't need corroboration to find something credible. You do need it to reach a level of certainty.
I find the whole argument that "yes I believe she believes she was sexually assaulted, but no I don't believe she was", pretty incredible. Since we are talking about what is credible and what isn't. Unless you have reason to believe she is delusional. Do you?
As to if he should lose his job altogether. I'm pretty sure there is a process for that. The thing is, he is interviewing for a new job. And it's that job we are talking about. I assert that if the standard you hold a supreme court justice too, is no higher then that you aren't sure that he committed sexual assault, you really need to reassess that standard.
Even from a political standpoint this seems self-destructive. The GOP has given a clear signal to all woman that they care about sexual assault only as far as it doesn't interfere with it's political agenda. I don't think that's a message you want out there.
If you paid attention...Dr.Ford the accuser did not seem upset that her supposed female friend who was supposedly at the supposed party...couldn't back her up...because of medical problems? Dr.Ford would not tell a "lifelong friend" she claims was at the party what had happened all the years they have stayed in touch?
What kind of friendship do these women have or had or may never have?
In Stark Contrast to Ford's Measured Appearance, Kavanaugh Falls Apart With 'Rage, Terror, and Fear' on National TV - "This is the face of a man who is facing consequences for his actions for the first time in his life. At age 53." - In a public meltdown that many found nearly impossibly to comprehend,Brett Kavanaugh's opening statement and early responses before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday offered a stark contrast to Dr. Christine Ford's morning appearance, as the Supreme Court nominee launched into an angry, tear-streaked tirade against the Democratic Party and those who have alleged that he sexual assaulted them.

The reaction by those watching was a mix of disbelief and shock that Kavanaugh would try to win confirmation with his remarks and attitude before the committee: "
He must have a new coach.
In Stark Contrast to Ford's Measured Appearance, Kavanaugh Falls Apart With 'Rage, Terror, and Fear' on National TV - "This is the face of a man who is facing consequences for his actions for the first time in his life. At age 53." - In a public meltdown that many found nearly impossibly to comprehend,Brett Kavanaugh's opening statement and early responses before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday offered a stark contrast to Dr. Christine Ford's morning appearance, as the Supreme Court nominee launched into an angry, tear-streaked tirade against the Democratic Party and those who have alleged that he sexual assaulted them.

The reaction by those watching was a mix of disbelief and shock that Kavanaugh would try to win confirmation with his remarks and attitude before the committee: "
He must have a new coach.
No...he just spoke from the heart as a good man smeared by a bunch of asshole Democrats.
The only thing that fraud is a victim of is democrat shenanigans

A full day of hearings and still no proof. Waste of time

I've been playing catch up the last hour or so and I was astonished to find that not one allegation was supported in any way. The only one who really delved into the facts was Kavanaugh and he provided proof of his innocence.. Ford gave no witnesses and no corroborating evidence...

And Lindsey Graham was one of the few to call out the democrat bullshit and improper actions of the democrats...

Kavanaugh provided no proof, actually his demeanor was very disturbing.
How do you provide proof nothing happened when there is no date nor location?
How do you suggest he PROVE he didn’t do something on an unknown date at an unknown place? Please be specific.

FBI and subpoenaed Judge and the other people in the home at the time and find out the home. There is a lot what could be done. He didn't want that and nor did the GOP. This is not going away. He is really a sick man. He was guilty as shit.
YOU are a really sick person. The FBI would have no more luck finding a date and location than anyone else has, becuase it didn’t happen and the set up omitted these specifics precisely because Kav might then have been able to provide an alibi.
Actually, just before Lindsey Graham shut her down, the prosecutor from Arizona was narrowing it down to a date on Kavanugh’s calendar that showed him meeting up with one of the gathering attendees identified by Ford for ‘skis’ (brewskis) after workout session on a weekday evening.

That’s exactly why she was shut up and the political mudslinging and ranting commenced among the GOP members.
I've been playing catch up the last hour or so and I was astonished to find that not one allegation was supported in any way. The only one who really delved into the facts was Kavanaugh and he provided proof of his innocence.. Ford gave no witnesses and no corroborating evidence...

And Lindsey Graham was one of the few to call out the democrat bullshit and improper actions of the democrats...

Kavanaugh provided no proof, actually his demeanor was very disturbing.
How do you provide proof nothing happened when there is no date nor location?
How do you suggest he PROVE he didn’t do something on an unknown date at an unknown place? Please be specific.

FBI and subpoenaed Judge and the other people in the home at the time and find out the home. There is a lot what could be done. He didn't want that and nor did the GOP. This is not going away. He is really a sick man. He was guilty as shit.
YOU are a really sick person. The FBI would have no more luck finding a date and location than anyone else has, becuase it didn’t happen and the set up omitted these specifics precisely because Kav might then have been able to provide an alibi.
Actually, just before Lindsey Graham shut her down, the prosecutor from Arizona was narrowing it down to a date on Kavanugh’s calendar that showed him meeting up with one of the gathering attendees identified by Ford for ‘skis’ (brewskis) after workout session on a weekday evening.

That’s exactly why she was shut up and the political mudslinging and ranting commenced among the GOP members.
Oh Jesus H. Christ...the incident never happened and anyone with a modicum of common sense can see that. This dingbat professor has issues.
The GOP Senators idea to use a female Republican prosecutor to lead the questioning of both Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh clearly didn't go as they had hoped. FOX News reported Dr. Fords testimony as "sincere and truthful and a disaster for Republicans" Dr. Ford, though nervous, was surprisingly well prepared, and did a good job of reciting the facts as she remembered them in a logical and respectful manner. Judge Kavanaugh, by comparison was angry, loud, disrespectful, and at times went off message to attack those who dared question him. His lashing out at Democrats and partisan rantings won't score many points with the general public, who want a non partisan justice on the high court.

I don't know if Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed or not, but regardless of how the vote goes, this was clearly not a good day for the little elephants in the room, who were confident this was going to be a slam dunk, and came across as spoiled, angry, frat boys who's well laid plans were not getting the results they had hoped for. :bye1:

Fox News' Chris Wallace: 'This Is A Disaster For The Republicans'
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The GOP Senators plan to use a female Republican prosecutor to lead the questioning of both Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh clearly didn't go as they had hoped. FOX News reported Dr. Fords testimony as "sincere and truthful and a disaster for Republicans" Dr. Ford, though nervous, was surprisingly well prepared, and did a good job of reciting the facts as she remembered them in a logical and respectful manner. Judge Kavanaugh, by comparison was angry, loud, disrespectful, and at times went off message to attack those who dared question him. His lashing out at Democrats and partisan rantings won't score many points with the general public, who want a non partisan justice on the high court.

I don't know if Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed or not, but regardless of how the vote goes, this was clearly not a good day for the little elephants in the room, who were confident this was going to be a slam dunk, and instead came across as spoiled, angry, frat boys who's well laid plans were not getting the results they had hoped for. :bye1:

Fox News' Chris Wallace: 'This Is A Disaster For The Republicans'
Did he/you not think Democrat sleaze was apparent?
The GOP Senators plan to use a female Republican prosecutor to lead the questioning of both Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh clearly didn't go as they had hoped. FOX News reported Dr. Fords testimony as "sincere and truthful and a disaster for Republicans" Dr. Ford, though nervous, was surprisingly well prepared, and did a good job of reciting the facts as she remembered them in a logical and respectful manner. Judge Kavanaugh, by comparison was angry, loud, disrespectful, and at times went off message to attack those who dared question him. His lashing out at Democrats and partisan rantings won't score many points with the general public, who want a non partisan justice on the high court.

I don't know if Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed or not, but regardless of how the vote goes, this was clearly not a good day for the little elephants in the room, who were confident this was going to be a slam dunk, and came across as spoiled, angry, frat boys who's well laid plans were not getting the results they had hoped for. :bye1:

Fox News' Chris Wallace: 'This Is A Disaster For The Republicans'

Nonsense. Wallace didn't get it. Mitchell used her "velvet hammer" to convince the rinos and moderates that there was absolutely no evidence of a crime. No evidence of jack shit.

Perfect! Corker and Manchin are already on board.

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