OFFICIAL: Kavanaugh Hearings Thread

The GOP Senators plan to use a female Republican prosecutor to lead the questioning of both Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh clearly didn't go as they had hoped. FOX News reported Dr. Fords testimony as "sincere and truthful and a disaster for Republicans" Dr. Ford, though nervous, was surprisingly well prepared, and did a good job of reciting the facts as she remembered them in a logical and respectful manner. Judge Kavanaugh, by comparison was angry, loud, disrespectful, and at times went off message to attack those who dared question him. His lashing out at Democrats and partisan rantings won't score many points with the general public, who want a non partisan justice on the high court.

I don't know if Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed or not, but regardless of how the vote goes, this was clearly not a good day for the little elephants in the room, who were confident this was going to be a slam dunk, and came across as spoiled, angry, frat boys who's well laid plans were not getting the results they had hoped for. :bye1:

Fox News' Chris Wallace: 'This Is A Disaster For The Republicans'

Nonsense. Wallace didn't get it. Mitchell used her "velvet hammer" to convince the rinos and moderates that there was absolutely no evidence of a crime. No evidence of jack shit.

Perfect! Corker and Manchin are already on board.
Red state Dems have a choice to make. Kavanaugh passes!
The GOP Senators idea to use a female Republican prosecutor to lead the questioning of both Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh clearly didn't go as they had hoped. FOX News reported Dr. Fords testimony as "sincere and truthful and a disaster for Republicans" Dr. Ford, though nervous, was surprisingly well prepared, and did a good job of reciting the facts as she remembered them in a logical and respectful manner. Judge Kavanaugh, by comparison was angry, loud, disrespectful, and at times went off message to attack those who dared question him. His lashing out at Democrats and partisan rantings won't score many points with the general public, who want a non partisan justice on the high court.

I don't know if Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed or not, but regardless of how the vote goes, this was clearly not a good day for the little elephants in the room, who were confident this was going to be a slam dunk, and came across as spoiled, angry, frat boys who's well laid plans were not getting the results they had hoped for. :bye1:

Fox News' Chris Wallace: 'This Is A Disaster For The Republicans'
In the end of the Kavanaugh and Graham carried the day.
In Stark Contrast to Ford's Measured Appearance, Kavanaugh Falls Apart With 'Rage, Terror, and Fear' on National TV - "This is the face of a man who is facing consequences for his actions for the first time in his life. At age 53." - In a public meltdown that many found nearly impossibly to comprehend,Brett Kavanaugh's opening statement and early responses before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday offered a stark contrast to Dr. Christine Ford's morning appearance, as the Supreme Court nominee launched into an angry, tear-streaked tirade against the Democratic Party and those who have alleged that he sexual assaulted them.

The reaction by those watching was a mix of disbelief and shock that Kavanaugh would try to win confirmation with his remarks and attitude before the committee: "
He must have a new coach.
You make me sick!

Since your head is shoved so far up your lying ass,
take the article you linked to, print a copy of it,
roll it up nice and tight, shove it down your throat,
so you can shove it up your ass!
You make me sick! Since your head is shoved so far up your lying ass, take the article you linked to, print a copy of it, roll it up nice and tight, shove it down your throat, so you can shove it up your ass!
This is a public forum of opinion. It should be a place to relax and blow off a little steam. However, if a person (such as I) on that forum makes you so angry and physically ill, I'm the least of your problems. You might seek help someplace.
The GOP Senators idea to use a female Republican prosecutor to lead the questioning of both Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh clearly didn't go as they had hoped. FOX News reported Dr. Fords testimony as "sincere and truthful and a disaster for Republicans" Dr. Ford, though nervous, was surprisingly well prepared, and did a good job of reciting the facts as she remembered them in a logical and respectful manner. Judge Kavanaugh, by comparison was angry, loud, disrespectful, and at times went off message to attack those who dared question him. His lashing out at Democrats and partisan rantings won't score many points with the general public, who want a non partisan justice on the high court.

I don't know if Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed or not, but regardless of how the vote goes, this was clearly not a good day for the little elephants in the room, who were confident this was going to be a slam dunk, and came across as spoiled, angry, frat boys who's well laid plans were not getting the results they had hoped for. :bye1:

Fox News' Chris Wallace: 'This Is A Disaster For The Republicans'
Chris Wallace needs to get a job rounding up shopping carts. He never was too swift.
The GOP Senators plan to use a female Republican prosecutor to lead the questioning of both Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh clearly didn't go as they had hoped. FOX News reported Dr. Fords testimony as "sincere and truthful and a disaster for Republicans" Dr. Ford, though nervous, was surprisingly well prepared, and did a good job of reciting the facts as she remembered them in a logical and respectful manner. Judge Kavanaugh, by comparison was angry, loud, disrespectful, and at times went off message to attack those who dared question him. His lashing out at Democrats and partisan rantings won't score many points with the general public, who want a non partisan justice on the high court.

I don't know if Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed or not, but regardless of how the vote goes, this was clearly not a good day for the little elephants in the room, who were confident this was going to be a slam dunk, and came across as spoiled, angry, frat boys who's well laid plans were not getting the results they had hoped for. :bye1:

Fox News' Chris Wallace: 'This Is A Disaster For The Republicans'

Nonsense. Wallace didn't get it. Mitchell used her "velvet hammer" to convince the rinos and moderates that there was absolutely no evidence of a crime. No evidence of jack shit.

Perfect! Corker and Manchin are already on board.

My sources report that Murkowski, Collins, and Donnelly vote with Manchin. I have not seen a local call from Murkowski yet though.

Also heard that Portman was voting Kava.
Having slept on it you cant deny that there are still question marks hanging over Kavanagh.

His skirting around the FBI issue is the big alarm bell. and it suggests that there is other stuff out there that he is keen to keep quiet. The GOP are complicit in this.

This sham investigation cant be complete until Judge is interveiwed. What does he have to say about it ?

His refusal to take part also lends credence to Ford. How could she know that he wouldnt take part. Surely he would turn up and trash her ?
Having slept on it you cant deny that there are still question marks hanging over Kavanagh.

His skirting around the FBI issue is the big alarm bell. and it suggests that there is other stuff out there that he is keen to keep quiet. The GOP are complicit in this.

This sham investigation cant be complete until Judge is interveiwed. What does he have to say about it ?

His refusal to take part also lends credence to Ford. How could she know that he wouldnt take part. Surely he would turn up and trash her ?

He's been vetted by the FBI on six separate occasions over the years for high level security clearances, he's always passed with flying colors in every occasion.
God bless Brett Kavanaugh--but notable that he probably saved his own job and position. With the very clear help of Lindsey Graham, which cannot be disputed. The other Republicans were happy to let the whole ship sink on the shoulders of the very ineffective Rachel chick, who might be a cracker jack prosecutor but was wholly unsuited for this venue.

Republicans need to study what Kav and Graham did on a repeating loop.
‘Such a fevered, witch-hunt-like atmosphere has severe negative consequences in any social arena, but it is particularly problematic in political life. It is far too easy for such claims of sexual misconduct to be utilised for old-fashioned political advantage.’

With the Kavanaugh nomination, this trend is worsening. The Democrats are cynically using the allegations against Kavanaugh to get one over on Trump and the Republicans. #MeToo is a cancer for a functioning democracy. If Kavanaugh’s nomination falls due to these unsubstantiated accusations, regarding alleged events of almost 40 years ago, you can believe it will set a dangerous precedent, and the Republicans will not hold back on using such tactics as well. It will be mutually assured political destruction, with women no better off for it.

#MeToo is not justice. It gives certain individuals (the accusers) power over other individuals (the accused) in the name of remedying the social injustices of the past. But collective guilt and collective innocence have no place in a true system of justice. Moreover, as we are seeing in Washington right now, the power given to accusers can be harnessed and abused by the political elite, for their own petty ends, in ways that are detrimental to politics and the people involved.

#MeToo is poisonous for personal relations, and a crazy way to run a democracy.

#MeToo is poisoning American politics
Having slept on it you cant deny that there are still question marks hanging over Kavanagh.

His skirting around the FBI issue is the big alarm bell. and it suggests that there is other stuff out there that he is keen to keep quiet. The GOP are complicit in this.

This sham investigation cant be complete until Judge is interveiwed. What does he have to say about it ?

His refusal to take part also lends credence to Ford. How could she know that he wouldnt take part. Surely he would turn up and trash her ?
I thought you guys characterized this as a “job interview”?
It's amazing how for 30 years Repubtards were beyond obsessed that Clinton may have harassed a couple women, yet now support a rapist who spews Clinton conspiracy theories. Republicans had FBI investigating Clinton while allowing 9/11 attacks, but refuse the FBI investigate repubtard political operative judges rape.
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Watching news videos on this on YouTube. CNN and Fox. People who are NOT Republicans saying how disgusted they are by the Democrats, even how they will never vote Democrat again. I did not expect that. Should have, but didn't.

Thank God, it's blowing up on them.
Watching news videos on this on YouTube. CNN and Fox. People who are NOT Republicans saying how disgusted they are by the Democrats, even how they will never vote Democrat again. I did not expect that. Should have, but didn't.

Thank God, it's blowing up on them.

When will the next one be?

Seems to be no shortage of women ready to step up to the podium.
Watching news videos on this on YouTube. CNN and Fox. People who are NOT Republicans saying how disgusted they are by the Democrats, even how they will never vote Democrat again. I did not expect that. Should have, but didn't.

Thank God, it's blowing up on them.

When will the next one be?

Seems to be no shortage of women ready to step up to the podium.

I think the Dems want no part of that now. It's too risky. Sure the ones deep in the trenches want more of it, but the vast middle are disgusted by their tactics, which Kav exposed.

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